Crazy Wife: Evil King Please Stay

Chapter 45: Baihua Banquet


But Rong Xun didn't make any difference, so he had to let Murong Jin follow him.

It wasn't until this Rong Xun entered the mansion that Murong Jin cast a wink at Rong Xun, and then rode away.

"Miss, you can come back. You didn't come back last night, but it made us anxious."

Tian'er's heart let go after seeing Rong Xun's return safely.

Rong Xun nodded, indicating that she was okay.

"What happened yesterday?" Entering the small attic, Rong Xun saw two boxes, one large and one small, on his couch.

Following Rong Xun's gaze, Tian'er explained, "It was sent by the old lady, a piece of clothing, and some jewelry."

Rong Xun frowned, "Why did my grandmother send these?"

At this time, Yunxiu came in with the fruit, "Miss, the old lady sent someone yesterday to say that Miss, tomorrow will go to the Hundred Flowers Banquet at the Princess's Mansion."

Baihua Banquet

There are no girls in the city who don’t know about this Hundred Flower Banquet.

Those who can participate in the Hundred Flowers Banquet can only be the young ladies of some high-ranking officials and noble families in the city, and some royal relatives and nobles, and there must be invitations from the eldest princess.

And for this Hundred Flowers Banquet, the most outstanding woman must also be selected, and the selected woman will be rewarded by the princess.

But this year's Hundred Flowers Banquet is slightly different from previous years. The prince has also reached the age of marrying a wife. If he wants to come to this year's Hundred Flowers Banquet, he is likely to become the prince.

"The princess sent an invitation?" Rong Xun looked at the two boxes, thoughtfully.

Tian'er looked at the table, "Miss, the invitation is on the table for you."

Sure enough, there was a big red invitation on the table.

She didn't have an invitation at the Baihua Banquet in the last life, but she also went.

It was Rong Yu who invited her to go. At that time, she was still grateful to Rong Yu happily, but she didn't want Rong Yu to just let her make a fool of herself, in order to set off her!

In this life, she actually has an invitation. I don't know how this princess would invite her.

After washing, Rong Xun went to the front yard to greet the Long family. Seeing that Rong Xun's complexion was so good, the Long family was relieved.

At the end of the day, Rong Xun got up earlier than usual, and practiced boxing for a while.

After punching, the pores all over his body seemed to be opened, and the whole person was much more relaxed.

"The young lady looks so good today, I think it is the effect of the hot spring!" Yunxiu handed the veil to Rong Xun, wiped his body, and went out of the bath.

Yesterday, the doctor came to find Rong's pulse, and he was secretly surprised, how could this cold poison go so easily, Rong Xun just smiled, the doctor also knew the severity, and didn't ask much.

Hearing Yunxiu's words, Rong Xunweizheng made an abnormal blush on his face.

"Miss, is it uncomfortable?" Yunxiu is not what happened in the hot spring, and I don't know what happened to Rong Xun.

"It's okay, take out the red dress I brought back before, and wear her today."

Yunxiu heard the words and replied, "Doesn't the lady wear the skirt that the old lady sent yesterday?"

Seeing Rongxun nodded, Yunxiu took out the red Yingxue flower skirt.

Putting on the skirt, Rong Xun curled up his hair at will, with only one jade hairpin.

The skirt is made of silk and is very light. The hem of the skirt is pierced by the embroiderer one by one with the budding green flowers. The skirt is very good at waist, and it is tailor-made for Rongxun.

"Little...Miss, the eldest son is here."

As soon as she had finished her hair bun, Tian'er entered the small attic and was shocked to see Rong Xun, "Miss, you are so beautiful, I don't know where to see better than Miss!"

Rong Xun smiled, stretched out his finger and nodded Tian'er's forehead, "I'll be silly. Since the big brother is here, let's go."

Today's Baihua Banquet, Rong Yu, Rong Ling'er and others will also go, and the eldest brother is responsible for sending them there.

Outside the water, Rong Jintian stood there with his servant.

"Big Brother."

Rong Jintian turned his back to the side of the water, Rong Xun sneaked over and patted Rong Jintian on the shoulder.

Rong Jintian smiled indulgently, turned around and knocked on Rongxun's head, "Xun'er is so courageous, I dare to scare my brother."

Looking down at Rong Xun's dress, Rong Jintian was stunned, "Xun'er is so beautiful today."

Bai gave Rong Jintian a glance, and Rong Xun took the lead to walk in front, turning around to see Rong Jintian still standing in place, "Brother, it's time to go."

"Oh." Rong Jintian only reacted and hurriedly followed.

The Baihua Banquet is held in the princess mansion, and the princess is the only sister of the current emperor.

Rong Yu's group had already stood in front of the carriage early when they had just left Prince Rong's Mansion.

"Seven sisters are really big, let all of us wait, we have to let our eldest brother come in personally." Rong Ling'er saw Rong Xun and Rong Jintian coming over, and was out of anger.

Rong Ling'er and the others had been waiting at the gate of the palace for almost half an hour. The banquet time was almost here, but Rong Jintian had to wait for Rong Xun to be with him. Seeing that Rong Xun was too late, he even went to call Rong Xun himself!

"Let the sisters wait for a long time, it's Xun'er's not. Xun'er is the first time to participate in the Hundred Flowers Banquet. I don't know the time. Don't blame the sisters." Rong Xun glanced at several people, Rong Yu's face On the contrary, his face was calm and calm, only Rong Linger's mood was written on his face, which was really unsettled.

Saying that Rong Xun was the first to get in the car, Rong Ling'er stomped angrily, and wanted to rush up to curse Rong Xun, but Rong Yu stopped him.

Seeing that it was Rong Yu who was holding him, Rong Linger snorted and then got into the carriage.

Ever since the poison was found in Rong Ling'er's room last time, and Rong Yu told the old lady, Rong Ling'er has become estranged from Rong Yu.

It can be said that Rong Ling'er hates Rongxun now, but he hates Rong Yu a lot.

Rong Yu was the last to get on the carriage, and no one saw the cold light in her eyes.

After a while, the carriage arrived at the princess mansion.

"Xun'er, be careful about everything. Brother will be waiting for you outside." Just as Rong Xun was about to enter the mansion, Rong Jintian's worried voice came from behind him.

Turning around, Chao Rong Jintian smiled, "Don't worry, Brother Xun'er will pay attention."

This time to attend the Baihua Banquet, Rong Xun took Yuefeng and Yunxiu with him, while Tian'er was left at the water side to take care of the Long clan.

Entering the mansion, many people have already arrived, and Rong Xun walked silently behind the crowd.

"Ah, help, help!"

Suddenly, a cry for help came to Rong Xun's ears, and the sound should be in front of him.

Rong Xun walked over quickly, and a woman was in the water, yelling for help. It seemed that she could not know the water.

There were many onlookers around, but none of them went down to save people.

Since it was a Hundred Flowers Banquet today, all the family members in the Long Princess’s mansion went to Zhuangzi, and there was only a maid in the mansion!

Is it possible that none of this maid knows water

Rong Xun frowned, and the struggling movement of the woman in the water was getting smaller and smaller. If she didn't save her, she would soon die.


Rong Xun took off his shoes and jumped into the water.