Crazy Farm

Chapter 114: The sweat on Uncle Dabao’s forehead


Being so close, Wang Leshan could naturally smell all the smells on Nan Sheng's body. The weird smell was still there, but it was almost negligible. He only needed to spray on elegant perfume like an ordinary woman to completely cover it, even if it was Wang Leshan, whose nose is sharper than that of a dog, doesn't feel much strange.

Wang Leshan guessed that this might be the reason why he was not completely healed yet, so he did not receive the treatment reward.

At the same time, I have to admit that Nan Sheng dressed like this is quite feminine, and she looks better when her original face is not so perverse.

He waved his hand, indicating that you were welcome, and remembered that Ye Laobai, Lao Lao, and the others were coming later, so he reminded him: "By the way, I happen to have a group of guests coming today. Because of the special status, I will try my best to take photos later." Don’t photograph them.”

Nan Sheng thought for a while and said, "Since it's inconvenient today, let's come back to shoot tomorrow."

"It's not that serious. Just ask them to pay more attention." Wang Leshan smiled.

Nan Sheng nodded and said: "Okay, I will talk to them. The shooting is also very simple. It mainly involves taking pictures of good things and bad things."

Nan Sheng and Wang Leshan briefly talked about what they were going to shoot today. What they were going to shoot was very simple. They just asked a pair of starlings to learn some words and then perform some actions. The rest was edited in post-production. Of course, this is very simple and only for this pair of starlings. If it were changed to another place, there would be no chance. How could one find such a defiant starling!

"That's no problem. I'll talk to them and let them listen to you. If you have any problems, just call me."

Wang Leshan said something, walked under the cabin, talked with the pair of starlings, and promised each bird two power beans, and the pair of starlings nodded like garlic.

Nan Sheng also started making preparations, instructing the team to place props. The most important thing was to communicate with the photographer and tell him what kind of angles and images he needed, etc.

Nan Sheng is an independent singer-songwriter. She writes and writes her own lyrics and music. She even started to write and direct her own MVs in the past few years. She even directed and starred in a movie two years ago. Firstly, it is because of the fan economy, and secondly because of that The quality of the movie itself is also unique and above the standard. It has a strong personal style that is exclusive to her, and the box office reputation is quite good.

Her team is also her own "royal" team and they are very familiar with each other. Although I am curious about why Nan Sheng wants to shoot in this way, I still have 100% trust in her. I have also read some videos about this pair of starlings. After the video, in addition to being curious and surprised, I was still excited and wanted to know what the final result would be.

As for Wang Leshan's side, Nan Sheng had already told them very seriously before coming here that they must obey and respect Wang Leshan's arrangements. People from these teams often come to the mainland to work. They are very different from ordinary islanders who think that people on the mainland can’t even afford tea eggs. Even now, the mainland’s economy and many aspects far exceed that of the island. Even if you come to this small rural area, you don’t dare to feel contemptuously.

Not long after Nan Sheng was ready to start shooting, several more cars drove into Dakang Village and stopped beside the cabin. More than a dozen people got off from above. The first to get off were the drivers and bodyguards of four cars. Wang Qingsong, Zhang Long, Zhao Hu and Mr. Bai's bodyguards stood on two sides. Then Mr. Ye and Mr. Bai took the lead to walk to the cabin side by side, followed by Xiaoya supporting Aunt Hui, Lin Xiaohu supporting his mother and Two couples, Ye Yunpeng and Cheng Liren, and Cheng Liying, a total of 15 people.

"Mr. Ye, Mr. Bai, here we come!"

Wang Leshan had already gone up and welcomed the two old people in. He smiled and said hello to the people behind him, and then introduced his parents to them.

"Dacheng, Ximei, we meet again."

Mr. Ye had met Wang Leshan's parents. He shook hands with them cordially, pointed to Mr. Bai next to him, and said with a smile: "Brother Zhongqi, you must get to know each other well. From now on, you can There will inevitably be a chance to meet.”

"Hello, old gentleman."

Although Wang Dacheng and Hong Ximei didn't understand what Mr. Ye said, they still shook hands with Mr. Bai politely.

