Crazy Detective

Chapter 75: Heavy taste of the past


In fact, the facts of the corpse case are not complicated. A few days ago, someone discovered a highly decomposed body in Qinshan Reservoir.

After a forensic autopsy, it was confirmed that the deceased was a young woman who had been dead for nearly three months. Since there were traces of binding on the body, the possibility of murder was extremely high, and the crime team has opened a case for investigation.

For solving this type of case, the focus is on determining the identity of the deceased. Only when the identity is established can the police further investigate.

Over the past few days, through comparisons with recently missing persons, the police finally determined the identity of the deceased. The woman's name is Pang Annie, and she is a liquor sales girl active in major bars and nightclubs.

Although the detection of such cases is not very difficult, due to the complexity of the groups of people the deceased came into contact with, there are still certain difficulties in investigation.

This case was taken over independently by Team A. It was naturally extremely important to the embarrassed agents of Team A, as well as to Peng Xin, the newly appointed acting team leader.

Everyone is looking forward to being able to feel proud in front of Group B.

Now the whole team is working together to solve the case of corpses buried in the reservoir, but Zhao Yu can't help. Tomorrow morning, he had to report to the Qinshan Police Academy to participate in the annual police training.

Since solving the severed hand case, Zhao Yu has developed a strong interest in solving the case. He originally wanted to use the Qiyu System to help Group A solve the case, but unfortunately police training is also very important, so he can only focus on one side first.

However, despite this, Zhao Yu still carefully memorized the details of the corpse case. Feeling lucky, he even sent Yang Hong a WeChat message at night, asking her if she knew this Pang Anni

He felt that the work nature of Yang Hong and Pang Anni were somewhat similar. If they knew each other, they might be able to provide some clues.

It's a coincidence that in the electric baton case, Yang Hong was the victim; in the hand-cut case, Yang Hong provided Zhao Yu with vital clues; if she could still be related to the corpse case, Zhao Yu really wanted to find her She must be properly enshrined on an altar table!

However, the coincidence that Zhao Yu thought of did not happen. Yang Hong soon received a reply on WeChat, saying that she had never known such a person.

However, she could ask her friends and ask Zhao Yu to wait.

Zhao Yu heard that Yang Hong's WeChat reply was very noisy, so he asked casually, where are you

Unexpectedly, after waiting for a long time, Yang Hong never heard back.

Zhao Yu felt bored and had no mood to guess what Yang Hong was doing now? Or who is doing what

Bored, he continued to check his WeChat. Due to Zhao Yu's shy personality in the past, he didn't have many friends in WeChat, and his address book was basically clear at a glance.

In this way, Yao Jia's name was very conspicuous, and Zhao Yu couldn't help but click on her details. As early as the last camel chases the thief, Zhao Yu and Yao Jia had become WeChat friends.

However, for a long time, Zhao Yu didn't know what to say to others, and he never really talked to them.

At this moment, he opened Yao Jia's personal photo album and admired her photos one by one. Yao Jia in the photo is still as beautiful as before, and she is exactly the same as the Yao Jia that Zhao Yu remembers so much.

Looking at these photos, Zhao Yu seems to have returned to the lush years of the past. At that time, the two were just in their early 20s, full of energy and full of personality!

Buzz buzz…

On the bridge of Xinhua Bridge, Zhao Yu was riding a big motorcycle, and Yao Jia was sitting closely behind him. The motorcycle screeched to a stop in front of a vendor selling mobile phones.

Yao Jia raised his helmet visor and shouted at the vendor: "Hey! You don't have eyes? Do you know whose territory this is? You don't even say hello to my brother Tianba (Zhao Yu's bandit account), and you dare to show off Are you tired of living? "

"Sister!" the stall owner said with a grimace, "Qiaotou is a public place. Isn't it illegal for me to set up a stall here?"

"What did you say? Public toilet?" Yao Jia touched her ears.

"Public place!" the vendor corrected.

"Why did I hear public toilets?" Yao Jia pouted her cherry lips and said, "Hey, it stinks, it stinks! Why do I smell a stink when I hear the word "toilet"? Brother Tianba, you Do you smell it?”

Zhao Yu nodded from the driver's seat.

"Since it's a public toilet, I won't be polite..."

Yao Jia smirked and suddenly threw the plastic bag she had prepared in her right hand onto Xiao Fan's mobile phone stand. That plastic bag was filled with shit! After the plastic bag broke, the feces was scattered everywhere, and the stench was overwhelming!

The vendor yelled "Ah" and fell backward.

Zhao Yu curled his lips and smiled coldly. As soon as he turned the accelerator, the motorcycle sped away. Yao Jia, who was sitting in the back seat, kept raising her middle finger at the vendor contemptuously.

After the motorcycle parked in a garden, Yao Jia hit Zhao Yu on the back with both fists and shouted:

"It's not pleasant! It's not pleasant! It's not pleasant..."

"You've thrown your shit to others, why aren't you happy?" Zhao Yu lit up his cigarette and asked with a sinister smile.

"I didn't throw it on him! It's not pleasant! It's just not pleasant!" Yao Jia pouted and said, "I want to see the shit explode! Brother Tianba, go take a dip in the woods, and let's go back and throw him again!" "

"Spit!" Zhao Yu spat, gritted his teeth, stamped his feet, and yelled at Yao Jia, "Okay! Your idea is so awesome! I'll go and think about it now..."

As the scenery becomes clearer, the footage of the past gradually fades. But Zhao Yu's thoughts could not be taken back for a long time, and he was still immersed in the happy time with Yao Jia.

In the end, it was the voice of the Qiyu System that interrupted his memories. The system told him that this time, his adventure completion was only 63%, which was lower than the previous completions.

Tsk tsk…

Zhao Yu thought about it carefully and felt that such a low degree of completion seemed to confirm his previous guess: Only by doing good things can the degree of completion be improved!

Looking back on the day's experience, although Zhao Yu skillfully completed many adventures, he actually did a lot of immoral things today!

First of all, in order to win Yao Jia's favor, he actually joined forces with the gangsters and performed the fairy dance together;

Secondly, when his acting was about to be exposed, he took another step and framed the fault on the rich second generation;

In the end, he teamed up with the gangsters to swallow up a huge amount of money from the rich second generation!

Such behavior can simply be described as "despicable".

If the completion rate of adventure is really related to the quality, then maybe it is a miracle that Zhao Yu can still get 63% today, right

Today's hexagram does not appear in the hexagram "Dui", which represents wealth, but Zhao Yu still got a valuable fortune. From this point of view, this hexagram is not absolute! There are different ways and means to complete the adventure, and there may be huge variables!

In just a few days, Zhao Yu's card already had more than 200,000 yuan! If we continue to develop at this rate, we can't say anything else, but we are destined to make a fortune!

In this way, Zhao Yu has no intention of caring about the good guys and the bad guys. As long as I can make a fortune, there is nothing wrong with the low completion rate of adventure!

Unexpectedly, although his completion rate was only 63%, he still received a prop as a reward.

From this point of view, 60 points is likely to be a passing mark. As long as it exceeds 60%, you can get a reward.

Zhao Yu opened it and saw that the prop he got this time was called an invisible shielding device. It was actually used to block mobile phone signals and lasted for one hour!

OK! Although the function is a little weaker, it is still a reward, and it may come in handy in the future!

Oops, Zhao Yu couldn't help but feel a little hopeful. The five-day police training was about to begin. I wonder what strange encounters he would encounter during the training

(End of chapter)