Crazy Detective

Chapter 76: A neglected hobby


This period of police training is mainly aimed at criminal investigators from various police stations in Qinshan City.

The training is divided into two parts: theoretical courses and practical courses. The theoretical courses mainly teach the police officers advanced domestic and foreign criminal investigation technology concepts; while the practical courses are designed to improve the police officers’ professional skills and better carry out criminal investigation work. .

This training lasted for five days, and the teachers who taught it were all top domestic expert professors, as well as some experienced criminal investigators. Those who can participate in the training are basically outstanding police detectives from various police stations. Each police station only has three training places.

This time, there were three people participating in the training on behalf of the Rongyang District Branch. In addition to Zhao Yu from Group A, there was also a young agent named Rambo from Group B, and an evidence collection laboratory technician from the Forensic Division. The name is Hu Bin.

The accommodation arranged by the police academy happens to be a room for three people. Since these three people are all men, they naturally live together. orchid

Both Bo and Hu Bin are younger than Zhao Yu. Although the two brothers have backgrounds, they are very friendly. Brother Yu is always older than brother Yu, and they get along quite well with Zhao Yu.

On the first day, taking advantage of the lax management, the three brothers went to a nearby restaurant for a drink.

Rambo said that his father was a fan of Stallone, and his surname happened to be Ram, so he named himself Rambo! However, he is thin and withered, not to mention Rambo, the Lan Elf is almost the same!

Hu Bin is the exact opposite of Rambo. He is tall, thick-set, and has a strong back. He does not wear glasses and looks more like a brave agent.

However, his job is very precise, and he is mainly responsible for collecting evidence at crime scenes and conducting subsequent laboratory analysis.

As soon as he heard Hu Bin talk about his work, Zhao Yu couldn't help but ask him about the charming and charming Section Chief Wang Fei, and asked her if she had any tidbits or gossip

Mentioning Section Chief Wang, Hu Bin looked nervous.

He didn't know the tidbits, but the female section chief was known far and wide as a workaholic. She worked very meticulously and did not allow any mistakes.

Therefore, they, who are subordinates, are careful every day for fear of making any mistakes.

After hearing Hu Bin's introduction, Zhao Yu realized that Wang Fei's promotion to section chief was entirely based on his strength. When he first saw such a charming and delicate female section chief, he thought there were some hidden rules here

After the training started, Zhao Yu originally wanted to study hard, firstly to improve his ability in solving crimes, and secondly to be worthy of Peng Xin's kindness.

However, he only listened to it for one morning before he became dizzy. Zhao Yu seemed to understand the courses the experts taught about criminal psychology, criminal science and technology, as if they were reading from heaven.

When the lecture on police ideology and philosophy took place in the afternoon, Zhao Yu looked more like Monkey Sun who was wearing a tight curse. When the lecturer on the stage spoke, it was like Tang Monk reciting a curse. The pain was so painful that he almost collapsed!

Taking advantage of the opportunity to go to the toilet, Zhao Yu left early in the morning.

The next day, when he saw that the training course schedule was all about police informatics, police information science, etc., he simply asked Rambo to sign in for him, and he lay down in the dormitory and fell asleep during the day.

On the third day, he followed the same example, holding his mobile phone all day long, either playing WeChat or playing Honor of Kings. The boring time can be regarded as pure.

However, after a few days, Zhao Yu had a deeper understanding of his system. In the past three days, he turned on the adventure system on time every day, but because he was bored in the dormitory, he didn't encounter any adventures. The total completion rate for the three days did not exceed 15%.

It can be seen that there is really no pie in the sky. Even though he has the Qiyu System, if he does not actively cooperate, it will have no effect.

In addition, Zhao Yu once worried that the activation of the Qiyu system might be related to the pack of cigarettes he copied from the taxi driver? Once the pack of cigarettes is used up, will the Qiyu system no longer be able to be turned on

Therefore, Zhao Yu has been carefully preserving the pack of cigarettes for a long time. Every time I need to turn on the system, I light it and take just one puff, then immediately extinguish it and save it for next time.

But he recently discovered that the activation of the Qiyu System has nothing to do with the pack of cigarettes, and does not even require cigarettes at all. For example, yesterday morning, he just sneezed loudly, and the Qiyu system activated!

From this point of view, the method of opening the system still has something to do with him, and smoking is just a shortcut.

Although the completion of adventures in the past few days was not high and he did not receive any rewards, Zhao Yu was sleeping peacefully and happily. He felt that it was not a bad thing that he had not encountered any adventures. He could just use this time to have a good rest and not be so nervous all day long!

When you are well rested and then go all out, won't you get twice the result with half the effort

Of course, although he was enjoying himself every day, Zhao Yu was still thinking about the corpse sinking case in the reservoir. He often contacted Li Beini and others, and always paid attention to the progress of the case.

The detectives of Team A tried their best. After several days of investigation, they had basically solved the case and identified the suspect.

It turns out that the circumstances of this corpse burial case are very cliche and nothing new at all. The liquor sales girl named Pang Anni showed mercy everywhere for her livelihood, and finally got close to a civil servant from the Science and Technology Bureau, and they had a passionate fight.

Civil servants have families and careers, so naturally they cannot disclose their extramarital affairs. But Pang Anni was not satisfied with the status quo and insisted on forcing him to divorce and straighten herself out.

After going back and forth and tearing her apart in every possible way, the civil servant became angry and killed Pang Anni, and then buried her body in the Qinshan Reservoir.

The whole case has a clear context, and the detectives were able to solve it very easily.

However, what is annoying is that they still ignored one detail when solving the case, that is, this civil servant had a very special hobby. It was this hobby that led to the case of the corpse being still unsolved.

It turned out that this civil servant turned out to be an amateur parkour athlete!

On the day of the investigation, agents from Group A went to the Science and Technology Bureau to arrest someone. They all had one handcuff on at the time, but they didn’t expect this guy to suddenly burst into flames, and then he flew away from the crowd and ran away!

The agents were frightened and hurriedly launched a pursuit, just like in a movie. Five or six agents chased the whole street, but in the end they were left far behind by the parkour athlete and finally escaped!

If the suspect is not caught, the case cannot be concluded. But the criminal still escaped in such an embarrassing situation, and he looked so proud that he turned into a laughing stock. This undoubtedly made Peng Xin very angry, and now the entire police force is being mobilized to arrest the suspect.


Zhao Yu was also very depressed after receiving such news. It would be nice if I didn't come to participate in this inauthentic training. Maybe I could get the bonus again if I catch the criminal early in the morning!

PS: Thanks to my friend Ye Xing for the reward and encouragement!

(End of chapter)