Creating a Sandbox World

Chapter 146: The way of heaven is in it


Under the giant tree, there was a gentle breeze, and the exquisitely shaped tea set on the table was full of fragrance, but facing Lin Tuo's question, these two strong men, who represented man and demon respectively, didn't know how to speak for a while.

Do you have doubts

Of course there are.

a lot of.

Not only the doubts about Lin Tuo's identity, and the reason why he summoned himself and others to come here, but also the cause and effect of some things around six hundred years ago.

For example, what was the rationale behind the teaching of the Fa overnight

According to the prevailing saying today, it was Haotian who felt that the human race could not resist the threat of the demon, so he lowered the cultivation method, but this is just wishful thinking of people after all.

What is the reason behind it

This is a question that any monk who has stepped into the realm of cultivation has thought about.

It can be said that no matter how you go back, it is difficult to understand the reason. The most valuable thing is only a few words left by Wang Tiefu.

Wang Xundao once thought that this was a topic that he would not be able to understand in this life, but he never thought that six hundred years later, he would have the opportunity to come to this mysterious land and get in touch with the secrets that may involve the gods of Haotian.

Naturally, Bai Mingjing also had similar ideas.

Is the statement of "the first demon slayer" true or false, and what is the attitude of the illusory and unpredictable will of the sky towards the creatures in this world

After a long silence, Wang Xundao finally spoke first, hesitating and probing:

"There was a rumor in Shengguo that the transmission of the Dharma from heaven and earth six hundred years ago was related to a mysterious strong man..."

Lin Tuo put down his cup and nodded calmly: "It's me."


Hearing this answer, the expressions of both of them changed obviously, but Wang Xundao heaved a sigh of relief, as if he had finally confirmed something.

This guess has been around for a long time, but he was not sure before. It was not until he saw Huaxi wearing a cloak just now, combined with the details in the legend, that he finally asked for confirmation.

Are they not masters and servants, but masters and apprentices

The mysterious man in front of him, who looks very young but makes people unable to see his roots, has lived to be six hundred years old... In other words, the cultivation method is also passed down by him...

Thinking of this, Wang Xundao and Bai Mingjing's eyes became complicated.

"What is your identity?" This time, it was Bai Mingjing's turn to speak, probably before he rushed to the wasteland, he was already prepared for the worst of being beheaded.

Therefore, it is much more daring than the former:

"Six hundred years ago, you taught the method of swallowing vitality. What is the reason for it? Now, it has reappeared, waiting for us here, and what is it for?"

He finished speaking in one breath, as if it took a lot of energy.

On the opposite side, Lin Tuo was not surprised, just glanced at him with a faint smile, and said, "You have a lot of questions."

After a pause, he continued under the nervous gaze of the other party: "It's okay, it's better to ask together than to hesitate."

Speaking of this, Lin Tuo pointed to the sky and said:

"The first question, in fact, you should have guessed about my identity.

I know that there is a saying in your world that there is a certain supreme will in this world.

Once, you called him the God of Heaven, but later, you used 'Haotian' to refer to him. "

After a pause, Lin Tuo drew a long tone before saying:

"As for me, you can roughly understand that I am Haotian's spokesperson in the world."


Under the giant tree, suddenly fell into a strange silence. At this moment, Rao was prepared in his heart, but hearing it with his own ears and getting confirmation was different after all.

Whether it was Wang Xundao or Bai Mingjing, their minds were visibly shaken, and because of this, they didn't notice the strange look on Huaxi's face standing aside.

It wasn't until a huge fallen leaf slowly fell from above their heads and landed on the other side of the lake, making a bang, that the two finally woke up from the shock.

Haotian... the spokesperson in the world...

At this moment, despite the shock in their hearts, there was still a little lightness in their hearts, as if the fog that had shrouded in front of them suddenly dispersed into small pieces.

In this way, it can be explained... the Dharma was taught overnight, the voice and appearance remained unchanged for six hundred years, the sacred mountain and star map that landed, the giant tree above the head...

If it is said that behind the other party is the lofty and mysterious Haotian, then all this seems to be explainable.

