Crazy Detective

Chapter 224: This is an illusion


After Zhao Yu went out, he successfully finished his work before 10 o'clock. But in order to make the plan more perfect, he had to go home and take a nap for a while.

He originally wanted to take a bath in the bathhouse to relieve his fatigue, but he had a shoulder injury and couldn't take a bath at all.

Therefore, it was not until after 12 o'clock that Zhao Yu returned to the police station again.

Before arriving, he was also a little hungry, so he ordered a large bag of takeout from KFC, and was ready to deal with Hao Gang to finish his lunch.

This time, Zhao Yu did not go to the office. Instead, he ran straight to the interrogation room with a stack of documents in his left hand and takeaway food in his right hand.

Who would have known, what a coincidence, when Zhao Yu arrived, he happened to see Barrister Feng Chaoyang roaring at the police officers!

This guy is really famous for his arrogance. He even ignored Director Zhou and shouted at the door of the interrogation room: "You police officers are so unreasonable. You have violated the principles of interrogation, you know? Wait a minute." Wait, I will draft a petition and take your Rongyang Police Department to court! My client is a big taxpayer and a proud businessman in Qinshan. Why do you illegally use force and imprison him without any reason... "

"Hey, you are a barrister, how can you talk like this?" Director Luan Xiaoxiao retorted, "Hao Gang is a suspect in the Mianling case. We have the right to handle it as a major incident. The principles you mentioned do not apply at all. Now this is a special situation!”

"What? Is there a mistake!?" Feng Chaoyang said happily, "A major suspect in the Mianling case!? Did I hear you correctly? Where is the evidence? Please bring out the evidence? There is no evidence, you are slandering My client, do you know? You will all bear legal responsibility!"

"Lawyer Feng," Director Zhou Andong was also present. He was also a little anxious. He pointed at the barrister and shouted, "It has been confirmed that the woman illegally detained by Hao Gang is Liang Sisi, the missing person in the Mianling case. This is not considered evidence. ?"

"Please!" Feng Chaoyang said with an exaggerated expression, "My client doesn't know anything about Liang Sisi, okay? Have you investigated clearly? Although Liang Sisi was detained in Chairman Hao's office, there is no direct evidence that Liang Sisi was detained. Is Chairman Hao imprisoned? It is true that the secret room belongs to the Chairman, but he has no idea where this woman came from!"

"Hey! You're telling lies with your eyes open!" Director Luan was so angry that he said, "Liang Sisi has been imprisoned by Hao Gang for countless years. Can you erase it for him without even knowing a word? No matter whether the evidence comes out or not, Hao Gang is still the biggest suspect. Man, this is undisputed! He hid guns, kidnapped, and tried to murder our police officers. Do you still want to deny these?"

"Is there any mistake?" Feng Chaoyang retorted disdainfully, "Is this how you police officers do things? Instead of seeking the truth, you just spit on people and say what they mean? My client said that it was your little policeman who tried to kill him! All of this may be a conspiracy by your police!"

"You..." Director Zhou was trembling with anger, but there was nothing he could do about this eloquent lawyer who was confusing right and wrong.

The reason Director Zhou appears here is because Feng Chaoyang has used Hao Gang's strong network to put pressure on the police station through various channels. Even Director Zhou is almost unable to withstand it.

"My client is seriously injured, and his arm may be disabled!" Feng Chaoyang continued to yell, "He must go to the hospital to receive proper treatment now. If you continue like this, if my client is in danger, I will see if you Who can afford it..."

Next to Director Zhou and Director Luan, there were many police officers surrounding them, including Liu Changhu. However, these people couldn't get a word in at all and could only stand around the two directors.

When Zhao Yu saw this, he couldn't help but bared his teeth and smiled. He waved his hand to call a young police officer outside, and before he could speak, he poured all the burgers in the bag into his arms.

Then, Zhao Yu opened the plastic bag and quietly stalked toward the barrister like a bird.

At this time, the barrister was still quarreling with everyone, making spittle fly everywhere, and making all the police officers and chiefs speechless.

