Crazy Detective

Chapter 2632: witchcraft


“One more body is missing,” forensic doctor Zhang Peipei was reporting the latest situation to Miao Ying in the office of the Yunzhou Police Special Investigation Team. “The identities of the other six corpses have been found. They all disappeared between 1988 and 1992... "

While talking, Zhang Peipei handed the information to Miao Ying and continued to introduce:

"In the end, the DNA information of this corpse was not found in the database. We can only conduct DNA profile analysis to see if we can find it...

"Also, the victims are all young women, basically between 20 and 25 years old. They are not students. They either work in factories or are waiters in dance halls... "

"Sister Miao," Zeng Ke added at this time, "We have marked the victims whose identities have been verified, and checked their detailed information. We found that the places where they disappeared are very close to Zhang Tingshan's delivery route!

"So, we can basically judge that those girls were kidnapped by Zhang Tingshan..."

"Well..." Miao Ying nodded and said, "In 1988, it was also the year that Zhang Fengyi installed a bathtub at home. In other words, they were already prepared!"

Beep beep... beep beep...

At this moment, Miao Ying's cell phone rang, and Captain Shao called.

"Hey, Captain Miao," Captain Shao said with excitement, "We just found the son of an old village chief in Sijiaoting. He said that he knew that there was indeed a wizard who knew witchcraft in Sijiaoting!

"It is said that that kind of witchcraft is very effective, and there are so many people who come to ask for help... Even their family has asked for it, and it is effective..."

"Oh?" Miao Ying was overjoyed and asked quickly, "What is the name of this witchcraft?"

"He doesn't know either, but," Captain Shao replied, "he has seen the statue worshiped by that man, and his description is very similar to the description of Zhang Shixiong's parents!

"This person also said that the wizard might be a blind man, wearing dark sunglasses, like... um..." Captain Shao said, "just like the old man who plays Chen Yulou in the popular Longling Mysterious Cave. Same! It looks very mysterious at first glance!

"He said that back then, the village chief's brother went to work in the West and came back with a kind of abscess on his body. He went to many doctors but couldn't save it!

"The village chief had to ask the wizard to take a look. As a result, within three months, all the abscesses of the village chief's brother disappeared. It was very miraculous!"

"In this case," Miao Ying said, "then many people should have known about it back then?"

"Yes!" Captain Shao said excitedly, "The village chief's son has provided us with a list. Those are all the old people from Sijiao Pavilion. We will go separately to find these old people now and try to get more detailed information!"


After hanging up the phone, the office suddenly became lively.

"It's actually a kind of witchcraft..." Zeng Ke said, "It would be great if I knew the name. I can look it up!"

"There are many types of abscesses," Zhang Peipei said. "It's not necessarily witchcraft that cures him! It's also possible that the witch is just a doctor with great skills!"

"As for witchcraft, no matter how you look at it, it looks like something imported..." Miao Ying frowned and said, "However, the deity's statement seems to be a local product, so what is the background of this wizard?"

"Indeed," Zeng Ke said, "I have seen evil spirits before, but the terms wizard and witchcraft feel a bit far away..."

Beep beep... beep beep...

Unexpectedly, Miao Ying's phone rang again, and this time it was Cui Lizhu.

"Sister Miao, Sister Miao, big news, big news!" Cui Lizhu said, "I found a colleague who worked with Peter back then, and he revealed an important news to me! Really, really Very important!"

"Oh?" Miao Ying pursed her lips and complained, "Then why are you so concerned? Why don't you tell me quickly?"

“The man I found was originally a construction materials owner. Due to business needs, he invited Peter to dinner many times!

"He said that he suspected that Peter might be sick!"

"Oh?" Miao Ying was confused, "What's wrong with you? Is it a psychological problem?"

"No," Cui Lizhu said, "On the contrary, it's a physiological problem! And is it a physiological problem like having children?"

"No?" Miao Ying was surprised, "You mean, Peter..."

"Of course the boss couldn't just invite Peter to dinner, he also had to invite him to other places to have fun," Cui Lizhu said. "But, he found that Peter had never really done anything...

"So, he suspected that there might be something wrong with Peter..."

"Tsk, tsk..." Miao Ying was depressed, "So, everything is just speculation?"

"No," Cui Lizhu said, "That boss was more persistent. Later, one time they got drunk at his house, and the boss asked a lady to accompany Peter, but in the end, nothing happened!

"That lady gave me a definite answer!"

"Oh? Is this the case?" Miao Ying was greatly surprised, "Why was such an important situation not recorded in the original record?"

"This didn't seem to be an important situation at the beginning, right?" Cui Lizhu said, "Furthermore, Peter has been confirmed as the murderer of the red bathtub case, and he himself is dead, so the boss has no need to mention this again. Has the matter been told?"

"Oh..." Miao Ying thought about it and felt that it made sense.

"Sister Miao, am I awesome? I found out such secret information, and it only took such a short time," Cui Lizhu boasted, "Look back and give me a special prize in the credit book!"

"You can't learn from Zhao Yu with your glib tongue!" Miao Ying complained, then said, "However, this is indeed important information, Xiao Cui, keep up your efforts, you haven't found out the relationship between Peter and the Zhang family yet!"

"Oh, don't worry!" Xiao Cui said, "I have now found a bunch of people who know Peter and Zhang Fengyi. I'm going to ask them one by one. I'm not afraid that I won't be able to find any new clues!"

"Okay!" Miao Ying cheered, "Come on!"

After hanging up the phone, Zeng Ke couldn't help but said: "Sister Miao, how do I feel that we have found the root cause of the red bathtub case

"Could it be that Peter heard that this wizard was very powerful and went to see him? In order to cure his own illness, he committed the red bathtub case

"Also," Zeng Ke added, "Zhang Tingshan also found this wizard in order to save his daughter, so after Peter, they also committed the red bathtub case?"

"Zeng Ke," Miao Ying said, "please contact the Criminal Department and ask them to contact Peter's family through diplomatic channels to see if they can confirm what the boss said

"We must confirm that Peter is indeed sick before we can make further judgments!"

"Yeah! Okay!" Zeng Ke took the order and hurriedly made a call.

At this moment, Captain Shao called again.

This time, Captain Shao’s voice was even more excited:

"Team Leader Miao, Team Leader Miao," Captain Shao said hurriedly, "My men found an old man who had seen witchcraft. The old man told us that the witchcraft used by the wizard is called Luofu Tao, which is based on a The secret technique created by this ancient book!"

"Oh? Luofu Road?" Miao Ying frowned, "Why does it sound like the name of a street? Zeng Ke, check it out quickly..."

"Oh!" Zeng Ke quickly went to type on the computer keyboard before putting down the phone...

"Captain Miao," Captain Shao continued, "The person we found also mentioned a crucial clue. He said that the wizard had several apprentices, and among the apprentices, there were foreigners!!! "

(End of chapter)