Crazy Farm

Chapter 54: Greenhouse


"one thousand?"

Wang Dabao was a little dumbfounded when he heard Wang Leshan's words.

It is not uncommon for paddy fields to be contracted for one thousand per mu per year in Yunhai City, but they are usually in places with complete water conservancy and fertile soil. There is no such price in Sanhe Town.

Generally speaking, if one acre of paddy field is planted with one season of rice, the harvest will be between 500 and 800. If the contract price after two seasons is about 700, it is good to have a net income of 500 a year. If the contract price is 1,000 If so, it's basically for nothing.

Therefore, generally contracted households grow cash crops. Of course, cash crops also have many risks such as market price fluctuations and sales.

But when I think about the sky-high prices for Wang Leshan’s crops, I don’t think there’s anything to worry about. Originally, he was worried that the farmers would be embarrassed if Wang Leshan made money, but he didn't expect that Wang Leshan himself would raise the price to such a high level.

He knew that Wang Leshan must also understand the villagers' thoughts, which saved him a lot of trouble.

"Well, one acre can be increased to one thousand per year, but the contract must be signed every three years." Wang Leshan nodded and confirmed.

"The villagers definitely don't have any objections to such a price. As for the three-year subscription, it's easy and no problem." Wang Dabao pondered for a moment and then said: "However, Shanzi, don't talk about this price outside. I'll do it first." Use the original seven hundred yuan to negotiate with them. When they want to raise the price, I will come up with the final price. Otherwise, if I heard that you asked for one thousand yuan as soon as you opened the door, who knows if there will be other troubles. "

"Uncle Dabao, if you have an idea, I will do as you say. Oh, by the way, I am planning to contract it as soon as possible, so those who have crops in the fields can be compensated at a certain price. This matter is still I need you to help us talk about it, please." Wang Leshan said with a smile.

"This is not a big problem."

Wang Dabao nodded and asked: "What about the fifty acres that have been contracted? Should we just extend the contract period?"

Wang Leshan smiled and said, "There's no need to rush. Anyway, when I hear about the contract price of one thousand, the people who own the fifty acres of paddy fields will definitely not be able to sit still and come to me."

"That's true. Then I'll go back now, hold a group meeting, and mention this matter to everyone."

Wang Dabao said something and walked towards the village with strong steps. After a while, his voice came out from the village's loudspeaker.

After finalizing the contracting matter, Wang Leshan went to the warehouse to check the progress. After everyone cleared up their cigarettes, he went to find two masters of the construction team alone to learn about when it would be completed. Leshan asked the two men to help build a kitchen in the cabin. The two master chefs agreed wholeheartedly, and it didn't cost much at all.

As for building some platforms with wood beside the fish pond, Hong Dehai and Wang Xiangxiang can do it alone, so there is no need to ask for help from others.

After dinner, not long after the construction team and workers dispersed, Wang Dabao came and told Wang Leshan the results of the meeting. After Wang Dabao talked about the contract, all the villagers who participated agreed. Just as Wang Dabao thought, everyone asked for a price increase. The price increased to 900 yuan per acre per year. In the end, Wang Dabao offered a price of 1,000 yuan. The condition is that the contract will be concluded every three years, so the villagers will naturally have no problems and everyone is happy.

"The contracts are all drawn up, and they are all here. There are also some compensation clauses for crops in the fields that need to be signed, and they are all around 300 to 500 yuan." Wang Dabao handed a bunch of contracts to Wang Leshan. Said: "Take a look first, is there any problem?"

Wang Leshan glanced briefly and saw that there was no problem with the details of the contract, so he said: "I will sign every copy written by Party B at night, and I will go to get the money tomorrow. At 11 o'clock, you can have everyone gather in the village I collect the money from the committee and sign it. Oh, by the way, I want to borrow your car tomorrow."

"no problem."

Although he was curious about where Wang Leshan's new truck had gone, Wang Leshan didn't tell him, so he naturally didn't ask. He went home and parked the car at the intersection and gave the key to Wang Leshan.

The next day, Wang Leshan drove Wang Dabao's Santana to Yunhai City, and first made an appointment with Wang Qingsong to deliver four barrels of third-level spiritual water to him.

Before leaving, Wang Leshan specifically asked Wang Qingsong how the wound was, and Wang Qingsong said that the scar had healed.

This makes Wang Leshan a little depressed. Everything is fine now. Why haven't he received the treatment reward yet

Is it because this injury is too small, or is it because this injury does no harm to Wang Qingsong

This made Wang Leshan puzzled, and he guessed that the treatment reward would also depend on the situation.

After saying goodbye to Wang Qingsong, Wang Leshan went to the bank.

Wang Leshan now has about 300,000 yuan in cash. Although it is enough to cover the three-year contracting cost of the 75 acres of land, the existing 50 acres must continue to be contracted. In addition, there are still some things to build the warehouse. When I needed money, I just took out 500,000 and it was more convenient to keep it nearby.

I bought a large gold chain for my father last time, so I still have more than 4.2 million in my bank card.

