Crazy Farm

Chapter 94: Fan Mingwei resigned


Wang Leshan walked to the space monument, called up the "Weather" function page, browsed all the factors and parameters on it, and gradually formed some training methods that took advantage of the difficulty of the external environment.

First of all, the first thing must be temperature. Whether it is high temperature or low temperature, it can increase the adaptability to hot and cold, hone a strong will, enhance the function of the cardiovascular system, promote the function of the respiratory system and digestive system, improve metabolism, Endocrine system, etc.

Secondly, Wang Leshan also included a series of weather conditions such as strong wind, heavy snow, heavy rain, thunder and lightning in the alternative plan, and increased the training difficulty under the premise of high and low temperatures.

After this space upgrade, the parameter ranges of these meteorological factors have become larger, which is naturally a good thing for Wang Leshan, as he has more choices.

There are more than 100 square meters of flat peach trees here, and there is a lot of open space. Wang Leshan moved some distance away from the flat peach trees, then controlled the "weather" and began to increase the temperature within a 3*3 range of his location.

This is also a very magical ability of space. Not only can the weather be controlled at will, it can also be regionalized. The original setting is naturally so that a variety of plants can be planted inside the space. For example, if the plants here need high temperatures, then give them high temperatures; if the plants there need a lot of rain, then give them more rain. Regionalization can make the distance between them different. Plants are not affected at all.

Logically speaking, this situation is impossible to occur and is completely unscientific, but in this space, it is actually realized.

Now, this function has been exercised by Wang Leshan.

As long as he wants to, he can even make the temperature on the left side of the body increase and the temperature on the right side of the body drop, half high temperature and half low temperature, half fire and half ice!

The temperature near Wang Leshan continued to rise, and soon reached 50 degrees Celsius. At this moment, Wang Leshan, who was doing handstand push-ups, was already sweating a lot.

However, its strong physical strength can still maintain its body temperature at a normal temperature.

Generally speaking, once a person's body temperature reaches 42 degrees Celsius, it will seriously endanger life.

The outside temperature is still increasing.



After stopping at 70 degrees Celsius, Wang Leshan controlled the temperature not to increase.

Some scientists have conducted experiments on the highest temperature that the human body can withstand in dry air. The human body can last for a full hour at 71 degrees Celsius, 49 minutes at 82 degrees Celsius, and 33 minutes at 93 degrees Celsius. , it can only last 26 minutes at 104 degrees Celsius.

Of course, there are also documents showing that the human body can withstand higher temperatures.

The space temperature can be adjusted to a maximum of 150 degrees Celsius, but Wang Leshan didn't dare to go too far the first time, so he chose a reasonably acceptable temperature, which was equivalent to soaking in a relatively hot hot spring.

Of course, he was in relatively dry air at the moment, which was very different from soaking in a hot spring, and he kept doing various push-ups.

In the end, Wang Leshan persisted in this environment for a full 30 minutes. He was so tired that he collapsed, and then he released the high temperature setting.

Take a bath, eat...

After resting, Wang Leshan began to challenge the low temperature...

For the next four days, there were scenes after scenes of masochistic behavior of humans challenging the limits, from the initial resistance to high temperatures to the resistance to low temperatures, then to the ability to withstand strong winds, heavy rain, and heavy snow. Finally, Wang Leshan became even more perverted enough to try it. Withstand lightning strikes!

Fortunately, this extreme external environment can be controlled independently and resolved instantly. Otherwise, God knows what accidents will happen. Of course, the most important thing is spiritual water. Without spiritual water, Wang Leshan would probably have to lie in bed for a long time after self-abuse this time, and he would not be able to do this endlessly close to suicidal self-abuse again and again.

After these four days of self-abuse, I have gained a lot. I have a clear understanding of my current physical fitness, and I can freely use my own strength. At the same time, the muscles of the whole body have become more and more perfect, such as eight-pack abs and inverted abdominal muscles. Triangle, mermaid line, male dog waist, they are all present, and they are extremely perfect.

It is said that muscles are the best armor for a man. The armor on Wang Leshan is definitely at the level of an artifact. It is different from the big guys who are trained in the gym. It is full of the beauty of beast-like explosive power.

Under such self-abuse, Wang Leshan believed that in the long run, he would be able to break through his physical limits.

At around 5 o'clock, He Yuting and Hong Qingqing came to the farm and brought prepared breakfast.

He Yuting handed the breakfast to Wang Leshan and said, "Shanzi, there is not much rice left."

