Crazy Farm

Chapter 56: The pride of a great man


Wang Leshan, Fatty Li and Hong Qingqing were responsible for moving the packed potatoes and taro to the cabin. Each sack weighed hundreds of kilograms. Such a weight is nothing to ordinary rural people, but it is not A few people like Fatty Li and Hong Qingqing can carry a bag on their left shoulder and hold a bag in their right hand, and they can go back and forth very quickly, as if they are not tired at all.

Not to mention Wang Leshan, he carried a bag in one hand without any effort at all. After eating more than a hundred power beans in space last night, Wang Leshan's strength has reached an extremely terrifying level. Anyway, after trying it out so early in the morning, there was really nothing he couldn't move in the farm. If he wasn't afraid of being too shocking, he would probably be able to carry dozens of stacked bags at once.

Fatty Li has a lot of power. He has been drinking third-level spiritual water every day these days. Early this morning, he was deceived by Wang Leshan into drinking "Ask the Blue Sky" and ate three Dali Beans. I don’t know how much bigger than before. The same goes for Hong Qingqing. His strength is no worse than that of a fat man. He is born with brute force and is very scary. He has been drinking spiritual water since he came to the farm. As for the power beans, Wang Leshan coaxed him to eat three pills. Hong Qingqing didn’t have much at all. ask.

The sack Wang Leshan is overweight and can hold about 65-75 kilograms.

One acre of potatoes can hold about 150 bags, and the yield per acre is about 10,000 kilograms, which is 10 tons!

One acre of taro can hold about 115 bags, and the yield per acre is about 8,000 kilograms, which is 8 tons!

Having experienced bumper harvests of white radish and corn, Wang Leshan had some expectations for a bumper harvest after Lingshui irrigation, but such an estimated yield per mu still came as a bit of a surprise.

It is 10 times higher than the average yield per mu in China, and twice as high as the highest known yield per mu. Such data is indeed a bit scary.

After Wang Leshan and the others moved all the sacks to the open space in front of the cabin, and the last few bags were weighed, He Yuting, who had been recording, calculated and reported to Wang Leshan the final results, which were 108 tons of potatoes and 83 tons of taro. !

As soon as this number came out, those who came to help were shocked.

Wang Leshan paid everyone's wages on the spot. Because today's work was not light, Wang Leshan took the initiative to add 50 yuan to the originally agreed 100 yuan, making it 150 yuan per person. Then he said to the people present: "Big guys, go first." Take a rest here and wait until you have dinner before leaving."

He Yuting turned around and went to cook. Hong Qingqing, Aunt A Cui and Fatty Li's mother went to help. They had to cook for nearly thirty people today. Wang Leshan asked them to bring some taro and potatoes to give the villagers a taste. Wang Leshan asked the fat man to hold the small wooden boat to catch a net. There must be fish.

When Fan Yao and the others came here before, they had eaten potatoes and taro, and the taste was needless to say.

Wang Leshan took photos of potatoes and taro and sent them to the WeChat group of restaurant owners in Sanhe Town and several nearby towns. He also attached the prices, potatoes 12 yuan/kg and taro 15 yuan/kg, and told them about these two crops. It has been received, and you can come over to buy it at any time. The WeChat group immediately exploded. Apparently, they have been waiting for news about Wang Leshan for a long time!

Then he called and personally notified three major hotels in the city, including Dandi Restaurant and Sunshine Hotel. After thinking about it, he called Peng Youke, the purchasing director of the Garden Hotel.

From Peng Youke's polite and excited tone on the other end of the phone, Wang Leshan was sure that the car accident had nothing to do with him, and thinking about it carefully, he didn't offend him in any way.

Peng Youke naturally could not have imagined that he almost became Wang Leshan's suspect. After receiving Wang Leshan's call, he immediately summoned three purchasing vehicles from the hotel and went straight to Dakang Village.

He has been waiting for this day for a long time!

These days, Sunshine and other major hotels’ signature dishes are becoming more and more famous. The general manager and head chef put a lot of pressure on themselves. They don’t look good every time they see them. If they don’t buy the ingredients from Wangleshan, God knows when he will be fired!

Before departure, Peng Youke even took out a lot of things from the small warehouse of the purchasing department. These things were sent by dealers from all over the country, including all kinds of good cigarettes, good wines and various supermarket stored value cards. Now they have to be delivered to Wang Leshan quickly. That.

An hour later, Peng Youke and his party of six people in three vehicles drove to Dakang Village. At this time, night fell, and the farm was extremely busy. There were at least twenty trucks of various sizes and even three-wheeled electric vehicles. A swath of car lights and street lights illuminated the area around the cabin as if it were daytime.

"These cars should also come here to buy things, right?"

"It looks like he is the owner of some restaurants in the surrounding areas. Brother Peng, look at that one. He is not the owner of some restaurant in Gaoshan Town. It seems that this person came to stay with us last time when we were in Sanhe Town."

Someone in Peng Youke's group recognized the people here, and there was a lot of discussion. Peng Youke signaled not to talk more, but he took the lead and walked straight towards Wang Leshan with a smile on his face, who was keeping accounts and collecting money at a table in the crowd. He said from afar: "Boss Wang, hello, hello!"

Seeing that another person was coming, and it was a group of three cars and six people, the restaurant owners who came earlier all looked over. Some of them knew Peng Youke. After all, they were colleagues and he was the purchasing director of a large hotel like the Garden. They knew each other. Quite a few, I couldn't help but secretly smack my lips, I didn't expect that even people from the Garden Hotel came.

