Crazy Wife: Evil King Please Stay

Chapter 66: Black jade pendant


Even if Yun Liuzhan knows his fortune-telling system and knows his own fortune-telling system, is it possible that the Confucian school will do it

The old man and Yun Liuzhan actually said something similar to Da Ting, which made Rong Xun have to think deeply.

"Master said I have a special aura?" Rong Xun could not understand what he said.

The old man nodded solemnly, "Well, I've noticed it since Baihuayan approached you that day. Do you remember when I said that you should come to the old man?"

Rong Xun nodded, the old man did say so at the time.

"At that time, I was sure it was you. This kind of breath is very special. Even standing by your side will make people feel refreshed." The old man shook his head and said.

Is it because of blood jade beads

The blood jade bead is something of the spirit race. It is extraordinary. It must have the special aura of the treasure of the spirit race. Now the blood jade bead is in Rong Xun's body, which means that Rong Xun also has this breath!

Rong Xun thought for a while. No wonder the old man would say this. This blood jade pearl originally belonged to Murong Jin, so this giant should also belong to Murong Jin, but now he is here. This hot potato Rong Xun just won’t accept it. Up.

Just as it was to help Murong Jin take it first, Rong Xun came out of his thoughts and said, "Since the master can feel it, why can't others feel it?"

The old man asked as if he knew Rong Xunhui, pretending to be a deep smile, "Of course this is your master and I am good at it! Okay, let's be serious. The reason is because of this piece of black jade! "

"Because of this jade?" Rong Xun moved closer and looked at the black jade on the shelf carefully. There was nothing unusual.

Suddenly, a light pierced Rong Xun's eyes, and the black jade flashed!

Rong Xun stretched out his hand and touched it, a cold and warm touch spread instantly, the white light on the black jade became more and more exuberant, Rong Xun flashed his eyes and looked at the old man.

"I took the piece of jade at the Baihua Banquet that day, and it was the same reaction at the time. I knew that you were the person I was looking for." The old man became more excited as he spoke, his eyes flashing as he watched Rong Xun.

Rong Xun thought it was incredible. This black jade was so magical that it would flash and heat up close to him, "What is going on with this jade?"

The light of the black jade continued to flicker, feeling the hotter and hotter temperature, Rong Xun put down the black jade in his hand.

"This jade is a token of a Confucian giant, and there is a special power in it. I don’t know exactly what it is. In short, my Confucian giants have passed down a story from generation to generation. That is this black jade. The true descendants of Confucianism will shine."

Watching Laozi paused, and then said, "I used to think this was just a legend, a story, until I met you!"

Rong Xun understood now, it seemed that this piece of jade should also be a thing of the spirit race, otherwise, how could it flicker when encountering a blood jade bead.

"So the master asked me to come that day, is he already planning to pass on the position of the Confucian school of giant to me?"

The old man nodded, "But you are late, the old man is impatient with me, so I have to send someone to invite you little girl."

"Now this jade, you should always be willing to accept it!"

Rong Xun thought a little bit, "I can accept the position of a master as a giant, but my current situation should not be made public."

The old man smiled, as long as Rong Xun is willing to accept it, everything is easy to say, "The girl means that you will not disclose your succession to the giant. On the surface, this old man is still a Confucian giant?"

Rong Xun nodded. Now her situation in Prince Rong's Mansion should not be made public. Besides, Rong Xun is a female classmate who has just recognized Li Xun as a teacher.

If this is the case, it is said that Rong Xun has become a Confucian giant, not to mention that Confucian disciples are dissatisfied, afraid that outsiders will doubt that Rong Xun's position is unknown.

The old man knew Rongxun's worries, and agreed to Rongxun without saying a word.

"However, the girl should take the jade away, and it is not appropriate to put it with me!" The old man handed the black jade to Rong Xun.

Seeing Rong Xun took Hei Yu, the old man Le's mouth couldn't close.

Others wanted to be the Confucian giants, and it was impossible to squeeze their heads. When they came to Rongxun, they didn't want to be sent to the door by others.

"Girl, remember from today, you will be a Confucian giant!"

After speaking, the old man laughed and left the house with Rong Xun. When he left the house, he also took a game of chess.

The two sat opposite each other in the pavilion above the lotus pond, "The girl is a rare visit today. Let me play chess with the old man!"

In the two rounds of chess, the two won once each. It was normal, and Rong Xun left after lunch at the Confucian Academy. When he left, the old man reminded Rong Xun to come over more freely.

It was not until he left the Confucian school that Rong Xun realized that the old man accepted himself as a disciple only for the people of the world. The real intention was to take over the position of the Confucian giant.

Rong Xun didn't return to Rong Xun's palace directly, but went to Luoying Pavilion. Rong Xun wanted to see what happened to the things she asked Luo Qianshou to find.

"Miss, today our 20 pieces of jewelry have been sold out. If the lady wants to buy jewelry, please come back tomorrow." Before entering the Luoying Pavilion, Rongxun at the door was blocked by vegetarianism.

Rong Xun didn't get angry either, he was just doing what Luo Qianchou told him to be a vegetarian, and he smiled, "If you are a vegetarian, tell Luo Qianchou and say Rong Xun is here."

What's more, Rong Xun wears women's clothing today, so it's normal that he doesn't recognize it as a vegetarian.

"Miss, do you know my boss?" Rusu looked at Rong Xun carefully, feeling familiar but couldn't remember where he had seen him.

The next moment, the vegetarian was shocked and said, "It's you! Are you the son? No, it should be the young lady..."

The vegetarian recognized Rong Xun, but he didn't know whether he should call him the son or the young lady.

Rong Xun smiled, raised his foot and walked towards Luoying Pavilion, now that the vegetarianism did not stop him anymore.

Go straight into the secret road. At this hour, Luo Qianchou should be urging the workers to make jewelry.

Entering the huge secret room, as expected, Luo Qianchou sat leisurely on the stool beside him, knocking the seeds, watching the workers make jewelry. These jewelry can't make any mistakes, and he personally supervises the work every day.

Seeing the figure of a woman in the secret room in a daze, Luo Qianchou said casually, "Vegetarian, help me pour a cup of tea, these melon seeds are too salty."

Luo Qianchou didn't turn his head to see who it was. After all, the only woman who could come here was a vegetarian, and he never thought that it would be Rong Xun.

Rong Xun heard this and saw the teapot on the table next to Luo Qianchou walking over, poured a cup of tea and handed it to Luo Qianchou, "Master Luo, please use tea."