Crazy Detective

Chapter 2631: Killer of the century


What a trap!

In the safe house, Zhao Yu was furious and smashed his fist on the table. The table was made of marble. After smashing it, Zhao Yu blew his hands...

Just now, Zhao Yu spent 1,700 adventure points to strengthen an invisible browser, and used the browser to check what art exhibitions were held in Tokyo when Nobuoka Heijo was murdered.

However, after all the 1,700 points were spent, the browser only gave two words: None!

This is great, all the points were wasted!

Zhao Yu originally thought that since there were no large-scale exhibitions, there must be some small and medium-sized exhibitions, right

Unexpectedly, during that period, there were no exhibitions at all!

It seems that even though it is an international metropolis, in that era, art exhibitions were not always available.


It seems that it really has nothing to do with the art exhibition? Or... the art exhibition is not in Tokyo, but in Osaka or Nagoya

Just because he was far away from the scene of the crime, the murderer was able to avoid investigation

No... not right...

Zhao Yu has read the detailed case information. The police focused on investigating the traffic situation of that generation. If there was such a stranger, they might be able to find out!

Therefore, Zhao Yu determined that the murderer should be in Tokyo and not too far from the crime scene.

Maybe the murderer walked to the place where Pingcheng Xingjia was killed...

"Zhao Yu, look at this..."

Suddenly, Li Benzheng appeared in front of Zhao Yu and showed his laptop to Zhao Yu.

"What... what is this?" Zhao Yu saw that a lot of foreigners' information appeared on the screen, with photos on top and English introductions at the back.

"These are all international rich people who like to collect Van Gogh's works!" Li Benzheng said with bright eyes, "Let's search the information of these people, maybe the perverted murderer is hidden among them!"

"This..." Zhao Yu frowned and said, "Old Li Tou, look, let's use an analogy. These wealthy businessmen already own Van Gogh's works, so does his desire have been satisfied

"Don't you think the murderer should be someone who doesn't have access to Van Gogh's works?"

"How can this be absolute?" Li Benzheng argued, "Van Gogh's works are all extremely expensive, and if these people have one or two copies, they are already quite remarkable!

"They must also covet those works that they can't get, so they are full of desire...

"Since I can't buy a painting, I will kill someone and make it look like Van Gogh's work, add sunflowers, and cut off the ears..."

"Hmm... Well, since you insist, I won't object!" Zhao Yu said, "You check yours, I'll check mine..."

"Okay!" Li Benzheng said confidently, "As long as I find one of these people who agrees with the age, behaves weirdly, is a bit abnormal, and matches the time and trajectory of the case, the case will be solved!"

While talking, Li Benzheng discovered what Zhao Yu was studying and asked: "What are you checking? Didn't I check? There was no art exhibition during the incident!

"It seems that you still insist that the murderer is a painter? Is he an artist?"

"Well..." Zhao Yu said, "I think this is more consistent with the murderer's psychological profile..."

"Tell me, could it be that... the art exhibition hasn't been held yet?" Li Benzheng guessed, "The murderer just came to prepare for the exhibition in the early stage? Should I extend the time of the investigation, or expand the scope? Expand it to the whole of Japan?"

"Well... you can give it a try," Zhao Yu said, "As long as there is a chance, we will fight for it!"

Beep beep... beep beep...

At this moment, Zhao Yu's cell phone rang, and someone sent him a message.

Zhao Yu saw that the information was sent by Miao Ying. Miao Ying told him that no cases similar to Zuo Er had been found in China so far.

Because there are too many cases, they will continue to investigate and contact Zhao Yu when there is news.

After closing the message, Zhao Yu's mind raced and he thought of his invisible browser again.

Yes, since the browser is powerful, why not let it check how many left-ear cases there are in the world

So, he opened the invisible browser, filled in the characteristics of Zuo Er's case into the search bar, and then clicked the search button.

As a result, the system prompted him that searching for this content would cost 6312 points to strengthen.

I'll go, Zhao Yu wants to curse, isn't this a money grab

However, since you can find out by spending points, it is also a shortcut! Save yourself the trouble of investigating...

All right!

He looked at his more than 290,000 points, gritted his teeth and spent the 6,000 points!

The system prompted that the enhancement was successful and the search was in progress. The answer was given shortly.

This time the system no longer cheated me, and more than a hundred answers appeared...

I go!

Zhao Yu was frightened at first, thinking that he had met a shocking hundred-person killer. But when he took a closer look, he found that some cases did not fully meet the characteristics of the Zuo Er case.

Some of the deceased were not women, some were killed in passion, and some had their ears or other organs cut off...


Therefore, Zhao Yu could only pick up a pen and paper and start sifting through the items one by one.

Soon, he found familiar cases from these search answers, such as Bangkok in 1990, Tokyo Himawari case in 1991, Seoul, New Delhi, New York, etc...

After screening like this for an hour, Zhao Yu finally found the case that was highly suspected of being the Left Ear Killer!

But when he finished summarizing and recording, his heartbeat could not help but accelerate, and it became even more unbelievable.

He originally thought that the Left-Eared Killer would stop committing crimes from his earliest days in Bangkok in 1990 to Toronto in 1995!

But the reality far exceeded his expectation. After 1995, the Left Ear Killer did stop for a period of time!

However, starting in 1999, he took action again!

Moreover, he intensified his crime, from Sydney and Istanbul in 1999, to Paris and other cities in 2001, to Lisbon and Barcelona in 2003. In the next four years, he committed as many as eight crimes, killing two people almost every year. An innocent girl! ! !

Including cases before 1995, this left-ear killer killed at least 19 people!

This... this is simply a killer of the century!

Why...such a big case has not been discovered by the world

The successor... Why did the successor let himself solve this case

Really, do you just want me to solve the case and catch the murderer


Zhao Yu discovered that the Zuo Er Killer had never struck again since 2003. He didn't know if he had changed his methods or if something had happened to him.

If... this person is no longer alive, then...

Tsk tsk…

Looking at the dense cases recorded in his notebook, Zhao Yu felt more and more that this case was not simple!

So... if you want to know who the left-eared killer is, how should you check it

This man has been to so many international cities. Is he an artist, a perverted wealthy businessman, or someone else

Is it true that every time a crime is committed, there are no traces left


Thinking of this, Zhao Yu discovered an important problem. In the 1990s, after all, DNA technology was not yet developed, and the cases all occurred in different countries, and the detection methods were all different!

However, in cases after 2000, are the technologies more advanced

Cameras, DNA, blood tests, skin tissue, etc... Could it be... that the murderer really wouldn't leave any clues

What if the police in a certain country obtained information about the murderer

Does that mean the case will be solved easily

(End of chapter)