Crazy Detective

Chapter 182: Are you talking about me?


"What?" Zhao Yu was stunned, "Director Zhou, what do you mean? Why do you want to suspend me!?"

"Why?" Director Zhou pointed his index finger at his desk and said quickly, "Last night you hired someone to beat the suspect's girlfriend and obstructed the actions of law enforcement agents!

"Immediately afterwards, you led a group of agents into the Guangyuan Teahouse and broke the teahouse owner's leg in full view of everyone!

"Shoot! Hit someone! Do you know that what you did is no longer against discipline, but against the law!

"Among the witnesses present, there are two lawyers! We... As police officers, how can we do that?"

"Director Zhou," Zhao Yu quickly responded, "They are obstructing justice and obstructing our police's handling of cases!

"Didn't Hou Meng already explain it in his confession? These two people knew that Hou Meng had committed the crime of murder, but they still concealed it for him!

"Especially Ji Chunhua, he not only hid for Hou Meng, but also arranged for people to help him escape. This is not only a matter of not reporting what he knew, but a complicity!"

"You call this post hoc opinion," Director Zhou retorted unceremoniously. "Before you decide to take action, these are all your assumptions! It's speculation! It's gambling! You have no conclusive evidence at all. If they follow Hou Meng has no contact

"Do you know what your behavior is called? Beating innocent people and abusing your power. You will be fired from office!"

"Fired from public office?" Zhao Yu straightened his back and said confidently, "Team leader Qu Ping, the leader of the serious crime team was killed! His body was left on the street! What do you want to do? Just wait? Just wait. Watching the witness helplessly like that and waiting forever

"Last night, if I hadn't taken extreme action, Hou Meng would have run away under Ji Chunhua's arrangement!"

"Sophistry! Excuse!" Director Zhou became more and more angry, "Okay, even if you accidentally caught Hou Meng!

"What happened next? If you catch the suspect, catch the suspect! Look what you did? In that warehouse, 12 people were seriously injured by you. Now 5 of them are lying in the hospital, and one is in critical condition. In the intensive care unit, I almost died!

"Zhao Yu, although they are engaged in pyramid schemes, they are all citizens protected by the law! Don't you think that what you did..."

"Master Director!" Zhao Yu said loudly with raised eyebrows, "Those pyramid schemes have been brainwashed. Not only did they prevent us from capturing Hou Meng, they also actively attacked us and wanted to kill me!

"There are forty or fifty of them, and they have locked the door!

"There are only three of us. If they are cruel, will we still be alive? Do you mean that we should be beaten without fighting back?"

"Don't say that I am a police officer who is handling a case. Even a common man is acting in self-defense!"

"Hmph! Zhao Yu!" Director Zhou's chest heaved violently, "You are still trying to excuse yourself! You are using strong words! Don't you think at all that what you did yesterday was wrong?"

"I only know that I did the right thing yesterday," Zhao Yu said with clenched fists, "that is, I caught the suspect who killed Team Leader Qu!"

"Unrepentant! Hmph!" Director Zhou was trembling with anger. "We are police officers, we are a disciplinary force. We have to consider the consequences of our actions! You can't do whatever you want, it's lawless? You, you better reflect on it!"

"Director!" Zhao Yu glared with bull-like eyes and gritted his teeth and said, "The scene where Team Leader Qu was murdered only had a video of Hou Meng leaving, but not a video of when he arrived!

"In the video, he did not have a murder weapon in his hand, but the murder weapon was found in a trash can one kilometer away. This shows that Hou Meng may have an accomplice! There may be another hidden reason for the murder of team leader Qu Ping!"

"Don't tell me this, you have been suspended, you don't need to worry about these things anymore!"

"Before Team Leader Qu was killed," Zhao Yu ignored the director's warning and continued on his own, "we had discovered significant progress in the Mian Boll kidnapping case. I suspect that Team Leader Qu Ping's death may have It’s related to the Mianling case!

"There may be another mastermind behind Hou Meng! And this mastermind is very likely to know the truth about the Mianling case!"

