Crazy Farm

Chapter 15: Enter the courtyard again


Wang Leshan, whose face was so gloomy that he was almost dripping with tears, helped up Aunt A Cui who fell to the ground. He looked coldly at Lin Meizhu, who was slightly fat but heavily made up and was spitting in front of him, and said coldly: "Child You are ignorant, are you too ignorant? Just now you were sitting there like a dead person, and now you are alive? Aunt Meizhu, let me tell you, don’t go too far as a human being!"

"Oh my God! It's reasonable for you to hit someone!"

The woman named Lin Zhu immediately rushed towards Wang Leshan as if her hair was fried, as if she wanted to tear Wang Leshan to pieces. Aunt Atui was right next to her and blocked her immediately. The woman refused and pushed Aunt Atui hard. Aunt Atui was already angry, so after being pushed a few times, she started to struggle with her.

Wang Leshan had a cold face and was about to make a move when a woman who weighed at least 160 kilograms rushed out of Aunt A Cui's house. She looked very similar to A Cui. She was Aunt A Cui's daughter Hong Qingqing. Although Hong Qingqing was fat, he ran very fast and shouted words that were difficult to hear.

Hong Qingqing rushed over, grabbed Lin Meizhu who was struggling with her mother, shook her back and forth a few times, and threw her to the ground. The force was surprisingly strong!

When Lin Meizhu saw that it was Hong Qingqing and that she looked like she was about to eat someone, she felt frightened and stepped back repeatedly.

The women who were sitting with Lin Meizhu also got up and rushed over. No one knew whether they came to start a fight or to help Lin Meizhu, but when they saw Hong Qingqing, they all stopped immediately, and no one dared to move forward!

Who doesn't know that Hong Qingqing is very powerful. There is probably no one in the whole village who is stronger than her, including the men. Moreover, this Hong Qingqing is a semi-deaf mute with both hearing and speaking problems. She has a very weird temper and cannot communicate. Who dares to provoke her in person

Lin Meizhu knew she was in the wrong but couldn't beat them, so she dragged her child to the peasant women. Only then did she have the courage to step back, cursing, and walked home to close the door. The more I thought about it, the angrier I became. I was so angry that I beat my child, and then called my kid, crying and talking about how I was being bullied.

Seeing this, the remaining peasant women all left in disbelief. I was thinking in my heart that it was better not to mess with a madman or a disaster star.

Watching these people leave, Wang Leshan still had a cold face and red eyes, and he never loosened his clenched fists.

He felt uncomfortable!

"Shanzi, don't be angry. It's boring to meet these people."

Aunt A Cui tidied her messed up hair, smiled at Wang Leshan, and said comfortingly. Hong Qingqing, who was standing next to her, also smiled innocently at him, said something vague and made a thumbs-up gesture with both hands at Wang Leshan.

Wang Leshan nodded, the coldness on his face disappeared, and he showed a grateful smile. There are bad neighbors who make people feel cold, and there are also good neighbors who make people feel warm.

Hong Qingqing walked up to He Yuting, gesticulating and speaking, sometimes showing an angry look, sometimes showing a warm smile. He Yuting nodded repeatedly with tears in her eyes, and spoke to Hong Qingqing while making gestures. He Yuting and Hong Qingqing have always had a good relationship. They can be said to be each other's only friends. He Yuting is very smart and has no one to teach her. She learned basic sign language only through contact with Hong Qingqing.

Aunt A Cui and Hong Qingqing returned to their house. He Yuting looked at Wang Leshan and hesitated to speak. In the end, she just smiled and nodded to Wang Leshan. She was very strong, saying that she was fine, and turned around to continue washing clothes.

When Wang Leshan saw this, his heart ached. He opened his mouth, not knowing what to say to comfort He Yuting, so he smiled bitterly and entered the room.

Entering his parents' room, he greeted him normally. Wang Leshan saw that his parents' expressions were normal. However, the tears that had not been wiped away from the corners of his mother's eyes and the wrinkled sheets on his father's hands were all telling that they both had normal expressions. Knowing what was happening outside, Wang Leshan and He Yuting didn't want their parents to worry, and their parents didn't want Wang Leshan and He Yuting to worry about them.

If Aunt A Cui, her daughter, and Wang Leshan hadn't appeared later, Wang Dacheng, who had broken both of his legs, would have wanted to crawl out and fight for his life!

It was tacit and not mentioned.

Wang Leshan took a deep breath and told himself that he must work hard and never let his family suffer any harm again!

Things in the village spread quickly, and people like Fatty Li, who hang out at the entrance of the village's "discourse center" all year round, of course also knew about it. When loading the goods and driving out of the village the next day, Fatty Li couldn't help but remind Wang Leshan. , Lin Meizhu's husband Yan Caiyuan has a very good relationship with the lazy Wang Dakui, and there are rumors in the village that Wang Dakui and Lin Meizhu have a bad relationship. In short, Wang Leshan should be careful.

Although Wang Leshan didn't pay too much attention to this, he was somewhat mindful of it.

The car quickly arrived at the entrance of Sunshine Hotel in Yunhai City. When Wang Leshan asked him to stop here, Fatty Li was stunned for a moment and asked: "When you said you found a buyer, did you mean this hotel?"

