Crazy Farm

Chapter 103: Show affection and show flowers


After a meal is finished in a pleasant atmosphere, it doesn't matter what you eat, what matters is who you eat with. As for how much harm it causes to the people around you, the two of you can't care.

After buying the order and leaving the store, the two of them didn't get in the car, but walked around the campus along the road.

Seeing the two people leaving the store, everyone exclaimed that this couple was so inhumane. They showed off their affection and tortured the dog before leaving. What is the difference between killing and burying them

Then, the entire Jian restaurant fell into heated discussions.

The goddess has a master!

I still showed off my affection here, but now I don’t know where to go to torture the dog!

The candid photos were uploaded to Moments and the school forum...

The night breeze is blowing, and it is slightly cooler after autumn.

But Bai Lu, who was holding Wang Leshan's arm, felt hot in her heart.

Walking slowly in school, sometimes chatting, sometimes silent. They are not reserved when chatting, nor feel awkward when silent, and they do not deliberately look for topics. This is the most rare thing, and it is also the most comfortable state for them.

"Look, that's the library of our school. Is it big?"

Bai Lu pointed to a brightly lit place in front of her and said, "That's the place I go to most in school. I usually come here after class or when I'm not going to class. There are a lot of books and information in it. It’s very convenient to check anything. Sometimes when I’m tired, I just sit there in a daze. Do you know what I’m thinking about when I’m in a daze?”

Wang Leshan said casually without thinking: "Miss me?"

"You are so beautiful."

Bai Lu rolled her eyes at Wang Leshan, but leaned her head closer on his arm, and said softly: "I think about what happened in my senior year of high school. When I think about it, sometimes I laugh out loud. Others think I am reading a book." I am obsessed with it. I am also worried about you. After you left, there has been no news, and I dare not look for you. When I think of you, I immediately feel less tired, and then continue reading, as if on stimulants. I want to I had to study hard, even your part, so I got a double bachelor's degree and a double master's degree. I majored in economics and management, and I studied history for you. You like ancient history, and I am a graduate student. My major is ancient Chinese history. I plan to wait until I graduate with my Ph.D. before looking for you. If you still chase me away on the grounds that you want me to study hard, I will throw all these diplomas in your face, hum! "

Touched, guilty, silent.

Wang Leshan exhaled, placed his chin on Bai Lu's hair, rubbed it gently, and said, "Do you hate me after so long?"

"Hate, of course I hate it."

Bai Lu enjoyed this kind of friction, her eyes became wet, and she said with some choking: "But I know there must be a reason why you left, and I also know that there must be a reason why you don't contact me. I don't dare to disturb you. , I am afraid that you will find me annoying, and I am even more afraid that you will care about me. All I can do is listen to your words, study hard, be yourself, do your best, and wait for you to come back."

"Is it worth it?"

Wang Leshan asked: "Aren't you afraid that it has been so long and you have changed? Are you afraid that I will also change? It's not as good as you remember."

"I don't know if it's worth it, I just know if I want it or not."

Bai Lu laughed, with tears in her eyes, and said touchingly: "I have changed, and so have you, but we have all become better, haven't we? Now, I am myself, and you are back. . I also hesitated before meeting you. I was afraid that all the good things are only in my memory, and once we meet, the beautiful memory will be broken by reality. But the moment I saw you, I knew that everything It's all my worries. Memory and reality overlapped so perfectly, forming one you, that's you. The you in reality is just as beautiful as the you in my memory. That day, I asked you, "Am I beautiful?" ', what I want to ask is, am I as beautiful as you remember me?"

Wang Leshan didn't speak. He held Bai Lu's breathtakingly beautiful face in his hands and treated them as his answer with a long kiss that made both of them suffocate.

A warmth spread in Bai Lu's mouth and spread to his whole body, and his whole body was numb like electricity. Closing her eyes, the tears accumulated in her eyes burst out and slid down, putting two perfect exclamation marks on her face for this lovesickness! !

You met me when I was at my worst and never left you.

