Crazy Detective

Chapter 2624: do you know her?



In the video, an old woman with red and swollen eyes and crying miserably appeared.

This person is the mother of the victim Xie Xiaojun.

"Grandma, don't be sad..." asked the female police officer in charge of questioning at the scene, "I want to ask you a few questions about Xie Xiaojun's disappearance. I hope you can help us find the murderer as soon as possible..."

"Yes, Mom," a 40-year-old man next to me advised, "At least you know the whereabouts of my sister. Don't be sad..."

This man is Xie Xiaojun’s younger brother.

"Okay, you can ask, wuwu..." the old lady said, "I know, I will definitely tell you..."

"On the day Xie Xiaojun disappeared, was she on her way home from get off work at the factory? Did she have any companions or boyfriend at that time?" the female police officer asked.

"No, Xiaojun has a few good friends, but they are all on different paths. Alas..." the old lady sighed, "It's true in the factory. She gets off work so late, after 10 pm every day. Xiaojun's disappearance, they The factory must also be responsible!

"I haven't found a boyfriend yet," the old lady added, "At that time, Xiaojun had just started working, and his father and I wanted to wait for her to stabilize before finding her a boyfriend!

"Xiaojun is so good-looking, but we are also unsatisfied. We always hope that she will marry a good family. Alas! If we had found a partner for her at that time, maybe everything would have been fine!"

"How far is the factory from where she lived at that time?" the female police officer asked again.

"This is also the responsibility of the factory!" the old lady said angrily, "Their factory has dormitories, but employees must work for half a year before they can apply for dormitories.

"At that time, Xiaojun could only stay at her second aunt's house. Her second aunt's house lived in the city. After work at night, it would take a long time to ride there!

"So, we specially bought a small motorcycle for Xiaojun, but even so, it still takes more than half an hour to get there every day...

"I have to walk at night, so I get targeted by bad guys. Alas..."

"Grandma," at this time, the police officer opened Zhang Fengyi's photo and asked, "take a closer look. Do you recognize this person?"

"Oh?" The old woman hurriedly put on her glasses, but after looking at it for a long time, she still shook her head in denial, "I've never seen it before!"

"Then..." the female police officer asked again, "How was Xiaojun's interpersonal relationship back then? Did he have any grudges with anyone?"

"No, no, the police officer also asked us back then. Our Xiaojun is an honest child. She never causes trouble..." the old woman said eagerly, "Although there are a few female workers in the factory who may be jealous of her good looks. , but you can’t, you can’t just kill people, right?”

"Officer," Xie Xiaojun's brother said to the female police officer, "I hope the police can give us justice and catch the murderer of my sister!"

"Hmm..." The female police officer thought about it for a moment, and then took out the photos of Zhang Shixiong and Zhang Qile for them to identify, but they also had no idea about these two people.

Seeing this, Miao Ying signaled Zeng Ke to turn off the big screen, and then started a new round of case analysis.

"Captain Miao," Captain Shao said, "So far, we have only identified Xie Xiaojun's identity, and the other victims have yet to be confirmed.

"However, we will speed up and we will probably find it soon..."

"Sister Miao," Cui Lizhu reminded, "do you remember the victims in the Peter case? The deceased were all prostitutes, but this Xie Xiaojun didn't look like them!

"Although she looks a bit prettier, she is a factory worker after all, so she is different from other women!"

"I checked the location of Xie Xiaojun's disappearance in detail," Captain Shao reiterated, "The distance between the shampoo factory and Chenggong Road back then was quite far. If it were placed today, it would take an hour!

"In the beginning, it would have been longer, and the road would not have been as easy as it is today..."

"Yes," Miao Ying said thoughtfully, "Zhang Fengyi is a patient at such a long distance. Can she really come so far by herself and kidnap a female worker easily

"Why doesn't she find a place closer

"Also, she doesn't have a driver's license, doesn't have a car, and can't drive," Miao Ying added. "How did she transport the victim?"

