Creating a Sandbox World

Chapter 113: A fire in winter



Heavy snow fluttered down from the high sky, silently, covering mountains, rivers, towns, streets... everything.

In a blink of an eye, the world outside the glass is already a vast expanse of whiteness.

Along with this came the rapidly dropping temperature.

Under the double blessing of objective and subjective, the customers in the store shivered almost at the same time, and then subconsciously picked up the cotton coat beside them, their eyes became more and more frightened.

Amidst the din, the loudest guests pushed open the door together and rushed towards the direction of the government affairs hall. Some people didn't know whether to follow, but just stood there blankly.

"Goodbye, pack your things quickly." Hathaway drank the hot drink in front of her, and put on the padded coat, scarf, and hat again—although she is not afraid of the cold at all with her strength, but in order to avoid appearing special, she always Get used to it.

After finishing this, she took out two banknotes from her wallet and handed them to the owner of the shop who smiled very kindly.

"Miss Lena, do you also think this is true?"

The latter held a clean rag tightly in his hand and looked nervous.

"All I can say is, trust the government." Hathaway said calmly, "Bring all your ID cards. There is no need to bring extra clothes and the like, and they will be distributed uniformly at that time."

The latter froze for a moment, and immediately seemed to taste something:

"Lena... you knew in advance, right? I mean the news?"

Hathaway pursed her lips, said nothing, turned around, and pushed the door out under the shopkeeper's hesitant gaze.

"Hoo... hoo..."

On the street, goose feathers and snow fell heavily. In the past, the weather would never be too cold, but today it was extremely abnormal.

The chill is like a nail, piercing from all directions, making it inevitable for people to avoid it.

The number of vehicles and pedestrians on the street increased significantly, and she clearly saw a figure rushing out of the shops on both sides of the street, exclaiming, then wrapped in clothes, and started running in the cold.

Or get into the same cold car and try to get back home, or to find relatives and friends.

In this era, landline telephones are not very popular, televisions are still a rarity, and national news broadcasts are almost the most authoritative and widest communication channels in people's minds.

Coupled with the historical precedent of "disasters of strange things", at this moment, when the four countries simultaneously issued warnings throughout the territory, through the invisible signal, the news of the impending disaster was revealed to the public undisguised. , is a logical panic.

"Crack...creak..." Hathaway walked slowly on the street. At some point, there was the sound of snow being squeezed under her feet. The cold wind swept and the snow fluttered, and her body was soon covered with a thick layer of snow. layer.

However, she was still walking in a boundless, unhurried manner, watching everything in her field of vision with a pair of unwavering eyes.

"Di... Didi..." The car on the road honked rapidly, and as soon as puffs of steam spewed out of the exhaust pipe, it quickly condensed into ice.

Pedestrians passed by her in the wind and snow, no one had extra thoughts to pay attention to others, and the whole town was filled with a tense and depressive atmosphere.

At some point, she stopped and found that she was opposite the government affairs hall.

Across the street, she saw that the entrance of the small square and tall building was already crowded with anxious crowds, densely packed, noisy, noisy, as if to verify the authenticity of the information.

At the entrance of the government affairs hall, several tightly packed officials were using loudspeakers to keep shouting, repeating words similar to those in the news station, but it attracted even more noise from the angry people.

"... Please hurry up, go home, bring your ID, and wait for the government's next step... According to the country's emergency avoidance decree, we are the first batch of teams to transfer!

Tomorrow at the latest, all citizens will be transferred to safe areas in batches by special government trains to avoid supernatural storms! Please everyone as soon as possible…”

In the fluttering wind and snow, the voices of the officials did not seem so real, as if they were right next to their ears, or as if they were far away in the sky.

Hathaway stood quietly across the street, staring at everything.

I watched with my own eyes the battered officials handing over their duties, preaching, and rushing to inquire, and the noisy crowd dispersed and came again, came and dispersed...

I saw citizens one by one, huddled in the crowd stupidly, with their necks raised, and then squeezed out under persuasion, holding their hats, and left in a daze.

At this moment, Hathaway suddenly realized that this was clearly a microcosm of countless places on the entire continent at this moment.

The people of the Three Kingdoms need to be transferred, and the same is true for the people of the Southern Continent.

In the face of this unexpected disaster, different people will have different reactions.

Thinking about it, she took out a camera from her backpack, and skillfully operated it with her fingers that were not frozen, then aimed at this scene and pressed the shutter.


Immediately, an image appeared on the photosensitive film.

Then, she turned around and continued walking slowly along the street.

The wind and snow were getting bigger and bigger, and the sense of time began to blur. Unknowingly, the sky darkened, and it was already night.

