Crazy Detective

Chapter 2652: The identity of the successor


Late at night, in a hotel room in London.

"Well..." Zhao Yu pointed to the electronic portrait and said, "His nose is higher and his face is thinner than he looks. But... now that I think about it, the old man must have been disguised. His beard looks a little bit... Children’s leave…

"Oh, it's a pity that I was so focused on the case that I ignored these details!"

"Yes!" Ding Lan murmured while holding the electronic portrait, "Maybe the old man you see is still a young man!"

"Tsk tsk..." At this time, Miao Kun on the laptop screen spoke, "I'm not being pretentious, do you believe it? When I look at this old man, I really think he looks familiar!

"But..." Miao Kun scratched his head, "It just looks familiar, but I can't tell who it looks like!"

"Godfather," Ding Lan said, "We learned in class that this is called the acquaintance effect after disguise! If a person is disguised, he will definitely have familiar features."

"Really," Zhao Yu twisted his eyebrows in agreement, "I also think this person looks a bit familiar! Not just now, but also when I first saw him. However, when I thought that the other person was a famous orchestra conductor , it’s only natural that they look familiar!

"So I didn't think much about it..."

"Oh," Miao Kun yawned at this time and said, "Okay, it's too late today! I'm going to bed first. Don't talk too late. Let's continue tomorrow!"

"Okay, good night!" Ding Lan greeted and hung up the video.

"Damn!" Zhao Yu cursed angrily, "This old guy is also sleepy, which means there is no time difference between him and us. Isn't he also in London?"

"Okay, brother-in-law, you know the rules," Ding Lan said with a smile, "You can't ask about this kind of thing!"

"Okay!" Zhao Yu turned around and came to the middle of the room. At this moment, the room was filled with documents, and it became a criminal investigation office.

"Brother-in-law, you haven't had a good rest for two days!" Ding Lan said worriedly, "Listen to me and take a rest today!"

"No!" Zhao Yu said, "Lao Li is in danger, Amerola's life and death are unknown, and there are many friends overseas who are all threatened by the successor. I must find a solution as soon as possible!"

"Yes!" Ding Lan peeled an orange and said worriedly, "I contacted Gena in Morocco yesterday, but I couldn't get in touch. I'm about to send someone over to check!"


Hearing the name Rena, Zhao Yu suddenly thought of the dragon and three phoenixes in the Western Sahara Desert. Rena, Amerola and Ding Lan accompanied him to escape from the house of sin. They were friends of life and death!

"This kind of insidious villain," Zhao Yu said, "If you can't deal with me, you will attack my friends. To deal with this kind of person, you have to do what I did to Luondi. If you threaten my friends, then I will threaten your family." , tit for tat!”

"Well..." Ding Lan said, "But you are really good enough. It is a miracle that you were able to rescue those five agents from Hawaii!"

"Don't worship me, I will be proud!" Zhao Yu said seriously, "Actually, I also took advantage of their loopholes. The successor was supposed to get rid of the cancer, but now they are in internal strife."

"No matter what, it's still too dangerous!" Ding Lan said worriedly, "My sister told me before that what worries her the most is you, brother-in-law! You can't be too desperate. You have to know that there are Many people are worried about you!"

"I know, but," Zhao Yu said modestly, "We have this strength, what should we do? Don't worry, your brother-in-law is not risking his life, I am measured! I will not do anything I am not sure about!"

"Here..." Ding Lan handed the peeled orange to Zhao Yu, "Eat an orange! After eating, rest quickly, I'm leaving..."

"Oh, thanks!" When taking the orange, Zhao Yu raised his head and glanced at Ding Lan. His sister-in-law was still so beautiful, and he couldn't help but feel absent-minded.

Time seems to have returned to the time when Morocco first met Ding Lan.

"What's wrong?" Ding Lan saw Zhao Yu staring at him in a daze and asked, "Is there something dirty on my face?"

"No," Zhao Yu quickly waved his hand and said bluntly, "I think you are beautiful again! Not only beautiful, but also much more mature... Hehehe... "

"Tch..." Ding Lan narrowed his eyes, "You want to tease me again? Bad brother-in-law, hehehehe..."

Listening to the laughter like silver bells fading away, and the sound of the door closing later, Zhao Yu's fantasy also ended.

He has many confidantes, but it is only when he is alone with Ding Lan that his heart fluctuates the most.


Zhao Yu rubbed his face dryly and quickly put his thoughts back, focusing entirely on the case.

In the past two days, despite the increased efforts of the Secret Service, there was still no clue about the left ear killer Long Dan.

This man has not been seen since he left London. His bank card has not been touched, his phone has not been touched, his medical insurance has not been touched, and there is no death record.

And because he had no relatives or friends, no one ever reported him missing.

Since Long Dan's bank deposit has never been touched, Zhao Yu concluded that Long Dan must have disappeared! And there is a high possibility of being kidnapped.

Since the successor has been asking him to investigate this case, Zhao Yu has every reason to suspect that the person who kidnapped Long Dan is probably the successor himself!

Now, things get interesting.

Zhao Yu began to guess that the purpose of his successor asking him to investigate the case was not to find the murderer, but to have other intentions.

Therefore, Zhao Yu retraced the whole matter and targeted the foreigner who was very close to Xinjia in Heping City back then!

He suspected that the mysterious foreigner was the successor!

Because the foreigner was very close to Pingcheng Xingjia, and Pingcheng Xingjia was murdered, he was naturally very upset, so he tracked him for many years and finally found out that Long Dan might be the killer of the left ear.

Therefore, he had already captured Long Dan and avenged Miss Pingcheng Xingjia.

And now, he asked Zhao Yu to investigate this case, maybe he wanted to use this case to let Zhao Yu find out his identity

Unfortunately, Zhao Yu contacted Yangshan Masako, but Yangshan Masako also failed to find any clues about the mysterious foreigner.

Thinking of this, Zhao Yu took another look at the line of Chinese characters left on the newspaper:

"It's better to meet than to be famous. I look forward to meeting Kuangtan next time..."

The handwriting was crooked and awkward, and it was obvious that the other party was not skilled in the writing. However, through this line of text, Zhao Yu can still see full of murderous intent!

The successor seems to be kind, but in fact it is just on the surface. Judging from the large-scale cleansing he did against the cancer and Yaksha, this person must be a ruthless character!


Who is he

Zhao Yu thought that his successor had several opportunities to kill him or even kidnap him.

But, he didn't do that in the end, so why

Recalling the whole incident, including Li Benzheng, it seems that... this successor did not really want to kill him, otherwise, Zhao Yu would have seen Li Benzheng's body in the backyard of the concert hall!


Zhao Yu recalled it carefully again, and he suddenly thought of an important point.


During the entire confrontation with the successor, it seemed that the successor had only killed one person, right



Zhao Yu remembered that in the parking lot of Jingjiang Ancient Temple, the driver of a large truck who was threatened by Yasha crashed directly into Simone. He clearly wanted Simone's life!

However, for others, it is obviously much more relaxed.

This is why

Could it be...

In this way, Zhao Yu kept thinking along this line of thinking.

During this period, he read all the information again. Finally, at about two o'clock in the night, he suddenly realized:

I have a grandma bear, the successor... shouldn't be him! !

(End of chapter)