Creating a Sandbox World

Chapter 144: Mysterious Journey (4,000 words)


"Sure enough, someone gave up."

In Lishan's study, Lin Tuo sat quietly in the rattan chair, overlooking the ether lines that had obviously begun to split. Some of them had stopped or turned back, and the other part was still going on.

"Qin Tianjian's team is quite large, but it will definitely be less and less in the future. Well, those scattered ones are more likely to be defeated."

Lin Tuo commented in his heart, and his eyes were suddenly attracted by a thick ether line.

It was poked alone on the wasteland, far away from Qin Tianjian's team, and it was not clear whether it was a big monster with a high level of cultivation or a strong human being.

After thinking about it, Lin Tuo didn't go over to see it.

after all:

"If you can persevere, you can meet sooner or later. If you give up halfway, there is no need to meet."

Yes, even though this "Wildland Trial" was not intentionally designed by him, it was just a convenient means, but Lin Tuo would never regret those who gave up halfway.

This kind of person, even if they donate spell books, there is a high probability that they will not be able to achieve anything.

Shaking his head, Lin Tuo stopped looking, and turned to urge Huaxi to work again.


fourth day.

fifth day...

Lin Tuo didn't enter the sand table again, just observed, and the ether line that continued to move forward was also greatly reduced.

On the evening of the fifth day, Lin Tuo thought about it, briefly adjusted the downwind direction and gear position, then put his hands in and forcibly moved a large cloud from the south of the sand table.

Stack on top of each other and gather at high altitude to avoid being blown away quickly.

at the same time.

On the wilderness, the monks walking silently against the wild sand suddenly found that the wind force had decreased a lot.

Not only that, but they quickly discovered clouds that were rapidly gathering high in the sky.

"The wind has subsided!"

"Look, those clouds..."

In the queue, Lu Tang heard some voices coming from the front, which were all the words of the powerful Qin Tianjian with a high level of cultivation.

Five consecutive days of high-intensity trekking against sandstorms is extremely difficult even for monks.

Especially, when entering the fourth day, the team used up the last bit of water.

There was no fresh water supplement along the way, so I had to collect and chew the plants on the wasteland to obtain juice during the rest.

The juice was naturally extremely bitter and very little. Lu Tang almost spat it out when he took the first mouthful, but he still gritted his teeth and endured it.

If you are lucky and can catch some wild beasts in the wasteland, that is extremely lucky.

And the long trek, the exhaustion of physical strength, and the weariness of will also screened out most of the candidates.

According to Lu Tang's observation, up to now, the remaining candidates who can still keep up with the queue are less than one-tenth of the original candidates.

Moreover, most of them seem to be reaching their limit.

"If this goes on like this, you will die of thirst before you die from exhaustion." Lu Tang thought vaguely, but his legs moved forward numbly and heavily.

At this moment, he heard the voices in front of him, and his somewhat chaotic mind came to his senses. He raised his head, and was surprised to find that countless clouds were rushing from all directions.

Extremely fast, by no means normal.

"Sure enough...there is extraordinary power in this wasteland!" As soon as this thought arose, the clouds above his head turned black, and then...


A hideous lightning flashed, and then, there was a thunderclap.

Lu Tang noticed that almost everyone around him trembled subconsciously, and he did the same. This was instinctive, and it was the fear of life towards Tianwei, embedded deep in his body.

However, when the thunder rolls past and big drops of rain fall, this fear turns into joy!


"It's water!"

"It's raining!"

The candidates with numb expressions seemed to "live" for a moment, and they shouted excitedly with their hoarse voices and chapped lips.

"Papa papa..."

When the wet raindrops hit Lu Tang's dust-covered face, they instantly washed out mud marks.

Water... He opened his mouth almost instinctively and raised his head to continue.

The examinees beside him, and even some masters of Qin Tianjian also made similar movements.

"Wow—" The heavy rain was pouring, the cold wind was blowing, and the surrounding scenery seemed to be blurred. Those rare and low plants also stretched their branches and leaves, trying to receive the rain and dew of heaven's grace.

Soon, Lu Tang's clothes were soaked, but he didn't realize it. Around him, some candidates even fell to the ground, lying on their backs, in large characters, and an order to rest came from the front of the line at the right time. .

front of the queue.

Wang Xundao was also looking at the sky. After days of wind and sand, this first-rank master powerhouse also looked extremely embarrassed, his body was covered with dust, and at this moment, it turned into mud.

