Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 257: Completely destroyed


"Ding, successfully kill Feng Yulong, get 7,800 experience points, 1,800 crazy points, 50 sin points, and 100 points of proficiency in Divine Runes. Obtain Feiyun swordsmanship, chaotic cloud steps. "

It is not difficult to kick Feng Yulong to death with one kick. Originally, his cultivation base was very weak, and kicking to death was like stepping on an ant, and he was given the highest punishment!

"You, you actually killed Brother Feng!" Liao Wen also betrayed his division, looking at Yi Tianyun and said angrily, "You, how dare you resist!"

The next moment, Yi Tianyun had already flashed in front of him, and he was kicked by his leg, and Liao Wen was also kicked and flew out, killing him directly.

"Ding, successfully kill Liao Wen, get 6,500 experience points, 1,500 crazy points, 20 sin points, and 100 spiritual marks mastery proficiency..."

"capital offense!"

If you don't show mercy, kill if you need to, show no mercy!

At this astonishing speed, no one could see how they acted, including those elders. This speed is too fast, too fast to believe. Yang Xixue looked at the situation here, her eyes lit up, she knew that Yi Tianyun was very strong, but he completely suppressed those pirates at the beginning.

"capital offense!"

Yi Tianyun didn't stop, and continued to kick the side. The disciples who betrayed the master were kicked and flew out, and the result was a dead end! He never kills at will, but when he does, he can't stop.

"capital offense!"

"capital offense!"

"capital offense!"

With a single kick, he easily eliminated many disciples who had betrayed his master's sect, without the slightest difficulty.

"Stop it for me!" Elder Xiao Jie roared, and he burst out of the spirit pill stage. Killing these disciples in front of him is like slapping him in the face, how can he tolerate it!

But before he rushed over, Yi Tianyun had already rushed in front of him, kicked his leg with a kick, and with a "dong" sound, Elder Xiao Jie was also kicked and flew out, his internal organs were kicked out, and he fell. Immediately die when you are on the ground!

"Bullying to our Tianji Mansion is also a capital crime!" Yi Tianyun looked at the people who were still standing coldly: "After listening to your nonsense for a long time, it is time to clean up the portal and clean up some garbage. Otherwise, do we really think that our Tianji Mansion is easy to bully? The dignity of our Tianji Mansion is also inviolable!"

"Well said! Although our Tianji Mansion is a bit bad, I am honored to be a disciple of Tianji Mansion and I am willing to maintain its dignity!" Yang Yu said angrily: "Let's go together and drive them all out for us!"

Under the guidance of Yang Yu, each of them seemed to have been beaten with blood, and they all rushed over there and fought with them completely.

Their cultivation base is not high, but it does not mean that they cannot fight!

Yi Tianyun's eyes lit up, it is with this kind of disciple that a sect has hope of revival. If one by one betrays the division, or is full of despair and has no sense of belonging, then the sect is definitely doomed.

"Well, let's get rid of them together!" Yi Tianyun's eyes flashed, and he rushed to another elder. This elder has the highest cultivation level. After he gets rid of him, everything will be resolved.

"You are going to be the enemy of Shenwen Mansion, you guys, you are tired of living!" The remaining elders saw Yi Tianyun rushing over, their faces turned pale, and their companion elder was kicked to death, he immediately He knew that the cultivation of the young man in front of him was very unbelievable.

"No, you are tired of living now!" Yi Tianyun kicked up and kicked the elder out, and he was also killed.

"Successfully killed the elder of Shenwen Mansion, gained 240,000 experience points, 3,200 crazy points, 50 sin points, and 500 Shenwen mastery proficiency points..."

When killing the elder level, you must turn on this crazy experience mode, which must not be wasted.

The others were also not at a disadvantage. They took out their weapons and slashed at the disciples of the Shenwen Mansion. The weapons were engraved with their own proud divine marks, and their power suddenly increased sharply. However, the disciples of Shenwen Mansion are not bad either, but now that the elders are all dead, their morale has dropped to a low point, they simply turned around and fled, how dare they resist.

Li Huan, who was seriously injured and unable to move, was dumbfounded. He was originally carried over to watch a good show, but now he can't escape.

"Who, who will take me by the way..." Li Huan struggled to get up, but the serious injury made it difficult for him to move quickly.

"Would you like me to help you?" Yi Tianyun flashed in front of him at some point, looking at him with an evil face.

"You, if you kill me, the palace master will avenge us... Your Tianji mansion is doomed to perish! Not only did you kill our young master, but also so many of us... My death, I will use your Tianji mansion to be buried with you !" Li Huan was in despair, knowing that he was doomed, there was no point in begging for mercy, so he just fought.

"Really, it's just a pity that you will not be buried with our Tianji Mansion, but your Mansion Master, and your Shenwen Mansion!" Yi Tianyun smiled coldly, took off the Variety Mask, revealing that Familiar faces.

After Li Huan saw it clearly, his face turned pale, and he looked at him tremblingly and said, "Why, how could it be you?"

Yi Tianyun put on the mask again and said with a smile: "Of course it's me... Don't worry, your palace lord is dead, go down in peace."

As soon as the words fell, Yi Tianyun flew over and kicked him. With a "bang", Li Huan was kicked and flew out.

"Ding, successfully kill Li Huan and gain experience..."

Soon all of them were cleared away, and there was basically no opening, and the attack was very ruthless. After the other disciples cleared them, their faces were not very good-looking. They basically didn't kill anyone, and some even killed someone for the first time.

But if they don't do this, they will be killed by the other party, and they have no choice!

"You guys clean up here, I'll leave for now." Yi Tianyun's eyes flashed.

"Benefactor, where are you going?" Yang Xixue hurriedly shouted.

"To deal with some things, some places, I wanted it to exist for a longer time, but now it seems that this is not necessary." The place Yi Tianyun wants to go is very simple, that is Shenwen Mansion!

I thought it was a problem with the upper layers, but now it seems to be rotten to the core. Since this is the case, there is no need for the existence of the Divine Rune Mansion. Let him uproot it and remove it completely.

After he left, Yang Yu patted his sister on the shoulder and said, "Sister, everyone has already left, what are you still looking at? No wonder other men don't like him, so you like him? Actually... I think the boss is pretty good too."

"Fuck you!" Yang Xixue snorted coldly, "If you think your boss is good, then marry him yourself!"

"I think so too, but I'm not a woman!" Yang Yu also admitted!