Crazy Detective

Chapter 89: Where is the adventure?


Ten years ago, Sanlitun Village, Qinshan City.

Late at night, there was heavy rain and thunder and lightning.

A thin figure suddenly appeared in front of a certain courtyard.

It was a man in a black raincoat. He opened the red-painted courtyard door with a key, walked through the small courtyard and went straight to the main house. Then he quickly opened the wooden door of the main house with another key.

After entering the house, the tearing thunderstorm gradually weakened, but you could hear the man's rapid breathing due to nervousness.

Next, he took out the dagger he had prepared and sneaked into the bedroom quietly.

The bedroom was dark. When a bolt of lightning flashed through the window, he finally saw clearly that a human figure bulged above the bed.

At this time, he was extremely nervous, his breathing accelerated and his whole body was shaking.

Finally, he mustered up the courage, jumped onto the bed, and stabbed him with a knife.


The sound of a sharp blade piercing the skin suddenly came from the quilt. When he pulled out the dagger, he could clearly feel some kind of viscous liquid dripping down and sticking everywhere! Even though he was wearing gloves, he could still feel the temperature of the liquid.

The smell of blood filled the air instantly, stimulating his nerves.

Don’t stop doing it! Next, he stabbed him several more times, and he didn't know where he stabbed them all. When there was no movement on the bed, he slumped down.

The extreme nervousness had already made him sweat profusely. He did not dare to stay any longer. He hurriedly followed the prepared plan and began to rummage through boxes and cabinets, turning the bedroom into a mess. In the darkness, he rummaged through some scattered RMB and several jewelry boxes, and put them all into plastic bags.

Finally, he quickly evacuated the place, leaving both doors open.

When he suddenly came outside, the rain was still pouring down, lightning and thunder continued, but he was already running as fast as he could as if he had lost consciousness.

When he finally ran out of the village with the bag of belongings in his arms, he leaned slumped against a dilapidated wall and cried uncontrollably.

Suddenly, he took off his raincoat and hat, revealing a woman's face!

The woman cried bitterly, but her cry was silent under the roar of thunder and lightning.

Tears just burst out of my eyes, but they were washed away by the ruthless rain, making it impossible to tell...

Time turns back to the present.

Zhao Yu received a call from Zhang Jingfeng at 4:15 p.m. Unexpectedly, he was so fascinated by the murder that he watched from the police car for three hours without moving.

Zhang Jingfeng told Zhao Yu that he had found out Zangjie's information.

Zhao Yu couldn't help but feel excited and quickly asked Zhang Jingfeng to tell the truth.

As a result, Zhao Yu was slightly disappointed that this Zangjie was not a liar. He really had a clothing factory in Lingyun City, and it was quite large. In the eyes of others, he is indeed a young and promising entrepreneur.

However, I don’t know whether it is because of the recent lack of cash flow or because he has really encountered some trouble. The deposits in all accounts under his name have dropped sharply, and the total balance is less than 300 yuan.


Zhao Yu unconsciously saw another glimmer of hope. What kind of trouble did this Zangjie encounter? Did you make someone else's belly bigger? Or is he addicted to gambling and in debt

Zhang Jingfeng knew that this person was Zhao Yu's love rival, and immediately said that he would continue to pay attention to this Zangjie and would notify Zhao Yu in time if there was any new information. Zhao Yu thanked him and hung up the phone.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I hung up the phone, the system's ending voice rang in my head. The system told Zhao Yu that today's completion rate was 59%, and he got a prop called a stealth detector.

The introduction says that the invisible detector can detect air quality, but nothing else!

Check air quality

This... what's the point of this thing

Is it used to detect smog

Tsk tsk…

Today's adventure ended too early!

Zhao Yu shook his head repeatedly, recalling today's short experience. Only this meeting with Yao Jia could barely be regarded as an adventure. If a nasty red-faced man hadn't suddenly appeared, his completion would probably have been even higher. Higher

Wait a minute...

After thinking about this, Zhao Yu suddenly caught another bright spot. He hurriedly opened another notebook about the Qiyu System. After searching for past records, he finally figured out one more thing.

The "Kan" hexagram has appeared several times in the system. He found that every time the word "hump" appeared, he would encounter it to varying degrees - women!

Today's hexagram contains the word "kan", and the dream lover Yao Jia invites him to a meal for the first time.

During the police training, on the day of "Thunder in the Water", the hexagram also contained the word "Hop", and as a result, I met the devil Miao Ying!

Looking further back, when Zhao Yu met Yang Hong and Huahua, the word "hump" also appeared.

Hom is water. As the saying goes, women are made of water. Could it be that... the word "ho" represents women! ? Or is it love? An affair

"Dui" represents wealth; "gen" represents career; "kan" represents love...

So... what about the others

What do "Zhen", "Xun" and "Li" represent

Also, among the Bagua, Qian and Kun come first.

However, these two words have never appeared since the Qiyu System was launched. What do "Qian" and "Kun" represent? Or maybe these two words don’t exist at all in the hexagrams of the Qiyu system

After thinking about it for a long time, but still unable to figure it out, Zhao Yu finally put aside his complicated thoughts and drove back home.

Early the next morning, something that excited Zhao Yu finally happened. After smoking and coughing violently, the system came up with a "Genkan" hexagram.

The mountains and rivers of Gen are connected by mountains and rivers, which are so beautiful. The sea has no limit, but there is nothing I can do.

Although the hexagram is still unclear, the "gen" representing career and the "kan" representing love are enough to make Zhao Yu extremely excited.

If my guess is correct, there will be different adventures waiting for me today in terms of investigating the case and women. I have to be prepared and seize the opportunity!

Thinking of this, Zhao Yu went to the police station early in the morning to pick up his car and ran directly to Longcheng Jiayuan Community.

Longcheng Jiayuan Community is where Lin Meifeng and her current husband live. Zhao Yu felt that since the system asked him to "follow his feelings", he might as well just cling to Lin Meifeng's line.

He plans to conduct a follow-up investigation on Lin Meifeng to see what secrets this woman has

The police force has a special vehicle for tracking. Zhao Yu took an old Jetta and arrived at Lin Meifeng's house early in the morning.

At that time, Lin Meifeng happened to be sending her children to kindergarten and was unlocking the electric car downstairs.

Lin Meifeng herself is infertile. This four-year-old child is not her biological child, but was brought here by her current husband.

Her current husband runs an office supplies business, and his economic conditions are pretty good. He treats Lin Meifeng very well, and the family of three lives happily.

Seeing the beautiful scene of Lin Meifeng taking her children to kindergarten and talking intimately with them at the same time, Zhao Yu couldn't help but feel full of contradictions.

On the one hand, he did not want Yu Zhigen's death to be related to Lin Meifeng, and he did not want to break Lin Meifeng's existing happy life; but on the other hand, Zhao Yu did not give up and did not want to be bullied by Liu Changhu because he could not solve the murder case.

It was with this conflicting mood that he continued to follow.

After sending the children off, Lin Meifeng bought breakfast for her husband at the breakfast shop. After eating, the couple went to work at the office supply store together.

Her husband was a small business owner, and Lin Meifeng helped her husband. The two of them stayed together as a married couple for a whole morning, and nothing unexpected happened at all.

Tsk tsk…

Zhao Yu became more and more anxious in the car. Could it be that... his feeling was wrong

Is this the "Genkan Gua" that we have been waiting for

System, where is today’s adventure?

(End of chapter)