Crazy Farm

Chapter 75: Tenderness offensive


There were ten people in four cars, and Wang Leshan piled five of them into the car. Wang Leshan, Ah Shou, Yan Yuhua and two other friends.

Wang Leshan just took out the key and was snatched away by Ah Sha. He let another friend drive his car. He laughed and said that he would hit a few BMWs and Mercedes-Benz with Shanzi's Land Rover for fun later. After saying that, he scratched his head and asked where the key was inserted. Wang Leshan, who was sitting in the passenger seat, told him with a dumbfounded voice. He drove the car like a stinky yo-ho and screamed that he was so happy.

After leaving Sanhe Town and getting onto the provincial highway, it finally calmed down a bit. Then he took out a red envelope from his trouser pocket and threw it to Wang Leshan, saying: "You are so funny, I don't even know when you got rid of Niuniu. , it’s not a festival, why should I give you a red envelope!”

This red envelope was put into Niu Niu's clothes when Wang Leshan hugged Niu Niu just now. It's not that Wang Leshan was so blind when he got a little bit. Wang Leshan was not there when Niu Niu was full moon, so today he made up for it. Wang Leshan didn't know much about these etiquettes, so he asked Fatty Li specifically.

You will definitely have to give. As for how much to give, according to Fatty Li, in areas like Sanhe Town, it is usually 320. Even if the relationship is better, there are also 520. Most of them in Yunhai City are just over 1,000. Fatty Li knew that Wang Leshan must be generous in these matters, so he specifically said, "No more will be appropriate." Wang Leshan was not stupid and understood this truth. Finally, I thought about it and stuffed 880. If I say more, it’s not the most, but if I say less, it’s certainly a lot.

"The main purpose of your rushing to drive my car is to return my red envelope?" Wang Leshan took the red envelope and stuffed it into Ajiao's pocket and said, "This is my meeting gift for Niuniu, why should I let you know?" . Besides, I didn’t learn this kind of stuffing money secretly from you. When you get back, return it to Niuniu immediately, don’t push it around, and drive well!”

"Okay! Let me thank you for Niuniu, Uncle Shanzi!"

Hearing this, Ajiao smiled and hit Wang Leshan on the shoulder, no longer being pretentious.

As for what Wang Leshan said about "stuffing money to make money", he just laughed and didn't mention it.

Wang Leshan also kept it in mind.

A-Shou's family background is considered to be the best among the group of friends. When he was studying, he definitely had the most pocket money. He was always generous and forthright. At that time, most of the money spent on smoking, drinking, going out to play, and doing activities for someone's birthday came from A-Shou. .

What Wang Leshan remembers the most is that after he went to Shenzhen, he met a shady boss at first and couldn't get his salary. He didn't have much money, which allowed him to survive the days of not having a meal. The main reason is that money is transferred to my bank card every once in a while, sometimes 200, sometimes 300.

Ah Shou never said it, but Wang Leshan knew it must be him.

Later, I finally got through it, found a good job, and after saving for a while, I finally paid back all the money. After remitting the money, Ah Shou called and scolded Wang Leshan.

"What the hell are you blind? Can't you keep some money for yourself for emergencies? If you get sick or have a car accident or something, don't you have to use it? Do I still need you to pay back this little money to live..."

The scolding was so unpleasant that it almost made Wang Leshan cry, who had suffered so much in the world in Shencheng. Ah Shou didn't pay much attention to him for several months.

Wang Leshan's past twenty years have been quite ups and downs. He dropped out of high school, his eldest brother died early, his parents were in a car accident, and he suffered hardships in a different place as a minor... This has allowed him to face the world with a positive and sunny attitude. Apart from his father, In addition to being a loving mother, a loving sister-in-law, a virtuous family, and a harmonious family, a large part of the reason is that friends like him who have been playing together since childhood gave him a lot of warm and positive energy, which created a relatively strong heart in him. Many memories can help He spent many agonizing nights.

Now, by chance, he got [Crazy Farm]. In addition to helping his parents and sister-in-law live a good life and achieve a career for himself, Wang Leshan will also help these friends more in the future.

As scenes from the past replayed in his mind, Wang Leshan couldn't help but giggle.

"Why are you giggling? You're here!"

Ah Xiu's words brought Wang Leshan back to reality.

Wang Leshan smiled and said: "I remember the time when we squatted in front of the Agricultural Technical School to look at beauties. You always said that when you go to junior high school, you must find a high school senior as your girlfriend. When you get to high school, you will find a college student, in case you want to go to university. I looked for white-collar workers. After I left the society, I first found a wealthy boss lady for a few years, and then slowly went back to find college students, high school students, and junior high school students. When I was in my forties, I then found a man in his early twenties to get married and have children. He said at the time Those words made my chest slap loudly. I didn’t expect that you would be the first to get married and have children.”

"This person, it's all about your life, words don't really count! Who knows when you will meet someone who wants your life in this life, you can't even hide away, and you will risk your life even if you have no choice but to move forward. Yeah! This was the case when I met my wife." Ah Shou laughed and patted Wang Leshan on the shoulder, saying: "You said you would find someone to fall in love with for the rest of your life when you were in high school, but now you are not single. One. You can’t force this thing, haha, you’ll understand when you encounter it. Look at Aguang.”

