Creating a Sandbox World

Chapter 136: That moment of light


This voice is very gentle, without the slightest murderous aura, and the voice is also very young, the age of the speaker should not be very old...

However, when these light words fell into the ears of a group of guards and Qin Tianjian masters at the foot of the mountain, they were momentarily stunned.


After a little bit of effort, they finally remembered that many years ago, Wang Xundao's breakthrough failed, and he had indeed announced to the world that experts from all walks of life were welcome to come and compete.

However, at that time he had already stepped into the first-rank realm, and for many years, no one had really set foot on Dongshan with this reason.

So much so that even the strong men of Qin Tianjian almost forgot about this matter.

on the hill.

Beside the pavilion, Wang Xundao, who was dressed in a green shirt and short robe, was also obviously surprised. Immediately, his still clear eyes became a little more serious.

Lin Tuo covered his face with a hood, so Wang Xundao couldn't see his appearance clearly, but he could still clearly judge that the person in front of him was really young...

Maybe even younger than some students who just entered the Qin Tianjian... However, he didn't think it was absurd.

Not only because Lin Tuo quietly broke through the blockade at the foot of the mountain, but also because the other party was still calm and indifferent when facing his shout and question just now.

It's really hard.

"I don't know you." Wang Xundao was silent for a while, and said, "Besides, that announcement was made many years ago. Speaking of which, you are the first person to challenge me in these years, or the demon .”


"So I accept your challenge." Wang Xundao said.

Behind him, when Lin Tuo appeared, the emperor Sheng Guo, who was protected by the guards near the pavilion, watched this scene with interest.

In his memory, since he fought Wang Xundao and stepped down from the position of Qin Tianjian, he came to Dongshan to live in seclusion, and he has never seen him fight anyone again.

But I never thought that such an accident would happen today.

Thinking about it, I couldn't help but look forward to it, and said with a smile, "Then I will be a witness today."

Saying that, he waved his hand and ordered all the guards and the strong Qin Tianjian to disperse, and he also walked to the distance, leaving this area for the two of them.

A gust of mountain wind blew by, and the surrounding area was already empty.

Lin Tuo didn't care about these, he just came here to try, what stage is the strongest in this world, so he kept his eyes on the first-rank realm in front of him, and asked:

"How do you compare?"

Wang Xundao smiled casually: "Attack me, as long as I take a step back, you will win."

step back!

Even if you win!

Hearing these words, the surrounding crowd seemed extremely calm, as if, in their view, this was a very normal thing.

No one thought that this young man who secretly climbed up the Eastern Mountain and deliberately covered his whole body would be an opponent of a first-rank grand master, so they would not have any unexpected emotions about this rule.

And following this sentence, Wang Xundao took a deep breath and stood still.

As he made this most ordinary movement, there was a sudden aura on Dongshan Mountain, and a strange, invisible aura suddenly rose up, like a majestic peak.

No, it's not as if, at this moment, in the perception of the people around, it seems that they really saw the rise of a peak.

Big Dongshan!

At this moment, Wang Xundao's robe swayed slightly, and his breath penetrated the world, as if connected with this mountain.

Wisps of vitality escaped, making the air seem oppressive, restless, and restless.

Seeing this, Lin Tuo, who was standing in the middle of the field, raised his eyebrows on his face hidden in the hood, as if he was a little surprised. This aura was not a magic technique, but an extremely condensed spirit.

It is a state of almost perfect fusion of ether and martial art!

With just one glance, he judged that Wang Xundao went far deeper than himself on the road of fusion of martial arts and ether. This is not surprising, after all, they are many years apart.

If the strength levels of the two are brought to the same level without using the body, Lin Tuo has no doubt that he will lose.

However, this didn't frustrate him, on the contrary, he looked forward to it even more. Hearing this, he didn't shirk it, just nodded: "Okay."

As he spoke, he thought for a while, and opened a slit in the cloak in front of him, revealing an empty palm.

"You can use weapons." Wang Xundao glanced at the young hand and said with a smile, showing the demeanor of a master.

Lin Tuo shook his head and said, "I've always held the weapon."

After the words fell, the people watching from a distance were a little puzzled, thinking that this bold monk might have some brain problems? Or was everyone blind enough to see if he was holding a weapon

However, Lin Tuo didn't pay attention to these people's thoughts at all, as if his trip was just for Wang Xun's way, there was no need and no mood.

He had already figured out how to attack.

Of course you can't use the main body, otherwise everyone here will die.

I'm not going to use the technique either, because I'm not familiar with it.

He's ready to push.

Since Wang Xundao's experience is far stronger than his own, of course he must make use of his strengths and avoid weaknesses, and give full play to his "strong vitality" advantage.

Yes, no matter how good the life talent in this world is, there is a high probability that it is impossible to accumulate too much vitality in the body, but Lin Tuo is an exception.

Assuming that the ether in Wang Xundao's body is one hundred, then he is ten thousand... twenty thousand...

"In the face of absolute power, skill is never enough."

Silently saying sorry in his heart, Lin Tuo's body trembled slightly, and the ether in his body poured into the arm raised in front of his chest crazily. Then, Lin Tuo closed his right hand together like a knife.

In the next second, a steady stream of bluish-white aura gushed out from his palm, condensing into a saber-like light.


"what is that?"

"The vitality is obvious! How could he have such a strong vitality?!"

There were quick exclamations in the distance, and both the royal guards and the powerful Qin Tianjian watched this scene in disbelief, feeling incredible.

It should be noted that even a first-rank powerhouse can only release a thin layer of vitality at most as a defense.

But right now, the vitality contained in the light of that condensed knife is so full that it is almost... terrifying.

"Guard!" In the distance, when the light of the sword appeared, the emperor of Sheng Kingdom was surrounded by the surrounding guards.

During the scene, Wang Xundao, who was wearing a light blue blouse, seemed to have frozen his beard and hair that was fluttering in the wind for an instant. Feeling the rough but surging vitality, his face changed suddenly!

With no trace of underestimating the enemy in his heart, relying on instinct, he suddenly opened a thin layer of vitality barrier, opened his mouth, and wanted to say something, but only heard a plain voice from the opposite side:


In the next second, Lin Tuo moved forward with the saber in his hand, and slashed down lightly, and the condensed bluish-white saber light burst out of his hand!

In the middle, it spread to more than ten meters!

Above Dongshan, the light of the sword is shining!


Then, amidst the explosion of the air, the defensive cover Wang Xundao propped up shattered, as if his whole body had been hit by an air cannon!

Strands of blood ooze from the surface of the body, and the feet rooted in the ground have plowed two ravines on the ground, the green bricks are broken, the shadows are flying upside down, the gazebo collapses, and the smoke and dust are overwhelming!

The only first-rank realm on the mainland was defeated in an instant!

There was silence.

In the distance, the people who saw this scene stood there blankly, like a group of puppets who had lost their souls. Beside the clear water pool, the emperor who was hidden under heavy guards was stiff and pale.

Under the collapsed gazebo, Wang Xundao coughed in pain.


There is only silence.

Lin Tuo, who was the focus of sight, just silently withdrew his knife and said:

"It turns out that Yipin is just like this."

His tone was full of disappointment.

Thanks to the book friends: Xiaobeiming Shabujun, a wooden sword, the lovely Zero Point Zero, Guanshan Lige, Huang Yao who has fully realized his enlightenment, Xiao Shengdiao, Tu Jinouhuang starts from me, Qiu Mingshan 1 old driver, Da Little Mouse, Xingjing Lianmeng, Fifty-one Stones, and Ji Yan give rewards and support!

(end of this chapter)