Creating a Sandbox World

Chapter 125: Computing power release No. 3 sandbox


"Have you heard?"


"The Awakened robber was not caught by the police, but was tied up by someone and thrown to the door of the fitness center. The beating was terrible."

"Looking at it this way, no one who is awakened is as evil as they say."

In the early morning of the next day, when Lin Tuo went out for a walk, he heard the relevant discussion.

The robber was arrested in less than a day. He said he was an awakened person, but he turned out to be no better than ordinary people.

Negative social incidents have just started, and they are over before they are fully fermented. This somewhat makes many media on the Internet have a sense of depression that has been punched into the air.

For the government, of course, it was a big sigh of relief. For ordinary people, this scene completely shattered their previous perception of people with special abilities.

Suddenly found out... It seems to be the same.

Moreover, another curious question is, who caught the person

"There is no video left at the scene, no clues at all.

I heard that even the inhuman suspect who was beaten up couldn't tell. He was still practicing for a second, and then his eyes went dark, and he had a horrible nightmare.

When I woke up again, it was already like that. "

On the Internet, someone said with a mysterious face.

Then there was a flurry of speculation.

At the end, someone said: "You said, could it be the Taihe Mountain martial artist who spread the exercises back then?"

"... You put it that way, it's really possible."

When Lin Tuo came back from the mountain, he opened the chat group and saw similar discussions, which made him look a little weird.

In the afternoon, this theory spread even more, but thinking about it, this guess is logical.

Same mystery.

The same came and went without leaving any traceable traces.

The key is that this suspect has sufficient strength.

In the past two months, with the widespread popularization of cultivation methods, "Taihe Mountain Warrior" not only has not faded from people's memory, but has become more and more mysterious.

Now, it is even more brazen, as if it has become a sword hanging over the heads of all awakened people.

Anyone who wants to change their minds has to worry about it.

The next few days were uneventful.

Perhaps Lin Tuo's threat had an effect. Of course, the more important thing was that the number of awakened people began to drop sharply. On the third day, there was not even a single new awakened person.

"Probably that's all." Lin Tuo silently made a judgment from the mountain.

By now, he probably figured it out.

After the prayer candle self-destructed, part of the spirituality escaped into the sandbox, leading to the birth of the Snowy Demonic Beast, and a small part accidentally entered reality, giving birth to the hundred or so awakened ones.

But that's about it.

A wave erupts and then dies. After all, there are only so many spiritualities. The hundred or so people have enjoyed the bonus, and the follow-up people will not be so lucky.

From an objective point of view, the abilities of these awakened people are not strong. In comparison, what is more precious is the improvement of their talents.

Once awakened, the cultivation talent will be raised to a higher level.

This is what is most important.

And according to the information obtained from Li Tai, this wave of time also helped the fitness center acquire more than a hundred official members, and also gained a reputation.

Got more resource slant.

Vigorously pushed the progress bar of the whole people's cultivation forward.

Folks, because of this round of hotspots, a wave of momentum has been greatly expanded. Visible to the naked eye, most of the observation mode is provinces, and the diffuse ether lines have increased significantly.

This shows that through this wave of incidents, the practice of breathing method has become known to more people.

"Looking at it now, is this a good thing?"

Squatting under the eaves, turning off the phone, Lin Tuo shook his head and smiled, then put aside these things, turned his head and returned to the study, and switched the sand table to "creative mode" again.

After resting for a few days, it's time to do something serious.

"Whizzing… "

The invisible light and shadow changes, and the bustling city blocks in the huge evolution sand table disappear, transforming into a huge translucent isolation cover.

Inside, is the ground completely covered by ice and snow.

Over the past few days, under the effect of time acceleration, the entire No. 2 sandbox has finally completely entered the Great Ice Age.

More than 90% of the sea is frozen, and the north and south continents are also covered by thick glaciers.

There are plants, but also not visible from this height.

To the south, close to the direction of the equator simulated by the sandbox, there is a narrow sea area that is not completely frozen. It is an open sea, and it is also a gathering place for sea people.

The only thing special in the pure white world is the vents all over the southern continent.

At the beginning of the design, the problem of subsequent ground ice and snow coverage was taken into consideration, so almost all vents are built on high mountains.

As far as the eye can see, the air vents are constantly gushing out air.

At the same time, Lin Tuo also saw some facilities for collecting ice and snow.

He knew that the ice and snow on the surface would be collected underground, converted into steam through the magic heating furnace, and filled the entire underground city through pipelines extending in all directions, providing warmth, fresh water and power.

If you zoom in and try your best to look carefully, you can still find some scattered extraordinary humans walking in groups in the ice and snow world, hunting and killing monsters in the snow area.

The walking speed of those people was clearly discernible in Lin Tuo's eyes.

This reveals an important message.

"The flow of time has slowed down again." Lin Tuo muttered.

Yes, he had discovered this phenomenon two days earlier, but it became more and more obvious.

At first, when the Great Ice Age came, the ecology of the sandbox collapsed, and the time flow was very fast, but after a few days, the speed slowed down again. According to the rules of the evolution sandbox, the flow speed of time is related to "complexity".

