Creating a Sandbox World

Chapter 132: The whole world breathes together


When the strange lines in his consciousness lit up, some ether in Lin Tuo's body was injected into the spell model in some way, and resonated with the "spiritual world" that overlapped with the material world, pulled it, and swayed an invisible wave ripple.

According to the units in the No. 2 sandbox civilization, one yard is close to one meter in reality.

Fifteen yards, that is, fifteen meters.

It is more than enough to easily cover the entire evolution sandbox. If there are other people nearby, they will definitely be attracted by this cultivation-assisting spell at this moment.

And it just so happens that there are many people in the evolution sandbox.


Shengguo, under the Great Barren Mountain, in a remote mountain village.

The moment Lin Tuo used his ability, Huaxi, who was standing by the side, raised his head as if aware of it.

Looking at the sky, his expression was slightly different, and he realized that there was a hidden force sweeping through the earth, mountains and rivers, and himself.

As soon as his mind moved, his breathing involuntarily adjusted according to an extremely familiar rhythm, and he entered the state of cultivation.

Inside and outside the small courtyard.

Wang Tie and other villagers followed the instructions, held their breath, closed their eyes, and waited anxiously for the next step, but what they waited for was a strange wind in their ears.

Yes, very strange wind noise!

It was as if someone was sticking to the ear, exhaling and breathing in a very strange rhythm.

Some people want to open their eyes to watch, but find that they seem to have lost control of their bodies, and the whole person is like falling into a dream, and their spirit has entered a certain ethereal and peaceful state.

Unknowingly, their breathing rhythms also began to adjust, imitating the sound of Lin Tuo's breathing ringing in their ears, trying to breathe out and practice.

"Buff... breathe... breathe... breathe..."

Under the starry sky, inside and outside the courtyard.

At this moment, everyone entered a state of deep meditation, and under the guidance of that invisible force, they began to practice for the first time in their lives.

To the east of the mountain village, a county town stands here.

At this moment, it was already night, and the streets in the city were empty.

In one house after another, some people were already asleep, while others were not yet, but at this moment, with the invisible spell spreading.

People in their sleep puffed up their chests suddenly, took a deep breath, and let it out shortly, repeating the cycle.

The people who hadn't fallen asleep were in a trance for a while, lost their minds, and leaned on the tables, chairs, and beds nearby.

Some people even just stood in place like this, following the voice in their ears, inhaling... exhaling...

The capital of Shengguo.

In the king's city, the king who was lighting up the lamp to read suddenly felt the shadow of the lamp flickering, and was struck by inexplicable tiredness. His eyelids closed with a click, and he leaned on the seat, as if falling asleep.

Outside the door, the palace guards guarding the door were also momentarily confused and lost their vigilance.

Standing in place, leaning on the sword, hung his head.

Another waiter who was watching the night staggered and put down the lantern, fell to the ground, and entered a state of meditation.

In an instant, the entire royal city, and even the huge national capital, were left with only the sound of breathing:

"Buff... breathe... breathe... breathe..."

Somewhere among the mountains, in a big temple.

A crimson fox demon lying on the altar suddenly raised its head, its ears moved slightly, as if listening to the suddenly quiet town below the mountain.

Those eyes full of agility were full of curiosity.

Suddenly, it seemed to sense something, and the two slender ears shook more and more violently. The next second, the fox demon suddenly jumped up, and sat cross-legged on the altar like a human being, like a monk in meditation.

Gritting his teeth, he imitated the breathing rhythm that only applies to humans with some pain.

"Buff... breathe... breathe... breathe..."

On this night, at this very moment, a similar scene happened almost simultaneously in every corner of the No. 3 sandbox world.

Covering the entire Great Ding dynasty.

It also covers humans and demons.

In the Lishan study, Lin Tuo's body has opened his eyes.

It's just that between the mouth and nose, the breathing rhythm of the breathing method is still repeated.

Exercising the Qi method with his mind withdrawn does not have much practice effect, but his purpose itself is just to use himself as a guide, using the spell obtained from the No. 2 sandbox to guide the whole world to practice.

According to the spell classics, this "breathing" spell model is extremely special.

Almost non-aggressive, but quite a bit of aether drain.

Under normal circumstances, the person covered in it can even forcefully break free.

However, due to some unknown "conversion mechanism" of the evolution sandbox, the power of this spell has been greatly "magnified".

For example, in the last "Disaster of Uncanny Things", in order to solve the "Silence" spell cast by "Wishing Candle", its spell effect has also been greatly enhanced.

This spell itself is to help guide some people who have difficulty mastering the "cultivation method" to forcefully enter the cultivation state. Due to various restrictions, it is not used much in the No. 2 sandbox.

But now, it is very appropriate to use it to guide the cultivation and popularization of the Great Tripod Dynasty.

Hand in hand, lead the whole continent to practice together.

Ultimately, of course, not everyone can learn.

Fewer can hold on.