"I can't compliment you for your whims." Director Zhou also refused to listen to Zhao Yu's remarks and said his own, "Don't think that you are a great detective just because you have solved a few cases. Facts must speak for themselves with evidence. We are all looking for evidence, you just say this is 'possible' and that is 'probably'..."

"If my inference is true," Zhao Yu did not wait for the director to finish his words and continued his own point of view overlapping his words, "the person who can clearly know the every move of Team Leader Qu Ping is definitely not an ordinary person!

"Perhaps, the real mastermind does not come from elsewhere, but from within our police station! There is a mole in the police force! These must be investigated as soon as possible!"

"Zhao Yu!" Director Zhou couldn't bear it anymore. He raised his hand, slapped the table hard and shouted, "I might as well tell you directly! There is already an indictment against you on the way to the police station. In order to You, I have been scolded twice in the morning! I did not fire you, I have done my best to you!

"Yesterday, if you hadn't caught Hou Meng in the end, it wouldn't have been as simple as suspension! You might have been imprisoned by the police force now, did you know!?"

"Director!" Zhao Yu's voice was higher than that of the director, "Team Leader Qu Ping is dead! Why did she die? Don't you care at all? A dedicated criminal police team leader died like this. ! Don’t you really care about the truth behind the scenes?”

"How do you know that I don't care and that I'm not heartbroken?" Director Zhou raised his voice again and shouted angrily, "Team Leader Qu is dead, do I have to cry in front of you? You said I don't care The truth? Why don’t I care about the truth anymore? If I don’t care about the truth, I will apply to the city bureau to dispatch all the police in Qinshan?”

"It's useless to just dispatch the police force!" Zhao Yu shouted, unwilling to be outdone, "I understand the situation of the Mianling case. This case must be investigated by me! And it must be investigated as soon as possible!

"It's possible that the man behind the scenes is still a person with great power in the police force!"

"Zhao Yu!! Zhao Yu!!!" Director Zhou was completely angry. He roared angrily, "The police force has police discipline and a bottom line. If you violate the discipline and touch the bottom line, you must accept it. punish!

"Don't you understand what I'm saying? Just go home and wait for me to deal with it! Stop worrying about any cases. Don't think that the police force is nothing without you! Get out and give me go out!!!"

"Ah!" In an instant, Zhao Yu's anger rushed into his head, and he could no longer control himself. He actually raised his leg and kicked Director Zhou's desk hard!

Director Zhou's desk is made of mahogany and is heavy. It is very laborious to move it on weekdays. Then, under Zhao Yu's explosive kick, the huge desk shook violently as if it were on a seesaw. stand up!


The Longjing tea that Director Zhou had just brewed was thrown to the ground together with the expensive teacup, smashing it into pieces! !

In an instant, Director Zhou was so frightened that his face turned white and his whole body went numb!

"Grandma, you're a bear!" Zhao Yu cursed angrily, "If you don't let me investigate, I won't be happy to serve you! Huh! I - quit!!!"

After speaking, Zhao Yu gestured to Director Zhou with his middle finger, then turned and left.

Unexpectedly, when he turned around, secretary Song Chao, who had rushed over after hearing the news, happened to open the door of the office again.

At first sight of Zhao Yu coming towards him with great force, Song Yu was so frightened that she quickly pressed her back against the door, acting like a doorman again, watching Zhao Yu leisurely leave...

It wasn't until Zhao Yu left for a long time that Director Zhou recovered from the shock just now!

"Director...are you okay?" Song Chao asked in a low voice!

"Wha... what!?" At this time, Director Zhou finally remembered something and said to himself tremblingly, "The mastermind behind the scenes may be someone with great power in the police force. Isn't it... Isn't it? Are you talking about—me!?"

PS: Thank you Xiaoyaohun.Guiwu for your reward and encouragement! Thanks to XuAN111 for the 500 grand prize! Thanks Young for the 1000 grand prize! Special thanks to Ziyue Xingfeng for the 10,000 reward! Warm congratulations to Ziyue Xingfeng for becoming the master of this book! Thank you, Lao Kuang! I worked hard all night today and will continue to update tomorrow!

(End of chapter)