Creating a Sandbox World

Chapter 112: National alert


The consciousness is temporarily confused, and the sense of direction is lost. It seems that there are countless fogs passing by around the body, and the whole person seems to be floating in the sky without weight.

Then suddenly fell hard again, and finally opened his eyes suddenly.

In the simple, small, dry and cold wooden house, when Hathaway disconnected from the mysterious space and got out of the state of cultivation, she opened her eyes and lost her mind for a short while.

Raising his right hand, on the wrapped silver medal hanging on his wrist, the complicated pattern has dimmed, no longer flickering like breathing, and has become ordinary, just like in the past ten years.

"Huh." Exhaled a deep breath. At this moment, the Grand Priest, who woke up from hibernation and wandered around like a ghost for ten years, seemed to be pouring out all the complicated emotions in his heart.

The hibernation program is over.

However, she was far less relaxed than expected. At this moment, she even felt a strong sense of emptiness.

It was as if, for the past ten years, a certain force that had always supported me disappeared suddenly.

Everything is as planned.

A destructive cold wave has appeared, the angel has recovered, and the round table meeting has reopened.

The four new successors are also shouldering heavy responsibilities at this moment. They have begun to use the fastest speed to issue decrees, mobilize resources across the country, and start the plan that has been prepared for a long time...

Alrod, who had successfully completed his supervisory duties in decades, was old and could wait for the arrival of people in the shelter of the Southern Continent with peace of mind.

People who are at a loss will soon be forcibly driven away and urged to go to the next journey.

Only myself... as if I hadn't done anything, I was the first to fall asleep and the last to wake up.

I fell asleep, and then I was in a trance like this, and the past hundred years have passed.

He went through the entire plan completely, but he didn't show any real value. Looking back, he seemed to be the most redundant among the seats at the round table.

The only thing left is the identity and seniority of an "ancient strong man", and with the help of his familiarity with observing angels, he can gain a little "sense of superiority" from the eyes of Queen Francis and other younger generations.

Yes, that's right, just a little... poor... superiority.

And now, there is nothing.

No mission, no mission, no goal, no direction.

No one needs her, and there is no place for her in this world.

At this moment, the sense of separation and strangeness from this era is unprecedentedly strong.

It was so strong that the legendary Chaofan from a hundred years ago couldn't help but hugged his arms tightly, feeling that the room had never been so cold.

After sitting there for a while, Hathaway finally got up and decided to go out and find a warm place to sit.

She dug out a thick cotton coat, scarf, and hat from the suitcase under the bed, wrapped herself up heavily, stuffed her wallet into her pocket, and then opened the door.

Follow the only path towards the town down the mountain.

At this time, it happened to be in the afternoon, when the sun was strongest, but the temperature did not rise.

On the contrary, the cold wind blowing from the north became more bitter.

Even the white windmill on the mountain turned faster than usual.

This mountain is definitely not close to the center of the town, but for a high-level transcendent, this is nothing.

Soon, Hathaway, wearing a velvet hat, scarf, and wrapped in a thick down coat, appeared in this town called "Beach".

The name "Beach" sounds like it might be associated with extreme heat, sandy beaches, and the sea in summer, but for this town in Cold Winter County, "Beach" is just the original meaning.

There are not many residents in the town, so even on the sunniest afternoon, there are few people on the street.

In fact, compared to the densely populated Southern Continent, following decades of policy regulation and population loss, many places are quite sparsely populated.

This is especially true in Wintershire.

Hathaway stuffed her hands in her pockets, carrying a small backpack, and walked slowly along the snowy road. Soon, she stopped in front of a coffee shop she frequented.

In the two months since she came here, she often came here to sit and sit. The environment is good, the boss has a good personality, and there are many regular customers. There is a kind of warmth that is different from the family.

"Ding lang lang..."

Pushing open the floor-to-ceiling glass store door, the wind chime hanging at the door made a pleasant sound, and the heating in the room was fully turned on, making the whole cold body warm up in an instant.

In the direction of the window of the house is a very long, dark brown table with chairs placed on both sides. Inwardly, there are some individual tables and chairs in the corner, bookshelves, sofas, sunlight from The glass shines in and sprinkles on it, making it extra warm.

At the moment, there are about a dozen customers in the coffee shop, scattered among the tables and chairs.

Some are reading, some are chatting, and the largest group is gathered by the "public TV" next to the wall, watching TV programs while drinking tea.

"Hey, Miss Lena, would you like to sit down? The seat you like is still available." Seeing Hathaway push the door and enter, the smiling boss behind the bar greeted.

Lena... This is her casually faked identity.

"Okay, give me a cup of hot coffee, you know what I like to drink."

Hathaway smiled habitually, said, and immediately took the latest newspaper from the shelf beside her, and walked towards the long table.

