Creating a Sandbox World

Chapter 148: Readers hidden in time



Because the acceleration of time has not been turned off, when Lin Tuo's right hand passed through the isolation shield, it immediately turned into a "virtual state", and at the same time, the avatar also separated from the palm.

The light and shadow change, the sun is born and the sun is setting, and the stars are moving.

Although it is not the first time to walk in a virtual state, Lin Tuo still has the illusion of falling into a kaleidoscope when he falls towards the southern mountains.

After a while, the tiny mountain range expanded.

Lin Tuo also used those particularly eye-catching, numerous, rising ether lines to accurately locate the location of Tiandaozong.

As the sect founded by Wang Xundao alone, it stands in the south, with the Shengguo Cultivation Academy in the north, and the Southwest Demon City, and it occupies the first place faintly.

Its sect is far away from the human world, standing in the southern mountain range, only at the foot of the mountain, there are scattered villages and towns, shrouded in clouds and mist, a scene of immortality.

When the virtual Lin Tuo fell from the sky and stood at the foot of the sect, no one noticed his existence.

Lin Tuo stepped forward happily, only to see that sometimes the sun was shining above his head, sometimes the stars were bright, and sometimes it was misty and rainy. It was not considered a wide mountain road, and there were people walking from time to time.

From the frequency, it is easy to judge that the sect does not have much communication with the outside world.

It was only because it was accelerating that it seemed a little more lively.

Walking through the porch and stone steps, Lin Tuo looked at everything around him with great interest.

The proportion of time passing at this time is not too fast, and in his eyes, it is like walking in a fast-forward movie.

Stepping into the platform of the inner door, you can see disciples meditating, practicing martial arts, or competing in battles on the square.

Looking roughly, there were actually hundreds of people, and beside them were the elders of the sect wearing green shirts to guide them.

It's a pity that there is almost no sound during acceleration.

Lin Tuo looked at it for a while, then turned his head and continued forward.

Just when he left.

Tiandaozong, on the training platform of the square.

"Hey, do you have a feeling?" A young man sitting cross-legged meditating couldn't help but ask.


"That strange gaze seems to have disappeared just now."

"Is it what you said a few months ago, the feeling of being watched?" A companion next to him smiled and said, "The elder said that he didn't find anything, so it's clearly your illusion."

The boy argued: "I clearly felt it. Someone has been watching this side for a long time..."

Just speaking, his own tone was not firm.

The rest of the teenagers let out good-natured laughter.

Climbing up the steps and passing through the second porch, there are more antique temples around, and different houses have different functions.

There are a lot fewer monks here, and Lin Tuo walked leisurely with his hands behind his back, looking from one to the other.

When they came to the main hall in the center, they looked up and saw a pair of words hanging on the wall of the main hall.


In the middle of the main hall, there is actually a huge word of heaven.

Lin Tuo looked at it, and could vaguely perceive the majesty and solemnity revealed between the strokes of the text. This feeling is extremely strange, as if it has been contaminated with the spirit of the writer.

Looking carefully, Lin Tuo's eyes were slightly bright, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.

He discovered that the background in this picture scroll was vaguely depicting a complex pattern with silver powder, which was a spell model hidden in the three volumes of "Book of Heaven" he taught.

In essence, it is the "Communication Dao Mark", but many useless details have been added.

He once vaguely mentioned in the "Book of Heaven" that infusing or visualizing this dao pattern with vitality can connect Haotian's will. If this world encounters an irresistible catastrophe, you can try to call "Haotian".

It was a safety valve he left behind.

It's just that he didn't expect that Tiandaozong simply painted it in the main hall, which made Lin Tuo somewhat interesting.

Shaking his head, Lin Tuo didn't stay any longer, turned around and walked towards a building that had already been locked.

"Collection Pavilion."

Following the words on the plaque, the virtual Lin Tuo walked straight into the palace where all the exercises of the entire sect were stored.

And swaggered in under the empty gaze of the gatekeeper.

"There are only martial arts and moves on the first floor? It seems that the important classics are still upstairs."

Lin Tuo took a quick glance and found that the bookshelves on the first floor were full of various sword manuals and boxing techniques...

As the number one sect in the mainland, almost all the martial arts in the world are hidden here, and it is the holy temple in the minds of all warriors and low-level monks. However, Lin Tuo has no interest in it.

Soon, he came to the second floor.

There are a lot fewer books here. From the names, it can be seen that they are some martial arts that use vitality to display extraordinary power, or should be called "combat skills".

Unfortunately, this is still not what he was looking for.

Shaking his head, Lin Tuo came to the third floor.

There are a lot fewer books here, only a dozen volumes, including the core combat skills of Tiandaozong, and the sect's core skills written by Wang Xundao:

"Heavenly Dao Scroll."

Standing in front of the bookshelf, staring at the three words on the cover, Lin Tuo was startled at first, and then smiled: "I really dare to name it."

However, his footsteps finally stopped.

"If this is the core technique written by Wang Xundao, then it must include the details of how to break through the quenching state."

Thinking of this, Lin Tuo breathed heavily, raised his right hand, and grabbed the scroll.

At the same time, he also turned off the time acceleration - if not, he would not be able to touch this book at all in the virtual state.

As a result, time slowed down at this moment, and in the quiet pavilion, there could be a little cracking sound coming from the window, it was some powerful sect masters practicing combat skills.

The afternoon sun slanted in, and there were countless dust floating in the air.

"Wow." Lin Tuo, who had returned to normal from the virtual state, opened the Tiandao scroll, flipping through the pages quickly, his expression also changed from anticipation to surprise, then to doubt, and finally fell into deep thought.

Unknowingly, the light and shadow on the floor also moved from one end to the other.

Then, the sun set outside the window, and what came in turned into moonlight and starlight.

Different floors of Diancang Pavilion require different permissions. Ordinary disciples can only enter the first floor at most, and only those who are outstanding can be allowed to enter the second floor to select combat skills.

As for the third floor, no one even stepped into it for several months.

This gave Lin Tuo a quiet enough environment.

It can make him carefully read, think, understand... practice.

But in the entire Tiandao Sect, no one knew that there was a ghostly figure that quietly passed through layers of restrictions, and stepped into the restricted area of the sect without anyone noticing.

The next day, dawn.

For some unknown reason last night, the Dianzang Pavilion elder, who was tossing and turning restlessly, stepped on the stairs with some inexplicable induction, unlocked the layers of restraining circles, and finally stepped onto the third floor.

When he saw the volumes on the bookshelf intact, he finally let out a sigh of relief.

Shaking his head and laughing secretly, he thought it was really his own illusion.

"... I actually thought someone had entered the third floor... How is this possible?"

From everyone's point of view, even the strong men of the Beijing Cultivation Academy, or the emperor of the Monster City, cannot invade the Heavenly Dao Sect silently.

This is the first big confidence.

Laughing at himself, he walked over slowly, preparing to clean the dust on the bookshelf.

Then, the smile on his face suddenly froze, his hair stood on end for a moment, his limbs were cold, like falling into an ice cave.

The scrolls placed on the wooden shelf were clearly full of traces of being turned over by someone.

(end of this chapter)