He pointed out that he had already gotten out of the car and hurried towards Li Qiaohui and several of her best friends who were already waiting, and said with a smile: "This kid has met a fatal person."

Wang Leshan didn't expect that his casual remark would arouse Ah Shao's deep emotion. Thinking about what he said, it was true. Life is like that, unpredictable. If he hadn't dropped out of school at that time, he wouldn't have been able to continue studying. It’s not necessarily possible to find someone to fall in love with for the rest of your life.

Li Qiaohui is getting engaged tomorrow, so naturally there will be a group of best friends hanging out at her place tonight. There are six of them out now, and one of them is Chi Bizhen, whom Wang Leshan has met before.

A group of people all got into the car and went to a food stall in Gaoshan Town. They put two tables together just enough to accommodate them.

Li Qiaohui's five best friends are all pretty good-looking, young and beautiful, and most of Aguang's friends are single. They naturally became more lively at this time, transforming into extremely enthusiastic gentlemen, and kept rushing. Li Qiaohui asked her sister-in-law to pull up the stool and glanced over there, almost not asking for an introduction.

On the contrary, Fatty Li, who had long been clamoring for Li Qiaohui to introduce his girlfriend, and Ah Shao, who kept clamoring for a young nightlife, were quite calm. One went to order food, and the other sat next to the more calm Wang Leshan. down.

"Shanzi, you can take it. There are quite a few of them pretty, especially that one. They are fashionably dressed and have a great figure. Don't you have any ideas?" Ah Shi, who was sitting next to Wang Leshan, said in a high voice and Wang Leshan He said, pointing to the prettiest one among the girls.

Wang Leshan said seriously: "I'm still young."

Ah Shou laughed and scolded: "Get out of here..."

Before he could say the word "go", he stuttered a little. Just when he saw the girl he had just named as the most beautiful walked straight to the edge of Wang Leshan and sat down next to her. The girl smiled sweetly at Wang Leshan and asked, "Do you mind if I sit here?"

The most beautiful girl is none other than Chi Bizhen. Today's dress is much more gentle than what I encountered in the sun that day. She is wearing a long tube top dress, which exposes her collarbone and a faint patch of snow. It is not revealing or conservative, but it is just enough to cover up the imagination. It's sexy and hot. With a touch of pink and white, and bright eyes and white teeth, she looks sweet and lovable.

Wang Leshan naturally had a very bad impression of Chi Bizhen. No matter how sweet and lovely Chi Bizhen was, Wang Leshan still had no favorable impression at all. However, due to Li Qiaohui's face, she didn't want to be too blunt, so she said: "Ali, who is sitting here, just went to order food."

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at Wang Leshan.

He secretly thought, this guy is stupid, Ali is sitting somewhere else, this beautiful woman wants to sit next to you, why can't she turn around

No, you have to help him.

Several of them shouted that the fat man should sit here with me, and that the beautiful woman should sit on the edge of the mountain. Let’s get together and get to know each other more...

Seeing this, Wang Leshan naturally couldn't point anything out, so he could only smile awkwardly.

Chi Bizhen naturally took the opportunity to sit next to Wang Leshan, with a hint of shyness on her face, as if everyone had assigned her some identity. In this way, everyone who watched it became more and more thoughtful.

Chi Bizhen doesn't talk much. Every word she speaks is soft and tender, and just enough to enhance the atmosphere. She is very popular among the boys present. After serving the dishes, Chi Bizhen helped Wang Leshan transfer the dishes to him from time to time, occasionally peeled mantis shrimps and blood clams, and even poured drinks for Wang Leshan. This made everyone present look at him with eyes wide open. Light.

Shanzi is very charming. Such a beautiful woman automatically moves forward. Is this going to be a drama of a woman chasing a man

Well, this girl is really nice, gentle, generous, sweet and lovely!

It is worthy of Shanzi. If this happens, it will be considered a beautiful thing.

As usual, everyone sometimes booed and sometimes looked at A Guang and Li Qiaohui, obviously to make the two people they knew the most more angry.

But when Aguang and Li Qiaohui saw this scene, they murmured in their hearts.

Aguang naturally has a grudge against Chi Bizhen. He really doesn't want to have any entanglement with such a woman and his friend. But it was hard to say anything, I felt quite uncomfortable.

Li Qiaohui was also uneasy. She hoped that her best friend could really find a good home, but she was also worried that Chi Bizhen would have other agendas this time as usual. She was very grateful to Wang Leshan and had an indescribable respect for Wang Leshan. Naturally, she did not want Chi Bizhen to hurt him.

Under Chi Bizhen's "gentle offensive", Wang Leshan behaved as usual, and his heart remained unmoved. He didn't care what Chi Bizhen's intentions were. Instead, he gave A Guang and Li Qiaohui a look of relief, indicating that they didn't need to worry about this. Occasionally, he would bring a drink to liven up the atmosphere. Naturally, he didn't want the newlyweds to be in a bad mood because of this.

After eating until about 11:30, everyone left and asked Wang Leshan to send Chi Bizhen home.

(End of chapter)