Seeing this, Mr. Bai also called the two of them "Dacheng" and "Ximei" with a smile on his face. Compared with his attitude towards Wang Leshan, it was much better.

"This is my wife, this is Quanzi..."

Mr. Ye introduced everyone present to Wang Leshan's parents one by one. During this period, Wang Leshan's parents were very uneasy when they saw Ye Yunpeng calling them uncle and aunt. They were only about ten years older than Ye Yunpeng. It was said that they were twenty years old. The 20-year-old Wang Leshan calls Ye Yunpeng his eldest brother, but he has no choice but to accept this somewhat confusing seniority setting.

"Mr. Ye, Mr. Bai, let's sit down first when we get there."

Wang Leshan welcomed everyone to the wooden stools and chairs beside the fish pond, and briefly explained that the people over there were carrying machines and taking pictures, saying that they were a friend who came to shoot the scene, so as to avoid any misunderstandings. After all, this was Ye Laohe. Bai Lao's identity is not simple. With the camera around, it is somewhat inappropriate.

The two old men didn't care too much about this. They also respected Wang Leshan. They also found it novel when they saw a beautiful woman over there directing a pair of starlings to perform various interesting actions. They also heard a pair of starlings over there. Under the command of the woman, they started quarreling with each other, and the words they said were so bizarre that they couldn't help but watch and couldn't move.

So does the rest.

Old Ye asked out of curiosity: "Leshan, where did these pair of starlings come from? They are so spiritual!"

Wang Leshan smiled and said: "They were raised on a farm. They are quite smart. A few days ago, my friend wrote a song for these starlings. They happened to be here today to shoot the MV."

"Hey, these pair of starlings are the pair of mockingjays that have been rumored on the Internet recently, right?"

Xiaoya, who was standing next to Aunt Hui, also frequently surfed the Internet. She quickly recognized it and said softly to Aunt Hui: "Aunt Hui, do you still remember the video I showed you last time? It seems to be the interesting pair of starlings. Also, look, isn’t that the little fat guy in the video?”

Xiaoya pointed to Fatty Li over there again.

Aunt Hui looked at it and said with a smile: "It's true, I didn't expect these interesting pairs of birds to be from Leshan Farm."

Everyone also heard what the two said and asked curiously. Xiaoya said something about it, and everyone laughed, feeling more and more interesting and curious.

At this time, Wang Dabao and others, who had taken Zhao Zhuying and her daughter to visit the farm, also returned here and came over when they saw the crowds and bustle.

Zhao Zhuying's steps were normal at first, but after taking a few steps closer, she immediately quickened her steps, with a look of surprise in her eyes. She quickly walked straight to Ye Lao and Bai Lao, stood firm, and walked towards them heroically. The two of them saluted a military salute, put down their hands, and then said with a bright smile: "Hello, Mr. Bai, Mr. Ye!"

"It's Xiao Zhao. I didn't expect you to be here too."

When Mr. Ye and Mr. Bai met, they were a little surprised and said with a smile. They naturally knew Zhao Zhuying and had been in contact with her on some occasions.

Zhao Zhuying smiled and briefly explained the reason why she came, exchanged a few pleasantries with the two of them, and said hello to the people behind her. She also knew Ye Yunpeng, so naturally she called Mayor Ye politely.

At this moment, Wang Dabao and others behind were dumbfounded.

Wang Dabao was a little surprised when he saw Mayor Lin Xiaohu here. He didn't expect that Mayor Ye was here, so forget it. The most exaggerated thing was definitely Zhao Zhuying respectfully saluting the two old men with a military salute. The two old men just called Xiao Zhao as usual. Even if Wang Dabao is just a village chief, you can tell with your toes that these two old men are definitely giants!

Sweat dripped from his forehead.

Who exactly did Wang Leshan invite

One is bigger than the other!

At this moment, Zhao Zhuying was obviously quite shocked. She was a member of the system and knew something about Mr. Bai and Mr. Ye. She could allow these two old people to come to the countryside to attend such a gathering privately. It was obvious that the farmer Wang Leshan’s capabilities!

At this time, Fan Mingwei and He Yuting came out with tea and some pastries. Behind them were four squirrels, each carrying a tray on their heads.

(End of chapter)