Creating a Sandbox World

Chapter 119: Reappear the angel in the world



Above the sky, because of the blizzard blocking the vision, whether it is the vision of the avatar, or the condescending after switching the main body, it is impossible to see clearly.

But Lin Tuo had some guesses in his mind.

Not too important.

At least, get rid of the matter in front of you first.

I lowered my head, and saw that the countless swimming fishes fleeing from the north were getting closer and closer to the long ice wall. On the entire coastline, the sea tribes panicked and instinctively began to gather nearby.

And under the place where Lin Tuo was located, the Siren Queen did not know when to show her head. She also leaned against the high wall with an anxious expression on her face, and then raised her head.

Looking at where Lin Tuo was, he sent out a distress signal.

As the sirens looked up, the rest of the sea tribes around them also did the same.

In the distance, the photographic equipment that had been set up nearby was also slowly raised.

In the shelter, around the majestic support pillars scattered at various points, many people have already gathered. In comparison, it is like a group of ants gathered under a giant tree.

At this moment, the original joyful mood has been replaced by tension. When the boundless swimming fish and the storm in the distance are revealed in the camera, everyone's heartstrings are tensed.

Be aware of possible crises.

Could it be that the wall of miracles that has just been built will collapse so soon

Countless people had such thoughts in their minds, and immediately, they saw in confusion that many sea people in the picture raised their heads at the same time and looked at the sky.


What are they looking at

What else can there be in the sky besides flying snow

This doubt surfaced in everyone's heart in an instant, until the next second, as the camera was raised, all the people in the shelter who were watching this scene at this moment saw a dark corner of their clothes at the same time.

Then, there is a classic-style robe that hangs in the sky and shakes!

"this… "

"Who is that? Could it be the extraordinary person sent by the committee?"

Discussions started.

However, when that figure completely appeared on the screen, at this moment, countless people felt a great sense of familiarity!

Yes, familiar!

It's as if... I've seen a similar scene somewhere before...

In the thirty-eighth area, on the public balcony, Chen Fan also looked at the figure in the picture in doubt, trying to think about the source of the familiarity.

"Ah! I remembered! It's in the history book!" Suddenly, a voice sounded next to him, and a resident shouted in astonishment, "In the book, the figure that ended the plague of monsters a hundred years ago!"

The disaster of strange things

A hundred years ago

At this moment, Chen Fan's mind was shocked, and he finally understood the source of that inexplicable sense of familiarity!

One hundred years ago, in the disaster that broke out in the metropolis of Winton, there was a "photograph" that was passed down, that is, the legendary mysterious strongman who hid in the dark of the world and watched the world on behalf of the gods far away. The image of the "voting candle".

It is said that a Transcendent who was on the scene at that time recorded the scene using the photography spell.

After the disaster, it was taken with a camera, and later, that illustration was printed in the history textbooks of the Four Kingdoms.

From generation to generation, until now, that picture is embedded in the memory of almost every citizen.

Although the scene in front of me is quite different from the background in the photo, but the familiar clothing, figure, temperament...combined with the news spread throughout the shelter, there is news about the layout of the "observation angel" for a hundred years...

At this moment, Chen Fan and other people around him all realized the identity of the figure in the picture at this moment!



A "spokesperson" who hides behind the scenes, dominates history, and holds part of the authority of the gods!

At this moment, in the huge shelter, the originally depressing atmosphere suddenly boiled, and there were exclamations. At the same time, the figure in the picture also fell rapidly, riding the cold wind, and landed on the long ice wall above.

"Honorable Envoy..." At the center of the coastline, which is also the center of the entire Miracle Wall, the Siren Queen looked at the figure landing beside her, and hurriedly said, "Our magic power has been exhausted, and I'm afraid we can't sustain an impact of this scale! "

Her tone was a little anxious.

"It's okay." Lin Tuo said calmly, comforted the sea people beside him, paused, looked at the violent sea ahead, and said firmly, "They can't get through."

"you… "

Queen Sairen was startled, and just about to say something, she saw the "Observer" beside her suddenly closed her eyes, and then slowly raised her arms, as if embracing the sea.

At the same time, she was sensitively aware that the aura of the envoy in front of her suddenly dissipated, and the person stood clearly in front of her, but it seemed that there was no life at all.

"Consciousness switch!"

Lishan Martial Arts, in the study.

At this moment, Lin Tuo's gray eyes regained his spirit.

With a blank face, he kept both hands free, and then carefully, cautiously, with palms facing each other, he penetrated into the sea in front of the ice wall, and then separated to both sides.

"Wow... wow..."

On the coastline, beyond the ice wall, the panic-stricken sea tribes suddenly fell silent, turned their heads together, and looked in a certain direction.

At this moment, there was an extremely violent boom.

The icy sea water was backlogged by an invisible force, broke open, set off a huge wave of 100 meters high, and this is not the end!

