Crazy Detective

Chapter 3: True love is priceless and costs three thousand nights


"What the hell?" Hearing the voice in his head, Zhao Yu hurriedly asked the driver, but it could be seen from the driver's innocent expression that he had no idea at all.

Only then did Zhao Yu realize that only he could hear the sound just now.

"Gen Dui Gua!" The voice in his head was concise and powerful, full of confidence, "Gen Shan Dui Ze. Containing mountain dew, the luck will flow smoothly, and the five meridians will move..."

The words were spoken very quickly, and they stopped abruptly within a few seconds, returning to calm.

At this time, Zhao Yu was a little confused and didn't remember a single word.

What the hell is this

Why are there voices in my head

Is there something wrong with me

Wait a moment!

Suddenly, Zhao Yu remembered the four words at the beginning—Qiyu System!

Adventure system!

Oh my grandma bear!

Zhao Yu finally remembered that in the time-travel plots he had seen in the past, there were often magical systems appearing.

After having the system, many protagonists began to flourish, pretended to be cool, married Bai Fumei, and became winners in life!

Could it be...

I actually got the system too


So, is I going to be developed too



Wait a moment…

Zhao Yu remembered that what had just appeared in his mind was called the Qiyu System!

What will this adventure system do

Logically speaking, since there is a system, there should be an interface or an introduction, right

However, he carefully checked his mind, but he couldn't see anything, and he couldn't even play back the words just now.

It made him slap his head hard, but there was still no movement.

What is this!

The voice just spoke so fast that he didn't hear it clearly at all. He only remembered some terms like hexagrams. He couldn't help but wonder, could this so-called adventure system be used for fortune-telling

So did I get a good draw or a bad draw

Tsk tsk tsk…

Zhao Yu couldn't help but be a little disappointed. If he really got any system, it would probably be the simplest system in history, right

It seems that we can only wait until the next time it is opened to study it carefully.

At this time, he wanted to try a few more puffs of cigarettes, but found that the cigarette had been extinguished when he coughed violently.


He searched through his memories and found that Zhao Yu in this world had a very poor financial situation. He lived in an apartment dormitory, ate in the police canteen, and his savings did not even exceed four digits.

Judging from the current situation, the salary as a criminal police officer is his only source of income.

However, when I was wandering around in the world, I ate delicacies from the mountains and seas, including abalone, ginseng and shark fin every day. Although I didn't live in a luxury house, I was often visited by hot girls (nightclubs were the scene). It could be said that I lived a free and happy life.

In comparison, it seems that the original career benefits are better, right

But being beaten and killed every day seems to be quite dangerous. Moreover, there are too many villains in this industry and they can easily be hunted down and framed. He is a living example!

While riding in the car, Zhao Yu briefly glanced at the memories in his mind and found that this parallel world was not much different from the original world, except that some details were different.

For example, in this city with the same name, there are no place names and people he was familiar with before, no gang members, and no brothers and friends he knew.

However, even if there were, those people would not know Zhao Yu, because Zhao Yu is now a policeman! !


forget about it!

Zhao Yu turned his eyes to the front. The car was not far from the city's entertainment city. It was better to have some fun first and have a good time!

After getting off the car, looking at the familiar neon lights, Zhao Yu couldn't help but feel emotional.

In the memory, Zhao Yu was an honest child and had never been to such a place for entertainment.

But now he is a veteran, and he knows that the fun part is actually not through the main entrance.

So, he turned into a hidden alley, and soon he saw several young men and women standing in front of a small iron gate, waiting in line to enter.

Even though the small iron door looked a little shabby, Zhao Yu knew that behind the iron door was definitely a luxurious and high-end place.

Zhao Yu had no intention of waiting in line, so he walked straight to the door.

A staff member with a nose ring and a round waist stopped him at the door: "Sir, our bar is a membership system. Do you have a membership?"


Zhao Yu cursed with one word, and his spit even splashed on the other person's face. He pushed it open, opened the iron door and walked in.

In Zhao Yu's cognitive outlook, certain rules do not apply to him.

Although the nose piercing staff was tall and tall, he couldn't figure out Zhao Yu's details, so he could only watch as this poor guy disappeared from his sight.

As expected, this is a super luxurious private bar, with feasting and feasting, beautiful scenery, and many passionate and fashionably dressed young men and women shaking their heads on the dance floor, having a great time.