However, his eyes were extremely bright, and his slightly sluggish spirit quickly recovered in the torrential rain.


A flash of lightning illuminated the sky.

Vaguely, he seemed to see a huge black shadow on the horizon ahead.

"The heavens and the earth are abnormal, and above the wasteland, there really are miracles." He muttered to himself, his whole body was full of energy, and the rain was blown away one after another.

At the same time, tens of miles away.

On a certain hill, the big white-haired demon sitting cross-legged was also staring ahead, his eyes flickering with lightning, as if there was a huge shadow of a huge tree indistinctly.

After five days of dust storms, at dusk, it rained in the wilderness.

"In that case, it should be fine."

In Lishan study, Lin Tuo silently watched the swaying rain, knowing that soon, these forcibly captured clouds would disperse, but the muddy ground would also hinder their speed.

This can of course be a test, but it can't really kill so many people from thirst.

sixth day.

The heavy rain dissipated and the storm reappeared, but because of the rain, there was less dust in the wind, which finally made Lu Tang feel much better.

A heavy rain also allowed the team to regain some energy and move on, but surprisingly, many candidates decided not to follow.

The reason is also very simple.

For one thing, following the team before was also to ensure that he could survive. After all, although the masters of Qin Tianjian had a cold attitude towards them, they would not just watch people die.

However, after this heavy rain, the problem of drinking water was solved, which also gave more confidence to leave the team.

Secondly, according to the rules of previous martial arts exams, the top tenth of all candidates can basically be admitted. If we stop now, there is a high possibility of being admitted to Qin Tianjian.

And continue to follow, although it will make the ranking higher, but it will only increase the danger. After all, the further you go, the fewer companions.

In addition, the physical fitness of most of the candidates is also on the verge of limit, and they can no longer keep up with Wang Xundao's speed.

Lu Tang was well aware of this, he didn't say anything, but continued to follow silently.

At this time, there were only twenty or thirty candidates left in the team.

But the destination is still far away.

The seventh day passed in a flash.

When the time came to the morning of the eighth day, when Lin Tuo woke up from his sleep and pushed the door out of the house, he was blocked by Huaxi next door with big dark circles under his eyes:

"Teacher! I... I finished the translation!"

When he said these words, Huaxi's whole body was filled with exhaustion-like excitement.

Seven days.

Do you know how I got here these seven days

Translation, copying, typesetting, drawing... Every time there is a mistake, the whole page has to be redone.

Unexpectedly, this job can't get up quickly, one negligence, copying a wrong word will have to be reworked, Huaxi feels that the words she has written in her life have not been written for more than seven days.

Well... This is not an illusion. After all, in the wasteland, paper and pens are precious things. Although Lin Tuo forced him to learn to write seriously after coming to Lishan, he has never worked so intensively.

"Oh? Let me take a look at the first draft." Lin Tuo was shocked when he heard it, and hurried to check it.

Well, in order to reduce errors, the number of words per page is not too much, so there are a lot of handwritten papers.

Lin Tuo looked through it, admiring it in his heart, and thought to himself that it was quite good except for the ugly words.

Fortunately, it was written with a pen, even if it was ugly, it was not in the same style as the calligraphy system of the Dasheng Dynasty.

"Very good, you've worked hard, go to sleep, look at your dark eye circles."

Lin Tuo rubbed Huaxi's hair and said with a smile.

"Yawn~" Huaxi was reminded of this, and immediately felt drowsy. He smiled, and went back to sleep contentedly after receiving the compliment.

As for Lin Tuo, he returned to the study with the manuscript, scanned it, and printed it... The main reason is that the input method does not have the Shengguo font library, otherwise it would not be so troublesome.

In the study.

After scanning and sorting out with a laptop, Lin Tuo watched the printer begin to spit out pdf files one by one, and turned his attention to the sand table.

Well, under his relentless obstruction, the team of Qin Tianjian was still a long way from the destination, and the rest of the scattered monks almost stopped.

On the contrary, the extraordinarily thick ether line that has been paid attention to before is still in the first queue, even faintly, moving faster than Qin Tianjian.

"It's really tough." Lin Tuo sighed with emotion, and raised his hand to cut off the power of the small fan.

The preparations have been completed, and there are not many people left, so there is no need for this.

At the same time, the team above the wasteland also discovered that the eternal wind finally stopped.

