Crazy Detective

Chapter 88: Any other secrets?


According to the records, what happened that year was as follows:

The murderer entered Yu Zhigen's home that night, brutally murdered Yu Zhigen, and his body fell on the sofa.

After the murder, the murderer used the blood of the deceased to write a book on the wall and threw the blood everywhere, creating an extremely bloody scene. Then he closed the door and left calmly, disappearing into the rainy night.

At that time, the neighbors did not hear any movement. Firstly, the murderer may have closed the door when he killed. Secondly, it was stormy outside. Thirdly, Yu Zhigen was probably fatally stabbed and did not have time to scream.

The murderer's murder method was brutal and the scene was bloody, but the entire crime process was extremely cautious. No valid fingerprints or shoe prints were left at the scene. He was obviously fully prepared and did not do it on the spur of the moment.

In addition, Yu Zhigen was heavily in debt and his family was completely destitute, so the possibility of murder due to robbery was almost zero.

It's not debt collection, it's not revenge, it's not robbery, so... what else can it be

The report pointed out that there was no sign that the door lock of Yu Zhigen's house had been picked. The police suspected that either the deceased opened the door himself; or the murderer had the key to his house!

If it belongs to the former, then it means that the deceased and the murderer knew each other, and this was an acquaintance crime!

To this end, the police have investigated the handwriting of many people related to the deceased and compared it with the fonts written in blood on the wall. However, because the handwriting in the blood was sloppy, the comparison effect was unsatisfactory.

And if it belongs to the latter, then the case obviously becomes more complicated. Why did the murderer have the key to his house? Did the murderer steal it with premeditation, or was it given to him intentionally

When Zhao Yu thought about this, he could not help but think of the deceased's wife, Lin Meifeng!

Because only Yu Zhigen and Lin Meifeng have the keys to their home, if the murderer's key comes from Lin Meifeng, will Lin Meifeng have a close relationship with the murderer

Information shows that Lin Meifeng was often beaten and beaten by Yu Zhigen and suffered terribly. She had filed for divorce and ran away many times, but the domineering Yu Zhigen actually beat her all the way to her parents' house, even breaking her father-in-law's legs! He also threatened Lin Meifeng that if she dared to get a divorce, she would kill her whole family.

Forced to have no choice, Lin Meifeng had no choice but to compromise and endure the humiliation. But in the end, the heartless Yu Zhigen actually beat Lin Meifeng to have a miscarriage, and even the child was lost!

Such hatred can completely prompt Lin Meifeng to have the idea of murder!

However, the motive is so, but the evidence is completely contrary to it.

Records show that on the night Yu Zhigen was killed, Lin Meifeng's cousin happened to have a baby, and Lin Meifeng stayed with her in the hospital all night. Many people can testify.

The next day, when Lin Meifeng went home and opened the door, she discovered that her husband had been murdered. She was so frightened that she collapsed on the spot. It was her neighbors who helped call the police.

Since that day, Lin Meifeng suffered from severe depression and stayed in a mental hospital for nearly half a year. She was later forced to be discharged because she could not afford the medical expenses.

Since then, with the help of family and friends, Lin Meifeng has been hospitalized many times, during which she attempted suicide several times, and her emotional state has been unstable.

As Zhang Jingfeng and Liang Huan investigated, Lin Meifeng had no job, was average-looking, lived in seclusion, and was closely watched by Yu Zhigen, so it was difficult for her to have an extramarital affair. Besides, if she really had a lover, she would not end up depressed and hospitalized after Yu Zhigen's death.

Lin Meifeng's family is also impoverished, and the theory that she hired someone to kill someone is even more nonsense.

At the beginning, the police also investigated one direction, and that was Lin Meifeng's relatives. Could it be that one of Lin Meifeng's close relatives committed the murder of Yu Zhigen after seeing that Lin Meifeng was being cheered up every day

However, Lin Meifeng's parents were elderly, her only brother was still in prison at the time, and her other relatives had little contact, so this line was not open.

Seeing this information, Zhao Yu once again entered into his own thinking mode.

He took out his notebook, wrote and drew in it, and recorded his analysis one by one. Although the information was very limited, Zhao Yu still followed his own ideas and found some clues that had been ignored in the past.

First of all, Zhao Yu has seen many scenes of people being slashed with knives before. The people who were slashed usually had straight and straight blades. However, the wound of the deceased in the photo was in the shape of an obvious exclamation mark, which was quite different from a normal slashing.

Through Zhao Yu's continuous thinking, he finally figured out the reason. It turns out that when the deceased was slashed, he was probably at a very low position, while the murderer was standing at a high place. When slashing, the force was downward, which caused the top of the wound to be heavier, forming an exclamation mark shape.

As can be seen in the photo, there are many overturned wine bottles piled up next to the deceased.

The autopsy report also said that the alcohol content in the deceased's body exceeded the legal limit, indicating that he drank a lot that night. At the time of death, he was supposed to be in a state of severe drunkenness.

In addition, the deceased was stabbed more than 40 times, but there were no stab marks on his back. In addition, the deceased died on the sofa, so Zhao Yu is more inclined to the theory that the murderer sneaked into the murder.

The murderer probably had the key to their house and sneaked in quietly. The murderer saw Yu Zhigen lying drunk on the sofa, and then slashed him head-on. Only then did the knife hit his front, but not his back. The murderer was standing, so the downward force caused the exclamation mark-shaped knife edge.

However, despite the discovery of some new clues, the entire case is still shrouded in mystery.

Why did the murderer kill Yu Zhigen, and what was his motive

Why do you have to cut so many knives and make the scene bloody

Why write those superfluous words in blood on the wall

Who is this murderer

For some reason, Zhao Yu has always thought that there was something wrong with the deceased's wife since the day he saw the information about the murder case!

Although he didn't hope that Lin Meifeng was the real murderer, and Lin Meifeng still had so much favorable evidence, Zhao Yu just couldn't let go of this idea.

Especially after he saw Lin Meifeng in person this morning, he always felt that there seemed to be some secret hidden in Lin Meifeng's melancholy eyes.

At that moment, Zhao Yu suddenly thought of the lyrics sung by scoundrels in hot pot restaurants: "Follow your feelings..."

Tsk tskā€¦

Follow your feelings

Could it be that this sentence... was prompted to me intentionally by the Qiyu system? If you want to solve the case, you have to follow your own feelings

My feeling is that the murder case is related to Lin Meifeng

Could it be that... this Lin Meifeng is really a murderer

Or... there's something else here - a hidden secret!

PS: Thank you to book friend Fu Empire for the 500 reward! Thanks to Ziyue Xingfeng for the huge reward of 2000, thank you Lao Kuang, I am grateful! Also: Recommend the new work "Country Police" by my friend Zhixing Zixing.

(End of chapter)