Creating a Sandbox World

Chapter 130: He is truly a demon slayer


Of course, Lin Tuo's words were not curses. Facing the doubtful eyes of the villagers, he made up a story.

Claiming that there are two people, one master and one servant, they come from the Ding Kingdom, and they are demon slayers who have traveled the world.

Hearing that there are demons haunting here, I came here specially.

There are many loopholes in these words, but it is not difficult to bluff most of the villagers.

In addition, the sun was setting while talking, and it was already night. The village head, who was already quite old, thought about it and felt that it was more dangerous to walk in the dark, and it was better to be in the village.

If there is danger, everyone can help.

As for the rhetoric of "devil slayer", I don't believe it in my heart.

Lin Tuo could also see what the villagers were thinking, but he didn't mind, and immediately followed the crowd into the village and stayed at the village chief's house.

The village is not small, about dozens of households, but limited to the development level of this era, most of them are mud houses. Relatively speaking, the houses of the village chief's house with two wings from east to west are considered good.

Because he had just had breakfast before coming in, Lin Tuo politely declined the dinner invitation, and just chatted with a few famous people in the village, and asked about the surrounding situation by the way.

As for Huaxi, she didn't say a word the whole time.

He just stood aside obediently, watching everything he saw quietly, his eyes full of curiosity, and a faint wave of magic power shrouded his surroundings.

That is the effect of the "low configuration version of common language". Unlike the version purchased by Lin Tuo from the system store, which can break through the language barrier in an instant, the version Huaxi learned is a bit troublesome.

You need to consume ether to turn it on, and then within a certain period of time, you can slowly understand and digest it by being in an unfamiliar context.

As a result, Huaxi was confused throughout the previous conversation.

I can't understand what the two are saying at all.

When Lin Tuo got up and dragged her to the vacated guest room, the little girl finally understood the language of this world through stumbles.

"Young Master, rest well." Sending Lin Tuo and the others into the wing room, the village head told the people in the courtyard to be more careful at night, and then everyone left one after another.

Only Wang Tie was left behind, and then the old and the strong walked into the house on the other side, got on the kang, and sat facing each other, a little silent to each other.

After a while, Wang Tie was the first to speak:

"Village Chief, are you still worried about the monster coming down from the mountain?"

"Why don't you worry... that's a demon," the village head showed bitterness when the door was closed at this moment, and there were only two people left, "If it's not satisfied, and wants to eat people, how can people in our village stop it?" Can you live?"

"Think about it better, if it really comes to that, I have to give it a go."

Wang Tie said, and then he helped the knife bag wrapped in animal skin at his waist. There were several short knives inserted side by side in it. It seemed that holding the knife gave him confidence, but the old man on the other side just shook his head and sighed.

"Speaking of which, what do you think of the young master next door?" Seeing that the atmosphere was a bit depressed, Wang Tie changed the subject.

On the opposite side, the village chief lit a pipe, took two puffs, and said in a low voice:

"Three points are true and seven points are false, it doesn't look like they are from the Ding Kingdom, but they must be the children of a rich and powerful family, the appearance, demeanor, and clothes are very strange.

I'm afraid it's some noble young man who heard that there are demons, so he ran out to meet the world... Sigh. "

Speaking of this, he sighed again: "Young man... wait until dawn, and find a way to persuade you to go back, otherwise, if you really run into a monster, how can you live?"

Wang Tie's tone was not so sure, and said: "I think, that young master should have kung fu."

"That's not okay, you're too young, haven't you also learned martial arts, so you can stop monsters?"

"Teacher, they seem to be talking about you."

Next door, the earth kang was burning warmly, and two quilts were laid out. There were no tables and chairs in this room, so the two of them had to lift the quilts and sit. Huaxi was close to the door, listening with pricked ears, and couldn't help saying.

Lin Tuo, who was sitting cross-legged on the kang, smiled and said, "Do you understand?"

"Qiqibaba, if you get familiar with it for a while, you should be fine." Huaxi said with some pride, and then remembered that this was the effect of "common language skills", and her puffed chest fell down again.

After a pause, he asked curiously, "What are we doing here? Are we really looking for some kind of monster?"

"Yes, and no." The room was warm, and the village was dark at night, which made people feel drowsy. Lin Tuo half-closed his eyes and said vaguely.

Choking Huaxi puffed up her cheeks.

She didn't ask how Lin Tuo could be teleported to this strange world, but she probably guessed that this was another world similar to the wasteland and "Earth".

She didn't know how Lin Tuo did it and what she wanted to do, but she didn't care.

Just curious and boring.

Lin Tuo, who was next to her, looked at her with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and cast his eyes on the blurred window. His eyes seemed to penetrate and fell on the mountains in the distance.

The reason why I came to Sheng Country is because the ether here is the strongest, which shows that this country is the best governed among the many vassal states.

He came to this village only because he noticed an ether line rising nearby during the "teleportation".

There are no complicated calculations for staying overnight in the village, and there are only two purposes:

First, find someone to talk to, get a general understanding of the development level of this world, and adjust the specific means of spreading the cultivation method.

By the way, let Huaxi practice and familiarize himself with the "common language skills" and the language here.

Second, to satisfy the curiosity about the demons of this era.


"There may be more now."

Lin Tuo murmured.

"What did you say?" Sitting next to him on the edge of the kang, Huaxi, who was dangling his short legs, turned his head and asked curiously.

"It's nothing." Lin Tuo smiled, yawned, and looked in the direction of the mountain, "Didn't you say yesterday that the 'puppet' that hammered last time didn't challenge, well, the challenge is coming."