But as long as this seed is planted, those individuals with excellent aptitude scattered all over the continent will naturally feel the transformation of their bodies, so that they can practice independently in the future.

When the first batch of monks grow up and learn to use ether to strengthen themselves, they will attract more people and build a positive cultivation environment.

This is his plan.

"Well, but with millions of people spitting out at the same time, only this amount of ether seems to be stretched."

Raising his hand to put back the books in front of him, Lin Tuo approached the sand table, leaned over and looked at the ether clouds floating over the various countries, like the "National Destiny", and spewed out hundreds of points again toward it.

"Sowing seeds requires watering and fertilizing, and cultivation is the same. I hope you will work hard."

With emotion in his heart, Lin Tuo waved his hand to disrupt the injected ether and spread it to dozens of vassal states.

After doing all this, he lay back on the rattan chair, closed his eyes, and continued to breathe.

As if really fell into a deep sleep.

The sun outside the study window slowly slid down from the center and dimmed.

Hours passed.

In reality, evening is approaching.

In the sand table, dawn breaks.


When the first rooster crowed in the morning, Lin Tuo finally stopped maintaining the spell.

As a result, the villagers who crowded the entire courtyard "woke up" one after another, opened their eyes, and looked at the light blue sky in confusion, as if they still didn't understand what happened.

After a few seconds, I finally realized that it was almost dawn, and everyone was here, "sleeping" all night.

No, not sleep!

How can you fall asleep standing up? Even if you really fall asleep, you should be tired and sore all over. How can you be full of energy, as if you wake up after more than ten hours of sleep after being extremely tired

"It's Young Master!" Finally, someone came to his senses and shouted.

Then, as if waking up from a dream, everyone realized that, before they realized it, Lin Tuo had helped them vomit for half the night.

Amidst the noise, Huaxi also broke away from her practice, and then looked at her side, sitting in a wooden chair, like a teacher who was dozing off in a strange way.

At this moment, Lin Tuo's consciousness re-switched into the avatar, opened his eyes, looked at the villagers full of yards with a smile, got up and said slowly:

"This is the cultivation method of absorbing the vitality of the heavens and the earth. Each of you should bear in mind that it will depend on yourselves as to what will happen in the future."

In front of the crowd, Wang Tie had also woken up. Hearing this, he got up, and his two pupils released a very sharp light:

"Great lord, I will never forget it!"

Lin Tuo glanced at him in surprise. After a whole night of talking, Wang Tie's temperament seemed to have changed. Just standing there, there was a faint sense of sharpness overflowing.

Unexpectedly, he was quite talented.

But this surprise only lasted for a moment, Lin Tuo waved his hand and called Huaxi: "Let's go."


Seeing the two getting up, the people in the courtyard hurriedly retreated, not daring to stop them, but they stopped still only after Hulala sent them to the entrance of the village.

Qi Qi looked at one big and one small, the two cloaks walked side by side along the official road, in the misty blue light, walking farther and farther, just like when they arrived last night.

"Ah! They flew away!"

Suddenly, the sharp-eyed village boy exclaimed again.

Wang Tie and the others were startled, looked carefully, and were surprised to find that in the distance, those two figures suddenly jumped up, and immediately, they broke through the early morning fog, flew into the sky in the blink of an eye, and disappeared.

After counting interest.

Leaving the mountain, above the courtyard of the martial arts hall, a transparent finger slowly descended and "separated" the two people hidden in it.

"Huh, it's already afternoon."

With both feet on the ground, Huaxi stabilized her body, and looked at the sun sliding down the sky with some surprise.

"Yeah, how about it? It's boring to go on a business trip. It's better to stay at home, isn't it?"

Beside, Lin Tuo in a cloak glanced at the little girl and said with a smile.

Huaxi stared at the words and said:

"No! Although... the place I live in is definitely not as good as my home, but it's very interesting."

After finishing speaking, she rolled her eyes and grabbed the corner of Lin Tuo's clothes:

"Teacher, take me with you when you go out next time, okay?"

She was a little worried that Lin Tuo would not take her with her next time.

"Let's talk again." Lin Tuo said casually, and then looked at the little girl's puffed cheeks, feeling inexplicably happier, patted the big apprentice on the shoulder, and said:

"Okay, I've been busy for a few hours and I'm hungry. Go and get me a bowl of noodles. Well, let's cook some more and eat together."

"Oh." Huaxi responded and walked towards the kitchen.

Lin Tuo couldn't help but support his forehead: "Take off the cloak first!"

"Know it!"

After a while, watching the little girl go back to the bedroom to change clothes, Lin Tuo shook his head, opened the door and entered the study, his body shrunk and was retracted by the main body.

Immediately, Lin Tuo, who switched his consciousness back to his body, walked to the sand table again, looking at the sun slowly rising from the edge of the sand table.

The smile on his face disappeared, and his eyes gradually became serious.

The cultivation method has been disseminated.

Next, it is time to restart the acceleration of time and wait for the rise of human monks.

However, before that, he was going to do another extremely important experiment.

(end of this chapter)