Wang Leshan only took out two bags at the beginning, which was more than two hundred kilograms. With so many people eating spiritual rice these days, it was naturally not enough with such a large amount of food.

"okay, I get it."

Wang Leshan nodded.

He Yuting also noticed something wrong with Wang Leshan's mood yesterday, but seeing that he seemed much better today, and there seemed to be some changes in his whole person, he hesitated to speak, and after thinking about it, he didn't ask.

But Fatty Li didn't think so much. As soon as he came, munching on breakfast, he asked Wang Leshan where he had fooled around yesterday and didn't even answer the phone. Wang Leshan had to say that he had something to do in the city.

Fatty let it go after a few words of complaint, and then said: "If you have nothing to do today, don't run around. The green vegetables, mushroom vegetables, emperor vegetables and other vegetables in the greenhouse can be harvested today. These vegetables are not as good as those potatoes." If something can be stored for a long time, you have to call those people to come and get the goods. It is best to sell them all today."

"This batch of vegetables is growing faster and better than we imagined. After this batch is harvested, we have to continue planting. Oh, by the way, those pumpkins, winter melons, etc. will probably mature in a short time. It looks like there must be a lot of production. So, when the servants come, let them take away some more potatoes, taro, yams, and water chestnuts."

"Okay, let's collect the food first. When it's almost ready, I'll call them again. After all, it's still early." Wang Leshan nodded.


Fatty Li took out his cell phone again and leaned next to Wang Leshan and said, "You were not here yesterday, so I want to show you something good."

"What is it, so mysterious?"

Wang Leshan looked over and quickly discovered that it was a song called "Old Myna in the Log Cabin". Hearing it again, he couldn't help but feel happy.

The general content of this song is about a pair of talking starlings noisily complaining about a love story about growing old together. The content is cute, cute, warm and touching, and the song is also very beautiful and catchy.

"Is this a song specially written by Nan Sheng for this pair of mockingbirds?" Wang Leshan asked with a smile.

Fatty Li nodded and said with a smile: "I just posted it yesterday. I also listened to the good stuff and the bad stuff. Hahaha, these two guys seemed to understand. They yelled, "It doesn't sound good. You are so old and you almost moved to the rhythm at the same time." Then we danced. By the way, did you hear any mention of me in the lyrics?"

Wang Leshan laughed and said, "You heard the saying, 'There was a little fat man who was hungry and dizzy, gnawing on golden corn like crazy', right?"

Fatty Li chuckled and said, "That's it. When Nan Sheng sang the song, he even slapped me on his scarf. It's a shame! Oh, by the way, Nan Sheng said that the MV of this song hasn't been filmed yet. I thought. Did she tell you that she wants to come to our place to shoot?"

Wang Leshan said: "She said she wanted to come to our place after a while, but she didn't tell me what it was about. We have already made an appointment, October 10th, which is three days later."

"Very good."

Fatty Li clenched his fists excitedly and said, "When the time comes, I wonder if I will be asked to perform the corn-gnawing part in my true self."

"Co-author, do you think that MVs are all shot according to the lyrics? What do you sing and act?"

"Is it not?"

"Well, you're right."

At almost 9 o'clock, the vegetables in several greenhouses were almost harvested. Wang Leshan first sent a message to the WeChat group, and then called the purchasing staff of several big hotels one by one.

What makes Wang Leshan a little puzzled is that the purchasers of Sunshine and other three major hotels all temporarily said that they might not be able to come because of something, and the tone seemed to be more than just temporary. Only Peng Youke of the Garden Hotel said that he would send someone to pull the goods immediately.

Wang Leshan roughly guessed the possibility of these three big hotels not coming at the same time, and couldn't help but frown slightly. As he had guessed, although Shang Qiwen's matter had an outcome, it would never end so simply.

Unable to use force, the Haishang Group is preparing to suppress itself economically.

Just as he was thinking about it, Fan Mingwei called and said that he and Fan Yao were going to Dakang Village to play.

Wang Leshan asked: "Brother Fan, why are you free today and don't have to go to work?"

Fan Mingwei's slightly angry voice came from the other end of the phone: "I just resigned from my job, and I have nothing to do anyway, so I'll let Yaoyao take me to your place for a walk, so I can take a breather!"


PS: I apologize to my friends who urged me to update. There are only two chapters per day during the public period. It will explode after it is released. The amount of updates will definitely satisfy you.

(End of chapter)