Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 81: Xuantian Lingwang!


Yi Tianyun looked around, except for the flowers and trees, there was nothing special about it. However, a path was opened up in front of him, and he walked along the path. After walking a distance, a small courtyard came into view.

It doesn't look as broken as the outside, but the inside is an illusion, and of course the illusion will not be destroyed, so it can always remain the same.

Although it has not been destroyed, the courtyard looks very ordinary, and it looks like it is built with ordinary wood. Originally, the illusion can be built at will, as luxurious as you want, but here, it is extremely ordinary.

But the more common it is, the more problematic it is. The real powerhouses are the simplification of the avenues, and they are all based on simplicity, rather than focusing on luxury.

He came to the courtyard, reached out and tapped lightly, and a few "dong dong dong" sounded, which seemed particularly loud in this quiet courtyard.

"Come in." A low voice came from inside.

Yi Tianyun was shocked, but he didn't expect that there were really people! He just knocked on the door politely, just in form, after all, this is someone else's territory, whether it's here or not, it's a test.

Immediately, he gently opened the door, and what he saw was a courtyard full of flowers and plants. An old man was sitting in the pavilion of the courtyard, thinking for himself, looking very leisurely.

"Junior, meet the senior!" Yi Tianyun walked in respectfully and paid respect to the old man.

The powerhouse who can create Tianshen monuments is definitely not a generalist, so he should be respectful of course. The strong are always respected, so he will also respect them.

"You don't have to be so polite, I'm not the master here." The old man smiled and stood up.

"You're not the master here?" Yi Tianyun was startled, he already lives here, isn't he the master here

"Yes, the old man is just the steward here, just call me Xuan Lao. If you have a fate, please come with me." Xuan Lao motioned him to go into the room.

Yi Tianyun nodded and walked into the house with Elder Xuan. There were no other treasures in the house, but a spiritual seat was placed on the table with the words "King Xuan Tian Ling" clearly written on it. Here The owner is Xuan Tianling King!

"It turned out to be a spirit king!"

Yi Tianyun was shocked, the Spirit King was second only to the Holy King! In fact, it is the Void Spirit Stage, commonly known as the Spirit King. In this continent, it already belongs to the pinnacle of existence, no wonder it is not difficult to create such a huge monument.

"This is the master's spiritual position." Xuan Lao sighed.

"Xuantian Lingwang, he has already..." Yi Tianyun was startled, this is a Lingwang, just died like this

"Yes, even if it is the Spirit King, it is still impossible to escape the fate of death." Elder Xuan sighed.

Yi Tianyun's expression was solemn, and he said respectfully: "The junior, first put a stick of incense on the senior to show the respect of the junior."

Elder Xuan waved his hand gently, and a stick of incense appeared in his hand and handed it to Yi Tianyun.

Yi Tianyun took this incense stick and came to this spiritual place, bowed deeply three times, and was very respectful. In my heart, it is more of a pity that a generation of spirit kings has just fallen.

After three prostrations, he walked over with this stick of incense and put it on the incense burner.

Elder Xuan looked at Yi Tianyun, nodded with satisfaction, and then said: "Yes, you have a good temperament and good character, and you are qualified to become the master's inheritance disciple!"

Yi Tianyun was stunned, he was just on the incense stick, so he was qualified to become an inheritance disciple

"You don't have to be surprised, it's just qualified... But it's better than others, not even qualified." Xuan Lao snorted: "Not only are they not polite at all, but they are not sincere to the master! There is no respect at all, It's the type of running away with the inheritance, absolutely untrustworthy!"

"You mean that someone did come in before, but in the end, due to attitude problems, they didn't get this inheritance?" Yi Tianyun wondered.

"That's right, and I also punished him!" Elder Xuan said solemnly, "This is my territory. I can feel whoever is sincere and respectful to the master. They don't have this kind of mind, so just Not eligible for it!"

Immediately, Elder Xuan smiled at him and said, "You don't have to worry, you have a good temperament. My master has always been very hospitable and pays attention to etiquette. You are very suitable."

Yi Tianyun couldn't help wiping his cold sweat, but fortunately, he corrected his attitude, otherwise he would really be finished. Although I don't know what the punishment that Elder Xuan said means, but from the current situation, it is estimated that the one is dead, or it is an idiot.

Their souls are connected to the Trial Stele. As long as they hit the soul severely, even if they don't die, they will definitely become fools. The body has no effect, but people become idiots.

It seems that sometimes paying attention to etiquette is a very important thing. Many cultivators rushed in, slammed open the door and wanted to grab the treasure, where did they come from a little bit of etiquette. Who would have thought that the etiquette would be tested when entering

"This, I don't know what Elder Xuan wants to test?" Yi Tianyun asked.

"If you want to obtain the inheritance of our master, you can't inherit it without a certain strength." Xuan Lao smiled, he felt good about Yi Tianyun: "The level you want to achieve is very simple, that is to defeat the master. !"

"Defeat the master?" Yi Tianyun said stunnedly: "Isn't Xuan Tianling King already dead, can he still compete with him?"

"Of course it's not the real master, but the spiritual sense left by the master. As long as you defeat this spiritual sense, you can have the qualification to inherit the inheritance!" Xuan Lao said in a deep voice: "If you fail, I will impact your soul a little bit. As a result, this part of the memory is eliminated, and the rest will not be a problem."

Although they welcome many geniuses to complete this inheritance, everything depends on their own strength. If they all tell the rules, then there is no difficulty here.

"No problem." Yi Tianyun nodded, he must have no problem, if he can't deal with it, then no one can deal with it.

The limit here is within the Spirit Refining Stage, but he is still in the Pill Condensing Stage, so who else can he be afraid of

"Okay, are you ready now?" Elder Xuan asked.

"Okay." Yi Tianyun said.

Xuan Lao nodded, and with a wave of his hand, the courtyard in front of him disappeared. What appeared in front of him was a huge competition arena.

Followed by a young man who appeared in front of Yi Tianyun, his eyes were tightly closed, and after he appeared, he slowly opened his eyes, and a ray of light shot out from his pupils, as if it could penetrate the world!

In an instant, Yi Tianyun felt like he was seen through. The handsome young man in front of him was undoubtedly the Spirit King of his youth. This pair of eyes that can see everything is indeed a Spirit King! Even if he looks like a young spirit king, he is still so domineering.