Crazy Detective

Chapter 37: Big taboo


Worried that team leader Qu Ping would solve the case before him, Zhao Yu never dared to stop monitoring Qu Ping and the others while he was busy looking for the goddess child.

The invisible bug is effective for 48 hours, and it will take a long time to end.

According to the intelligence from the bug, Qu Ping has realized that her investigation direction may have gone awry, and is actively adjusting her thinking.

Moreover, they are already speculating on the possibility that the murderer chopped off the hands for revenge, and someone has even mentioned the word "piano".

If this continues, sooner or later they will catch up with the clues that Zhao Yu is investigating.

Grandma is a bear!

Listening to the information from Team B and looking at the address on the map, Zhao Yu couldn't help but feel a little anxious. He didn't know whether the latest clue he found could help him find the murderer

It turned out that the address Zhang Jingfeng helped Zhao Yu find was No. 53 Jiangjun Temple, Huiyang District, Qinshan City.

This address does not seem special at first glance, but in the eyes of Zhao Yu, who is familiar with the hand-chopping case, it is extraordinary.

Because the area around Jiangjun Temple was where the murderer fled after chopping Luo Meina's hands.

Qu Ping had previously analyzed that the murderer escaped from this area without being caught by the camera. Either he was very familiar with this place, or he simply lived here!

Now it seems that the latter guess is most likely correct.

Through electronic map comparison, No. 53 Jiangjun Temple is only less than 100 meters away from the alley where Luo Meina's BMW was originally parked. If you walk fast, it won't even take two minutes!

Such a close distance even made Zhao Yu feel a little timid and dazed.

Does the murderer really have such courage

Dare to commit murder in front of your own home

Could it be that this time, I made a mistake again

Will it be like before, every time when we think it is the critical moment, we end up in a dead end

Because he had experienced too many setbacks before, Zhao Yu's confidence was not that strong this time. He was even thinking that if the child goddess had nothing to do with this case and he was looking in the wrong direction again, what else could he do next

With this uneasy thought, Zhao Yu finally arrived at his destination.

Although Jiangjun Temple is under the jurisdiction of Huiyang District, it is already on the edge of Qinshan City and was merged from the suburbs a few years ago.

There are mostly old-fashioned bungalows here, and most of the residents live in poverty. There is a mixture of people and snakes here. Except for a few local residents, most of them are migrant workers and cheap renters, and there are even some unscrupulous pyramid schemes.

No. 53 Jiangjun Temple is also a dilapidated old house. From the outside, it only has three main rooms and a courtyard, so the area is not too large. The courtyard wall is also slightly tilted, which makes people feel uneasy.

No way

Would the child prodigy Li Dan and his family really live in a place like this

Looking at the simple iron door, Zhao Yu knocked on the door with suspicion.

Unexpectedly, a response came quickly from inside, and an old and feeble female voice asked: "Here, who is it?"

Zhao Yu did not answer in a hurry, but took a look through the crack in the door and saw that the person speaking was an old lady with a stooped figure.

Zhao Yu asked tentatively: "Excuse me, is this Hao Fenglian's family?"

"Yes! Yes! Wait a moment!"


Zhao Yu's eyes lit up, he didn't expect it to be Hao Fenglian? It appears that the address on her medical record is not fake.

While the old man was answering, Zhao Yu kept staring at him, but did not see anything unusual on the old man's face. It seemed that the old man had no intention of hiding his identity at all.


The iron door opened, and I saw that although the old man was thin and pale, he was kind-hearted and very friendly.

"Young man, what's going on?"

"Oh... Hello!" Zhao Yu instinctively saluted, and then said straight to the point, "I am a policeman. I need to ask you about something and the situation. I hope you can cooperate!"

"Oh, it turns out to be comrade police! Come on, come in and talk!" The old man did not doubt Zhao Yu's identity, and calmly made an invitation to come in, "Comrade police, I don't know what you want to ask me about. ah?"

Originally, Zhao Yu directly reported his intention to see the old man's reaction. If her face looks abnormal and panicked, she might have something going on in her mind. However, after seeing that the old man was still as calm as ever, Zhao Yu couldn't help but feel a little discouraged, feeling that his work might have been in vain again.

The old man let Zhao Yu into the back room, but saw that her home was very simple and she must have lived in poverty.

"Officer, I rarely go out. I'm sick!" The old man moved a plastic stool to Zhao Yu and asked, "I don't know, what exactly do you want to ask me about?"

Zhao Yu had seen the old man's case and knew very well what disease she had. In May last year, she underwent a subtotal gastrectomy at the Central Hospital. There are only two reasons for doing this kind of surgery, one is severe gastric ulcer, and the other is gastric cancer! The old man unfortunately belongs to the latter.

Zhao Yu knew better that since the patient had undergone nearly nine months of chemotherapy after surgery last year and all her hair fell out, she should know exactly what disease she had.

However, Zhao Yu was only investigating the case, so there was no need to mention this.

"I just want to know about your family's situation!" Zhao Yu asked directly, "Do you have a daughter named Li Dan?"

"Yes, yes!" The old man nodded, "However, she hasn't been called by this name for many years. She changed her name and is now called Li Yunxiao."

Li Yunxiao

Zhao Yu paused and asked again: "Does your daughter live with you?"

"Of course!" the old man replied truthfully, "My old man died early, and only mother and daughter were left to depend on each other! My daughter is very filial. She takes care of everything at home and outside by herself!"


Unexpectedly, the father of the child goddess has passed away.

"What does your daughter do?" Zhao Yu asked again.

"Oh, my daughter may have done it!" The old man looked proud when mentioning his daughter. "Over the years, she has done many jobs, and sometimes she even works part-time! Such as driving a taxi, working as a caregiver, and this year she is also looking for a job. I got a job helping out in a theater troupe!

"However, my daughter is also having a hard time. In order to serve me, an old woman, she hasn't even found a partner yet! Officer, if you find someone suitable, don't forget to introduce me to my daughter!"


Helping in a theater company

Hearing these words, Zhao Yu instinctively became alert. You know, the single-light film on the BMW happened to come from a theater troupe. Could it be...

Zhao Yu thought about it carefully and then asked: "Old man, I would like to ask, did your daughter play the piano when she was young?"

"Ah?" Unexpectedly, the old lady had been playing it safe, but when she heard Zhao Yu mention the word "piano", she hurriedly stood up and shouted as if she had been struck by lightning. He said, "Oh, officer! You must never mention the piano again. If my daughter knows about it, then... it will be bad... These two words are taboo in our family!"

PS: Thanks to the maple leaf specimen and classmates 7749 days for the reward!

(End of chapter)