Creating a Sandbox World

Chapter 143: Lin Tuo's test



When the sand fell to the ground like a waterfall, even though Lin Tuo lowered the landing height, there was still a loud bang.

Especially when that landscape tree with soil landed on the ground, it was even more so.

"Hula la." Zoom in on the map to the extreme, and then use transparent hands to plant trees with large pieces of soil, and level the sand...

He thought about putting the flower pot directly, but the height was not suitable, so he had to toss it.

The only problem is that I'm not sure if this landscape tree can live... well, although it's only a few days in total, it doesn't matter.

But after thinking about it, he still took some water from the river far away from the sand table through the main body, and created a lake to nourish the giant tree.

Because of the long distance, across the vast wasteland, the vibration here was annihilated after a certain distance, and no one witnessed this strange scene.

However, as long as people rushing to the wasteland approach the surrounding area, they will naturally be attracted by this tree that blocks the sky and the sun.

That's enough.

Thinking of this, Lin Tuo carefully manipulated the avatar to drag a wooden house and placed it under the trees. This was built by the wasteland immigrants.

After finishing all this, he withdrew his hand in satisfaction.

"All that's left is to wait."

Thinking about it, Lin Tuo washed his hands in a good mood, pushed the door to Huaxi's room to check the progress of the translation, and then watched the little girl work seriously with a sullen face, feeling more and more happy.

Translation is different from copying, even if the content is condensed, there is still a lot.

In order to conform to the characteristics of the times, Lin Tuo also specially requested the vertical layout... not to mention the exquisite details of many words.

In short, the speed is absolutely not fast.

Even though Huaxi worked hard, it was still the case.

After all, this is not a simple copy. Lin Tuo estimated the progress, calculated in his mind, and found that it would take at least several days to complete the translation.

This speed is already working overtime.

After getting this result, Lin Tuo returned to the sand table, looked at the monks who were extremely fast, and couldn't help frowning:

"too fast."

Yes, too fast.

He just stayed at Huaxi for a day, and when he came back, he found that Qin Tianjian's team had reached the edge of the desert.

Although the carriage is no longer suitable for the next road, and basically can only be walked, but considering the physical strength and footwork of the practitioners far beyond ordinary people, I am afraid that this group of people will arrive in a few days.

It will be a bit embarrassing if the translation work has not been completed by then...

Unexpectedly, time can only be accelerated, not delayed.

"Should we really stop it?" Lin Tuo thought with a serious expression, after a little thought, he turned around and took out a small electric fan from the drawer.

The pink one is a small toy bought on the desk at work.

There is a usb socket on the back.

"Well, this should be fine." Thinking, Lin Tuo sent the fan into the outermost mask of the sand table, clamped it with the bracket that fixed the flashlight on the No. 1 sand box last time, and plugged in the power bank to supply power by the way.

To adjust the angle, press the switch.

"Huhuhu~" The small fan whirled and turned, and a gust of wind sent it into the wasteland.

"All candidates get out of the car and follow the team!"

The speed of the galloping horse with the blood of the monster clan is indeed astonishing.

When Lu Tang was awakened from his lethargy and jumped out of the car following the crowd, he found that a big sun in the western sky had almost completely sunk into the horizon.

On the endless wilderness ahead, it looks particularly desolate.

"Carry supplies, keep up!"

In a daze, Lu Tang was ordered to carry a backpack on his back, and then he joined the flock of candidates, and followed the team of Qin Tianjian headed by Wang Xundao, and walked straight to the wasteland.

"So, the martial arts test is really like this?" Someone muttered.

Some people couldn't help but said: "Aren't there any groups? Everyone goes together? Then how do you get the rankings?"

An official from the Qin Tianjian happened to pass by, and when he heard this, he gave the candidate an indifferent look:

"Do you really think it's that easy to keep up with the team? Just to remind you, when you really go on the road, remember to seize all the time to practice and recover your strength, otherwise, no one will wait for you if you fall behind."

After speaking, the official turned his head and left.

Lu Tang stood beside him without saying a word, just glanced at the candidates of the same generation, and then at the wasteland in front of him.

The so-called wasteland is the semi-desert land, which stretches as far as the eye can see and is not suitable for plant growth.

There are some small plants and trees in some areas, but not many, some areas are covered with sand, and some are simply bare rocks.

At this moment, the red sun is falling in the west, and there is a sense of grandeur and majesty.

Suddenly, he raised his eyebrows lightly, let out a little hey, and saw that the front of the horizon seemed to suddenly turn yellow, and the sky and the earth became cloudy.

"Xi Lulv..." The horses were restless as if they had a premonition of something.

The strong man of Qin Tianjian and many examinees also noticed the abnormality, and looked forward in horror. After a while, they saw the strong wind blowing the sky full of sand and coming towards them.

Ahead, Wang Xundao looked at the wild sand silently, fearlessly, and said, "Everyone, let's go!"

"Hoo hoo hoo..." The strange wind blowing from the north rolled up the dust in the wasteland, and all of a sudden, even the vision was blurred.

It is dozens of miles away from the Qin Tianjian team.

A white-haired figure has also stepped into the wasteland, and immediately raised his hand, mustering his vitality, to resist the yellow sand, but the speed under his feet was also forced to drop sharply:

"Is it a normal celestial phenomenon? Or Haotian's test?" His eyes flickered, he stopped thinking, and stepped forward.

