Crazy Farm

Chapter 111: Brain-boosting fruit


[Green Jade Bamboo]

Unlocking requirement: existing points reach 100

Redemption requirements: 100 points to redeem a set of seeds

Main effects: Appreciation can improve understanding and improve surrounding air quality

Secondary function: [Note]

Years: 60 years

In terms of [Plants], Dyneema increases strength, Brain Fruit develops brain power, Beauty Melon makes people look good, and the Green Polygonatum unlocked this time actually improves people's understanding, which Wang Leshan finds quite interesting and incredible. . Apart from the beauty, strength, intelligence, and understanding all sound like the standard attributes of some online game.

This understanding is gained through appreciation, which makes Wang Leshan very curious whether this thing is because it looks good or because of its unique shape. When I think about it carefully, I think of celebrities and elegant people. Isn’t it just that bamboo is regarded as a gentleman

Improving the surrounding air quality is also a good thing.

As for the many secondary functions mentioned in the note, they are all re-developments of bamboo poles, bamboo leaves, etc. Of course, there are also edible bamboo shoots. These functions are not much different from the functions of bamboo on earth. Of course, if green jade bamboo is used as building materials and other production materials, the effect will be different.

All in all, this is an enhanced version of bamboo on Earth.

Look at [animal] again.

[Golden Silkworm]

Grade: ordinary

Unlocking requirements: existing points reach 100

Redemption requirements: 100 points to exchange for a set of silkworm eggs

Usage: spinning silk and making cocoons, edible and medicinal

Lifespan: 100 days

There are also tools in [Tools] that match this golden silkworm, called [Multifunctional Silkworm Room].

[Multi-functional Jam Room]

Grade: ordinary

Unlocking requirements: Golden Silkworm is unlocked

Redemption requirement: 30 points

Space: Can accommodate up to 100,000 golden silkworms

Function: Used for breeding golden silkworms and making simple silk fabrics

Consumption: 1 point of energy can work for 7 days

After carefully reading the uses and functions, it is obvious that if the golden silkworms and silkworm rooms are exchanged, the silk fabric project can be developed. Knowing about [Crazy Farm], it is not difficult for Wang Leshan to imagine what effect and quality these silk fabrics will have.

The last newly unlocked tool is the All-in-One Farming Machine.

[Agricultural farming and harvesting all-in-one machine]

Grade: ordinary

Unlocking requirements: existing points reach 100

Redemption requirements: 100 points redeemed for one unit

Function: self-cultivation and harvesting based on terrain, soil, and plant parameters

Consumption: 1 point of energy can work for 30 days

These four newly unlocked things are very good and have great uses and development possibilities. Wang Leshan thought about it and finally chose to exchange for the [Agricultural Farming and Harvesting Machine], which cost 100 points.

After hearing the beep that the exchange was successful, Wang Leshan saw the icon light up, and an icon for a machine was added to the existing list.

As soon as he thought about it, a mini machine appeared in Wang Leshan's hand. It had a red body and looked a bit like a plowing machine and a rice harvesting machine.

Wang Leshan concentrated his mind and saw some function keys on this mini machine. He replenished a little energy first and the working time displayed was 30 days.

Then he put it on the ground, and with a thought, this mini machine became about 3 meters long and one meter wide. After pressing some function keys, the machine emits a layer of light that is almost invisible to the naked eye, scans the entire space, and then starts its work.

First, all the plants left behind after the potato beans matured were harvested. There was an opening in front of the machine, and the plants were "swallowed" in. When they came out from the back, they were all tied up. After all harvesting and bundling were completed, the machine automatically transported them to the edge of the space, and then started plowing the ground.

When plowing the ground, the original wheels under the machine change into blades that are either sharp or thick and blunt. In this way, the remaining roots of the plants can be completely cut and fully crushed, and integrated into the soil to become nutrients.

It didn't take long for more than 600 acres of land originally planted with power beans to be cultivated, which was many times more precise than manual cultivation.

This machine, which is completely automatic and intelligent, is obviously not suitable for use in the real world, at least not for the time being. Wang Leshan redeemed it mainly because he wanted to put it in the space for use. In this way, in addition to convenience, it can also better protect the soil of the space.

After the cultivation was completed, Wang Leshan exchanged a set of brain-benefiting fruit seeds.

