Crazy Farm

Chapter 18: Initial team building


With the addition of three Chinese garden dogs, the corn harvest speed has been greatly improved, and a pair of starlings sometimes hovering and sometimes yelling above their heads have added a lot of joy to the corn field.

Wang Leshan prepared spiritual water for He Yuting and Fatty Lidu. Although it was quite hot in autumn in September, they did not feel tired and were very energetic.

In one morning, the three of them worked together to harvest more than two acres. If it were ordinary corn, it would not be a problem for three people to harvest three or four acres in one morning. However, the corn was really too big. I roughly estimated that one acre of land must weigh at least more than 4,000 kilograms!

You should know that the yield per mu of corn varieties like this in the Jiangnan area is generally 600-700 kilograms, and the market price is 2.5-3 yuan per kilogram. The economic value of the yield per mu is about 1,500-2,000 yuan.

The yield per mu of corn directly increased by 6 or 7 times after using Lingshui. Needless to say, the price is certainly higher than that of white radish!

"Shanzi, it's almost noon, I'm going home to cook."

He Yuting looked up at the scorching sun hanging in the middle of the sky, wiped the sweat from her forehead, and said to Wang Leshan: "The sun is getting poisonous now. You and Ali should take a rest and wait until I bring food over." Go to the ground.”

Wang Leshan nodded when he heard this, and said: "I'll go back with you. The sacks are almost used. Bring some back from home."

"Just rest here for a while. I'll ask Sister Qingqing to get it for me later." He Yuting thought for a while and then said: "Sister Qingqing was fired from her factory yesterday. She has nothing to do. She has been busy all day. I can’t stop myself. I think there’s a lot of work in the fields. Do you think it’s okay to ask her to help in the fields?”

Wang Leshan knew that Hong Qingqing worked in a shoe processing factory in a neighboring village. She had always been doing well, but suddenly she was fired yesterday. It was not difficult to think that it was related to what happened the day before yesterday. Wang Leshan couldn't help but feel a little anxious in his heart. anger.

Just seeing He Yuting looking at him expectantly, she immediately smiled, nodded, and said: "Of course, there will be a lot of work in the fields, it is best if more than one person helps, you and Sister Qingqing can discuss the next step If she can spend all her time helping in our fields, I will definitely give her a higher salary than in the factory."

He Yuting smiled and said, "You can talk to Sister Qingqing about the salary."

"Okay." Wang Leshan nodded and said, "Sister-in-law, take some corn back and cook it. Take it back and taste it. Let Douhua go back with you and know the way."


He Yuting took some corn and walked home with the bitch Douhua.

Wang Leshan and Fatty Li carried the sacks containing corn from the field back to the cabin one by one. After using the third-level spiritual water for so long, it goes without saying that Wang Leshan's strength was not as strong as Fatty Li's. Although he was small, he carried all the sacks back easily, leaving them piled high outside the cabin.

The two stayed in the cabin drinking spiritual water and chatting. Less than an hour later, He Yuting came carrying a basket with food and Hong Qingqing carrying a sack with bean curd.

"Ho! This corn is so delicious!"

"This shredded radish is delicious too!"

Although he drank a lot of spiritual water and his body functions were still good, Fatty Li still had a surprisingly large appetite. In addition to making three bowls of rice, he also gnawed five sticks of corn. Of course, Wang Leshan also eats less. Since his body was slowly transformed by the spiritual water, his appetite has become much larger than before.

The taste of corn is indeed very good, sweet and chewy, which also gives Wang Leshan more confidence in the price of corn. Even Hong Qingqing, who came over after dinner, ate two of them and gave Wang Leshan a thumbs up.

With the participation of Hong Qingqing, the progress in the afternoon was much faster, and more than three acres of land were collected. Hong Qingqing was very powerful and hard-working. She was not inferior to a strong man like Fatty Li in terms of work, which made Yue Yue sit down with her thoughts.

Regarding the planning and development of the farm, Wang Leshan has been thinking about it these days and has a general direction. Putting aside everything else, it is definitely not possible to rely on oneself alone on this farm. We must find some people to come over.

Fatty Li was Wang Leshan's first choice. He had good connections and was reliable.

Now there is another Hong Qingqing. The relationship between the two families was already good. In addition, Hong Qingqing's loss of job is related to his family anyway, so he cannot ignore it. Hong Qingqing is hard-working and can endure hardships. In addition, because she is half-deaf and mute, she usually communicates with He Yuting, so even if she thinks there are some weird things on the farm, she will not talk about it.

After finishing the work in the afternoon, Wang Leshan went to Hong Qingqing and told her about his plans. He wanted to ask her to come to the farm to help. As for the salary, it was calculated as 5,000 yuan a month, including food, even if the farm was idle for several days. If you don't have any work every day, it will be calculated accordingly. If you have more work and the farm is more profitable, you will get a bonus.

Hong Qingqing was shocked after hearing this. She must know that her previous salary in the factory was only just over 2,000 yuan a month. She waved her hands repeatedly. It was obvious that this salary was high.