Tonight's seaside city is extraordinarily bright and "lively", as far as the eye can see, every house is brightly lit and restless.

Snowplows mobilized by the government rumbled along the main road to clear the snow from the ground. At the same time, the large horns fixed to the vehicles were repeatedly broadcasting emergency evasion orders.

The huge sound wave swept through the entire city, and it didn't stop all night.

In fact, people are no strangers to "emergency avoidance". In the past hundred years, the four countries have continued to promote the "disaster of strange things" so that people will not forget it. At the same time, they regularly organize avoidance exercises every year.

Almost everyone knows how to do it under the fierce publicity, but after all, the drill is different from the reality.

When a disaster that only exists in propaganda and history suddenly strikes, no one can keep absolute calm.

After night fell, Hathaway simply chose to follow a snow plow, and found that there were more private cars on the road in the middle of the night.

They came out of houses, their headlights turned on, and they looked very hazy in the snow.

Through the car window, you can see that it is stuffed with objects, as well as people. Men, women, children, and the elderly were all crowded in the car, packed in large and small suitcases, nervously and fearfully driving away along the road towards the southeast.

Word has spread through the town that the transferees will first arrive at the Wintershire port and depart 'on board'.

Most people will be transferred by railway according to the designated batches, but the train seems to have a limit on the weight of materials carried by each person, and batches are also an important problem.

Therefore, driven by some wild rumors, many people who knew the transfer location in advance simply drove to Winter Harbor.

Hathaway stood on the spire of the town church, silently overlooking the city from this angle, and witnessed those vehicles fleeing through the dark night, she was not sure whether this decision was wise, after all, once such a heavy snowstorm blocked the road, it would It will slow down the progress of the transfer.

In addition, even if you arrive at the port, if you use ships for sea transportation, you will also be restricted from carrying items. After all, the priority of people is always more important than items...

However, considering that the "observation envoy" promised that he would solve this problem, it seems... not sure.

What method will the observer use

All Hathaway can think of is the unimaginable extraordinary power originating from the gods, and suddenly more ships

Or a large-scale flying spell

Somewhat boredly guessing, she sat on the steeple of the church all night before she knew it.

When the next day dawned, the streets of the town were covered with tire marks, and there were fewer private cars, but the government's special car came as scheduled.

"Boom..." When the huge dark green troop transport truck drove in from outside the city, soldiers with live ammunition, with the help of government staff, knocked on the doors on both sides of the street in the northern urban area.

As tense as the scene was, their message was even more disturbing.

"Please cooperate with us, get in the car immediately, and transfer to avoid danger." When the bewildered people opened the door, they faced cold strangers and trucks waiting outside the door.

Most people chose to cooperate, but many contradictions also occurred.

Hathaway saw with her own eyes some townspeople arguing and even fighting with government officials in order to carry more boxes. She also saw people blocking the door and refusing to open it despite orders from outside, and some people said loudly that they would not go anywhere. They even shouted loudly that this is a lie of the government, a violent action to plunder their own private property...

She originally thought that the government would choose to persuade or force them to take them away. However, they really ignored those who were determined and refused to cooperate...

This made Hathaway stunned for a few seconds, and then realized that this might be the cruel corner of the coming winter.

The polar storm is spreading at a terrifying speed, and the time wasted for one resister can save more people. Obviously, the "young" king of Aspen made the most efficient and coldest decision.

Hathaway was silent for a while, and in the silence, trucks full of citizens and goods rumbled away from this area, transporting people to the train station, or driving to Winter Harbor by road.

Only this extremely quiet urban area is left standing here.

She thought for a while, her figure drifted down, and she came to the door of a resolute townsman, and rang the doorbell.

"I said it! Get out! Don't let me leave my house!!" A thin old man slammed open the door and shouted loudly. Immediately after seeing Hathaway outside the door, he was obviously stunned Down.

"Now, bring your ID and rush to the train station immediately, before it's too late." Hathaway said seriously.

"Who do you think you are? I tell you, no one... no one can make me lose my house... no one..."

In the next second, the excited old man only saw the mysterious woman in front of him raise her hand and snapped her fingers lightly.

Then, he turned his head as if feeling something, and looked behind him, only to see that the old house suddenly burst into flames, illuminating the world full of flying snow.

Lishan Martial Arts, in the study.

Using the "Zoom" function, Lin Tuo, who was overlooking the town of Lindong County, was startled for a moment, seeing a small, bright flame that oscillated with magic power.

On this gray and cold earth, it is extremely eye-catching.

Thanks to the book friends: Lianying (deacon), Tu Jinouhuang starts from me, white tea, fifty-one stones, the boss has something to say, Huang Yao, who is so enlightened, rewards and supports!

(end of this chapter)