Crazy Farm

Chapter 96: Style thunder


Wang Leshan had already had the idea of putting the farmhouse on the agenda. Fan Mingwei's resignation this time was also an opportunity. At least the chef of the farmhouse was already there.

After briefly discussing his ideas with Fan Mingwei, Wang Leshan naturally had bigger ideas besides farmhouses, which was to build a resort and even turn Dakang Mountain in Dakang Village into a scenic spot.

"Your idea is very good. We have the freshest ingredients here, as well as such good air and scenery. If these environmental conditions are brought into play, it will be great!"

Fan Mingwei agreed with Wang Leshan's idea, and suddenly remembered something, and said bluntly: "Do you know anyone in this regard? Since it is going to be done, it must be done well. It cannot be careless, but there must be a specific plan. .”

Wang Leshan nodded and said: "We have a construction team, and I also have some ideas. I am thinking about building a unique courtyard there. I am still considering the size and scale. Of course, I also Knowing that I must hire a professional designer to do this, I thought I would discuss it with you and Yaoyao, brother, so here you are."

"Then you've found the right person!"

Fan Mingwei laughed and said: "I actually know a few friends. One of them opens a hotel in a tourist area, and the other one has built a holiday villa by himself, and the villa was designed by himself, which is quite good. This way , I’ll call them later and have them come over to check on you and give you some advice. How about that?”

Wang Leshan smiled and said: "That's perfect!"

At this time, Fan Yao and He Yuting chatted for a while. When they saw that they had gone to make lunch, a man came over bored and asked the two of them what made them chat so happily. After listening to the two of them talking, his eyes lit up and he said: Fan Mingwei said: "Dad, it seems that you are really confused. Why have you forgotten Uncle Lei about this kind of design thing?"

When Fan Mingwei heard this, he slapped his thigh hard and laughed loudly: "I am really stupid. I only think about which of my friends opens a restaurant and a scenic spot, but I forgot about Brother Lei!"

Seeing Wang Leshan's confusion, Fan Mingwei smiled mysteriously and said, "My brother Lei is an expert. If he can design this small courtyard for you, I will ensure that you are satisfied!" Then he lowered his voice and asked more mysteriously. Said: "Leshan, have you ever heard of Shi Lei?"

"Style Thunder?"

Wang Leshan scratched his head, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he said: "It's not the Lei family that specialized in the design of royal buildings in the Qing Dynasty, right? The hereditary family that designed a series of royal buildings such as the Old Summer Palace, the Forbidden City, and the Summer Palace. A family of architects?”

Fan Yao joked: "I didn't expect that my uncle is quite knowledgeable."

"I've been thinking about setting up a farmhouse these days, so I naturally looked up some design plans and information. I know a little bit about it. If Shi Shilei is so famous, how can I not know about it!"

Wang Leshan chuckled, frowned again, and said, "Oh, that's not right. I remember that the information I read said that the Lei family inheritance has been cut off? There seems to be reports that there was a Lei family some time ago. What kind of scam did the descendants end up in jail?"

Fan Yao smiled and said: "Uncle, do you really believe what those Du Niang Encyclopedias say? And those liars are just a descendant of the Lei family who set up a real estate company under the name of Style Lei, and the real Style Lei is far behind. He is just a descendant of the Lei family. I don’t know how many generations have passed. How can he really inherit the ability and craftsmanship of Style Lei. Brother Fan and Brother Lei are really Style Lei is passed down to future generations.

However, due to some reasons, most of the descendants of Style Lei are currently overseas, and only in recent years have they begun to move around the country. There are also some reasons that are not known to outsiders, and they have always been very low-key, so naturally they are not known to ordinary people. In terms of design expertise, it is absolutely first-rate. In addition to retaining some of the inherited craftsmanship of Style Lei, it also incorporates new era technologies. Over the years, I have probably only designed gardens, villas, etc. for some close friends. It would be difficult for ordinary people to hire him. However, uncle, if you invite him, I believe he will definitely agree! "

Wang Leshan also knows that many things cannot be easily found out. Because of his trust in the Fan family and his daughter, Wang Leshan naturally does not think that they are lying to him, but is very curious about the following sentence: "Why did I invite him to come? "

Fan Yao said: "It's very simple, because Uncle Lei is a famous foodie and alcoholic! It's because of this that he met my father, and the two of them have the right temperament and have a very good relationship. If you want to invite If Uncle Lei comes, all he needs to do is ask my dad to call and tell him that you have excellent food and wine. No matter where he is, he will definitely fly over immediately! Your Qingqingtian here only needs to give Uncle Lei a good drink, and he will arrive there There is no design fee at all!"