[Brain-boosting fruit]

Unlocking requirement: existing points reach 30

Redemption requirements: 30 points to redeem a set of seeds

Efficacy: Supplement the energy needed by living things, and improve the brain of living things to a very small extent.

Cycle: 60 days

As a result, Wang Leshan only has 17 points left.

After reading the instructions for the seeds of the brain-boosting fruit, I first flooded them with spiritual water and soaked them for a period of time. Then I adjusted the temperature and humidity of a space according to the instructions, and then sown the brain-boosting fruit.

There are a total of 30 seeds of brain-boosting fruit, so the area required is naturally not large. Even if the planting area is sparse, it will only use less than 10 square meters.

After sowing, Wang Leshan directly chose to use energy to ripen, preparing to ripen the first batch of brain-enhancing fruits before sowing them in a large area.

After ripening for the first time, the seeds of Yinaoguo sprouted, pushed away the covering soil, and began to branch out and become green seedlings.

After the second ripening, the green seedlings grew rapidly and vigorously. During the growth process, three more branches appeared. They grew to waist height and stopped.

During this process, Wang Leshan discovered that the water originally irrigated into the soil was much less. Apparently, this brain fruit is a plant that is extremely dependent on water and requires humidity.

After Wang Leshan irrigated once with a spiritual water pump, he started ripening for the third time. The plant grew a little longer, and then stopped growing. It also produced another branch, and at the end of the branch, a flower bud was born. The flowers are all in full bloom, and the flowers are golden yellow, which is really beautiful. After the flowers bloomed to their peak, they began to fall, and a small green bead-like thing emerged from the center of the stamens. There was no doubt that this was a fruit.

After the fourth ripening, the small round bead began to expand. Initially, it was the size of a longan, and it expanded rapidly until it reached the size of an apple and then stopped. During this process, Wang Leshan found that the moisture in the soil was once again in short supply, so he immediately irrigated it again.

After the fifth ripening, the fruit became slightly larger, and the color began to change from green to red, getting redder and redder, and finally turned completely bright red. At the same time, there is an attractive and slightly stimulating fruity aroma.

Wang Leshan knows, he’s mature!

A total of 5 energy points were spent, plus 1 energy point to replenish the agricultural farming and harvesting machine, and the energy was changed from 26/36 to the existing 20/36.

Wang Leshan picked one in the past and held it in his hand. The peel was not hard, but quite soft. This brain-boosting fruit, which is about the size of a big apple, is quite heavy. This one weighs about a kilogram. After wiping his hand a little, Wang Leshan took a bite.


The water in this brain-boosting fruit immediately filled Wang Leshan's mouth. It was so watery that he didn't know if it was the pulp wrapped in juice or the juice wrapped in the pulp. It was soft and soft, a bit like jelly.

The taste is very good, sweet and sour, with a peculiar taste that stimulates the taste buds, as if all the pores of the person are opened at once, and the whole body feels refreshed!

After swallowing all the brain-boosting fruit in his mouth, Wang Leshan found that his whole person seemed to feel a lot more relaxed all of a sudden. This kind of relaxation was not physical or due to emptying out, but it seemed that his mind suddenly became clear. When people get up, even people become "open-minded", and this kind of open-mindedness is strangely not psychological.

how to say…

If there must be an explanation, it's very similar. Originally, you downloaded too many Uehara, Osawa, Onita, etc., which caused the computer to run slowly. After upgrading and optimizing the hard disk, it suddenly became faster again.

To put it bluntly, it means improving the brain and expanding the brain area!

Of course, this kind of improvement cannot be doubled like the power beans.

But this kind of change that can be felt is definitely not as simple as just "a very small amount".

After Wang Leshan finished eating the brain-benefiting fruit, he picked all the brain-benefiting fruits and counted them. The one he ate above was exactly 120 brain-benefiting fruits.

One seed grows into a fruit seedling, one plant has four branches, each branch bears one fruit, the ratio is 1:4.

Of course, a fruit definitely has more than one seed.

This brain-boosting fruit has five ventricles, and each ventricle has two seeds, which means there are ten seeds in one fruit.

Wang Leshan plans to keep only 19 brain-boosting fruits and use the remaining 100 as seeds, that is, 1,000 seeds, to expand the area for planting.

(End of chapter)