Creating a Sandbox World

Chapter 120: The tsunami is over, and the flowers will bloom again


On the "Wall of Miracles", Lin Tuo quietly stared at the Grand Priest who had "disappeared" for several days, feeling the bitter chill and bloody smell on her body.

Without thinking, one can guess that its journey has not been smooth.

Immediately afterwards, the former high-ranking Transcendent quickly described the types, numbers, and distribution of those snowy monsters...

During the period of disappearance, she had mastered so much relevant information, which surprised the Siren Queen next to her.

"Very good." Lin Tuo silently waited for Hathaway to finish her narration, then smiled and nodded approvingly.

These details are foreseeable and will be of great value to the entire shelter.

The Great Ice Age does not mean the end of all things. There will always be some life that adapts strongly, survives and reproduces.

It can be expected that in the next unknown period of time, these cold-resistant mutant monsters will be the "new masters" of this world.

They are new species and will be an important part of the new ecological circle of the Great Ice Age.

Lin Tuo thought for a while, but gave up the idea of beheading them. On the one hand, they were scattered all over the continent, making it difficult to exterminate them.

On the other hand, the balance of species is also extremely important.

In particular, for a long period of time in the future, for the human society in the shelter, some moderate "threats" are likely to be beneficial—this can obviously alleviate internal conflicts.

But... these things should be resolved first.

Thoughts flickered in his mind, Lin Tuo looked at Hathaway and the Siren Queen, and then at the mutated beasts in the distant storm that were wandering and trying to approach.

Sighed slightly.

Hathaway was startled, not knowing why the "Observer" sighed, but then, she suddenly turned her head and looked at the heavy snowstorm behind her.


To be precise, what she was looking at was the invisible coercion that descended from the sky in her perception.

Those were Lin Tuo's hands.

In the past attempts, he has already understood that for those beings with keen perception, his transparent palm in the sand table is enough to give a strong oppressive force.

Sure enough, as Lin Tuo's heads fell towards the blizzard, countless snow monsters prostrated themselves on the ground, buried their heads in the frost, and let out horrified groans.

The pharynx is continuous and spectacular.

"Back off." Lin Tuo's avatar used vocal skills to amplify his voice a little, and spread it on the cold sea.

Immediately, he manipulated the main body to raise his hands, and those terrified monsters all turned to the north and fled in a hurry.

After a while, he disappeared.

Only the blowing wind and snow remained, finally freezing the sea near the coastline, and the cold current and wind and snow collided with the continuous "Wall of Miracles".

"Kacha Kacha..." As a result, the "Great Wall" that was not yet stable was completely turned into a mountain.

Blocked a little cold wind, but couldn't stop the plummeting temperature.

In the blink of an eye, the blizzard crossed the mountains and the sea, fluttering, and coated the vast southern continent with a layer of pure white.

In the next many years, it will continue to thicken until it completely covers up most of the human traces except the "vent".

"Click." The broadcast signal was also interrupted at this time.

In the shelter, around the supporting pillars, the last scene seen by countless eyes was the figures standing on the wall of miracles, submerged by the wind and snow.

At almost the same time as the broadcast ended, on the "Wall of Miracles", Lin Tuo glanced at the Siren Queen and Hathaway, and said calmly:

"Later, I will hold one last 'meeting'."

Regarding the method of entering the phantom space, he also told the Siren Queen before, and pulled it in once alone.

Therefore, hearing his words, the two "people" nodded, and immediately saw Lin Tuo in front of him jumping off the ice wall and walking towards the wind and snow, and disappeared after a while.

"So cold..."

Leaving the mountain, when Lin Tuo retracted his avatar again, he finally no longer needed to maintain the image of an "observation envoy", and tremblingly took his frozen hands out of the isolation cover.

After wiping off the cold water and basking in the sun for a while, I finally recovered.

Then I looked at the overall situation of the sand table. When the wind and snow spread in the north, a much smaller storm in the direction of the "Antarctic" also landed on land.

However, compared to the empty northern coastline, there are many mountains on the south side, which saves the Sea Clan from having to worry about it.

As expected, the sea area close to the "sand table equator" has not been completely frozen, and is still an "open sea area". According to the plan, that area will be occupied by the sea people in the future.

For humans, much of the remaining work is focused on social reconstruction within shelters.

Whether it is the integration of people from the four countries, the establishment of social structures, or the cultivation and development of underground ecology, technology will take a long time, and these challenges are not something that Lin Tuo can help.

However, in order to stabilize people's hearts, it is also necessary to make an end to this matter. Therefore, it is also necessary to hold another summary meeting.

After lunch, Lin Tuo deliberately gave everyone some time to prepare.

In another afternoon, he was full of food and drink, activated his ability, and used the "Communication Dao Pattern" notification to draw everyone in one by one.

in phantom space.

The thick fog billowed.

In the center of the huge and simple round table, the flame is eternal, illuminating the surrounding area.

Lin Tuo leaned on the most "exaggerated" bronze chair, smiled, and witnessed one figure after another appearing at the round table.

"Bang bang bang..."

The current four joint supreme members of the "Supreme Council", Hathaway who seemed to be rejuvenated, Alrod with white beard and hair, and the Siren Queen who filled the seat of Neftu appeared one by one.

Then Qiqi stood up, saluted Lin Tuo, and then sat down, and the four "committees" gave him a brief report on the situation of the shelter.

Generally speaking, there are many problems, but it is generally stable.

This is already great luck for everyone.

Therefore, during the conversation, compared with the previous few times, the atmosphere was particularly relaxed, and almost everyone had a smile on their faces.