"Hello, Director Peng."

Wang Leshan greeted Peng Youke and said with a smile: "Director Peng, please register the quantity first. It will probably take a while before you can get your turn here, so you have to wait."

Peng Youke saw the mountains of sacks piled up in front of the cabin at the first glance. He knew that he would be indispensable this time, so he smiled repeatedly and said: "It's okay, it's okay. Boss Wang, just do your business first."

After that, I registered the quantity at Wang Leshan. I asked for 8 tons of potatoes and 5 tons of taro. After registering, he gave out cigarettes to all the restaurant owners present with a smile on his face, and even ran to the weighing area. He smiled and said "Thank you for your hard work" to Hong Dehai and others there after every cigarette was given out, and he was very polite.

This shocked the hotel owners present. When did the purchasing manager of the Garden Hotel be so polite? Usually, dealers don't even look at them when they come to give gifts!

"Hello, Boss Wang!"

Not long after, people came again, and this time there were more people. There were ten cars in total. From the company names printed on the cars, it was easy to see that they were all purchase cars for famous hotels in Yunhai City. Four of them were The car belongs to Sunshine Hotel.


This time, it was not only the restaurant owners present who were shocked, but also Hong Dehai and others who were helping there. Not long after they had dinner here, cars from restaurants near Sanhe Town came, and more and more cars came, so they all stayed to help, weighing people, moving people, and counting people.

At that time, I heard that potatoes were sold for 12 yuan and taro was sold for 15 yuan. These people knew the price of corn before, so they were not so shocked. However, seeing such a price, the restaurant owners were still grateful and rushing to buy it, so they were a little confused.

And now even the big hotels in the city are here, and almost every one of them asks for 10 tons. This amount is a bit too scary. After further calculation, 1 kilogram is 12 or 15 yuan, and 1 ton is 1,000 kilograms. So 1 ton is not 1,200 or 300 yuan? No, no, it’s 12,000 yuan or 5,000 yuan! As for 10 tons, it has to be 120,000 or 150,000! Now the quantity reported by these people exceeds 60 tons, isn't that... .

Oh my God!

The minds of several of these helpers were confused by these numbers. After calculating the approximate amount of money a little more clearly, they were suddenly speechless. Eighty-nine to nearly one million!

No wonder Shanzi can spend more than 200,000 yuan to build roads. No wonder Shanzi can spend so much money building warehouses and subcontracting. It turns out that he can really make money, and he can make a lot of money!

Some dull people took the loose cigarettes that were already in their infancy and took a look at them. There was not a single cigarette that did not begin with the word "soft Chinese". After listening to these, some hotel owners or city officials in the town and nearby towns The top management of the hotel worked hard one by one. The villagers who helped felt that Beier was being honored and were very excited.

In other places, can you enjoy such treatment

This is the only one in Shanzi!

About twenty restaurants in several towns asked for much more this time than last time. The least asked for nearly 1 ton, and the most asked for 3 tons. Apparently, they were given radish and corn to taste last time. At the end of the day, I know that I won’t lose money no matter how I sell the crops produced on Wangleshan’s farm.

These restaurants added up to a total of 18 tons of potatoes and 10 tons of taro. With the help of the villagers and their own active efforts, the goods were quickly loaded. Many people wanted to stay and watch this "grand event", but they also knew that they had to make way for the next vehicles to load, and they did not dare to cause any trouble, lest Boss Wang would be angry and not sell to them next time. , and they left one after another.

Gradually, only a few restaurants in the town and four big hotels in the city were left. With fewer people around, the supervisors of these four big hotels started chatting. It is true that they are colleagues, but they are also competitors. Naturally, they all wish that Wang Leshan would only provide it to them. But they also know that this is impossible, and they never dare to mention it in front of Wang Leshan. However, it is certainly inevitable for a few people to sarcastically sarcastically sarcastise each other.

Later, for some reason, it turned into a price increase between each other. Of course, the price increase was based on how much more the hotel was willing to pay than the current price to purchase the goods.

This surprised the villagers who helped. Why, is this price too low

Wang Leshan, on the other hand, couldn't laugh or cry. He made it clear that the price would not change at the moment, and if it changed, it would be absolutely the same. These people finally stopped discussing this boring topic.

Then Peng Youke took the lead, one by one, like a competition, carrying the gifts, various tobacco and alcoholic beverages they had brought to Wang Leshan's cabin.

Wang Leshan refused. Although he said it with a smile, his tone was unquestionable.

Several people were good at observing words and emotions. Knowing Wang Leshan's attitude, they "turned the spear" and stuffed packs of cigarettes into the hands of the villagers who were helping. Each of the villagers had more in their hands. Four or five packs, all soft and medium.

Listening to these people's promises that if you go to their hotel in the future, you will only be offered the lowest discount for Da Kang people. The eyes of the villagers holding the soft-shell China are all shining!

Although I may not be able to go to these big hotels, this sounds so comfortable!

PS1: Thanks to [a65732004], [Moujianxian], [God_神_like], [Thoughts are flying], [Infatuated Tiger], [jj1204], [Book Friends 150622], [Zhao unrestrained Bin] and other book friends for their support Reward.

PS2: It’s the last week of the new book issue. I’d like to ask for some recommendation votes and collections to move it higher on the new book list.

(End of chapter)