Crazy Detective

Chapter 2645: Look down on people



Electricity flickered in the metal mesh, and Zhao Yu rolled back and forth, struggling hard.

However, as the metal mesh tightened, he could barely move.

At that moment, an idea flashed through Zhao Yu's mind, that is, to continue carrying out his original plan and simply pretend to be stunned.

Wait until the enemy catches you, and then rely on your powerful props to counterattack. That way, you can also know the identity of your successor!

However, in the flash of electricity, he still saw that the police car that rushed over before had already rushed in the direction of Li Benzheng.

The door of the police car opened, and many people wearing black clothes with rifles appeared inside.

Damn it!

Zhao Yu was anxious. He was worried that these people were after Li Benzheng's life. If they beat Li Benzheng to death, he would definitely feel sorry for himself.

There is no other way, since pretending to be faint won't work, then let's just do it hard!

So, Zhao Yu quickly used all the traditional props. First, he used a power shield to block the current so that the metal mesh would no longer tighten.

At the same time, an energy enhancer is used to double one's strength.

Immediately afterwards, he began to use brute force to break free from the metal mesh. Unfortunately, the metal mesh was made of unknown special materials and had a certain degree of toughness. Zhao Yu struggled several times, but found that he had nowhere to use his strength!

He had no choice but to try other tools. While continuing to struggle, he reached out and pulled out the dagger from his trouser leg.


He stabbed the metal mesh a few times with his dagger, but found that the metal mesh was so hard that the dagger couldn't cut it at all!

However, this difficulty still cannot trouble Zhao Yu. Zhao Yu has a prop called an invisible edge sharpener, which can increase the sharpness of the blessed tool after use!

So, he quickly used the prop on the dagger!

After using it, the dagger immediately cut through iron like clay. Zhao Yu didn't use much force to cut a hole in the metal grid and got out of it.

Zhao Yu's speed was not slow, it only took less than a minute.

However, when he used the heaven-defying props to get out of the power grid, he found that the large number of enemies that had appeared before had all disappeared!

Not only was the man in black who trapped Zhao Yu with the power grid, but also the police car and the enemies in the police car. Even the previous mid laners were all gone!

No way

Zhao Yu was shocked. He could still see a mess and some blood on the ground, but there was no one left. He didn't even notice when the police car left!

This is also... too exaggerated, right

Oh my god!

Only then did Zhao Yu remember something important. Where is Old Li Tou

"Li... Li Benzheng... hello..." Zhao Yu looked at the place where Li Benzheng checked the enemy. There was no one there.

The entire backyard of the concert hall was completely silent, as if nothing had happened just now.

No way

Zhao Yu was depressed and hurriedly went behind the car and walked around, and found that Li Benzheng was indeed missing.

Obviously, Li Benzheng must have been captured by those enemies!

The next second, Zhao Yu turned his attention to the opposite roof. The sniper from before was gone, and even the sniper rifle that fell on the ground was gone...

What are you doing

Zhao Yu was a little confused, wondering in his mind, could it be that he was still blinded by electricity just now? How could the enemy come and go without a trace in just one minute

The same goes for Li Benzheng. You are also the king of agents after all. How could you be so cowardly and captured


They were all arrested anyway, so why not arrest me

Am I not important at all

Isn’t this too serious about not taking Kuang Detective seriously

There is no doubt that Zhao Yu thought that these enemies just now should be sent by his successor.

Although he had relied on the universal sight to defeat a wave before, Zhao Yu could see that these men in black were very powerful and definitely much more professional than the Sato family!

Especially this kind of metal grid is really high-tech...

Buzz buzz…

Just then, a siren sounded outside the compound. This time, it was probably a real police car coming.

After all, there had just been a shootout here, and it would have been weirder if the police car didn't come.

Zhao Yu knew that he had to leave quickly. If he was caught by the local police, it would be difficult to explain.

So, he hurried to the back door of the concert hall and entered the concert hall.

At this time, the concert hall had already become a mess.

Zhao Yu didn't know what happened here before. It's possible that Li Benzheng and the men in black also fired here just now. You can see many people evacuating quickly towards the main entrance of the concert hall!

However, that was okay, Zhao Yu ran a few steps quickly and quickly blended into the crowd.

He then followed the crowd to the main entrance of the concert hall and left the building.

Of course, after leaving, Zhao Yu did not leave with the large group, but quickened his pace and returned to the previous restaurant.

He is now even more eager to see the old man named Victor again and ask him about the whereabouts of Long Dan.

Now, this dragon pill has become his only clue.

It's possible that the reason those men in black didn't arrest him just now was because they wanted him to find out the whereabouts of Long Dan and put an end to the Zuo'er case!

Zhao Yu pushed open the door of the restaurant and came directly to the table where Victor was just now.

However, there was no one at the table, Victor had left!

At this time, several police cars roared over and stopped at the entrance of the concert hall. The customers in the restaurant immediately attracted attention and all looked outside.


Zhao Yu found that Victor's newspaper was still on the table, so he reached out and picked up the newspaper.

As a result, he suddenly discovered that someone actually wrote a line of words with a pen on the newspaper, and it was still a line of Chinese characters! ! !


Zhao Yu was surprised, and a disturbing thought flashed through his mind.

But I saw it written in the newspaper:

"It's better to meet than to be famous. I look forward to meeting Kuangtan next time..."


For a moment, Zhao Yu felt a chill down his spine after his intuition!

Could it be...

At this moment, a voice came from the back kitchen of the restaurant: "Help... help... Is there anyone? Is there anyone?"

Zhao Yu looked for his voice and was shocked to see a cook in a white coat lying on the ground. He was tied with a rope and his mouth was wrapped with tape...

Seeing this, Zhao Yu hurriedly ran to the kitchen, and then he suddenly saw three or four people lying on the kitchen floor, some were chefs and some were waiters!

I strangled it!

Zhao Yu clenched his fists and bared his teeth. He really didn't expect that he was actually deceived!

Victor is fake, and so is the waiter. Just now... it was all a show...

Damn it!

Zhao Yu carefully recalled the previous conversations with Victor. At that time, he turned on the invisible detector in his head, but did not find anything abnormal.

It seems that these enemies are not armed at all, they...

Victor, Victor…

Zhao Yu suppressed his excitement and thought quickly. He gradually discovered that the old man named Victor just now... was what he had always wanted to know - the successor! !

Another... another old man

Or, wearing makeup

Have you really never seen this person before

Also, what does the message he left for himself mean

Looking forward to the next meeting with Kuangtan

How to meet

Where to meet

Could it be... Zhao Yu finally thought of an important issue, that is the Zuoer case!

It seems that the other party wants to catch the dragon pill himself!

Only by seizing the dragon pill can we have a chance to meet again

(End of chapter)