Crazy Farm

Chapter 63: superstar


"Aguang, Sister Hui, will you come up with me?"

Wang Leshan looked at the two people who were in a state of complete panic at this moment. The two nodded dullly, and then seemed to have come back to their senses, their eyes full of surprise.

The conversation between Wang Leshan and Manager Shen had already stunned everyone around them!

Chen Yihua, Zhang Zhisong and others couldn't tell who the so-called "Brother Fan" was. He was not Fan Mingwei, the arrogant and arrogant head chef of Yangguan Hotel.

As for the editor-in-chief of Fan Da, Zhang Zhisong couldn't think of anything, but Chen Yihua thought of one person, and that was Fan Yao, the daughter of Chef Fan. Chen Yihua had never read the magazine that Fan Yao worked for, but he didn't know it. I have heard that it is a very famous fashion magazine, and the boss behind the magazine is known as the head of fashion in China.

Who is this Boss Wang? He must be in his early twenties. Shen Yadong was polite to him. Chef Fan also knew him, and he treated him like an elder brother. What was even more incredible to them was that That sentence "They mentioned you just now", this guy even knows the big stars upstairs.

Stars are naturally divided into three, six or nine levels. If they are just some ordinary third- and fourth-tier stars who are not even ranked in the 18th tier, they will naturally not be taken seriously by people like Chen Yihua, but those few upstairs The position is different. He is so famous that not many people in the country don't know him and doesn't know about him. What's more, he is also incredibly wealthy. Especially Zhao Wei, who has crossed over into business and is worth billions. He even has a close relationship with the richest man in China!

"Which god is this? Why have I never heard of it?"

Although Chen Yihua was not a member of the top circles in Yunhai City, he was at least qualified to touch the edges. He was very puzzled as to why there was no information about this person.

While Chen Yihua was bored, Wang Leshan rushed towards him and asked with a smile: "Mr. Chen, do you want to go up together?"

Chen Yihua was stunned for a moment. He could tell that Wang Leshan was sincerely inviting him, rather than being sarcastic. He couldn't help but feel a little guilty, thinking that Wang Leshan probably thought that he was "encouraged" by Zhang Zhisong. came, and his hatred for Zhang Zhisong increased even more - this was obviously an effect that Wang Leshan did not expect.

He smiled awkwardly at Wang Leshan and said, "I won't go up. I have to pick up my friends later."

Seeing this, Wang Leshan nodded towards him, and then walked to the elevator with Shen Yadong, Yan Yuguang and Li Qiaohui. He was just here to help Yan Yuguang show off his anger, and Chen Yihua was not the first to bear the brunt, so there was no need to make enemies of others casually. Furthermore, Shen Yadong helped him save face, so he naturally wanted to give Shen Yadong some face. Who would have thought that Shen Yadong had greeted Chen Yihua alone just now.

As for the remaining people, Wang Leshan naturally ignored them.

"Hui Hui!"

At this time, Li Qiaohui's best friend Chi Bizhen finally woke up from a series of shocks and hurriedly called out to Li Qiaohui. She finally understood that the boyfriend she had and Zhang Zhisong were nothing in front of Wang Leshan, not to mention that they could meet big stars if they followed them!

However, when Li Qiaohui turned around, she saw Chi Bizhen being held back by her boyfriend. Although she was still confused, she knew that she couldn't make any idea about the matter, so she could only smile at Li Qiaohui, and then the elevator door Just closed it.

Li Qiaohui's smile seemed to be frozen at the moment the elevator door closed, deeply imprinted in Chi Bizhen's eyes, forming a great irony.

"What are you pulling me for!"

Chi Bizhen shook her boyfriend's hand away and said coldly: "It's useless."

He turned around and walked out of the hotel.

Chi Bizhen's boyfriend had an angry look on his face and chased him out.

Chen Yihua and Zhang Zhisong are left.

"Zhang Zhisong, you are so awesome!"

Chen Yihua patted Zhang Zhisong's shoulder with a smile on his face, and said in an extremely kind manner: "If Manager Shen hadn't arrived in time today, we might have killed this maintenance worker today! Then tell me, It’s definitely a cool thing!”

The sweat on Zhang Zhisong's forehead dripped down like a mourning heir: "Brother Hua, I really don't know his identity! This is all because I don't have eyes..."

Zhang Zhisong wanted to say, "Didn't you just say that you don't know people who are not in that circle, so you can use it as a joke to tease Mengzi?", but he knew that he could not say this even to death.

"Brother Hua? Don't call me Brother Hua, I'm not as good as your brother Song!"

Chen Yihua said politely, then turned and walked towards the edge.

The sweat on Zhang Zhisong's forehead flowed more freely. Looking at Chen Yihua's back, he didn't know whether he should pursue him or not, and froze there.

The elevator quickly reached the 18th floor. When I came out, I saw four tall people standing outside the door. At first glance, they were the kind of bodyguards that only appear in movies. They should have followed those big stars, not like this Hotel configuration.