On the opposite side, Lin Tuo observed the expressions of the two, and said calmly:

"As for the second and third questions, they can actually be answered together."

As he said that, he looked at the two of them meaningfully, and suddenly asked: "In your opinion, what should Haotian look like?"

The two were a little stunned and did not understand what it meant.

Wang Xun thought for a while and said, "Unpredictable."

Bai Mingjing said, "Powerful."

Lin Tuo smiled, shook his head and said, "Yes, it's not right either."

The two were startled, and immediately heard Lin Tuo continue:

"For you, the Haotian God has a vague face and is naturally unpredictable.

Divine power is like a prison, naturally powerful.

If He wanted to, he could easily destroy this world, or recreate this world, but this did not mean insight or omniscience.

Moreover, He does not belong to this world alone, and His eyes will not stay in a certain place for a long time, so I need to wait to walk in the world. "

After a pause, Lin Tuo continued:

"However, my power is also limited, and due to some special reasons, it can only come occasionally... Of course, if the world is always as usual, I don't need to intervene, but..."

Having said that, Lin Tuo took a deep look at the two of them, and said something that surprised them:

"But this world is not safe."

Not safe...

Wang Xundao and Bai Mingjing were stunned at the same time, but before they could react, Lin Tuo said in a deep voice:

"There may be disasters in this world at any time, even for me, it is difficult to deal with them in time.

Of course, you may not be able to understand this for the time being, this is your luck, but in a long time, one day, disaster will come unexpectedly.

Therefore, when I walked in the world last time, I passed down the method of swallowing vitality, hoping that you can become stronger by yourself... In this way, when disaster strikes, you will have the means to resist..."

When he said these words, Lin Tuo also felt emotional.

These discourses naturally contain fabricated elements, but the so-called "unexpected disaster" is not false.

Regardless of whether people in this world practice or not, as long as there are people living, as long as civilization is still developing, the interaction with the spiritual world will always exist.

In this way, there is always the risk of spiritual world invasion.

Of course, the probability is not high, but what if the time is extended to thousands of years

As long as there is probability, it will always happen.

Therefore, although the first purpose of his teaching is to use the people here to help find a way to evolve, but at the same time, he also hopes that they will become stronger and gain the ability to protect themselves.

Putting aside the thoughts in his heart, the smile on Lin Tuo's face suddenly narrowed, and he glanced at Wang Xundao, and said:

"It's just that more than six hundred years have passed, but your growth seems to have stagnated."

The latter moved his lips and lowered his head in shame.

Lin Tuo paused, let the two digest the information, and then said:

"It is precisely because I saw this that I waited here. As for why I chose to stay in the depths of the wilderness instead of the capital, I waited for so many days... You should have guessed the reason."

"Is it a test?" Wang Xun asked.

Huaxi, who was standing next to him, glanced at him, twitched his mouth imperceptibly, and whispered bb in his heart:

It's because I didn't finish copying...


Hearing these words, Lin Tuo didn't answer, but showed a meaningful smile.

At this time, both Wang Xundao and Bai Mingjing understood the cause and effect...

Although there are still some key points that are not clear, the two of them automatically classified it as a taboo in the realm of gods, and the news that this world may face disaster at any time made both of them nervous.

In the past years, the human race and the monster race have always been rivals, but how could they have imagined that there are crises from other places in this world

What will it be

When will it come again

Bai Mingjing was relatively okay, but Wang Xundao, who was deeply involved with Shengguo, couldn't help feeling anxious.

So, the first-rank grandmaster finally couldn't bear it any longer, and said:

"You were in the capital before, and you said you would give me the answer... Could it be..."

Lin Tuo smiled vaguely and said:

"The beings in each world have their own unique path. I don't know what your path is, and I don't want to intervene forcibly. I can only give a little inspiration."

Hearing this, the eyes of the two lit up at the same time.

Then I heard Lin Tuo continue: "If you can come here, you are already qualified to be bestowed, but... I'm still a little curious."

After a pause, Lin Tuo looked at the white-haired monster and said:

"I generally know the purpose of Wang Xundao's visit, but I am more curious about you.

