Crazy Farm

Chapter 112: Buzz bees swarm


The seeds of the brain-boosting fruit are inside the fruit. To remove the seeds, the simplest, direct and crude way is undoubtedly to eat the fruit and spit out the seeds, but obviously Wang Leshan cannot eat these 100 brain-boosting fruits at once. , and dare not.

Cutting the fruit open and scooping out the seeds in the core is another way.

The remaining pulp cannot be stored and can be used to squeeze juice.

However, in order to ensure the success and smoothness of the planting, Wang Leshan adopted another method, which can be said to be the most wasteful method, that is, cut half of the fruit along one side of the fruit with a knife, spread the whole fruit, and directly cut it into pieces. The pulp serves as a "hotbed" and "nutritional warehouse", allowing the seeds to directly absorb the nutrients in the pulp for germination.

This is the most primitive way of germination for most plants. Even now, many places still use this method to cultivate seedlings for some plants whose seeds are particularly fragile and connected to the pulp.

Wang Leshan came in with a knife, and carefully and distressedly cut the hundred fruits in order, ensuring that the juice would not flow out as much as possible, and the seeds could not be destroyed.

After cutting, arrange them one by one, and Wang Leshan will increase the temperature here appropriately to increase the chance of germination and speed up the germination.

Under the self-effect of nutrients inside the pulp, as time goes by, these fruits become more ripe and overripe than before, and further, of course, the pulp will ulcer and rot.

During this process, the reward for harvesting the brain fruit also came out, 15 points, and the current points are 32.

According to the original practice, the redemption requirements are the same as the final harvest rewards, but now they are discounted by half. The decrease in point rewards is obviously not just due to too many plantings as previously suspected, but is closely related to the space upgrade!

In the past day or so, Wang Leshan, who came over once to take a look after exercising for a while, did not know how many times he went back and forth. Finally, he saw the seeds sprouting.

After another four or five hours, all the others had sprouted. Wang Leshan counted them and found that the germination rate was 100%!

I have to admire the vitality of this plant!

When the "bean sprouts" that grew out were 3-5 centimeters long and almost all the nutrients in the pulp were absorbed, Wang Leshan controlled the agricultural farming and harvesting all-in-one machine to scan and record the life parameters of the brain-benefiting fruit. Finally, he "swallowed" all these "bean sprouts" and the remaining pulp residue.

After that, the agricultural all-in-one machine started planting, and each time it planted the next "bean sprout". It was just right that the lower third of the "bean sprout", that is, the root, was buried in the soil, and two-thirds of the bean sprout was exposed outside the soil. It was accurate to a hundred One centimeter, and what's even more exquisite is that there is a small part of the pulp residue underneath each "bean sprout".

Wang Leshan was amazed when he saw it!

If he were to do it himself, not to mention the trouble and time-consuming effort, I am afraid that the first step of separating the ten bean sprouts in each fruit would be extremely difficult, let alone being able to do so accurately. Degree.

"Thanks for having the foresight to redeem this all-in-one agricultural tillage and harvesting machine in advance, otherwise, I really don't know how to start."

The planting was completed without much effort, which made Wang Leshan sigh with emotion.

1,000 seeds are 100% germinated. The agricultural all-in-one machine is planted according to the life parameters of Yinao Guo. The density is naturally determined based on the parameters. The final sowing area is about 300 square meters. Wang Leshan had previously sown 30 seeds in 10 square meters. This ratio is very different from that of 1,000 seeds sown in 300 square meters. It can be seen that Wang Leshan has fully understood the accompanying instructions of this brain-boosting fruit.

After the planting was completed, Wang Leshan conducted a small amount of irrigation, not allowing the humidity to be too high to avoid the possibility of "drowning" the seedlings. Then he performed some operations on the space stone tablet and set the amount and frequency of rainfall in the 300 square meters. This was also to avoid the possibility of water shortage when the seedlings grew up due to his absence.

After the setting was completed, Wang Leshan looked at the remaining 300 square meters. Now there is sufficient stock of Dali beans, and there are only a few hundred kilograms of first-order spiritual rice left. In the real world, first-order spiritual rice still takes 20 days. It can mature, so Wang Leshan chose to plant first-level spiritual rice on this 300 square meters.