"Yes!" Cui Lizhu clapped her hands, "Either Zhang Fengyi and Xie Xiaojun knew each other and caught them by surprise! Or, Zhang Fengyi had an accomplice!"

"I think..." Miao Ying analyzed, "It's not very likely that they know each other. After all, Xie Xiaojun disappeared on her way home from get off work!

"If it was Zhang Fengyi who tricked her into her home, then there would definitely be clues left behind..."

"Huh..." Cui Lizhu exhaled heavily and said, "Unfortunately, Zhang Fengyi is no longer here. How should we investigate to find out if she has any accomplices

"You said that Zhang Fengyi was also a standard beauty. She was working in a foreign company and was considered a white-collar worker at that time," Cui Lizhu guessed, "Could it be... some young man who has a crush on her

"Should we continue to interrogate Zhang Shixiong's parents? Or..." Cui Lizhu suggested, "Let's talk to the old colleagues who beat Zhang Fengyi? There should be some who are still alive, right?"

"Well..." Miao Ying nodded and said, "Since it was you who suggested it, then it's still the old rules and you are responsible for the interpersonal relationships!

"The most authentic Zhang Fengyi must be presented to us!"

"Okay, I promise to complete the task!" Cui Lizhu saluted confidently.

"And..." Captain Shao said, "We have to search Zhang Shixiong's parents' house carefully again to see if we can find any clues from Zhang Fengyi's relics?"

"Well, I have left this matter to Ran Tao!" Miao Ying said, "He is now leading the forensics collection team to conduct a detailed search!

"As for Zhang Shixiong himself and the interrogation of Zhang Shixiong's parents, Wu Xiumin is also in charge. Perhaps, we will know more detailed information soon!"

"Yes," Cui Lizhu said, "show them Xie Xiaojun's photo and see if the couple recognize each other..."

"Okay," Miao Ying said, "then everyone should perform their duties! Zeng Ke, keep an eye on the identity check. Once the identity of the new victim is confirmed, report to me immediately!"

With that said, Miao Ying took her belongings and prepared to leave the office.

"Sister Miao, where are you going?" Cui Lizhu asked hurriedly.

"I'll go take a look at Sister Wu's interrogation work," Miao Ying said. "I always feel that Zhang Shixiong's parents may know a lot of things!"

"Oh," Cui Lizhu nodded, "Then I won't go with you! I'm going to find Zhang Fengyi's old friend now..."

"Okay," Miao Ying nodded and said at the same time, "Bring more people and pay attention to safety!"

After saying that, Miao Ying left the office and went to the inquiry room where Zhang Shixiong's parents were.

At this time, there was no need for Miao Ying to monitor behind the single-pane glass. She opened the door directly, walked into the inquiry room, and came to the side of the old couple.

At this moment, Zhang Shixiong's father clarified with a pale face: "No, we really have never seen my sister get particularly close to any man!"

"Yes, yes," Zhang's mother agreed, "The ones we usually see the most are girls, and we have never seen a man!

"Besides, in that era, people were very reserved and not as open-minded as they are now..."

"Then..." Wu Xiumin said, "Can you provide us with information on a few female companions who have a good relationship with Zhang Fengyi?"

"Oh... well..." Father Zhang said in embarrassment, "We saw it, maybe we can recognize it, but as for the name, we can't remember it!"

"Then..." Wu Xiumin picked up Xie Xiaojun's photo and asked, "Have you seen this girl?"

"Oh?" The second elder carefully identified it and shook his head repeatedly.

"Think about it again," Wu Xiumin reminded, "She is a female worker in a shampoo factory. Have you really never seen her?"

"Oh? Shampoo factory?" Mother Zhang asked curiously, "Is it the shampoo factory over at Xinhu Bay?"


Hearing Zhang's mother speak like this, Miao Ying's interest was immediately aroused...

(End of chapter)