In fact, I noticed you when you stepped into the wilderness. There were many people or demons who came here together, but you were the only demon who walked to the end...

So, you came here also for the chance that might exist? "

On the opposite side, facing Lin Tuo's gaze, Bai Mingjing's calmer and more resolute faces than ordinary big monsters were surprisingly calm. He shook his head, nodded again, and said:

"One of the purposes of the little demon's visit this time is indeed to find opportunities."

"But?" Lin Tuo said the next sentence for him.

Bai Mingjing was neither humble nor overbearing, and said, "However, I want to clarify some things."


"Little Yao wants to know how Haotian views demons and people." Bai Mingjing asked seriously.

Yes, compared to looking for opportunities, this is the real reason that supported him to cross the wasteland and arrive here at the risk of possible death.

In the ancient years, the wildness of the demon still dominated, relying on instinct to cultivate, and doing things according to one's will, and thus forged enmity with people.

And with the Qi-eating method passed down six hundred years ago, the human race has the ability to protect themselves and even fight back through cultivation.

Many stupid monsters dominated by wildness were killed or eliminated, and the number became increasingly rare.

And those smarter monsters use the chaotic and unknown power to transform into human form and move closer to humans, so as to adapt to the method of eating qi, thereby multiplying and expanding...

Eventually it evolved into what it is today.

It was during this process that the demon really began to integrate into human society.

Frontal confrontation is getting less and less, and the trend of integration is getting bigger and bigger.

Moreover, since the method of eating qi is only suitable for human body cultivation, if a demon wants to obtain the same cultivation qualifications as humans, he must spend a lot of time, hard work, and even danger, trying to change form...

Therefore, a saying gradually began to spread within the Yaozu.

That is: God originally favored the human race.

Cultivation methods are also created for the human race.

Or it might be because the ancestors of the ancient monster clan killed too much, which made Haotian displeased, or it might be because of other things.

In short, at the beginning of each monster's cultivation, it is often told by the elders:

The cultivation of the monster clan is to go against the sky.

It is also this kind of statement that leads to the confrontation between the two races, and the contradiction can never be alleviated.

However, Bai Mingjing did not recognize this truth, so he retired at the peak. He spent ten years traveling to every corner of the Dasheng Dynasty, living, observing, learning, and thinking with different identities.

He has worshiped under the door of great Confucianism.

And walk through the ridges of the farmers.

For more than ten years, the answer has never been found.

Until the star map appeared in the sky.

Right now, he has finally arrived at this mysterious land, and even saw Haotian's messenger, so he asked this question that has been lingering in his heart for many years:

How does Haotian view demons and humans

In the sky, another leaf fell down and hit the lake water, making a loud noise.

On the small table by the lake, the fragrance of tea was wafting, Lin Tuo quietly stared at this strange monster for a while, and then... laughed.

Amidst the laughter, he waved his hands, and Huaxi, who was standing aside, immediately turned around and walked into the wooden house. After a while, he returned with two books in his hands.

It was a book that had already been bound. There were two copies in total, each divided into three volumes. The cover was plain and elegant, without a single word.

Lin Tuo got up slowly, then put the two books in front of Wang Xundao and Bai Mingjing respectively, and said, "Haotian never cared about these things."

"Okay, it's getting late, and I'm a little tired, take these and go back here."

Wang Xun was startled: "This is..."

"The way to reach the sky is in it."

After Lin Tuo finished speaking, he dropped a sentence to see off the guests, turned around, and went back to the wooden house.

Only a man and a demon holding a scroll were left, standing in place for a while, then bent down to salute at the same time, not daring to disturb, turned and left.

Wang Xun went to fetch the rest of the Qin Tianjian monks himself.

As for Bai Mingjing, he walked straight in another direction, with his back straight, and he had already got the answer he wanted.

"Click click..."

[In the billionth year of the evolution of the world, monks from the human race and the monster race gathered in the wilderness to obtain the "Haotian Teaching", three volumes of heavenly scriptures]

(end of this chapter)