Creating a Sandbox World

Chapter 141: trial


"Your Majesty, the former Qin Tianjian is asking Wang Xundao to enter the palace for an audience!"

"Please!" Hearing the guard's report, the Emperor Shengguo said immediately, and after a while, he saw a familiar figure walking across the garden.

"Your Majesty." Wang Xundao saluted.

"Master Wang, you don't need to be too polite. What happened in the direction of Dongshan?"

In private, the emperor of the Sheng Kingdom respected the teacher who had taught him how to practice. At this moment, he dragged him into the room to sit down, and asked eagerly:

"Just now when I was in the courtyard, I saw the light gushing out from Dongshan Mountain..."


Wang Xundao's expression at the moment was very different from usual. Since he left Qin Tianjian, he always gave people the feeling of being old, plain, and focused on living in seclusion, as if he had completely lost interest in the outside world.

Even in every martial arts test, I try to avoid it as much as possible, and I don't want to show my face.

But at this moment, Wang Xundao seemed to be a different person, with a rosy face and a strong spirit, which could vaguely show the demeanor that dominated the world back then.

Seeing the emperor's inquiry, he immediately described the matter in detail, and finally said:

"That mountain peak is extremely weird, more like a gigantic sacred stone... an image is sealed inside with a mysterious method that I have never seen in my life...

It is the territory that later covered the sky... and also the outline of the continent under our feet. "

"Master Wang means..." The emperor's expression moved slightly.

"Six hundred years ago, the human race realized the Tao overnight. No one knew the reason, but the Tao was passed down by Haotian, but Wang Tiefu, who led the demon army in the past and created the method of body training, said something before his death.

The teaching of the law that night was related to a mysterious strong man he met when he was young, and even the title 'Demon Slayer' came from the other party...

Although according to his later thoughts, this should just be an identity fabricated by that person... "

"Could it be, do you think that person in the daytime..."

"I boldly speculate that that person is probably related to the strong man Wang Tiefu met six hundred years ago, and even... may be the same person...

After all, from the words left behind, the person who passed down the cultivation method was also wearing a cloak and was very young.

The only difference is that back then, the other party had a maid-like entourage beside her..."

In the room, the lights flickered, but Wang Xundao's eyes seemed brighter because of the lights.

The same person... Hearing this, the emperor of the Sheng Kingdom faltered for a while.

Can someone really keep their voice and appearance unchanged for hundreds of years

But if that person is really the source of the legendary cultivation method, then everything seems to be explainable again.

"Master Wang thinks, what is the intention of that...?" The emperor of Shengguo said nervously.

Wang Xundao said in a deep voice: "I don't know, but if I think about it, all the answers should be hidden in the place marked in the star map, on the wasteland."


"Therefore, I request that you take the elite of Qin Tianjian to go to the wasteland together to find out." Wang Xundao said.

In fact, he prefers to go alone, but this matter is too sensational, if he goes alone, the emperor will probably think too much.

I have been away from Qin Tianjian for a long time, and although I have a good reputation, my control over Qin Tianjian is not strong.

Bring some people to go together, so that the emperor can "peace of mind"...

In addition, no one knows what the future will be. It is also necessary to bring more people. If you encounter a monster can deal with it.

Yes, Wang Xundao has no doubt that today's events will be known to the Yaozu, which is why he is eager to leave.

If there is really something hidden in the wasteland, the Yaozu must not be allowed to get it first.

The emperor of Sheng Kingdom thought for a while, nodded and said:

"Since Master Wang is willing to set out to take risks, it is a good thing, but the road in the wilderness is long, rough and difficult to travel, and it is inconvenient for vehicles and horses.

Even for monks, it takes a long time to go back and forth... and this year's martial arts exam is about to start, it is somewhat inconvenient to draw people away at this time... "

The martial arts examinations over the years have been far more complicated than the civil examinations.

If you want to be admitted to Qin Tianjian, you have to pass several exams, including the "experience" test.

Often, the Qin Tianjian specially demarcates a mountain forest, and puts ferocious beasts, even captured monsters, as an examination room to test the actual combat ability of the students...

If the elite personnel are taken away hastily, the martial arts test may be difficult to carry out, so it can only be postponed.

"What's so difficult about it?" Wang Xun said with a faint smile when he heard the words, "The divine stone descended from the sky coincided with the martial arts exam. Perhaps this test is God's will. In my opinion, this year's martial arts exam will simply be changed, and the wasteland will be used as an example." Isn’t the proving ground killing two birds with one stone.”

"This..." The emperor of the Sheng Kingdom was stunned for a moment, never expecting it to be like this. After thinking about it for a while, he smiled and said, "Then follow what Master Wang said."

"Teacher, breakfast is in your study." When Lin Tuo was lying on the bed and vaguely heard a voice coming from the window, he slowly opened his eyes.

Turning his head, he saw that the window was already bright, and the sun was shining through the gap in the curtains.

"Huh, is it already morning? I don't know if Wang Xundao and the others have left." Lin Tuo lay on his back, looking at the ceiling, thinking wildly.

Lie dead for another five minutes.

