Crazy Farm

Chapter 53: Re-contract the land


--- Asking for recommendations on Monday! ---

Can we build farmhouses or even resorts

It can be done, and it can be done well!

With [Crazy Farm] as the support for the farm products grown, there is no doubt that the answer is a no-brainer, and Wang Leshan is very confident about it. In addition, if Fan Yao helps run it, it is not difficult to imagine how popular it will be.

Do you want to do it

This is undoubtedly another problem.

It is undeniable that you can make money yourself, and there is no problem that it can even help the villagers get rich after development.

After your popularity increases, your social status will definitely increase as well.

A person's life is nothing more than a mouth and a face. Not everyone can regard fame and fortune as dirt, and Wang Leshan is no exception.

This is the advantage of running a farmhouse or even a resort, but there are definitely disadvantages.

What Wang Leshan is most worried about is that people will find out about [Crazy Farm]. These days, whether it is sending spiritual rice to the municipal party committee compound, sending "Qing Qing Tian" to Chef Fan, or asking the construction team to build the warehouse, From another aspect, it is Wang Leshan who is testing the world's ability to accept "magical" things little by little.

After all, it is impossible for the things at "Crazy Farm" to remain secret. The tentative exploration is also to make it more convenient and free to do things. Living secretly in the dark forever is definitely not what Wang Leshan wants.

Fortunately, after this trial, Wang Leshan found that the world's acceptance ability was much stronger than he thought - of course, Wang Leshan didn't really dare to do anything earth-shattering.

If we set up a farmhouse, obviously more people will come, which can be considered a bigger test. However, Wang Leshan also said that it is risky to try things out. You have to do it step by step. Rhythm is very important.

And the most important point is that your own abilities must keep up and be able to actively control some possible situations.

There is another disadvantage. Whether it is a farmhouse or a holiday village, it is of a tourism nature. Since it is a tourism nature, what is consumed must not escape the tourism environment. Wang Leshan attaches great importance to the environment of Dakang Village. It is impossible to over-consume the environment just for money. The money may be earned by then, but what will be left to future generations is a broken environment. This is not what Wang Leshan wants.

After thinking about it carefully, Wang Leshan felt that this farmhouse or resort resort must be built, but not immediately, and must be done step by step.

The number of crop varieties in the field must keep up, the environment must be ensured to prevent over-consumption, and a certain degree of privacy must be guaranteed on the farm.

Wang Leshan filtered ideas one by one in his mind, and gradually formed a rough prototype.

As for the stars that Fan Yao mentioned might come, Wang Leshan didn't care too much. He just treated them as if they were the same as Fan Yao and the others. Anyway, Fan Yao and others would definitely be there by then, so he didn't need to go out of his way to How about it.

After thinking about it again, I feel that this can be regarded as the first step of the farmhouse operation. Even if the crops in my field are high-quality, this farmhouse can obviously follow this path. Moreover, although celebrities have a lot of popularity, they will maintain a certain degree of concealment from the public in some details, which is in line with their original intentions.

Sitting by the fish pond in front of the cabin, Wang Leshan thought about the matter, and then carefully observed the surrounding environment, embedding the thoughts in his mind to feel whether they matched.

The cabin is located between the entrance of the village and the foot of the mountain in Dakang Village. The distance from the entrance of the village is 200 meters, and the distance from the foot of the mountain is 100 meters. This 100-meter distance is dry land.

If you want to build a farmhouse or resort, this location is obviously the best. It's not far from the farm, but relatively separated. The place is not small. It seems that the people who wanted to develop Dakang Mountain originally wanted to build a hotel or something here.

From the foot of Dakang Mountain, there are layers of slopes, where crops such as tangerines and tangerines are planted. The higher ones are planted with many bayberry trees and some wild fields. The higher ones are considered to be mountain forests. .

The stream with Longtan as its source has been impacted all year round and some man-made reasons have created a 10-20 meter wide canyon in the middle of Dakang Mountain from top to bottom. This canyon itself and both sides are considered the most important on Dakang Mountain. If the landscape develops in a big way, it will definitely be based on this.

While Wang Leshan was drawing up a grand plan in his mind, a person came outside. It was Wang Dabao, the village chief of Dakang Village.

Fan Yao and others came here for a big battle, with guns and cannons. The villagers naturally talked about it. Wang Dabao came to take a look at the situation again. Wang Dabao was also curious, and after those people left, he paced back. First, he looked at the warehouse building, sighed and said that the progress was good, then asked Wang Leshan if he still needed more manpower, and then asked what those people were doing.

Wang Leshan had nothing to hide about this, so he said a little bit that Wang Dabao was not interested because he heard it was in a magazine rather than on TV.