Not only Qin Tianjian, but also the white-haired monster clan stepped into the wasteland. When the star map came to the world, many people or monsters were attracted.

I don't mention those who are too far away, but a large number of monks who are not part of the Qin Tianjian near the capital are also ready to move, carrying their bags, or stepping into the strong wind with their companions, or alone.

Similarly, some daring monster races came, but compared to humans, there were far fewer of them.

One is that the quantity is inherently scarce.

Secondly, just like what the black-haired monsters said, combined with previous and previous news, if this is really a chance, it is probably also a human chance.

If the "first demon slayer" really existed, then any demon who reached the end of the wasteland would probably die without a place to die.

In addition, even if you don't talk about these things, it is already difficult to face the elite Qin Tianjian led by Wang Xundao.

Therefore, compared to humans, there are surprisingly few monsters entering the wilderness.

"I don't know how many can arrive."

In Lishan's study room, Lin Tuo silently looked at the lines of ether rising from the wind-swept earth, and couldn't help thinking about it.

The wilderness is cold and bitter, and there is no room for slow travel. It is almost difficult for ordinary people to pass through. Even monks need to constantly practice, breathe, and restore their physical fitness.

Therefore, with the help of the ether thread, he can clearly grasp the location and progress of those monks.

For the next two days, Lin Tuo's life was very regular.

Huaxi is busy translating and copying books every day, and she is very fulfilled.

Lin Tuo spent part of his time discussing the details of the translation with Huaxi. In addition, he also kept track of the progress of these people.

In line with the principle of rather slow than fast, the fan kept blowing.

The effect was also very obvious, the speed of the entire team dropped greatly. In addition, from the distribution of the ether lines, he also judged that as time went on, some people gradually began to give up and turn back.

Among them, those scattered monks were the most. When the time came to the third day, even the team of Qin Tianjian began to appear out of touch.

In the wasteland.

"Rest in place!"

As an order came from the front, Lu Tang and other candidates were relieved. Some fell down, and some swallowed the water bag, and then wept miserably.

At this moment, it was only the third day, but some of the candidates couldn't bear it.

Not only because of the eternal sandstorm, but also because, under the leadership of Wang Xundao, there is very little rest time.

During the day, except for a few rests, the rest of the time is on the road. Qin Tianjian's elites are of higher grade, with strong physique and will, so they can naturally bear it, but many candidates can't stand it anymore.

High-intensity walking, at first, some people will talk against the wind and sand.

But by the end of the first day, they were too tired to talk.

By the third day, many people have reached their limit.

In fact, Lu Tang felt that if they hadn't followed the large army, half of them might have given up and turned back at the end of the first day.

too bitter!

too tired!

The wind and sand continuously pulled away the water in the body and the spirit.

But Qin Tianjian's team hardly cares about the candidates, they just walk around and rest at certain times, and they don't care if some people can't keep up.

Although up to now, there has been no death or even injury as in previous martial arts trials.

However, the decline in physical strength and the devastation of spirit began to make it difficult for some candidates with weaker strength and character to bear.

In the team, no one thought that the trial was easy.

"I don't know how many people will be able to survive in the end." Lu Tang thought, lying cross-legged on the ground, holding the water bag that had gradually dried up, and fell silent for a while, meditating and resting to recover his strength.

About a cup of tea time, the order to hurry came again from the front.

Lu Tang opened his eyes and stood up. At this moment, he heard a cry:

"I can't compete! I can't walk anymore! I admit defeat!"

He turned his head and saw an examinee not far away collapsed on the ground, saying to the monk Qin Tianjian.

The cultivator looked calm, as if he had already expected it, glanced at him, and then looked around: "Is there anyone else who wants to give up?"

There was a moment of hesitation, but no one answered.

The monk continued:

"The team will not stop. Those who want to rest can choose to wait for the team to return here and return to Beijing together, or they can turn back by themselves, and the martial arts test ranking will be recorded accordingly."

After he finished speaking, he turned around and left without dragging his feet. The candidates who watched this scene were at a loss for a while.

Lu Tang watched the scene quietly, and after a while, followed the team and continued to move forward. There were only about a dozen candidates who hesitated, and slowly fell behind, and finally stopped and no longer followed.

Not long after, the pair was submerged in the wind and sand.

Ahead, a young cultivator Qin Tianjian couldn't bear it:

"Just leave them like this? Will there be any problems?"

Another older monk spoke coldly:

"Which martial arts test is not as cruel as this? In the past, many candidates died in the martial arts test, were killed by wild animals and monsters, at least until now they have not been killed or injured.

As for whether we can go back alive, this is not a question we have to consider.

Some candidates really think that it is not a trial if they don't fight

I feel that this trial is better than before. Usually, there is an element of luck, but this time, it seems simple, but it can screen out the real good seedlings.

Whether it is physical ability or will. "

After a pause, he patted the young monk on the shoulder and said in a deep voice:

"Let's go, this is a test for them, so why not for us? You know, in this season, there has never been such a big wind and sand in the wasteland."

"you mean… "

"Perhaps, this is God's test for us."

(end of this chapter)