After thinking for a while, Wang Leshan took out 30 kilograms of seeds, which is one kilogram for sowing 10 square meters. This is an unimaginable ratio for rice sowing in the real world.

After soaking the seeds in spiritual water, Wang Leshan handed over all the remaining tasks to the agricultural all-in-one machine. While making full use of the machine that he spent 100 points to redeem, he could also be lazy.

After everything was done, Wang Leshan stayed in the space for a few more hours. Seeing that the seedlings of Yinaoguo developed normally, Wang Leshan breathed a sigh of relief.

Before leaving the space, Wang Leshan exchanged 10 points for a beehive, and his current points became 22.

Now that the space is larger, there are more things to plant. These plants are all good things, and the nectar is naturally much better than the plants outside. How can we waste it? Naturally, we need to place a beehive in the space.

After replenishing the energy once to increase the working time, the energy becomes 19/36.

As for buzz bees, of course they go directly to another beehive to "get" them.

The number of buzzing bees in the first beehive has grown to 60,000, and when it grows to 50,000, a new mother bee, the queen bee, has appeared in the beehive.

Buzz bees, like bees on Earth, are sociological animals and live in a matriarchal society. The mother bee belongs to the king in this large family of groups. She is a reproductive female bee who is responsible for laying eggs and reproducing offspring. At the same time, she also "rules" the entire bee colony.

When the reproduction number of this group of large families reaches a certain number, it will be difficult for the mother bees to "rule" smoothly, and the phenomenon of "swarming" will occur at this time.

First, the mother bee will lay fertilized eggs in a special hive, that is, the royal platform. After the larvae hatch, the worker bees will provide special care and feed them with royal jelly. The larvae fed by royal jelly will grow into new ones. The female bee that gives birth to energy is the new female bee.

At this time, the old female bee will lead most of the worker bees to fly out and establish a new colony.

However, this beehive is a double-king beehive. It can raise two bee colonies without any problems. The old mother bee naturally flies to the other side of the beehive and starts the development of a new bee colony.

Beekeeping technology like this, with one beehive and two queens, has already developed to a certain extent on Earth, and it is even easier in the Shennong Star Territory. If the beehive is more advanced and the internal space is larger, one beehive can even accommodate more than three bee colonies.

If the bee colony in the beehive exceeds 100,000 and cannot be accommodated, the mother bees inside will definitely fight, and the losing party will leave the beehive. So at 100,000, Wang Leshan had to prepare beehives in advance. Otherwise, if the buzzing bees flew away in swarms, it would be one thing to feel distressed. But if something happened then, it would be trouble.

Wang Leshan took the second beehive out of the space. It was almost five o'clock now, and the sky was already a little bright. He arrived at the first beehive and used the bee repellent technique to easily "transfer" the new queen bee, the old mother bee and her group to the second beehive.

The plants in the space have not yet reached the flowering stage. In order to ensure that these buzzing bees will not starve to death, Wang Leshan naturally needs to take a certain amount of honey from the first beehive and put it in the second beehive. As a result, the honey that can be collected from the first beehive is less than 500G.

Of course, getting from one beehive to another is also a "collection", and there are naturally rewards. From this, a total of 9 rewards were obtained.

Compared with before, it is indeed less - the current points have become 31.

After placing the second beehive in the space and coming out, Wang Leshan whistled, and three dogs, four squirrels, and a pair of starlings, including Youtiao, swarmed over. Wang Leshan took out four brain-boosting fruits, one for each of the four squirrels, half for each of the three dogs, and divided the remaining half between the bad things and the good things.

These animals are obviously very spiritual. On the one hand, Wang Leshan wanted them to be more spiritual, so he gave them brain-boosting fruits to eat. On the other hand, he was afraid that if they were too spiritual, they would become evil spirits. Therefore, I dare not give them more food.

After all these guys had eaten the brain-boosting fruit, Wang Leshan "tested" it a bit and found that they were indeed more spiritual than before, but there was still a long way to go before becoming spirits, so he was relieved.

Not long after, He Yuting, Hong Qingqing, and Fatty Li arrived. Wang Leshan took out three more brain-boosting fruits and let each of them eat one.

(End of chapter)