Looking at the familiar scene, Zhao Yu felt that instead of reducing his anger, his male hormones were soaring and he needed to be solved urgently.

So, he looked around and started looking for his goal.

Soon, he turned his attention to the bar.

But I saw a beautiful lady lying in front of the bar. This woman is wearing a black and white casual suit. She has a plump body, excellent posture, and an amazingly alluring appearance.

Her cheeks were flushed, and there were several empty goblets placed in front of her face. She had obviously drank a lot.

Zhao Yu is well versed in this and knows that such women are generally easier to get hold of, so he feels that he should be able to achieve victory.

"Beauty, are you alone?" Before Zhao Yu could sit firmly on his buttocks, he used classic flirting words, "Would you like another drink? I know a fascinating way to mix drinks. Are you interested in trying it? ?”

The woman looked at Zhao Yu with a playful look, burped, and said with a smile: "Handsome guy, your opening statement is out! Haha... I am not a pure and beautiful girl, and I don't play with emotions!"


As soon as the woman opened her mouth, Zhao Yu understood that this fair lady was here waiting for business and was not a girl from a good family.

Originally, Zhao Yu came here for the pretty girl and had no intention of paying out of his own pocket.

He was determined to change his target, but he was unwilling to do so. Firstly, this woman was too outstanding in appearance, and there was no one more beautiful than her in the scene. Secondly, the others came in pairs to strike up a conversation. Coming and going will be more difficult.


Zhao Yu was worried and said in his heart, if you lose some money, just lose some money! Just be comfortable! It can be considered as a celebration for successfully traveling through time!

So, he sat next to the woman and continued flirting: "Beauty, I wonder how much your feelings are worth?"

"Hmph!" The beauty snorted coldly and held out three fingers cheerfully, "True love is priceless, three thousand dollars for a night! Also, I can't go home with you, and I won't go to an express hotel, at least a hotel with four stars or above. It’s just in line with my sister’s status!”

"Grandma, you're a bear!" Zhao Yu slapped the table, "Aren't you trying to steal money? Three thousand? Four-star hotel? Damn... I'm asking you... can I get a discount?"

"Handsome guy, I see you are an expert too!" The woman said without raising her eyebrows, "You should know that there is no way to get a discount at my price! Be happy, if you can afford it, we will leave immediately; if you can't afford it, we will leave immediately. Get out of the way quickly, don’t waste sister’s time!”

"I... Nima..."

Zhao Yu searched his memory and found that all the money in his card was not enough to even open a quick hotel. So, he cursed at the woman fiercely: "Okay, I choose to get out of the way!"

Who knows, someone might have heard their conversation. As soon as Zhao Yu stepped away, a man wearing a designer suit sat down at Zhao Yu's seat with a wad of bills.

"Let's go, girl!" The man chewed gum and slapped the money, "Dude, I'm not short of money. How about a luxury suite at Shangri-La tonight?"

After the woman saw the money, the dull emptiness in her eyes instantly disappeared and became sparkling. She nodded coyly and followed the rich man without hesitation.

Before leaving, she didn't even think about taking a look at Zhao Yu.

Zhao Yu was so depressed. He clenched his fists and glared fiercely at the couple as they left. He sighed in his heart: Gold worshipper, I can't afford to hurt her!

Unexpectedly, just as Zhao Yu stared, he suddenly saw a person sitting on the side of the bar.

This man was wearing a black trench coat and a peaked cap on his head. He lowered his head, and the collar of the trench coat was raised high, even covering most of his face, leaving only two gloomy eyes exposed.

This man's eyes never left the gold digger who was drinking just now. Now that the beauty is gone, he watched the woman leave intently, as if he was deeply attracted by her.

Since the beauty left from behind Zhao Yu, Zhao Yu happened to make eye contact with this person.

"What are you looking at!?"

Zhao Yu thought he was mocking her and raised her middle finger at him.

The man in the trench coat trembled slightly as if he was frightened, and immediately left the bar in a panic, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

Zhao Yu ordered a cup of the cheapest cocktail. He was just about to satisfy his craving, but something important suddenly came to his mind!

Grandma is a bear!

This man in the trench coat couldn’t be—that someone, could he

PS: Updated twice a day, update time: 8 a.m. and 9 p.m. If there is an additional update, it will be scheduled at 3 p.m.

(End of chapter)