"I didn't expect that there is such a story in it." Wang Leshan said with a smile: "If I can really ask the direct descendants of Xiang Lei to design this small courtyard for me, it would definitely be an honor for me! I will definitely take care of the food and drinks. , of course the design fee cannot be less.”

He looked at Fan Mingwei and said, "Then I'll leave this matter to you, brother!"

"That's no problem. I'll call Brother Lei later."

Fan Mingwei agreed happily, thought about it, and then said: "Leshan, if you follow your current idea, it will probably cost a lot of money, right? Do you have an idea in mind?"

Wang Leshan scratched his head and said: "I really haven't thought about the specific number. The initial investment is probably more than 10 million. As for the later investment, it's really hard to say. We still need to come up with some specific plans."

Fan Mingwei was more direct and asked: "Are you short of money? If you are short of money, tell me. Although I am not a big boss, I have saved some savings over the years. I can still get five or six million. . If you need it, just take it and use it first." He glanced at Fan Yao again, laughed and said: "Anyway, this money will be used as dowry for Yaoyao in the future!"

Hearing Fan Mingwei's sudden words, Wang Leshan and Fan Yao were immediately confused, and even blushed.

Fan Yao suddenly became anxious: "Dad, what are you talking about! Where are you from!"

Fan Mingwei glanced at Wang Leshan and then at Fan Yao, laughed loudly, and said: "What, what, what, what, I haven't finished speaking yet! I mean, this money is for Yaoyao's dowry. Yes, I lent it to your brother-in-law. If you get married in the future, your brother-in-law will pay for all the dowry. With your brother-in-law's ability, the dowry will definitely be a lot more! What, what do you understand?"

"Can you breathe so loudly when you talk?"

Fan Yao glared at Fan Mingwei fiercely, turned around angrily and walked towards the cabin.

Wang Leshan was so embarrassed that he didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and quickly said to Fan Mingwei: "Brother, you don't have to worry about money. As for Yaoyao's future dowry, of course I, as my brother-in-law, cannot afford it!"

"Is there really no shortage? You can't be polite to me! I estimate that your initial investment of 10 million may not be enough if you want to do it well."

"Don't worry. If I am short of money, I will be the first to ask you."

"That's okay. I heard from Yaoyao that your sister-in-law cooks well. I'll go take a look."

The Fan family's father and daughter had lunch at the farm and fished for a while by the fish pond. They left the farm at three o'clock in the afternoon. During this period, Fan Mingwei also helped Wang Leshan contact the direct descendant of Xiang Lei. Man, the time has been set and it will come the day after tomorrow. According to Fan Mingwei, Brother Lei was eager to fly over today when he heard about the delicious food and drink. Unfortunately, he is currently traveling in South America, so no matter how urgent it is, it will have to be the day after tomorrow.

The day after tomorrow, Nan Sheng would also come, but they bumped into each other.

After seeing off the Fan family and his daughter, Wang Leshan went to the village committee to find the village chief Wang Dabao and told him about his plan to set up a farmhouse. He needed to rent a small wooden house to the foot of Dakang Mountain. At the same time, he also told Wang Dabao in advance about the possibility of contracting Dakang Mountain in the future.

Wang Dabao had heard Wang Leshan talk about setting up a farmhouse before, but he didn't expect it to be brought up so quickly. He called the village cadres for a meeting, because Wang Leshan only rented the land and did not make any demands. The village didn't ask for any conditions, so it was settled easily. As for other procedures for building a farmhouse on this land, the village will definitely not be able to approve it and will have to be submitted to the relevant departments above.

There are too many things involved in contracting the affairs of Dakang Village, and this has to be discussed with the villagers. Wang Leshan also knew it, so he was not in a hurry.

The area of this land is not small. The width is about 100 meters from the cabin to the foot of Dakang Mountain. The extended length is 140 meters. It is almost 24 acres of land, equivalent to 14,000 square meters, which is two acres. The size of a standard football field.

This kind of area is not only enough to build a large yard, but also can build some surrounding related facilities.

(End of chapter)