Crazy Detective

Chapter 2679: Invisible flight



Under the water, Zhao Yu was suddenly awakened by the water and opened his eyes instantly!

There was a fire in front of my eyes, gravel kept falling in the water, the water was churning, and bursts of black slurry appeared...

Zhao Yu quickly held his breath and stopped letting the salty seawater pour into his mouth.

At the moment of clarity, Zhao Yu also understood one thing. When he was blown away by the missile shock wave just now, his emergency ball should have been activated!

However, the power of the shock wave was so great that even though Zhao Yu was protected within the hazard ball, he was still knocked unconscious.

Now, the hedging ball has expired, and seawater pours in, waking him up.

Zhao Yu held his breath and found that he was suspended somewhere under the sea, unable to reach the surface or the bottom of the sea.

With a change of thought, the invisible respirator was successfully used. At least Zhao Yu would not drown in this turbid seabed.

The gravel in the water kept falling. In order to prevent accidents, Zhao Yu used an invisible helmet to come out, for fear of being hit on the head by the gravel.

Looking towards the depths of the sea, I saw that the location of the underground base was still flashing with fire. Apparently, it had been bombed to pieces!

After being able to breathe, Zhao Yu adjusted, then opened his arms and swam toward the sea.

He was about 20 meters underwater. Due to the previous impact, he spent a lot of effort to swim to the surface.

At this moment, although the storm has stopped, the sky is still covered with dark clouds, and the rubble blown up by the missile is still falling from the sky with great power.



Zhao Yu took a few breaths of fresh air, and his head became clearer.

Only then did he remember what happened before, and began to worry about whether Ding Lan and others had escaped safely


A piece of gravel hit the sea next to Zhao Yu, causing violent waves.

At the same time, several fighter jets passed by at low altitude in the sky, making loud noises.


Zhao Yu realized that he could not stay here for a long time. Even if he was not hit by rocks, he might be discovered by the enemy.

At this moment, Zhao Yu's cell phone suddenly vibrated.

He quickly took out his mobile phone from his pocket. Fortunately, the phone was waterproof and was not damaged at all.

Zhao Yu opened it and saw that his phone had received several messages, some from Miao Ying and some from the Secret Service.


Seeing the message received on his phone, Zhao Yu instantly understood that the shield that had previously enveloped the entire Miracle Island had disappeared.

So, he quickly turned on his phone and wanted to call Ding Lan, but... when he picked up the phone, he suddenly saw a warship approaching on the sea not far away!

Holy shit!

So awesome

Zhao Yu secretly smacked his tongue and quickly put down his cell phone. He was worried that the warship in the distance would lock his signal.

No, I have to leave quickly!

I have to…


Zhao Yu was thinking about how to leave this dangerous place, when a thought suddenly flashed in his mind. He remembered that when he was playing golf, he installed a locator on Green's ankle while he was not paying attention.

Since the signal is restored now, should I take a look and see where the old guy is now

As a crazy detective, Zhao Yu naturally understands the principle of catching the thief and the king. At such a critical time, only by catching the old fox Green can we completely escape the crisis!

Moreover, there is only one chance to catch Green!

Otherwise, once he takes off his shoes or finds the locator, he will never be found again!

Thinking of this, Zhao Yu ignored the warships in the distance and turned on his mobile phone again, looking for Green's signal.

As a result, to his surprise, Green's signal was actually on!

Moreover, the signal is still moving!

Moreover, this signal is not too far away from me, only about ten kilometers away.


Zhao Yu also discovered that the situation was not good. Green's signal was moving away at an extremely fast speed. Even if he chased it now, he might not be able to catch up.

All right!

Zhao Yu first looked at his hundreds of thousands of points, and then looked at the word "Qiankun" in the cheating area. Then he changed his mind and decided to do everything in his life to stop Green. Down!

Only by stopping Green can he, Ding Lan and others escape.

Having made up his mind, Zhao Yu's first use was a stealth aircraft. This time, he was going to fly more than ten kilometers in the air, so he naturally needed to strengthen it!

Not only to extend the time, but also to speed up the flight.

Therefore, Zhao Yu spent more than 40,000 points to create an almost perfect stealth aircraft.

Of course, just flying on the water is not enough to prevent yourself from being discovered.

Therefore, Zhao Yu used a series of props to strengthen the use of invisibility cloaks, anti-cameras, anti-infrared trackers, etc.

In this way, he can fly invisible over the sea without any scruples!

After all the props were prepared, Zhao Yu immediately took off from the sea and flew high into the sky.

The enhanced aircraft is really powerful. After taking off, it looks like it has Astro Boy-like propellers under its feet, making it incredibly fast!

In the blink of an eye, Zhao Yu flew over Miracle Island.

Looking from the air, he saw that the entire Miracle Island had been plunged into a sea of fire. Zhao Yu was worried that the few agents who went to the island with him were in danger!

The next second, Zhao Yu saw dozens of speedboats landing on the pier to the east of the island.

The landing soldiers were fully armed. As soon as they landed on the island, they rushed nervously and orderly to all directions of the island...


Zhao Yu stared at the heavily armed soldiers and understood one more thing. These people must be ground troops sent by Green!

They are responsible for the clean-up work and must ensure that no one is left alive on the island!

Damn it!

Seeing this situation, Zhao Yu's hatred for Green increased even more.

I cursed in my heart, you old fool, don’t let me catch you! If I catch you, I will dig you out of the mess...


Facing the wind, Zhao Yu flew over Miracle Island and headed straight to the south.

At this moment, the sky was covered with dark clouds, and they were very low. As soon as Zhao Yu got into the sky, he got into the dark clouds. The dark clouds were filled with raindrops, and they quickly hit Zhao Yu.

Ah... A sneeze... A sneeze...

Zhao Yu sneezed several times and realized that it was too cold to fly like this! I haven't been flying for long, but I feel like I'm about to freeze...

All right!

Zhao Yu searched for the props column and found a fireproof suit from inside. After using it, I feel much warmer.

After restoring the temperature, there is only one thing left, and that is to move forward at full speed!

In order to catch up with Green, Zhao Yu did not hesitate to use another invisible accelerator, and adjusted the accelerator to the maximum...

While flying, Zhao Yu also discovered a problem.

He used a universal browser to retrieve the electronic map of Fiji and found that Green's signal was quickly flying towards the south of Suva, the capital of Fiji.

Through the map, he discovered that there was a less eye-catching private airport in the south of Suva. Judging from Green's route, he should have taken a helicopter to that airport.


Zhao Yu speculated that Green should transfer to a large plane from that airport to leave Fiji, so...

Hum hum…

During the flight, Zhao Yu's eyes flashed with a hint of cunning, and a long-lost evil smile appeared on his lips...

(End of chapter)