Creating a Sandbox World

Chapter 147: Inhuman environment


The people from Qin Tianjian left, and Bai Mingjing had to go one step earlier.

The people who had rested by the lake for a while regained the strength to walk, and were eager to return to the capital to tell their friends about this strange experience.

Presumably, even for many monks in Qin Tianjian, this is a story that can be bragged for many years.


"Let's go."

In the wooden house, Lin Tuo, who was leaning on the cot, asked a question, and then heard Hua Xi, who was lying on the side of the window sealed horizontally with wooden slats, replied.

He just got up and walked out of the house again, feeling deeply that his progress in learning spells was still slow, otherwise he should have had a more splendid exit, and he wouldn't have to wait for someone to walk away in the house before slipping out.

But if you think about it carefully, the overall plan is smooth.

One volume of the compiled classics was passed to Qin Tianjian, and the other volume was given to the white-haired monster. Needless to say, the former was somewhat unstable, but only one monster came... nothing else. choose.

"I hope this group of people can be more motivated and find a way to break through the bottleneck of body quenching." Lin Tuo couldn't help but have some expectations in his heart.

At this time, Huaxi also followed, she glanced at Lin Tuo several times, and suddenly said:

"So you fooled them just now."

"Partly, partly not." Lin Tuo also glanced at the little girl and explained.

Today I specially brought Huaxi here with me, with the intention of letting her get used to it gradually.

At this moment, she must have some guesses about the nature of this world and the connection between the world and Lin Tuo based on her previous and previous experiences.

Therefore, Lin Tuo was not surprised by her inquiry.

It has been a long time since Huaxi entered Lishan, and Lin Tuo also began to gradually hand over part of the work to her, but he never mentioned the specifics about the sand table.

Biansheng Huaxi didn't ask either.

Gradually, it seemed like a tacit understanding between the two people.

as it is now.

Facing Lin Tuo's vague answer, Huaxi had no intention of biting the hook at all, but just covered his stomach: "Then can we go back now? I'm hungry."

Lin Tuo looked at her intentionally pretending to be uninterested, smiled, and said, "Okay, go back to eat."

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand to hold Huaxi, summoned the main body, and started "teleportation".

Just in time for lunch when I came back.

After completing this task, Lin Tuo was in a good mood. By the way, he also wanted to reward Huaxi for his hard work in the past few days, so he took her into the urban area of Wucheng City through the sand table, and found a home to eat by himself.

Well, since clicking on the maps of several surrounding cities in the observation mode, Lin Tuo's most obvious perception is that the range of options for eating has greatly expanded.

Now, almost no longer go to the nearest Yangcheng to find food, but come to another city.

Lin Tuo is sometimes bored, and even thinks that according to this rhythm, he can eat a family for one meal, and come to several cities in turn, and he will not feel the same after eating for a year or two.

It's exactly two o'clock in the afternoon.

Lin Tuo finally returned to Mount Li with Huaxi, who was full of food and drink, and asked her to go back to the house to digest food, while he re-entered the study and looked down at the evolution sand table.

And I took out the landscape tree, wooden house, sand, etc. that were thrown in...and put them back in the flower pot. Speaking of which, the tree is quite strong, and after tossing it back and forth, it didn't die.

After finishing all this, Lin Tuo solemnly called out the virtual panel and turned on the time acceleration again.

In an instant, the clouds above the continent changed rapidly, day and night rotated, and the lines of ether rose and broke...

"With the current scale of Shengguo, the time ratio with the outside world is still quite considerable." Lin Tuo stared at the light and shadow, and made a rough estimate in his heart.

If there is no population explosion and social upgrading in a short period of time, at least hundreds of years can pass in the sand table until tomorrow.

Thinking about it, he sat down in the rattan chair, then called out the virtual panel, and began to stare at it every time, and the new text would be lost in thought:

[In the first year of the evolution of the world, Wang Xundao returned to the capital with three volumes of heavenly scriptures, and he was unable to retreat. At the same time, the results of the martial arts examination were announced, and Lu Tang, a native of Xingming County, ranked first at that time]

[Some news about the trip to the wasteland also began to spread in the capital city, and evolved into many versions, spreading to all parts of the mainland, and the news about the giant tree in the wasteland also attracted great attention.

It’s just that when the second wave of people who heard the news arrived at the place mentioned by the monk Qin Tianjian, they didn’t find the so-called giant tree, but only found a huge pothole and some huge leaves...]

[The sensational vision of heaven and earth finally gradually ceased to be mentioned as time passed.

The sacred mountain that fell on Dongshan Mountain has also become a part of the royal garden, but there is no abnormality anymore, as if it is just a particularly strange stone.

And the wilderness trial has been fixed as a fixed part of the martial arts test]

[The great demon who obtained another copy of the heavenly book has disappeared without a trace, and no one knows his whereabouts]

[In this way, another ten years have passed]

[Until ten years after the first wilderness trial.

Wang Xundao, the first-rank master who was almost forgotten and approaching the limit of his life span, studied the heavenly scriptures hard for ten years, and suddenly realized something, entered a wonderful realm, and broke through the bottleneck of martial arts overnight.

The body is retrained, the lifespan is extended, and the white hair turns black, like a mature man, shocking the mainland. For this reason, there are more "inhuman realms" above the first rank of martial arts in Shengguo]

"Breakthrough? Really broke through?"

