Crazy Detective

Chapter 2658: Rejuvenation


The white golf ball rolled forward and landed accurately into the hole without a flagstick.

For unknown reasons, a dark cloud came over the horizon. The dark cloud was mixed with the sea breeze, blowing up some fallen leaves and dust. It seemed that a heavy rain was about to come.

"Isn't the weather changing too quickly?" Zhao Yu asked casually, "What does the weather forecast say?"

"hehe… "

Green smiled and bent down, reaching into the hole to get the ball.

During the process of taking out the ball, Ding Lan kept aiming his gun at the old man, fearing that what he took out from the hole was not a ball.

"That's it, that's it..." Green took out a golf ball and said, "The weather on the island changes so quickly! Once you get used to it, you'll be fine!"

After saying that, he put the ball on the ground and said to Zhao Yu: "There are still 4 holes, let's continue! It's your turn! We don't have many balls left, please stop playing randomly, okay?"

"Okay!" Zhao Yu smiled faintly, aimed the club into the distance, and hit a shot lightly.

The golf ball rolled forward and down a slope. Unexpectedly, it didn't take long before it was blocked by a foreign object on the lawn.

The foreign object looked like a steel plate. I don’t know if it was the wreckage that fell from the helicopter or the shrapnel after the explosion...

"Tsk, tsk..." Zhao Yu asked, "How does this count? Should I be spared a shot?"

"..." Green obviously didn't understand what "spare me a shot" meant, so he said, "No, I can only blame you for your bad luck!"

With that said, the two of them walked towards the bottom of the hillside, with Ding Lan following closely behind.

While walking, Ding Lan kept in contact with fellow agents.

At first, her companions applied to her because the hole in the bunker where Green appeared had always been open, and they wanted to go in and investigate.

However, Ding Lan stopped them, saying that the situation was still unclear and asked them not to act rashly, but to guard the entrance of the cave first and wait until the support troops arrived.

"Sir," Zhao Yu asked Green at this time, "Since Long Dan met Dr. Lin, what happened next are all facts confessed by Long Dan himself?"

"Yes!" Green said. "While drinking, Long Dan confided to Dr. Lin the troubles of being deaf in his left ear. Frankly, for an artistic person like him, it was a fatal blow, which was equivalent to killing him. !

"Then, Dr. Lin didn't know whether he drank too much or was stimulated by the Peter incident," Green said. "He directly told Long Dan that he could help Long Dan and help him heal his ears!

"Of course Long Dan doesn't believe it, because his ear has been sentenced to death by the doctor. The doctor also said that sooner or later, his right ear will lose hearing, and he will become truly deaf by then!

"Dr. Lin told him the method, saying that according to the secrets of Luofu, as long as seven young women sacrificed blood for him, he could help him recover his hearing!

“Not just restoring his hearing,” Green said, “but also extending his life, extending his life, and rejuvenating him!”

"I'll strangle you!" Zhao Yu repeated, "Rejuvenation, will he believe this nonsense?"

"Of course he didn't believe it!" Green continued, "That incident was basically treated as a joke! However, Dr. Lin didn't know what happened, so he opened his bag on the spot and handed over a book recording blood sacrifice methods. Got him.

“It also said that if you want to restore your ears, just do what the book says!

"Long Dan asked him, how could anyone agree to help him perform a blood sacrifice? If he didn't do it right, it would cost someone his life!

"As a result, Dr. Lin smiled, did not answer his question, and then left silently...

"That was also... the last time Long Dan saw him!" Green said. "Long Dan said that they met a total of 4 times in the bar in London. After Dr. Lin handed him the book, they never met again. It appeared once, but has disappeared from the world since then... "

At this time, the two came to the bottom of the hillside, and Green took out a new golf ball and played a shot.

After the ball flew up, it headed straight towards the cemetery.

Zhao Yu saw this and followed suit.

This time, his kung fu was good, and the ball landed on the same piece of turf right after Green's landing point...

"Long Dan said that he later read the book and realized that human blood sacrifice requires killing people and killing people to complete it..." On the way, Green continued to talk about the past, "So, he threw the book away. Got somewhere!

"But, not long after, two things happened!" Green held out two fingers. "The first one was that the news about Peter's red bathtub case reached London. Long Dan realized that the red bathtub case had a huge connection with Dr. Lin. connection!

"At the same time, he began to doubt the feasibility of blood sacrifices. If they were all a lie, why would Peter, as an architect, do it

“The second thing is that his condition started to worsen,” Green said. “He didn’t want others to know about his condition, so he hid it.

"As a result, several performances were not performed properly. The band director talked to him several times and said that he would tell his superiors...

"Long Dan is scared. He is afraid of losing his job and career. He has been living for playing the piano all his life. He can't imagine what it will be like if he leaves the orchestra!

“So, he sought medical treatment everywhere and tried to wear hearing aids, but the doctor told him that it was neurological deafness and that assistive devices could not help him!

"In despair, he remembered the secret technique of Luofu left to him by Dr. Lin, and then he headed towards his sinful life...

"I don't think I need to talk about anything further, right?"

"Oh..." Zhao Yu nodded and asked, "No need to say more, but what I want to ask most is, did it work?"

"Perhaps Dr. Lin's method has some psychological implications, right?" Green said, "After killing the first two people, Long Dan really felt that his ears had improved!

"So, this strengthened his confidence and allowed him to continue until he killed seven people...

"However, after it was completed, Long Dan was disappointed to find that the blood sacrifice technique was a lie! Not only did his ear not get better, but the other ear also began to deteriorate...

"However, Pandora's box has been opened, and Long Dan has gone crazy since then and can no longer stop!

"In this way, the Left Ear Killer was born...

“The reason he didn’t take action between 1995 and 1999,” Green added, “is because the medical community had cochlear implants and ear transplant technology, and he wanted to change his condition through surgery.

“So, during those four years, he underwent several surgeries just to stay in the band!

"Unfortunately, all operations failed. Not only did he leave the band, but he also became completely deaf...

"However, this still did not end his killings. From 1999 to 2003, he began to travel to other countries to kill people at his own expense, until his physical condition no longer allowed it!

“In Mexico City, it was his last time. Instead of successfully kidnapping him, he was severely beaten by the woman and was almost caught by the police!

"So, since then, he realized that he can no longer be the left-ear killer..."

"Oh... I see, but..." Zhao Yu asked again, "There's one more thing I don't quite understand. Why did he cut off the victim's ears

"Is it to keep a souvenir? Or... some need for the ceremony? Where are those ears?"

(End of chapter)