When Shen Yadong, Wang Leshan and others walked past, someone happened to walk out. It was Fan Yao's assistant Bai Bai. He had come out to arrange something, but he saw Wang Leshan at a glance, with a sweet smile on his face. Said: "Mr. Wang! They were saying you were here, but I didn't expect you to be here!"

Wang Leshan said a little bit that he happened to come here for dinner and met Shen Yadong Yunyun. Without saying anything, Bai Bai pulled him inside. Seeing this, Shen Yadong smiled and led Yan Yuguang and Li Qiaohui in. Naturally, the four bodyguards didn't dare to stop him.

The private kitchen on the 18th floor is quite large, but there are not many dining places. There are only a few here and there. Most of them are decorated, with flowers and birds singing and the fragrance of flowers. There are also rockeries and flowing water, just like a garden. Like, I really don’t know how these things were moved up there. They are really rich.

Eating in a place like this is obviously a status symbol. No wonder people line up to eat at a table worth tens of thousands.

After walking through a path that looked like a forest, the front suddenly opened up. There was a table of food in an antique pavilion, and there were seven people sitting around it, all of them beautiful women. Three of them, Wang Leshan knew, Fan Yao, Xiao Jing and Xie Nan; Wang Leshan also recognized two of the other four, Zhao Wei, who was more majestic than what he saw on TV, and Wang Jingwen, whose temperament was as unique as imagined. ; The other two people, one is wearing a peaked cap and a large pompadour and are dressed in black, and the other is a little more ordinary in appearance but more noble than the other women. Wang Leshan does not know these two.


When Fan Yao saw Bai Bai and Wang Leshan coming in, she immediately greeted him. She also saw Shen Yadong coming in behind him. She naturally took Wang Leshan's hand and walked toward the ancient pavilion, saying: " Are you here to deliver goods today? Are you being dragged here by Manager Shen? We have mentioned you a lot, are your ears itchy? "

Wang Leshan smiled and said: "Today I came to Sunshine for dinner with my friends, and I happened to meet Manager Shen."

Fan Yao didn't care about these people. He pulled Wang Leshan into the ancient pavilion and said to the people present: "This is my uncle, Wang Leshan. We have been talking about him a lot today. I guess my ears are itchy, so I came here." ”

After finishing speaking, they introduced Wang Leshan one by one.

Zhao Wei shook hands with Wang Leshan and said with a smile: "Mr. Wang is much younger than I thought."

Wang Jingwen raised the small wine glass in her hand coolly and said with a smile: "The wine is delicious."

The woman with the peaked cap and big shaggy hair was called Nan Sheng, and she was cooler than Wang Jingwen. She just nodded at Wang Leshan. The name Wang Leshan sounds familiar, as if he is a singer from Taiwan.

Another noble woman named He Junyi shook hands with Wang Leshan enthusiastically, but Wang Leshan had never even heard of her name.

Although Wang Leshan was not a star-chasing fan, he would inevitably be a little excited like ordinary people when he saw Zhao Wei and Wang Jingwen. However, he was still excited, so he was able to calm down. He smiled and said some polite words to the people present. Can you be neither humble nor arrogant? At least you can handle it with ease.

But when Yan Yuguang and Li Qiaohui arrived later, they seemed less calm. If you meet someone else, you will definitely have to scream because of the herd mentality. However, the situation here was different. It was naturally impossible to scream. But from the way Li Qiaohui kept pulling Yan Yuguang's hand and squeezing it, it could be seen that she was nervous and excited.

Zhao Wei and others were accustomed to this kind of situation. Knowing that this was Wang Leshan's friend, they took the initiative to invite the two of them to sit down together. However, after finishing the meal, the two of them didn't move their chopsticks much, smiling silly the whole time. . Wang Leshan said some words under the guidance of Fan Yao, and he became familiar with a few people.

Several of them had to participate in activities later, and they had already eaten for a while, so they ended the meal early. They were all very satisfied with this meal and praised it full of praises. They knew that several of the signature dishes here were made from ingredients from Wangleshan. In addition, after drinking "Ask the Blue Sky", they were very excited about going there tomorrow. There is a lot more interest from Wang Leshan.

"Mr. Wang, let's go now. See you tomorrow." Zhao Wei shook hands with Wang Leshan again, blinked his big eyes, and said with a smile, "I really can't wait to see my bad guy!"

Then he took Wang Jingwen, Nan Sheng, and He Junyi together and took the initiative to take a photo with Yan Yuguang, which was enough to give Wang Leshan enough face.

The meal was uneventful, just a face-to-face meeting.

Of course, this was not a big deal for Wang Leshan, but for Yan Yuguang and Li Qiaohui, it was a very big deal!

After watching several people leave, the two finally had the opportunity to vent their excitement. Yan Yuguang waved his hands fiercely, while Li Qiaohui screamed, then pinched Yan Yuguang's arm and kept muttering to herself, "Isn't this a dream?" This was not a dream, the distortion on Yan Yuguang's face told her that these were all true.

"I didn't expect that besides Zhao Wei and Wang Jingwen, Nan Sheng is also there! Nan Sheng is really cool!"

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(End of chapter)