"Hi, Lena, you haven't been here for a few days." In the corner, a regular customer raised his glass, motioned to her, and said.

"No, that's just because you weren't there when Lena came." Beside her, a woman who was flipping through a magazine shook her head and vetoed.

"That's a pity..."

Listening to the conversation of a few "friends" who are not very familiar, the coldness on Hathaway's body dissipated a lot. She took off her thick coat and put it aside. She asked with some nostalgia:

"Any news?"

She knew very well that soon, such a peaceful scene would not be there again.

"What else... is there to talk about our factory's delay in opening? Or this damn weather?" A chubby middle-aged man complained:

"It's the end of February. The temperature hasn't risen, but it's getting colder. I heard that this year has reached the lowest point in history. If this continues, I'm afraid I won't be able to go out."

"Keep your voice down, don't disturb people reading."

"Just want this kind of atmosphere, do you think they are watching TV all the time? Just because of this unlucky weather, this year's football games have been canceled..."

Amidst the middle-aged man's complaints, Hathaway looked up at the public TV.

At this moment, a disaster drama is playing on it, telling stories about climate change, global cooling, and human beings struggling to survive. There have been many stories of similar themes in recent years.

At this moment, suddenly, the TV signal was suddenly interrupted, leaving only a piece of "squeaky" noise. Two seconds later, the picture stabilized again, but it was switched to the Aspen National News Channel.

"What's going on? Who changed the channel secretly?"

"No one moved... It seems to be a forced broadcast."

This unexpected change immediately attracted all the guests. In the picture, the host sitting in front of the camera seemed to have just received the manuscript, and it seemed that other people were still confirming it.

After receiving an affirmative answer, he turned to the camera with an unbelievable expression, and quickly said:

"Everyone, this is National News, we just received an urgent piece of news!

Just today, a few hours ago, a mysterious cyclone suddenly appeared in the polar region, causing a super blizzard. At this moment, it is spreading outward rapidly!

The northern observatory completely lost contact with us an hour ago!

… Attention, this is not a joke!

Yes, at this very moment, in the sea of storms to the north of the border, there is a terrifying storm that is suspected to be a supernatural phenomenon spreading!

...According to the news from the royal palace, it is very likely that it is an extraordinary event similar to the "disaster of strange things" a hundred years ago! ! "

"...Just now, Aspen, Fryer, Winton, and the Southern Continent, the four countries held a conference call and issued a super warning at the same time!

All citizens, please prepare for emergency evacuation immediately to avoid disaster!

Relevant evacuation actions will be taken by local city hall departments!

Repeat it again!

This is no joke! This is no joke! "

In the public TV, the famous host turned pale and spoke urgently, repeating the information in the manuscript.

And through the TV signal, the news was spread to the whole kingdom.

Inside the coffee shop.

Listening to the anxious voice coming from the TV.

Except for Hathaway, the rest of the guests fell into a short period of sluggishness. After a while, the middle-aged man asked hoarsely:

"This... can't be true?"

No one answered, and the temperature in the entire store seemed to drop to freezing point at this moment.

A moment later, a guest who was standing in front of the TV scratched his cheek and said in a panic, "It's fake... This is fake... How is it possible..."

"It's impossible for the news station to make such a joke!" The woman who was flipping through the magazine shouted in a shrill voice, staring at the screen firmly.

After a while, as if remembering something, he took out a delicate radio from his bag and turned it on.

"Shusha... Suspected supernatural blizzard... All citizens who heard this broadcast, please return home immediately and prepare to evacuate and avoid danger...

Once again, a supernatural blizzard comparable to the monster disaster a hundred years ago is spreading outward from the polar region, and it is spreading rapidly... "

On the radio, the voice of the national radio station was repeated over and over again, echoing in the small cafe, as if the pause button was pressed.

In the next second, the entire coffee shop exploded, and no one could keep calm anymore.

The TV station and the radio broadcast at the same time, which seems impossible to be a "joke"!

What really stings people is the term "disaster of strange things" in the news.

It refers to the supernatural "cake" disaster caused by a mysterious "creature" that swept the entire world a hundred years ago.

That is also the common, extremely painful memory of all mankind!

But now, such a disaster... unexpectedly... has it happened again

"No! It must be an exaggeration! It can't be true..."

"Urgent evacuation... avoid danger... how could..."

"Come on, let's go to the city hall, we must confirm!"

Amidst the horrified noise, Hathaway didn't say a word, but silently picked up the cup of hot coffee that was placed on the table, and took a sip.

Immediately, he turned around as if feeling something, and looked out the window through the glass.

I saw that at this moment, heavy snow had already fallen outside the window.

As if to drown the whole world.

(end of this chapter)