Creating a Sandbox World

Chapter 122: Awakened, appear!


Yangcheng Fitness Center is open.

This is not surprising news.

From those two documents that went viral on local social networks a few days ago, discussions on the so-called "self-cultivation gym" have never ceased.

Middle school students' self-study and self-cultivation are easy to understand. In contrast, the "self-cultivation gym" opened by the government in the name of a pilot is particularly mysterious.

"Is the fitness center open today?" This sentence has even become a greeting, and it is also a local group chat, and a Nikkei topic in Lin Tuo's circle of friends.

Lin Tuo himself was quite curious, thinking that he would go to have a look when it opened, but later he was busy dealing with the sand table, so he forgot about it, but he didn't expect that when he was looking forward to it every day, there was no news, and he just got free here. There is movement.

"Hey, when did it happen? I just opened the group chat."

"Just at noon today, they opened the door quietly. They probably also know that there are a lot of people paying attention to this matter recently. They are afraid that there will be too much noise, and there will be too many people going to receive them."

"What's going on over there? Has anyone been there? Send a photo and see?"



The discussion in the group was heated, Lin Tuo looked at the screen curiously, clicked on the photo and looked at it, a little dumbfounded.

There are only people in the picture, most of them are Yangcheng citizens who are watching the excitement. There are so many people that the gate is crowded.

"I took a look at it during my lunch break. There were too many people, so I didn't squeeze in, but there should be fewer people this time. If you want to see something new, it's best to go in the morning or afternoon.

After get off work in the evening, it must be full again. "There are people.

Lin Tuo glanced at it, and felt a little moved. It just so happened that he had been freezing in the ice and snow, so he should go shopping and get some fresh air.

Thinking about it, he immediately called out the virtual panel and switched to "observation mode".

Then choose the latter from the two cards "Oasis" and "Periphery of Yangcheng".

In an instant, the light and shadow changed, and several bustling cities emerged on the sand table. Well, the area of Yangcheng expanded to more than half of the province, and the buildings in the sand table also shrunk a lot. Fortunately, the "Zoom" function can also be used here.

Do not delay observation.

Lin Tuo quickly located the street where the target was, and then found a remote residential area, poked his finger in and released the clone.

"Whoosh—" The light and shadow in front of his eyes changed.

In the next second, Lin Tuo appeared in the corresponding alley, and then leisurely walked to the street, turned right, walked a few hundred meters, and saw the "slimming gym" that has attracted much attention.

A building with a light brown stone brick exterior, it looks quite impressive, the location is a little bit out of the way, and there is a small square and a parking lot around it.

The words "Yangcheng Self-cultivation Hall" were written brightly on the building, and there were people coming in and out. It looked really lively, but it wasn't too crowded.

When Lin Tuo walked in, his eyes lit up, and he found that the decoration of this place is really good, mainly because the building is relatively new, which means a big library.

The first floor is a lobby, where there are electronic screens playing promotional materials, and some staff members are introducing something to the citizens. Lin Tuo also went up to look curiously, but in the end he was stuffed with a promotional brochure.

There are four big characters in the letter:

"Science and Self-cultivation"

Open it, flip through it, and it's done with care, with pictures and text, and a refined version of the Qi method is printed inside, with a lot of notes attached.

It's interesting to watch...

"Lin Tuo?" While looking, suddenly, he heard a familiar voice behind him, turned his head, and saw an acquaintance wearing a white shirt, a badge, short hair, and dressed as an office worker walking over.

Li Tai!

Lin Tuo blinked, thinking that you really joined the organization... The action was quite fast.

On the surface, there was a hint of just-right surprise and doubt: "Brother Li, what are you..."

"I got a new job." Seeing his old colleagues, Li Tai seemed to be in a good mood. When he got closer, he looked at Lin Tuo, his eyes moved, and said, "It's noisy here, why don't you go upstairs?"

"Okay." Lin Tuo put down the manual and nodded.

Then, the two went straight through the crowd, walked along a staircase next to it, and went up to the second floor. Lin Tuo noticed that the second floor was very quiet, and it seemed that it was not open to the public.

"The first floor is the publicity hall, and the second floor is the official area of the self-cultivation hall." Probably seeing his doubts, Li Tai introduced.

"Official area?" Lin Tuo asked back.

At the same time, I also found that the place is extremely spacious, and the layout is somewhat similar to a gym, with many equipment placed, but it is significantly different from common equipment.

At the moment, there are only a few scattered people inside.

"Yes, come and sit in the rest area here." Li Tai led him to a sofa seat by the window, sat opposite each other, and then said:

"The official area plan is mainly open to members of the fitness center, but it just opened today, so it hasn't really operated here yet."

Lin Tuo sat on the hard sofa, smiled and said, "Then you bring me up, is it alright?"