Lin Tuo was also infected by this emotion, and his mood changed from the nervousness of the past few days to briskness, and said with a smile:

"Very good. I am very satisfied with your performance. However, there are still many problems that need to be solved together."

"Of course." The former Queen Winton, the current member Francis nodded in agreement, and the rest of the people also made similar performances.

After the catastrophe, there is reconstruction. Although the basic functions of the shelter are relatively complete, a lot of work is still needed to support the lives of so many people.

It is foreseeable that for at least the next few years, the four committee members will be as busy as ever.

As for the Sea Clan, there is not much to say. This group of marine life clearly has a wisdom that is not inferior to that of humans, but for some reason, the entire group is particularly... well, united...

In short, compared to human beings, there are not so many troubles. If you have a place to live, something to eat, and time to bask in the sun, you can live well.

Really peace of mind.

As for Alrod, who was already old, Lin Tuo also learned from the conversation that he rejected the committee's invitation and did not choose to serve in the new coalition government, but wanted to spend the rest of his life in peace and stability.

Lin Tuo certainly respected his choice.

As for Hathaway...

"What are your plans?" Lin Tuo looked at the acquaintance and smiled, "Speaking of which, your complexion is even better than a few days ago."

Wearing a deep red robe, the former Grand Priest with clear eyes had a reserved smile on his "young" face upon hearing this.

Glancing at the four committee members, he spoke briskly and seriously:

"I have accepted the committee's invitation and will lead the formation of the United Extraordinary Team on the Surface.

The cold wave is terrifying. Although human society has been forced to move underground, it does not mean that we have given up on the surface...

For ordinary people, the severe cold is hard to resist, but extraordinary people can walk outside to a certain extent... "

After a pause, Hathaway's eyes seemed to burn with fire:

"Also, even though there is a wall of miracles blocking it, sooner or later those snowy beasts will step into the Southern Continent, destroying our walls, and even the most important vents.

We need a strong force to guard all of this... and this happens to be what I am good at. "

Speaking of the last sentence, the corner of the mouth of this century-old legend rose.

From top to bottom, an invisible "light" blooms from the inside out.

Lin Tuo blinked, compared the radiance in front of her eyes with the loss of soul of the previous few days, and realized that she must have experienced some kind of spiritual "rebirth" during the past few days walking in the wind and snow.

"It seems that I should say congratulations," Lin Tuo folded his hands, stared at the "Northern Rose" with a straight back, and said with a smile, "Congratulations, you have found a way to get along with this era, and, the meaning of life."

Hathaway heard this, her eyes flickered, she seemed to have a rare shyness, and finally lowered her head:


"Haha." Alrod, who was grizzled beside him, laughed when he saw this scene, and his tone was full of sincere joy.

He knew that his bad-tempered old friend had finally come out of the shadows and found the value and meaning of existence in this new era.

A hundred years ago, as a high-level transcendent, she guarded the Winton Kingdom.

A hundred years later, she will continue to stand in the wind and snow, and bring more "companions" and "juniors" to guard the entire human race.

"Okay," Hathaway glared at Alrod in embarrassment, the four high-ranking committee members next to him laughed softly, and the Siren Queen blinked obediently...

Lin Tuo finally smiled and waved his hands, and said, "In that case, this meeting will come to an end."

Hearing this, everyone corrected their postures one after another.

Hathaway also put away her embarrassment and asked, "My lord, then you will..."

"I will be leaving for a while."

After speaking these words slowly, Lin Tuo saw that everyone's expressions had changed obviously, and he continued:

"This cold wave is an unexpected disaster. I will try some methods to restore the world to its original state as soon as possible. Of course, it will take some time...

I can't go into too many details, and I can't give a deadline, so don't worry.

I believe that after this round of catastrophe, you have the ability to deal with the next challenges, and it is difficult for me to give any help. "

"this… "

"us… "

Hearing this, everyone didn't know what to say for a while. Although they vaguely expected this, when Lin Tuo, the "backbone", really left, they still inevitably fell into a short-term daze.

Previously, regardless of the disaster, a large part of the reason why they had the courage to persevere was the existence of Lin Tuo, the "observing angel".

And now...he is finally leaving...

In the silence, everyone got up and bowed to Lin Tuo again as farewell.

They knew that maybe they would never see Lin Tuo again in this life.

"That's it, let's all go back." Feeling the complex emotions conveyed by everyone, Lin Tuo sighed softly, waved goodbye, and prepared to cut off the connection between everyone and the illusion space.

At this time, Hathaway suddenly spoke, trying to confirm and asked: "My lord, will the world really return to its original state?"

"Of course." Lin Tuo nodded seriously and firmly, "The tsunami is over, and the flowers will of course bloom again."

After finishing speaking, with Hathaway's gratifying smile, the figures of everyone slowly faded and disappeared, and the illusion space also shattered and disintegrated.

Lishan Martial Arts, in the study.

Lin Tuo, who was sitting in the wicker chair, slowly opened his eyes, looked at the frozen world in front of him, fell silent for two seconds, and turned on the time acceleration.

Immediately got up and pushed open the door.

Let the afternoon sun shine on your face.

Warm and bright.

Thanks to book friends: Xiaofu, Xiaoxiaomingshabujun, Xiaoshengdiao, nothingness and ethereal, Dabangduannong, face-stricken steel, plain Kuining, fifty-one stones, 2017... 3695, smoked fish is not a reward for dog goods support!

(Because there was a bug in the background of the website yesterday, if a book friend gave a reward but it was not recorded... I apologize here)

(end of this chapter)