As Lin Tuo's hands sank into the ocean and parted to both sides, Queen Siren saw in astonishment that just in front of her, the endless sea water was lifted towards both sides by two invisible forces at this moment!

There is no magic power fluctuation!

But it is far more powerful than the innate spells of the Sea Clan!

Hundreds of millions of tons of seawater pushed, repelled, and surged to the east and west sides. In the gray-blue deep sea, the water level on both sides rose rapidly, and the water level in the center dropped. For a moment, the seabed was even exposed!

And in this "tsunami", the endless ocean life was hit by the strong current and was in a mess. Then, as the turbulent sea deviated from the direction a little bit, they bypassed the southern continent and poured into the east and west. side of the ocean!

During this process, in order to avoid the impact of the surging seawater on the ice wall, Lin Tuo kept correcting his movements and deliberately opened his fingers so that the impact of the water flow would not be too violent. As a result, many fish were missed.

However, after this disturbance, the impact momentum of the entire school of fish has been completely blocked!

And when this scene was shown in the eyes of the citizens of the four countries in the shelter through the camera and the screens on the supporting pillars, what was given to them was only the shock from the soul!


The original hustle and bustle, the sound of discussion disappeared with the rolling of the waves.

Under the supporting pillars one after another, the crowd surrounding and watching was silent.

In the thirty-eighth area, on the public balcony, Chen Fan felt the world around him suddenly quiet down.


There is only silence.

Around the several air vents near the coastline, wearing winter clothes, the human transcendents who had just received the order from the "Supreme Council" were about to rush to the front, so they saw this scene from a distance with the help of their geographical height.

Hearing that huge roar, he was stunned for a moment, terrified by the power that was far superior to the extraordinary, and looked at each other, not knowing whether he should continue to move forward.

In the middle of the "Wall of Miracles", when the ocean was finally smoothed carefully, Lin Tuo's consciousness switched back to the clone again.

And lower the raised arms.

Sensing the countless gazes from the Sea Clan around him, Lin Tuo turned to look at the Siren Queen next to him, and said, "Is it all right?"

"Ah... but... it's okay." The Siren Queen finally came back to her senses, and instinctively replied, and then thought a little dazedly: What's okay? What's wrong

Although she didn't understand it immediately, the tight string in her heart relaxed.

Well, at least the hard-built ice wall will not be destroyed, which is of course a happy thing.

However, just as the smile was about to climb to the corner of her mouth, she suddenly noticed that Lin Tuo looked forward again and frowned again.

What happened again

The Siren Queen thought blankly, and also looked at it. At this moment, the ocean has gradually calmed down, but there are more roars coming from a distance.

There was the noise of wind and snow, and the roar of a group of strange, white-haired monsters.

I saw that the rapidly expanding storm in the distance was getting closer, and the sea in the area covered by it was also freezing at a speed visible to the naked eye, becoming an ice sheet.

At the front of the unfrozen sea water, a group of snow monsters were floating in the sea, and climbed up the ice under the storm one after another.

"It's them driving away." The siren heard a voice from beside him.

There was not much surprise on Lin Tuo's face, as if he had expected it long ago. Feeling the siren's doubts, he pointed to the front and explained again:

"Did you see those creatures? They are ice and snow monsters that followed the storm and came all the way from the poles to drive away those marine life. Besides the extremely cold wind and snow, there are also them."

"Why?" the Siren Queen asked in bewilderment.

Lin Tuo said: "What reason is needed for predation?"

As he said that, suddenly, he seemed to sense something, and there was a bit of surprise in his eyes.

I saw that right in front, a group of magical beasts that had just climbed onto the ice suddenly moved towards the rear, roaring angrily from the depths of the blizzard, and began to gather their magic power, ready to release their attack.

But in the next second, they screamed violently, their pure white hair overflowed with bright red blood, rolled and fell towards the ocean, or fell on the ice, lifeless, and were quickly covered by wind and snow.

Then, Lin Tuo, the Sea Clan, and even the countless humans in the refuge, who were connected to the camera behind them, saw at the same time that a very eye-catching bright color suddenly appeared in the muddy, gray-white blizzard.

It was a touch of red.

A red shadow approaching rapidly.

"Ah." On the public balcony in District 38, Chen Fan suddenly heard the old man beside him let out an unexpected admiration.

Alrod's wrinkled face bloomed like a flower, and there was a trace of joy from the heart in his eyes.

In the next second, in the wind and snow, finally a stern figure in a classic crimson robe and a crown of pure white flowers appeared.

When she came to the edge of the storm, her body suddenly turned into countless rose petals, which rolled towards the south in the cold wind, and finally on the "Wall of Miracles", Lin Tuo and the Siren Queen reunited in front of them.

"Anne Hathaway sees the envoy," the former Grand Priest Winton bowed down with standard priestly etiquette, and then raised his head, his eyes were clear, and he paused every word:

"Well, a large number of monsters from the snowy region in the north are attacking here."

(end of this chapter)