The night falls, the stars and the moon rise.

Suddenly, there was a gust of evil wind on the huge barren mountain, and there were bursts of strange roars, which swayed far away, causing the poultry and livestock in the village to startle in panic.

In the village, in dozens of houses, people who hadn't fallen asleep got up one after another in panic, showing nervousness.

On the Great Barren Mountain, the dark and dense forest trembled, and a large number of birds flew up and down. Looking from a distance, it seemed that some huge creature was passing through at a high speed.

Finally, when the figure stepped out of the jungle and came to the foot of the mountain, with the moonlight falling down, it revealed its specific appearance.

It was a huge white wolf as big as a cow.

The hair all over his body was like silver needles, and under the moonlight, circles of light swayed, and on his back, there were two groups of strange limbs gathered together, like folded wings.

Stepping out of the jungle at this moment, looking at the village not far away, a trace of ferocity flashed in the green eyes.

He raised his head and howled again, as if there was some kind of power in the voice, which shook the green leaves of the surrounding trees.

"What's the sound?" Wang Tie, who was about to say goodbye and leave in the east wing, just opened the door when he heard the monster howling that seemed to be close at hand, and his expression changed.

Inside the house, the window paper was shaking, and the chickens, dogs and domestic animals in the whole village hit the fence like crazy, and the village head was even ashamed:


What I was most worried about finally happened.

"I'll go and have a look!" Feeling the uneasiness outside the house, Wang Tie drew a dagger from his waist, his tone became ruthless, and he was about to rush out.

"No, you can't stop it!" The village chief wanted to pull it, but he didn't have time, his face was full of panic, he gritted his teeth, told the old wife to hide, pushed open the door, and rushed out.

As soon as he came to the door, he heard a shout. The huge monster had arrived at the entrance of the village. Under the moonlight, it seemed to be covered with a thin layer of light. At this moment, it was already approaching the first house.

Inside the house, a family of three is huddled in the corner.

The lights in the house had been extinguished, the woman tightly covered the mouth of the child in her arms, not daring to make a sound, praying that she would not be selected, while the man gritted his teeth, came to the window, and looked out through the gap.

Immediately, he saw the huge white wolf stop outside the courtyard, and looked over with his eyes that seemed to be burning.

The man felt as if he had been poured with a basin of ice water. Realizing that he couldn't escape, he turned his head and looked at his frightened wife and children who were huddled in the corner of the wall. After struggling for a moment, he kicked the door open, shouted and ran out.

The wolf demon stared at him jokingly, but was not in a hurry to catch him, but just took a step forward, chasing the poor man forward.

The whole village was in chaos.

"Brother Tie!" The villager ran not far away, saw Wang Tie suddenly, and yelled, as if seeing a savior, and then heard Wang Tie shout: "Low your head!"

He subconsciously rushed forward, and immediately, a cold light flew out of Wang Tie's hand, piercing the night wind, and piercing towards the wolf demon's eyes.


However, in the next second, the wolf demon swung the throwing knife with just one claw, and the playfulness in his eyes turned into ice-coldness. He roared angrily, and rushed towards the two people in front of him.

At the same time, the demonic aura was pervasive, and Wang Tie was shocked to find that he was trembling all over, and couldn't even move.

"Get out of the way!" Behind him, the village head just ran out of the yard at this time, and what he saw was this scene, but his heart was already filled with ashes, knowing that the two of them would definitely die.

But at this moment, a petite black shadow suddenly sprang out from behind him at a terrifying speed, as if it was about to pull out an afterimage.

Still in the air, Huaxi raised his fist, and according to Professor Lin Tuo's method, covered the body with the ether in his body, and smashed it straight forward without using a weapon!


In the next second, Wang Tie and the others saw in astonishment that the huge wolf demon was hit by Huaxi's punch, and staggered back with a howl.

"It's not over yet!" Huaxi refused to let go, raised his cloak, and attacked like a storm, with the idea of deliberate performance in his heart, and he didn't hold back at all.

"Kach... Kacha..."

After just a few punches, there was the sound of bone cracking in the air.

The ether of the fingertips turned into pieces of illusory blades, and with a hard stroke, blood sprayed.

"Woo..." The wolf demon howled miserably, leaped into the air in horror, spread out a bunch of ugly wings behind his back, waved a gust of wind, turned his head and fled towards the Great Barren Mountain.

"Don't go!" Huaxi stood on the ground, a little dumbfounded.

In a hurry, he wanted to gather his weapons to kill, but the ether accumulated in his body was obviously not enough, so he turned his head pitifully and looked behind him: "Teacher!"


In the night, the village head and Wang Tie were already in a daze at the moment when Huaxi made a move. At this moment, they turned their heads subconsciously when they heard the shout.

Only then did I realize that the "noble young master" had arrived outside the courtyard at some time, and was quietly watching this scene.

"It's okay." Lin Tuo gave Huaxi a reassuring smile, raised his right hand, lifted his cloak, and tapped lightly on the wolf demon running towards the bright moon in the sky in the night.

The night sky suddenly brightened.

There seems to be a fire.

In the next second, the demon that flew into the air suddenly let out a heart-piercing scream, and turned into a blazing fireball at high altitude.

Light up the whole village.

After a few breaths, it crashed down!

Thanks to the book friends: Gu Youhan, Chen Ah, Three-cornered Hat Lin, Huang Yao who is so enlightened, Fifty-one Stones, - Meng Chihuo, the seat on the right, and reward support!

(end of this chapter)