When Lin Tuo saw this line of text clicked out, Lin Tuo was shocked, his tiredness dissipated, and he read it again carefully in disbelief, unable to suppress the joy in his heart!

Break through!

Wang Xundao actually found a breakthrough inspiration with the help of the magic theory of the No. 2 sandbox

And, it only took ten years

It must be admitted that when Lin Tuo saw this number, he was instinctively disbelieving.

He didn't expect that it would be so smooth and so fast!

His mental preparation was even calculated in a hundred years, which greatly exceeded his expectations.

"Inhumanity... life extension... gray hair turning black... body retraining..." Chewing on these key words, Lin Tuo's breathing tightened slightly.

One must know that Wang Xundao was already in his twilight years when he obtained the "Book from Heaven", and he lasted for another ten years, so he must have been old too.

"Could it be that after breaking through the bottleneck of body quenching, it will produce an effect similar to 'rejuvenation'?... No wonder it is called an inhuman realm."

Lin Tuo secretly guessed in his heart, and suddenly felt the urge to go into it and explore.

But he thought about it, and held back. At this moment, a line of text appeared on the operation log again:

[The next year, in the Great Barren Mountains in Shengguo, the big demon Bai Mingjing broke through the bottleneck as a monster, entered the "inhuman realm", and became the second strongest person on the mainland]

"Bai Mingjing... that big monster has also broken through?" Lin Tuo finally couldn't hide his surprise when he saw the news.

If we say that Wang Xundao's breakthrough can also be understood as a matter of course.

Then, Bai Mingjing's breakthrough with the method of transforming form may be much more difficult... In addition, this also shows that no matter whether it is a human or a demon, no matter whether it is the first to awaken the "supernatural power" or the first to acquire the method of eating qi... in the end, it will all be difficult. can go through...

The question is whether the method of breaking through the bottleneck is the same for both...

While Lin Tuo was thinking about this, the light and shadow in the sand table were still changing, day and night, and new information was constantly emerging:

[In the first year of the evolution of the world, Jin entered the "inhuman realm". A true "Zongmen"...]

[In contrast, Bai Mingjing's breakthrough was not known at first, until a year after his breakthrough, he made a high-profile comeback.

In three months, he traveled across the mainland, defeated the powerful monster clans all over the world, suppressed the entire clan with his tyrannical cultivation, formed a monster alliance, and became the first leader of the alliance, ending the situation that the monster clan had been scattered and separatist for countless years]

[Five years later, the demon alliance entered the Southwest Mountains in a large scale, subdued the barbarians, and built the first demon city by itself, which was called "the capital of demons"]

[In the same year, Bai Mingjing, the leader of the demon clan, and Wang Xundao, the patriarch of the Tiandao sect, met in Dahuangshan and signed a treaty of non-war between humans and demons, ending the confrontation between the two clans]

[Five years later, the cultivation academy under the Qin Tianjian in the capital of Shengguo was established, and Lu Tang, the new supervisor of Qin Tianjian, was appointed as the first dean]

[In the years since then, the respective sects have sprung up like mushrooms after rain, with different sizes and strengths, breaking the monopoly of practice, and the mainland practice world has entered the era of sects...]

In the sand table, the changes in light and shadow are only visible to the naked eye compared to before, and the time flow has slowed down. It is not sure whether it is due to the development of Shengguo, the increase in the number of practitioners, or the appearance of "inhuman" monks.

"The Zongmen era..." Lin Tuo was a little emotional.

After Wang Xundao broke through, he actually left the center of power and went to the south, where he established a sect... This information is very interesting.

Lin Tuo guessed that it probably involved court games.

After all, according to the description, although the first-rank realm is strong, it is still limited after all. Facing the siege of Qin Tianjian's large number of masters, or the suppression of the army, it can always be dealt with.

But once entering the "inhuman realm", it seems to have stepped into a brand new field.

Was it because the promotion of power broke the balance between the two sides, so Wang Xundao had to leave? Establishing a sect for self-protection? Or fight for power

Lin Tuo couldn't tell, and didn't care.

As long as it doesn't harm all living beings, he never pays much attention to the game among human beings.

In contrast, that Bai Mingjing was somewhat unexpected.

"Unify the monster clan... establish the monster capital, establish order..." Lin Tuo knew that the original so-called "monster clan" was actually a general term, and its interior was also extremely fragmented.

Unlike human beings who have ties of blood, geography, and family and country, and can form a large group, the ancestors of demons are different, and they are not the same species.

It's just that they are also enlightened in wisdom, different from the same kind of beasts, and also different from humans, so they are generally called "monsters".

There is no unified "regime" inside at all, and it is completely separate, which is why it was gradually suppressed by the human race six hundred years later.

It wasn't until Bai Mingjing took action that he forcibly gathered this group together with absolute strength. The establishment of the demon city obviously strengthened the consciousness of the group, but it was really... very interesting.

However, Lin Tuo only admired it a little. As long as you don't engage in any wars between monsters, you can just follow them. In contrast, Lin Tuo is more concerned about...

"Now that the new path of evolution has been taken, it's time to pick the fruit..."

The purpose of passing down the practice methods and classics is to find a way to break through the bottleneck and continue to evolve.

Now that there is a method, he naturally wants to go in and have a look.

Thinking about it, Lin Tuo didn't turn off the acceleration, but just raised his hand, and fell towards the direction of Tiandaozong in the sand table.

(end of this chapter)