Wang Leshan went to move a stool for Wang Dabao to sit on, and then went inside to get a pack of cigarettes for him. He asked casually: "Uncle Dabao, do you think there is any progress in farmhouses or resorts?"

"What, Shanzi, are you going to do this?" Wang Dabao's voice was slightly higher.

Wang Leshan smiled and said: "Those friends who just saw the beautiful scenery here casually mentioned to me that I have no idea about this aspect. You just happened to be here. It seems that we have done this in the village a few years ago. , I just want to hear what you mean."

"When you talk about this matter, your uncle Dabao and I are really angry!"

Wang Dabao lit up his cigarette and looked very excited. He talked a lot, mostly about how he was tricked by the developer. According to his words, if it hadn't been for this matter, the village committee would not be poor. Like this.

After Wang Leshan listened to Wang Dabao's bitter experience, he finally understood some of the procedures and difficulties in doing these things.

After pouring out the bitter water, Wang Dabao said again: "Shanzi, are you interested in this farmhouse? Speaking of which, this farmhouse or resort is based on the scenery of our village, but the most important thing is This is an investment issue. If you want to do it, you have to think clearly about the investment first. If you can't get it out of the investment, then... Although our village was cheated at the beginning, the developer himself didn't get back half of the money. ah."

Wang Leshan could hear Wang Dabao's multi-layered meaning, which included worries and good intentions. He smiled and said: "I am interested, but it is just interested. I don't have any ideas at the moment. If I really have an idea, I should think about it more. I’ll definitely discuss it with you when the time comes.”

Wang Dabao nodded and said with a smile: "As long as you think about it, I will definitely support you when the time comes. After all, you are a villager, and unlike those developers, you will definitely not do things that harm the village, and you must be able to do it." Ah, it will also be of great benefit to our village."

"Speaking of support, Uncle Dabao, I really need your support for something." Wang Leshan said.

Wang Dabao didn't expect that he would be bypassed by this mountain again. Instead of not caring, he was a little excited. He was bypassed last time, and then Wang Leshan built a road in the village. I don't know what good thing it will be this time, laugh. He said: "Whatever it is, tell me, as long as I can help you, I'll be fine."

Wang Leshan pointed to the front of the fish pond and said, "Uncle Dabao, I want to contract some more land."

"I was talking to a few cadres in the village yesterday, saying that the farms here in Shanzi were doing well and that they might contract some more land. I didn't expect this to happen. Wang Dabao's eyes lit up and he laughed and asked: "How much do you want to contract this time? "

Wang Leshan said: "There should be about seventy acres here, right? If possible, I would like to contract it all."

"Seventy-five acres, all of them?"

Wang Dabao's eyes lit up even more.

Dakang Village has a population of more than 1,000, which is quite a big village. There are about 400 acres of paddy fields suitable for growing rice, more than 30% of land per capita, and some are reserved for the village. Most of the paddy fields extend outside the village entrance, divided into left and right sides by the river and asphalt road leading to Sanhe Town, with more than 200 acres on the left and more than 100 acres on the right.

On the right, where Wangleshan Farm is located, although there is a stream left directly from Dakang Mountain as a water source for irrigation, the soil is much poorer than on the right. I heard that this area used to be reclaimed from dry land at the foot of Dakang Mountain. The soil was relatively thin, and further down was the rock layer.

When the village divided the land, it was fairly fair, with two-thirds of the land on the left and one-third on the right. Nowadays, most of the young people in the village are outside, and the labor force has naturally decreased, so most people will only choose to plant the fields on the left with relatively better soil, while the right side is mostly abandoned. Early rice is better, but late rice is basically not grown here. Hard-working people can only grow some cash crops. Most people think that planting late rice is not as good as cultivating land to get a good harvest of early rice next year. This is the main reason why Wang Leshan's parents were able to contract 50 acres of land at once.

Wang Dacheng heard that they all wanted it, so how could he not be happy? This was a good thing to generate income for the villagers!


After Wang Dabao confirmed it, he immediately said: "Okay, I will find someone to help you verify this matter when I go back today. The contracting fee will still be the same as when your parents contracted it before. I will help you negotiate this price. the villagers said."

When Wang Dacheng originally contracted the fifty acres of land, the price was 700 yuan per mu per year. This price was considered high in the country but low in Yunhai City. Wang Dabao said this to reassure Wang Leshan, and his meaning was clear. Although you are making money now, you will not let the villagers talk loudly.

Wang Leshan could hear Wang Dacheng's good intentions and shook his head: "Uncle, I can increase the contract price to one thousand per mu, but the contract must be signed every three years!"

(End of chapter)