I will give all my best self to you, and I will depend on you for life and death.

"Get out of the way, be careful!"

At this time, a basketball on the basketball court not far away accidentally flew towards the kissing couple, and it flew straight towards the back of Bai Lu's head with perfect accuracy. The basketball players all exclaimed when they saw this. got up.

Seeing that the two of them were still kissing, turning a blind eye to the outside world, and nibbling more and more vigorously, these basketball players couldn't help but become more anxious. If he didn't dodge, he would definitely get a concussion if he hit him. They say that people who show affection will die quickly, this joke will not come true!

Just when the basketball was about to hit the back of the woman's head, just when they thought a "murderous crime" was going to happen, a hand appeared, it was the man's hand, snap, and grabbed the basketball that was flying away. In hand.

Yes, grab it in your hand, not slap it away.

A basketball flying at such a speed was caught without even looking at it, and while they were catching it, the two people were still nibbling at it!

Oh my god, where did this come from? Even the best guy on the school basketball team can't be so calm, right

Has this guy maxed out his flower protection skills

Then, they saw a scene where the jaw was completely broken.

But seeing the hand grabbing the basketball, with a flick of the wrist, the basketball was thrown out, flying higher and higher, drawing a beautiful arc in the air, and landed at least two three-point lines away. In the basket, it was still hollow.


Has this guy not only maxed out the flower protection skills, but also the basketball and pretense skills

Where did he get so many skill points

Good luck!

And looking again, there are still gnawing here and there, as if they just drove away a mosquito.

And that woman...

Are you too selfless

Or are you too secure

With that man around, she wouldn't be afraid even if the sky fell

This skill of showing affection should be fully utilized!

Bang, bang, bang…

After the basketball hit the net, it jumped on the ground.

This group of basketball students didn't pay attention. They were still in a Spartan state, staring at the man and woman who were showing off their affection.

It wasn't until the man and woman seemed to feel that someone was watching, that they finally reluctantly separated the four lips that almost completely melted together. The man was indifferent and the woman was shy, walking towards the other side, holding hands. A pair of gradually elongated backs were left behind under the streetlight.

"Hey, that woman... did you see it?"

"Look...I saw it."

"It's Bai Lu!"

"It's really her."

"No way, the iceberg goddess kissed a mysterious man on the campus path until she lost herself!"

"This news is so exciting!"

"No wonder, this Bai Lu has always turned a blind eye to any man. Turns out he has such a mysterious boyfriend!"

"This guy is too awesome!"

"How can you not be awesome? It's a ferocious creature that has all its skills maxed out. From the looks of it, it even has the skill to pick up girls!"

"If I had the skill just now, I would definitely be able to fake it to the point of breaking out. It's so shocking!"

"Look, look at the Moments posted by my classmate! I was about to send such explosive news to Moments, but I didn't expect that the Moments were already full of messages from the two of them, as well as links to campus forums."

"Let's take a look, it's crazy, it turns out it's the goddess who is chasing me!"

"Isn't the highest level of picking up skills just being picked up by a girl? And this guy is definitely an ascended monster, being picked up by a goddess!"

"Don't forget the legendary family background of the Bailu family. I guess this man's family background must be the kind of person who bought a high-end VIP package when he was reincarnated."

"It's true. Look, my friend took a photo of this guy's car. He also checked the information. It's a limited edition Land Rover with a price of more than 2 million."

"This is so infuriating! These people who were born with golden keys in their mouths will get several times more skill points when they arrive in this world than ordinary people like us who have struggled all our lives and played countless dungeons!"

"I don't think so. Isn't it said that the prince of Haishang Group has been chasing after Bai Lu, and didn't Bai Lu pay no attention at all? I think this man's real ability must be other than money, and even money can't buy it. Only with such things can it be possible to impress a goddess from Bai Lu’s family background!”

… .

The two men and women, each with their lips swollen from the other's, walked slowly on campus, looking increasingly sweet. It was not until Bai Lu's phone call that her face changed drastically that the happy scene was broken.

(End of chapter)