When it was almost 11 o'clock, Wang Leshan went to the entrance of the village. There were already a lot of people in the Old People's Palace, where the village committee was located. In addition to some villagers who wanted to sign contracts and get money, many people who did not need to sign contracts also came. Many people watch the fun.

Wang Dabao, the accountant of the village committee, and several other village cadres were all there. With their help, although the scene was still noisy, it was still orderly.

"Yan Fujia, 5 points of land, 1,500 yuan, come, sign first and then take the money."

"Is the Wang Dalius family here?"

"The Hongdelin family, 3 points of land, 900 yuan."

Wang Dabao took the contract that Wang Leshan had signed and called people in line one by one to come forward to sign, while Wang Leshan and the accountant were counting the money.

This time, Wang Leshan contracted a total of 75 acres of paddy fields, with an annual payment of 1,000 yuan per mu, and a one-time settlement of three years, totaling 225,000 yuan. In addition, there were about 15 acres of paddy fields planted with crops, and the total compensation was more than 7,000 yuan. A total of 232,000 yuan.

About an hour later, all the money was sent out and replaced with the signature of Party A on the contract.

"Shanzi, do you want to continue to contract our land?"

"Yes, if we want to continue the contract, we will sign the contract today."

"At the beginning, we contracted it to your parents for 700 yuan. If we continue to contract it, you will have to give us a price of 1,000 yuan."

Some villagers who were watching the excitement had already started shouting, and they were naturally jealous. Most of them felt that they had lost money by contracting before, but of course they were embarrassed to ask Wang Leshan to make up for the original one-year contract price, so they shouted to Wang Leshan. Continue to contract.

Wang Leshan had expected this for a long time, signaled everyone to be quiet, promised that he would continue to contract, and the price was also one thousand, and then asked Wang Dabao and several others to help draw up the contract.

As a result, it was not until after four o'clock in the afternoon that everything here was finished. Wang Leshan had many more three-year contracts in hand, and another 150,000 yuan was sent out.

At the end of the day, some villagers asked Wang Leshan if he wanted to contract the slope land at the foot of Dakang Mountain. Wang Leshan was interested in this, but he did not agree directly. Instead, he said he would go back and think about it together.

As a result, the paddy fields on the right side of Dakang Village, totaling 125 acres, were all contracted by Wang Leshan.

And this afternoon, Wang Leshan sent out more than 380,000 yuan, which once again caused a stir in the village!

During dinner, although Fatty Li, Hong Dehai, Wang Xiangxiang and others already knew what was going on, they still couldn't help but asked curiously. The main curiosity was what Wang Leshan would plant next after contracting so much land.

Naturally, Wang Leshan has already had an idea about this. It is mainly used to grow vegetables, and they are a variety of vegetables, as well as some fruits.

Seeing Hong Dehai and Wang Xiangxiang mentioned it, he also expressed his general thoughts. These two people were experienced farmers, and they were of a more trustworthy character.

When the two heard that Wang Leshan wanted to grow so many kinds of vegetables and fruits, they both expressed their opinions, and the most important thing was the mention of greenhouses. Now the weather has entered autumn, and winter is about to usher in. If you want to ensure that vegetables can be produced in winter, you will undoubtedly need to build a greenhouse.

Wang Leshan had confidence in Lingshui irrigation. He had not thought of greenhouses at first, but after thinking about it for a moment, it would be a bit shocking if he really relied on Lingshui to grow out-of-season vegetables. He felt that the greenhouse was also a good cover, so he The two of them asked for advice on some things in the greenhouse.

Wang Xiangxiang said with a smile: "When it comes to building greenhouses, although both of us can do it, the one in the village who is really good at it is Hong Deguang."

Hong Dehai agreed very much with this.

Wang Leshan patted his head and said with a smile: "I almost forgot about Uncle Deguang. He is an expert who goes to various villages to build greenhouses for people!"

Who is Hong Deguang? Hong Qingqing’s father!

Wang Leshan asked Hong Qingqing and found out that Hong Deguang was at home, so he decided to go back and discuss it with him later.

Not long after dinner, Wang Leshan was preparing to go back with He Yuting, Hong Qingqing and others. Wang Leshan's cell phone rang. It was an unknown number. After he picked it up, he knew it was Xiao Jing.

"Is it Mr. Wang? I'm Xiao Jing." Xiao Jing's crisp voice came from the other end of the phone: "I have two things here. First, I have made an appointment with someone about what I mentioned to you last time. I will go to your place in four days, and the time will be between afternoon and evening. Is it convenient then?"

"There is no problem with the time, but you and Fan Yao will have to come together then. I don't have much experience in hosting celebrities." Wang Leshan said.


Xiao Jing added: "The second thing is related to Miss He. I am currently working on a series of photography works, "Beauty of the Country", which is about the great rivers and mountains of the motherland and beauties of all kinds from all over the country. The last photo I took of Miss He The photo of me looking back and smiling is very suitable. I would like to include that photo in this group of photography works and publish it. Is it possible?”

"Since this matter has something to do with my sister-in-law, you'd better ask her yourself. I can't make the decision." Wang Leshan said with a smile and gave the phone to He Yuting beside him.

(End of chapter)