That is to say:

"The complexity of No. 2 sandbox has increased again?"

For a long time, Lin Tuo did not understand what kind of indicator "complexity" is.

In short, it seems to be a comprehensive judgment. The integrity of the ecological chain and the number of species will all affect this data.

And the biggest influence on it is the degree of civilization.

"During the time of the cataclysm, human civilization was close to the 19th century. When it came to the Great Ice Age, it was already close to the beginning of the 21st century, but because of the Great Ice Age, it took another wave of regression.

So, after hundreds of years of development, has the civilization level in the shelter been restored

Not only recovering, but continuing to develop. "

This guess aroused Lin Tuo's great curiosity.

It is hard to imagine how human civilization evolved after losing its dominion over the surface and hiding in the limited space underground.

It would be amazing not to go backwards.

Call out the running log, pull the content forward, read it carefully, and the lines of text flashed:

[In the ... year of world evolution, the Great Ice Age came, and the surviving humans entered underground shelters. The period of the division of the four major regimes ended, and the era of unity and unification came]

[However, the new residence brings new problems... The original concept of the country is blurred, the gathering of different ethnic groups, the destruction of the original class, the alternation of old and new jobs... Humans have experienced countless hardships in the first ten years]

[At the same time, humans who entered the ground also produced a series of diseases, the food reserves were rapidly consumed, and the expansion of the underground planting area was slow, bringing about a long-term food crisis and a sharp drop in the population]

[After the first ten years, the situation finally ushered in an inflection point, the food supply reached a balance, the new social system was initially established, and the emergence of new occupations brought about a blowout of new technologies]

[… In order to solve the physical discomfort of the underground, under the leadership of the joint committee, the surviving humans started a mighty transformation plan that lasted for a hundred years...

Simulating the blue sky, simulating the sun, simulating the four seasons... Under a certain huge vision, with the efforts of generations, the shelter is becoming more and more similar to reality]

[However, the limitation of space and the harsh environment hinder the possibility of human beings to explore outwards.

As the simulation environment becomes more and more perfect, people, driven by simple desires, begin to explore virtual technology in depth, and the epoch-making brain wave connection technology provides support for this direction]

[In the 156th year of the Shelter Era, the first brainwave virtual game appeared, which officially opened the prelude to the virtual era]

"Virtual technology?" Lin Tuo was a little surprised, but after thinking about it carefully, he understood.

In fact, in his opinion, the technology tree of the No. 2 sandbox had gone astray as early as the Centennial Plan started.

In order to ensure the survival of mankind, based on the program of the Centennial Plan, the main technologies of the Four Kingdoms have been invested in several corresponding fields.

Therefore, the external exploration was abandoned.

The most typical example is that in the No. 2 sandbox, there has never been a real aircraft.

And it is even more so in the "shelter era". Human beings who have lost the ability to develop outwards have no choice but to turn to the virtual space, which has led to the rapid advancement of technology in this area...

"This is somewhat similar to reality." Lin Tuo couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

In the past, human beings tried to step into the universe and the galaxy, colonize Mars, and explore outer space. However, subsequent changes in the situation caused social resources to gather in the Internet field.

As a result, the development of space technology is slow, and the virtual economy leads the era.

It's just that the humans in the shelter took this path more thoroughly and began to try to build a brainwave virtual space...

"Well, I'm afraid the sandbox has surpassed reality in this area of technology."

Thinking of this, Lin Tuo suddenly realized that some of his previous understanding of the sand table might be wrong.

In the past, based on the problem of time flow rate, he judged that the civilization in the sand table could not exceed the reality, because once the internal and external civilization levels were similar, the flow rate would become 1:1.

However, in reality, the level of civilization is a very complicated concept.

Although they are all human.

But different development paths will lead to completely different "technology trees" from each other.

Human beings in the sandbox can completely surpass reality in some specific fields, but of course, they will inevitably fall far behind reality in other fields.

"To make an extreme assumption, if it is said that the development of the human body's potential is also a development direction, then perhaps the complexity of a fantasy world will be the same as that of the earth.

Perhaps, it is still in the feudal era, without high-rise buildings, networks, and aircraft, but it is a huge lead in human evolution, which will also lead to increased complexity? "


This is just his conjecture and needs to be verified.

"Unfortunately, the repair speed of the No. 2 sandbox is slow, and there is no way to use it to verify. According to the information given by the sandbox, due to the limited computing power, it is impossible to maintain the derivation and operation of the two sandboxes at the same time."

Lin Tuo sighed softly: "If you want to open another sandbox, you can't do it."

However, at this moment, it seemed that the flow of time had finally slowed down to a certain limit, and the virtual panel suddenly flickered, and a new message appeared in his mind:

[The complexity of No. 2 sandbox has been equal to reality, and the ratio of internal and external time is automatically adjusted to 1:1]

[Sandbox computing power is being released...]

[The computing power is released]

[Please choose whether to continue to create No. 3 sandbox?]

[1. Continue]

[2. Return]

Thanks to the book friends: If you have something to say, talk about it, start from me, Bread84, fifty-one stone, lanq12, Huang Yao, who is so enlightened, rewards and supports!

(end of this chapter)