Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 181: The second game (fourth more!!!)


"Wang Patriarch, we invited this little friend. It is indeed a first-grade god pattern, but it is a multiple god pattern. I don't know how you feel?" Zhu Tianhong immediately began to mock and slap his face. They all laughed at this fiercely just now. By the way, now it's his turn to taunt.

Those who come out are always to be paid back.

Zhu Tianhong burst into laughter immediately, he thought Yi Tianyun was a fake, but now it seems to be the real one!

Zhu Yuwei and Zhu Yuxuan both showed surprise expressions, this is the strength of their Elder Yi.

"How is it possible that such a young man would engrave such powerful multiple god patterns?" Patriarch Wang's face sank, and such a young boy could still have such an amazing talent

In the audience.

Lin Li was shocked beside him and said: "How is it possible that multiple god patterns are so difficult to engrave, how can you be able to engrave them?"

The contempt in his eyes had long since turned into shock, and was severely shocked by Yi Tianyun's situation.

"Oh, I can only engrave a first-grade god pattern. It seems that I have to go back to drink milk to practice... But if I have to go back to drink milk, don't you know you? Do you want to go back to my mother's womb?" Yi Tianyun Glancing at Lin Li, his faint tone was violently drawn on his face with a violent shock.

"What are you talking about!" Lin Li was irritated by Yi Tianyun's words, but it was not easy to teach him here, so he could only glared at him.

"I didn't say anything, I just told the truth, just repeat what you just said." Yi Tianyun smiled indifferently, this Lin Li is used to being proud, thinking that he is the strongest, so he can mock others at will

He has always been disrespectful of others, so don't blame yourself for being rude! Go back to drink milk, then Lin Li will go back to his mother's womb!

"Don't be proud! I don't know how you practiced, but I will also have multiple god patterns!" Lin Li refused to admit defeat: "Don't think that only you can do it, there are still a few levels behind!"

He can't figure out Yi Tianyun's level now, so he dare not say more mockingly, and then try to see the situation.

He didn't expect to be a pervert halfway through, and directly came with multiple god patterns, which directly crushed him. I have practiced multiple god patterns, but I'm not very familiar with it. The precision is too high. The mantra of "quasi" can be perfectly carried out before it can be carved out perfectly. Otherwise, the consequences will be ugly if it fails.

Generally, I don't dare to play like this without absolute certainty.

In this game, Yi Tianyun slapped his face hard with the strongest posture, scored a full mark, and immediately won the attention of many people. This level is an excellent performance. I don’t know if the next level can be maintained.

It is impossible to engrave only the first-rank god pattern. Although it is a multi-rank god pattern, in the final analysis, it is still the first-rank god pattern.

"Multiple gods, can they withstand the attacks of the eighth level during the spiritual refining period..."

Yi Tianyun is quite satisfied with this result. The armor is painted with multiple god patterns, which does not mean that it is really immune to the impact of the eight levels of the spiritual refining period. It is just that relatively speaking, it can hold a few tricks. , Attack a few more times, it will definitely collapse.

Soon the first game was over. Yi Tianyun won the first place with full marks, and Lin Li was the second place, but Lin Li was also very full marks, so he was not the same. However, in terms of level, Yi Tianyun is indeed slightly better.

After the end of the first game, the second game was ushered in.

"In the first competition, someone won the first place with a very good level of multiple god patterns. This is something I didn't expect." What Li Tianlong said was Yi Tianyun, after sweeping everyone. , Continued: "In the second match, I will slightly change the rules and content so that the score will not be so rigid, at least there will be no situation in the first match. After all, the situation of each family is different, which makes I feel very relieved. The branch is getting stronger and stronger, which is a good thing for us Star Pavilion."

As soon as this remark came out, several of the deacons' faces changed slightly, which meant that the content had to be changed. Many people in the family's complexion changed slightly because the content has changed!

There is no impermeable wall, these deacons can know the content of the test in advance. Therefore, many people in the family paid a lot of money to get the news of the competition from these deacons. Now that they change, it is possible that the content of the second scene will become completely unrecognizable and their expenses will be directly wiped out.

And what made all this change was Yi Tianyun, who was ridiculed before, made them feel very upset. If the content changes, the previous intensive training is obviously wasted.

They can only pray in their hearts now, don't change the content, just change the rules a little.

As the chief pavilion chief, Li Tianlong is useless to bribe unless he is particularly partial to which family. As a master of Shenwen, and the most powerful chief pavilion master, who can bribe him

After he pondered for a while, he said, "The content of the second test is'fast'! In an hour, the more god patterns are successfully portrayed, the higher the score! Regardless of grade or grade The lower the score, the lower the score, the higher the grade, the higher the score. The first-rate god pattern is one point, the second-rank god pattern is two points, the third-rank god pattern is five points, and the fourth-rank god pattern is ten! There is no upper limit for the score. !"

The content of the second test is also very simple. The word "fast" is implemented. After everyone heard it, the content immediately changed. The previous rule content was in the same time, depending on who painted the god pattern. If the time is the shortest and the grade is higher, the score will be higher.

This means that the low-grade ones will not work at all. Even if the first-rank god pattern is successfully portrayed in one second, because the grade is too low, it is still counted as one point, so it doesn't make much sense at all.

It's different now. The content does implement the word "quick", but the content has undergone earth-shaking changes. This is compared to the fact that in the same time, who can paint more god patterns, this is undoubtedly a battle for points.

It is necessary to consider the time distribution situation of an hour. It is not meaningful to blindly smash the high-level gods. Assuming that everyone can only portray a third-rank god pattern at the highest level, and only one can be portrayed in an hour, it can only get five points.

If within an hour, if you can portray the second-rank god pattern, and you can paint three in one breath, it will directly rush to the sixth grade, and it will directly crush the third-rank god pattern. This depends on the level of proficiency. If the speed of the high-level gods is similar to the speed of the second-rank gods, then it is undoubtedly the priority to describe the third-rank gods.

The change is a change, but everyone feels it is still acceptable.

"Ding, successfully completed serial mission one, gained 500,000 experience, and a thousand points of mastery in Shenwen!"

"Ding, succeed in the second series of missions, "Complete the victory of the second competition", gain 500,000 points of experience, and 1,000 points of proficiency for Shenwen!"

The next mission reward was continued again, which made Yi Tianyun smile. He just liked this proficiency! If this continues, it is not difficult to break through to the advanced mastery of god lines!