Li Tai blinked when he heard the words, and said deliberately:

"If it is an ordinary person, it may not be suitable, but if the effect of cultivation is obvious, it will be no problem."

After a pause, the former colleague smiled and said:

"Lin Tuo, you should have practiced that breathing technique, and it's not been a short time. I can feel your energy, and... your figure seems to have changed."

Lin Tuo was mentally prepared when he came over, and it was no surprise that he was "debunked" at this moment. He nodded with a smile and said:

"It's true that I have practiced for several days, and the effect is obvious. You have also changed a lot. At least, your hairline has grown back a lot."

Li Tai smiled, this joke also diluted the unfamiliarity between each other.

The two chatted for a while, telling each other about their recent situation. Li Tai also explained his experience of resigning and entering the government department, and finally said:

"My current position is the instructor of the self-cultivation gym, and I am responsible for connecting with full members.

The so-called members, as you should be able to guess, are those social groups with outstanding cultivation effects. After passing the physical fitness assessment, they can join and enjoy some additional benefits. "

After a pause, he added:

"Of course, this is still planned. It is not open yet, but it will be launched soon."

Lin Tuo asked at the right time:

"So, the fitness center is used by the government to gather people like you and me? Speaking of which, what is the government's idea? Can you tell me?"

"It's nothing inconvenient, and it's not a secret anymore. Well, it's similar to what you understand, but the specifics are still crossing the river by feeling the stones."

Speaking of this, Li Tai's expression became more serious:

"I've just come here too, and I don't know much about it. I can only tell you...the country attaches great importance to it, even more than what it shows."

"Oh?" Lin Tuo raised his eyebrows.

Li Tai organized his speech and continued:

"I also heard from other people that the country has set up a special team to study the breath technique and thinks it has great value, and this practice method has been spread abroad..."

Having said that, the former colleague smiled wryly:

"Originally, even if it got out, it didn't receive much attention in a short time, but some time ago, the images that appeared around the world, and the abnormal events that happened near Yangcheng at almost the same time... attracted too much attention.

You should have heard of it, and now there are rumors on the Internet, saying that those images may have actually happened inside the black box.

If this is true, then...

Those extraordinary abilities in the picture are very likely to be real... Who dare not pay attention

Therefore, no matter what is hidden behind the black box, we must prepare in advance, and the cultivation method that appeared in Yangcheng is currently known, the only way to obtain extraordinary power.

Therefore, the domestic response was very fast. I heard that the army has screened people for cultivation, and tried to speed up the absorption of that mysterious energy through training. "

"Training?" Lin Tuo pretended to be surprised.

"Yes," Li Tai nodded, and said calmly, "According to the known information so far, the cultivation method seems to be very dependent on talent.

The vast majority of ordinary people practice for a long time, at most their bodies will be slightly stronger, but there will not be too obvious changes... Moreover, through strenuous exercise and high concentration of the mind can significantly improve the efficiency of cultivation...

The most effective way to find out so far is to fight.

When a person is fighting, his body and mind will be highly focused, which can greatly improve the effect of cultivation. "

Speaking of this, Li Tai glanced at Lin Tuo and reminded him:

"But don't try it."

Lin Tuo's eyes flickered, and he said with a smile:

"Don't worry, even if you want to try, you can't help it. You can't deliberately fight with others."

Li Tai heard the words, but suddenly said mysteriously:

"Of course private fighting is not allowed, but maybe, when the fitness center is officially in operation, we will provide some legal ways to fight."

"What do you mean?" Lin Tuo asked curiously.

Li Tai just smiled and said, "It's still a matter of nothing. It's hard to say whether it can be implemented. Anyway, it won't be possible in a short time, so I won't talk nonsense."

"You..." Lin Tuo didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but he didn't care too much. He wondered if he would dare to play tricks when he faced "Taihe Zhenren".

But just these certain information already made him feel that his visit was not in vain.

The two chatted again, and the crowd in the hall increased instead of decreasing. Lin Tuo was about to leave immediately, but at this moment, suddenly, he heard a burst of loud shouts from the hall on the first floor.

"what happened?"

Lin Tuo and Li Tai looked at each other, and they both saw each other's shock.

The two hurriedly got up and went downstairs, and soon saw the citizens in the hall on the first floor forming a circle, and in the center of the circle, a practitioner was lying on the floor in a coma.

Groups of crimson flames are gushing out from the pores of his body.

Wrapped the whole body, ignited the clothes, but did not hurt the skin at all.

All around, there was a commotion.

"What's going on?" Li Tai couldn't help asking loudly.

Next to him, the silent Lin Tuo stared, and a word jumped out of his heart:


On the first day of opening of the Yangcheng Self-cultivation Center, the first "awakened person" appeared!

(end of this chapter)