Crazy Detective

Chapter 90: you do this delibrately!


After lunch, one o'clock, two o'clock, three o'clock... Seeing the time passing by quickly, Zhao Yu became more and more restless.

In the shop opposite, Lin Meifeng and his wife were still busy working in an orderly manner, with no sign of anything abnormal at all. Zhao Yu's excitement in the morning had long been worn away.

I dropped the "Genkan" hexagram!

He thought that not only would he make a breakthrough in investigating the case today, but he would also have a big surprise when it came to women! Either you find important clues to the murder case, or your dream lover Yao Jia will date you again!

However, when it was almost 4 o'clock, he was still empty-handed.

Could it be that... I'm going in the wrong direction

Or...are there any details that I didn't notice

Unexpectedly, just when Zhao Yu was thinking about it seriously, the ringtone of "Lu Xiaofeng" suddenly rang. When he turned on his phone, he saw that it was Zhang Jingfeng calling.

Zhao Yu's eyes lit up and he quickly answered the call.

"Zhao," Zhang Jingfeng told Zhao Yu, "that Zangjie you asked me to check finally found out today!"

"Oh?" Zhao Yu suddenly sat up straight and urged the other party to speak quickly.

"Hehehehe..." Zhang Jingfeng first smiled evilly, and then said mysteriously, "According to the mobile phone location, he came to Qinshan today and is now in the Sanlitun Small Industrial Wholesale Market!"

"Sanlitun? Small industrial wholesale market?" Zhao Yu thought for a moment and said confusedly, "Zangjie runs a clothing factory. Is he going to the wholesale market to deliver goods? What's so surprising?"

"Tsk tsk... You still say you are an old Jianghu!" Zhang Jingfeng said with a smile, "That guy works in brand clothing. He usually goes to Guomao Mall and major specialty stores. Why do he go to the wholesale market? If I If you guessed it right, there must be something fishy here!"

"Naughty?" Zhao Yu's eyes wandered around for several times, but he still didn't come around. No matter in his previous life or this life, he had never dealt with commodity trading.

"Obviously!" Zhang Jingfeng, an expert, said hurriedly, "Zangjie made fake goods in his own factory and shipped them to the wholesale market!

"Brother, isn't this person your love rival? Listen to me, you go to Sanlitun right now. If the situation is the same as I guessed, you call me immediately. I have people from the Quality Supervision Bureau and the Economic Investigation Section. , I promise to deal with your love rival! Hehehe..."

"Oh... there's a show..." Zhao Yu stuck out his tongue and finally understood what Zhang Jingfeng meant. He said in his heart, this guy is worthy of being called a thief, his feelings are even worse than mine!

Zhao Yu immediately thanked him and drove to Sanlitun.

At this point, we can only take care of one thing first! Since there is no progress in the case, it would be a good thing to deal with the love rival by the way!

It seems that the "Kan" hexagram opened today is really related to Yao Jia!

As long as Yao Jia's little boyfriend is solved, hehe... the day when he can hold a beautiful woman in his arms is not far away, right

Thinking of this, Zhao Yu drove the car very fast and arrived at the Balitun Small Industrial Products Wholesale Market in just half an hour.

Zhang Jingfeng sent him Zangjie's location early in the morning. After getting off the car, Zhao Yu looked for it directly.

The wholesale market is bustling with traffic and people, and the area is surprisingly large. Zhao Yu shuttled among them and walked for a long time before arriving at the warehouse area behind the wholesale market.

Wholesale markets like this usually have stores in the front and warehouses in the back, making it easier for customers and merchants to pick up and purchase goods.

The warehouse area was even larger. Seeing many vehicles parked in front of the warehouse to load and unload goods, Zhao Yu realized that cars could be driven in.

If he had known this, he wouldn't have had to walk for so long. Walking was still secondary. The key was that he was afraid that if time was delayed, Zangjie would have finished shipping the goods, and then he would have to leave and relax, and his work would be in vain!

Thinking of this, Zhao Yu quickly quickened his pace and headed towards his goal.

Unexpectedly, he had just taken two or three steps when he suddenly heard a burst of shouts like silver bells coming from the right side:

"Stop! Don't run! Police!"


What's going on

Zhao Yu quickly turned around to take a look, but saw a tall man running towards him in a warehouse passage on the right.

The man should be a salesman, wearing a dark sportswear, a mustache, a fanny pack on his waist, and a suitcase in his hand.

At this moment, he was running like flying, risking his life and running so fast that his tongue was flying!

While running, he also pulled the goods on both sides of the passage and pushed them down in an attempt to block the pursuers behind him.

Zhao Yu stretched his neck and looked back again. After just one glance, his eyes suddenly widened! I clicked... But I saw a woman wearing a black jacket chasing after me. She was 1.7 meters tall and had a mushroom head with no ears exposed!

No way

Such a coincidence

Isn't this the female devil Miao Ying

Oh... Zhao Yu instantly understood that this must be Miao Ying chasing the criminal!

When Zhao Yu understood, the man in front had already run to him. At the same time, Miao Ying also saw Zhao Yu and shouted hurriedly: "Hey! Stop him quickly!"

Soon enough, when Zhao Yu heard Miao Ying's cry, he stretched his legs almost instinctively without thinking too much.

As a result, the running man was tripped by Zhao Yu in an unusually cooperative manner. Because he was running too hard and too fast, his whole body flew out after he tripped, and he fell hard!

With a crash, the suitcase fell far away, and the contents inside were scattered all over the floor. Among them were scattered banknotes, some gold and silver jewelry, and several wallets...

After falling, the man hurriedly climbed up from the ground regardless of the pain in his body.

Zhao Yu turned around, stretched out his sleeves, and was about to catch this guy.

Unexpectedly, Miao Ying had already rushed to kill him, and he didn't know whether she was doing it on purpose or on purpose. She knocked Zhao Yu aside with her shoulder.

"I told you to run!"

Miao Ying flew up, and the runner flew out again, hitting the oncoming tire heavily! The force was so strong that several large tires were knocked to the ground and rolled far away.

"Ah... cough cough cough..."

The runner's mouth was bleeding, he was coughing, and he had basically lost his ability to resist.

However, Miao Ying was the famous female devil. She reached out and grabbed the runaway's back collar, and was stunned to lift such a big person up easily.

Originally, Miao Ying raised her arm, wanting to punch this guy hard!

But Zhao Yu quit at this time, and the moment Miao Ying attacked him just now, it was clear that it was intentional! Is this a big deal? Oh, I kindly helped you intercept the criminal. You didn't even say thank you, but you still yelled at me

Zhao Yu was furious and immediately jumped up from the diagonal stab. He also resisted with his shoulder and knocked Miao Ying back half a meter.

In order to make an excuse for himself, Zhao Yu also yelled at the escapee:

"I told you to run away!"

Then, he slapped the runaway in the face with a big mouth. This slap came from behind and made the runaway spin three times on the spot, spinning like a top and falling to the ground!

After Miao Ying was scolded, she became angry. She flew out with her long legs and kicked the escaping man in the back. At the same time, she maliciously turned her elbow outwards and leaned on Zhao Yu's chest, almost knocking Zhao Yu off. The ribs were broken.

Zhao Yu screamed and kicked the runaway in the chest. Then he thrust his butt hard and pushed Miao Ying to stagger out...

PS: Thanks to Zijin_Feng Shao, Frame Kong and Jiang Fengliunian for their rewards and encouragement! Thank you!

(End of chapter)