"The wind stopped?"

"what happened?"

Everyone couldn't help but stop, even a little uncomfortable. In the team, Lu Tang, who was already in a mess and couldn't see the nobility, felt the resistance that was slowly disappearing in front of him, and was a little puzzled:

Why did it stop

Could it be, what happened again

Thinking of this, he couldn't help raising his head, and tried his best to look forward, and as the storm stopped, the world covered by wind and sand in the distance gradually cleared up.

Previously, the sky was full of wind and sand, and they couldn't see clearly ahead.

You can only rely on the compass of Qin Tianjian to move forward according to the direction of the star map.


"what is that?"


Amidst the exclamation, Lu Tang was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes widened suddenly, looking at the scene in disbelief:

I saw, as the wind and sand fell, on the horizon in the distance, stood an extremely tall giant tree, connecting the sky and the earth.

This immediately caused a riot in the team.

Although the world is still in an era similar to that of the Han and Tang Dynasties, at least it knows the truth of "the near is big and the far is small".

No matter how tall the mountain peak is, it looks extremely small even if it is far enough away.

But at this moment, the giant tree in front of everyone is clearly far away, but it is so huge. Doesn't this mean that its original height is even higher than the highest mountain in Shengguo

How can it be

This is definitely not something that can be born in the world.


Lu Tang's heart suddenly moved, and he suddenly looked at the monk who was in charge of finding the direction.

I saw that the monk had unfolded the map in his hand at this moment, and used the instrument to locate and measure. After a while, he shouted excitedly:

"That's it! The location marked on the star map is in that area!"

His voice was distorted with excitement.

During the trek all the way before, although everyone kept walking, they had no doubts in their hearts, worried that they could not find the specific location, after all, the star map was not that detailed.

I was even more worried, and finally arrived, and found nothing.

Until now, when the wind and sand stopped, they finally saw the giant tree, and there was no doubt in their hearts, and the whole team was filled with excitement.

"The wind and sand have stopped, quicken your pace and set off!" Wang Xundao's voice swept past the team, and he took the lead to look forward.

However, although he had clearly seen the giant tree, it was only after he embarked on the journey that Lu Tang deeply understood the saying "Watching the mountain and running to death".

Fortunately, without the barrier of wind and sand, the journey was indeed much easier.

In a blink of an eye, the seventh day passed.

Then came the eighth day.

ninth day.

When the time came to the afternoon of the tenth day.

Qin Tianjian's team finally arrived under the "giant tree".

In fact, they had stepped into the shaded area a day earlier.

However, the landscape trees are not very luxuriant, so there is still a large area of sunlight in the gaps, so it will not be completely dark.

At this time, there were only a few dozen people left in the entire team, and less than ten candidates were left, and even the elite of the Qin Tianjian were a little less.

Some stayed, together with those candidates who stopped, to resist possible danger.

Lu Tang was the one in the best condition among the remaining candidates, but even so, he was so exhausted that he almost fell down, relying only on his will to support him.

He didn't notice that the hard soil under his feet was no longer the wasteland, but fine sand... Even his vision was a little blurred.

Feeling the sound of the wind passing through the huge and incomparable leaves above his head, he saw a clear, blue lake in front of him, and a few green leaves as big as boats floating on the lake.

On the bank of the lake, under the giant tree, there seems to be a simple wooden house.

The wooden house is really not pretty, but in this mysterious land, it looks extra dusty.

Suddenly, the door of the cabin was pushed open.

A teenage girl wearing a black cloak and no hood came out. She seemed not too surprised to look at Wang Xundao, at the strong man of Qin Tianjian, and at Lu Tang. Several candidates.

There was some unexplained resentment in the black and white eyes.

The team stopped, and led by Wang Xundao, they looked at the girl in awe:

"I'm waiting from Dasheng Capital..."

"I know." Huaxi interrupted without giving Wang Xun any face. Her accent was still the Sheng Guo dialect from six hundred years ago. It fell into everyone's ears, so they could understand it naturally, but there was a hint of ancient rhyme.

more and more mysterious.

"Teacher knows you're coming, and I've been waiting for you since morning," Huaxi said a little unkindly, then turned her head to look at the wooden house behind her, and shouted in a crisp voice:

"Teacher, they are here."

In the next second, Wang Xundao, Lu Tang and others saw a figure pushing the door and slowly walking out.

(end of this chapter)