Zhao Yuqiu got the right moment, stepped forward and put the plastic bag directly on his head! Then he rounded his fists and went up to give the barrister a headshot and a severe beating. After knocking the barrister to the ground, he even kicked him several times...

The barrister was completely stunned. He was beaten violently without knowing anything. He was so frightened that he quickly curled up and screamed.

Zhao Yu came and left quickly. After kicking him, he opened the door and entered the interrogation room.

The barrister then took off the plastic bag, stood up in great embarrassment and shouted: "Who is it? Who is it!? Who hit me?"

Director Zhou and Director Luan looked at each other. They both knew that Zhao Yu was the one who beat him. However, after Zhao Yu's quick beating, they suddenly felt relieved. Director Zhou quickly pretended to be shocked and replied: "Barrister? Are you okay? Are you hallucinating?"

"Yes, yes!" a police officer next to him echoed, "Did the barrister not sleep all night? He is too tired? Is he having a nightmare?"

Luan Xiaoxiao had sharp eyes. He saw that the young police officer was holding a lot of KFC burgers in his arms, and he quickly winked at him.

Only then did the young police officer realize that he quickly turned his back and slipped away...

"You... you... you are going too far! You even dare to hit me! I... I want to sue you!" The barrister's eyes were red, but just after shouting a few words, he suddenly felt a black shadow flashing behind him , hurriedly jumped more than one meter high, and turned around to take a look as if he was enjoying the fright.

However, behind him was the iron door of the interrogation room, and he saw a limping Mao Wei coming out of the door.

At that moment, the barrister seemed to sense something was wrong. He was about to rush into the interrogation room, but found that the iron door of the interrogation room had been locked, and he could not open it...

At this moment, only Zhao Yu and Miao Ying were left in the interrogation room, as well as the disgraced Hao Gang with his arm wrapped in bandages.

According to Zhao Yu's original intention, he wanted Miao Ying to go out as well. However, Miao Ying knew Zhao Yu's character very well, and she was worried that Zhao Yu would do something irreversible, so she insisted on staying at the scene.

After a night of interrogation, Miao Ying looked a little haggard, not to mention Hao Gang himself. However, Zhao Yu had just rested for a while, and now he looked in high spirits.

Zhao Yu waved his hand to Miao Ying, which means you should try to stay away from me so as not to affect the effect of my interrogation. Although Miao Ying glared at Zhao Yu, she understood the uniqueness of Zhao Yu's interrogation, so she obediently stepped aside.

The enemy was extremely jealous when they met him. When Hao Gang saw that it was the young policeman who caused a scene in the Rongtian Group last night and finally broke his own arm, he was so angry that he trembled with anger.

Zhao Yu had already walked to Hao Gang, but when he saw that the camera next to him was on, he had to walk over and turn off the camera.

"Hao Gang!" Zhao Yu walked up to Hao Gang again and said calmly and seriously, "In order to save time, I'd better tell you the main story! Let me tell you some good news. Kan Wenjun committed suicide by taking poison. Although he is still alive today, He’s not dead, but he’s already in serious danger! I don’t think my colleagues who were interrogating him before will tell you this news, right?”

When Zhao Yu said this, he immediately caught Hao Gang's attention.

Miao Ying, who was far away, was suddenly startled and hurriedly waved to Zhao Yu. Miao Ying's meaning was obvious. How could she tell Hao Gang such news? Once Hao Gang knew that Kan Wenjun committed suicide by taking poison, he became even more emboldened and was greatly disadvantaged in the interrogation.

Who knows, Zhao Yu didn't care about this, but put his face close to Hao Gang's ear and whispered: "Boss Hao! Kan Wenjun was completely wrong! He thought that as long as he died, everything would be over! But the fact is, Regardless of whether Kan Wenjun dies or not, none of his sons and grandsons can escape! They are all dead!!!"

PS: Thanks to 7wre9 for the reward and encouragement! Thanks to 8 Ruthless 8 for the 1000 grand reward! Thank you, Lao Kuang!

(End of chapter)