After fully waking up, I got up, washed, and went out...

All in one go.

From the height of the sand table, nothing unusual can be seen, only the stone that has completely lost its mysterious power can be seen in the garden in the eastern suburbs.

There also seemed to be people around... possibly the military.

Lin Tuo was not in a hurry. While eating the breakfast delivered by Huaxi, he continued to sort out the content that needed to be translated, and marked some nouns.

I also found time to turn on the computer and write a translation format document.

Then, holding the stack of things, she came outside Huaxi's room again.

And learned a lesson, deliberately coughed to make a noise, and then pushed the door in:

"How are the two dictionaries?"

Huaxi happened to be sitting at the table at the moment, closing the cover of the dictionary, there was still a faint ether wave in the air, upon hearing this, she straightened her back and asked for praise: "I have learned it!"

Is this the one who stayed up late last night to learn with the ability? Lin Tuo glanced at her dark circles, smiled and praised: "Not bad."

Immediately start assigning tasks.

After explaining the details, Lin Tuo returned to the study, raised his right hand, and in his palm, a clone in light blue clothes slowly emerged.

"Consciousness switch!"

In the capital city, in a street not far from Qin Tianjian, the air was slightly distorted, and Lin Tuo's figure emerged, and he walked out immediately.

At this moment, the sky in the capital has already brightened, and it is very lively. Most people are talking about the vision of heaven and earth last night.

In the shops on both sides of the street, some people even described what they saw and heard in a serious manner.

"Didn't you see that Grandmaster Wang Xun Dao stood on the top of the mountain at that time, and with just one punch, he exploded the mountain."

"How did I hear that it was crushed by one foot?"

"It's not that exaggerated at all, it's just broken into a small part." A person who went out of the city last night and watched the whole process couldn't help correcting.

Immediately, it caused a blank stare: "What do you know? How can you imagine how strong a first-rank grandmaster is?"

Lin Tuo looked amusing, smiled and didn't mix it up, and walked straight along the street towards the place where the Qintianjian yamen is located.

But as soon as he arrived, he saw a lot of candidates gathered under the majestic vaulted building of the Qin Tianjian, who seemed to be discussing something enthusiastically. From time to time, new people came, and some people left together, looking hurried.

"what happened?"

Lin Tuo was curious, but the crowd was too dense, and it was difficult for him to squeeze in for a while.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up, and he saw a slightly familiar figure dressed as a nobleman walking out of the crowd, followed by a follower.

Lin Tuo recalled briefly, and remembered the other party's name: "Lv Tang?"

"Ah... it's you, Lin... Lin Tuo." Hearing someone call, Lu Tang recovered from his thoughts. Seeing Lin Tuo, he was stunned for a while, then remembered seeing him last night, and smiled habitually: "You also heard the news and came to see it?"

"What news?" Lin Tuo blinked.

"Uh," Lu Tang was stunned for a moment, looked at Lin Tuo in surprise, but said nothing, and explained, "The announcement issued by Qin Tianjian this morning said that this year's martial arts exam will be reformed in the wasteland.

The target is the location marked on the star map last night. All applicants who apply for the test must go to the northern wilderness with the team, and the masters of Qin Tianjian will also go there. It is said that the team will be led by Grandmaster Wang Xundao... "

"So?" Lin Tuo was a little surprised.

Although his understanding of this world is limited, he still has a certain understanding of the martial arts test. He knows that "trial" is the most important part of it, but he never thought that the trial this time would be changed to this.

"I have to go back and pack my bags. I will go out of the city with the team later. What is your test number? Maybe we are close." Lu Tang asked.

Lin Tuo shook his head with a faint smile and said, "I'm not an examinee."

no? Lu Tang was a little surprised, but also a little embarrassed.

He always thought that Lin Tuo was also an examinee. After all, everyone was about the same age, and from the perspective of spirit, he could see that Lin Tuo's level should not be low... Hearing this, he cupped his hands in shame and said, "Meng Lang is gone."

Lin Tuo smiled and didn't care. He just felt that the two were destined, and said, "Then I wish you a good result for this trip and a good ranking."

When Lu Tang heard this, there was a hint of arrogance between his eyebrows, and he smiled and said, "Thank you, although I was a little surprised, but since it's an exam, I've never been afraid, and I'm sure I'll be the first in the martial arts exam."

As he spoke, Lu Tang cupped his hands and said, "Let's take my leave first, and see you by fate!"

Tsk, are all the candidates this year so confident

Lin Tuo felt emotional in his heart, and if he nodded meaningfully, he said, "See you by fate."

Watching the wealthy young man named Lu Tang stride away, Lin Tuo glanced at the Qin Tianjian where the crowd was gradually dispersing, shook his head, did not stop, and immediately turned and left.

A moment later, Lin Tuo's figure appeared in the sky above the mainland. He lowered his head and could vaguely see people gathering at the north gate of the capital.

After identifying the direction, he controlled the main body and flew straight to the north of the capital, deep in the sinister wilderness.

"Humans are about to leave, and I don't know if there is any movement from the demon clan. After tossing this time, don't waste the opportunity."

(end of this chapter)