Seeing Wang Leshan nodding, the fat man couldn't help but give a thumbs up gesture. He knew how delicious the white radish was, so he was not surprised at all that Wang Leshan found a buyer in the city, but he also did not expect that it would be this big hotel that ranked among the top three in Yunhai City. Such a big hotel was not If your goods are good, you can sell them. It’s hard for anyone who doesn’t know you to get in.

After Wang Leshan made the call, several people came out of the hotel and found out that one of them was the general manager, and that the general manager named Shen Yadong was very polite to Wang Leshan. Gao Dali was even more shocked. When did Shanzi become so awesome? Got it!

Shen Yadong found someone to unload the goods, and was stunned for a few times when he saw the radish. For him, even if the things Secretary Wang introduced were shit, he had to accept them all with a smile, but he really didn’t have any thoughts about this white radish! Not much is served on the table in the Sunshine Hotel. I originally planned to throw away all the radishes I brought in this time. Now it seems that my idea is very ridiculous. It seems that I am not doing Secretary Wang a favor, but I owe Secretary Wang a favor. It’s a favor from Secretary Wang!

It turned out that the two parties agreed to send 2 tons today, but when he saw the carrot, Shen Yadong immediately asked Wang Leshan to keep all the more than four tons in the car.

In this way, Wang Leshan got 45,000 yuan, and had to go back to Dakang Village to load up the radish and continue the process.

The reactions of the next two hotels were almost the same. They both asked Wang Leshan to keep all the carrots, and their attitude towards Wang Leshan was much more enthusiastic.

The most important thing in the hotel is of course food, and the quality of food is not only related to cooking skills, but also the ingredients are equally important. They can't ask for such white radish.

I worked like this for a long time, made three trips back and forth, and sold nearly 13 tons of white radish, making a profit of 130,000. There were only about 8 tons of white radish left in the cabin, which made Wang Leshan I'm completely relieved, I don't have to worry about these white radishes not being sold and rotting.

Seeing that Wang Leshan made another 130,000 yuan in most of the day, Fatty was even more impressed.

During the last trip, the general manager of Sunshine Hotel called and asked Wang Leshan if there were any more radish. When Wang Leshan said that there were still more radish, he immediately said that he could bring as many as he wanted. , and the price can be mentioned as 15 yuan.

Wang Leshan replied that he could bring another cart over today, but he did not respond as to the price. Although Wang Leshan was very moved by the sudden increase in price by half, he felt that if the price was to be raised, the price should be raised uniformly.

After the third delivery, Wang Leshan asked Fatty Li to help pull another car to the Sunshine Hotel. He also gave Fatty Li Shen Yadong's contact information, and he took a taxi towards Wenzhong Road. Go to the side.

"Master, do you know the situation in that community over there?"

When the taxi approached the community where the old man named Ye lived, Wang Leshan asked the taxi driver.

The taxi driver glanced at Wang Leshan suspiciously and said, "Are you going to that community? But you don't know where that community is?"

When the driver saw Wang Leshan nodding, he felt even more strange. He pulled over the car, pointed to several plaques outside the community door, and said, "See for yourself."

"Yunhai City Urban Courtyard."

"Veteran cadre community in Yunhai City."

After Wang Leshan saw those plaques, he couldn't help but touch his nose. He didn't pay attention when he came in before. It seemed that the old man named Ye was really more important than he thought.

After paying the fare, I got out of the car and walked to the gate of the community. When I saw the doormen looking at each other like tigers and wolves, I knew I couldn't get in, so I took out my mobile phone and called the old man named Ye. The call didn't go through, but after a while the old man surnamed Ye called back.

"Leshan, we were in a meeting just now, what's the matter?"

"I brought you some water and radishes, now at the gate of the community."

"Oh, that's it. I can't go through it now. I'll ask Xiaoya to pick you up. Your Aunt Hui is at home. You sit at home for a while. I'll go back when I'm done here."


Within a few minutes, two people came to the door of the community, a kind old lady and a plainly dressed girl. They were not Aunt Hui and Xiaoya.

"Aunt Hui, please come in person."

Wang Leshan was a little surprised and touched when he saw Aunt Hui coming to pick him up at the door.

The guards at the door all looked surprised. They had been here for a long time, but they had never seen anyone worthy of Mrs. Ye's personal greeting!

"What's this worth? Your Aunt Hui is not so old that she can't walk anymore."

Aunt Hui smiled kindly and asked Xiaoya to pick up what Wang Leshan was holding. Naturally, Wang Leshan insisted on carrying it himself.

At this time, a man got out of a car nearby that was about to drive out. He was about thirty years old and had good features. He greeted Aunt Hui and Xiaoya with a bright smile, and also smiled at Wang Leshan.

"It's Xiaohu. I haven't come to Aunt Hui's house for dinner in a few days. I heard that your mother has been working recently?"

Aunt Hui said hello to the man named Lin Xiaohu, then suddenly remembered something and asked, "By the way, have you been transferred to Sanhe Town?"

Seeing him nodding, he turned to Wang Leshan and asked, "Leshan, your family seems to be in Sanhe Town, right?"

(End of chapter)