He Yuting was also a little surprised, but remembering that King Leshan had brought back 50,000 yuan a few days ago, and seeing the situation on the farm, she also knew that the farm was making money.

As for Fatty Li, although he was a little surprised, he didn't think it was too much. After all, he had watched Wang Leshan earn 100,000 a day twice these days!

After Wang Leshan's persuasion and He Yuting's help, Hong Qingqing finally accepted such a "high salary". Of course, she was very happy, waving her fists to show that she would work hard.

"Sister Qingqing can only let her family know about this matter, and don't tell others."

Wang Leshan said something to Hong Qingqing, then looked at Fatty Li, and asked with a smile: "The first driver in Dakang Village, are you interested in coming to the farm to help? Your main job is to drive and deliver goods, and you will also help out if there is anything on the farm. Come on, the salary is only 5,000 yuan a month, plus a vehicle depreciation allowance of 3,000 yuan a month, and the gas expenses will of course be paid by the farm. How about it?"

Fatty Li was stunned for a moment, then quickly said: "I've been driving that crappy truck for several years. I bought it second-hand for just over 30,000 yuan, so why do I need any depreciation subsidy? According to your subsidy, it's enough to buy a new one in one year. That’s it.”

Wang Leshan asked: "So, you agreed?"

Fatty Li chuckled and asked, "Do you want to eat it? It must be grown on the farm."

Wang Leshan smiled and said, "That's enough."

Before going back that day, Wang Leshan gave Fatty Li and Fatty Li one month's salary. Although Fatty Li said that there was no need for depreciation, Wang Leshan certainly paid it since he said so, and felt that it was necessary.

Next to him, He Yuting saw Wang Leshan offering a high salary of 13,000 yuan. Of course, as a woman running the house, she felt a little heartbroken. However, it can also be seen from here that the farm is indeed making money, and of course it is a bit happy. However, the changes these days have made He Yuting somewhat uncomfortable.

In any case, He Yuting believes this is an excellent start.

Wang Leshan and He Yuting went back to have dinner together, and also gave the 100,000 yuan they had prepared to their parents, asking them to pay off all the remaining debts.

The salary of 13,000 yuan a month may not be known to outsiders, but it certainly cannot be hidden from the family. In addition to the original intention of paying off the debt, the money was also used to reassure the family that they knew that they did not have any money. mess.

After giving a total of 150,000 to the family, Wang Leshan still had 150,000 in cash in his space, plus the 300,000 given by the old man named Kaliye, for a total of 450,000.

In just ten days after getting [Crazy Farm], Wang Leshan earned 600,000. This is definitely a lot and very fast, but Wang Leshan knows for sure that there will be more and faster in the future.

If you have money, you have to spend it. If you don’t spend it, what’s the use of earning it

Of course, this flower is not squandered casually, it is important to spend it on something related to [Crazy Farm]. As for how to spend it, Wang Leshan had some ideas.

After having dinner at home, Wang Leshan went to the farm alone. There was so much corn just harvested and piled up in the cabin. It was all money. If you didn't keep it, you wouldn't feel at ease.

Returning to the cabin, he poured some spiritual water into a pot on the earthen stove and boiled it. He cooked some corn to prepare for himself when he was hungry at night. The rest was given to three dogs and a pair of starlings. Obviously, this corn was comparable to Dog food and bird food are much more nutritious.

Entering the space, I found that the spiritual rice had already eared, which was a little faster than Wang Leshan expected. After earing, the ears would bloom, the grain would fill and become firm, and the harvest would not be far away.

Looking at the pool, the koi and golden turtles have grown up a lot and are swimming happily in the pool. There are also more pearl clams at the bottom of the pool, and they are not small. Because most of the space is now planted with spiritual rice, the water pool cannot be expanded. At this speed, the water pool will definitely not be enough.

"Open a few more in a day and see. If there are pearls, collect some of them. If there are not enough pearls and they are not big enough, move them out to a fish pond outside to raise them."

Wang Leshan murmured, got the third-level spiritual water and started taking a bath and reading a book. He went out to watch every two hours, which was 12 minutes in reality. In and out like this, the night outside was getting darker.

It was about ten o'clock in the evening in real time. When Wang Leshan came out of the space, he heard the barking of three dogs and walked out of the cabin.

When the three dogs and a pair of starlings saw Wang Leshan coming out, they immediately stopped barking, as if they were waiting for Wang Leshan's order. The starlings who were about to yell shut their mouths when they saw Wang Leshan appear. Wang Leshan looked along where the three dog heads were facing. After using the third-level spiritual water, Wang Leshan's eyesight was much better than usual. If he concentrated, he could even achieve a certain degree of night vision.

Looking over, I saw several figures walking around at the other end of the fish pond.

"Why is there anyone here so late?"

Wang Leshan frowned slightly, signaled the three dogs to be silent, and then led them quietly towards the fish pond.

Three people, holding something in their hands, sneaking around!

(End of chapter)