Creating a Sandbox World

Chapter 162: Enter the dungeon



On the "chessboard" of the main body of the instrument, the marquee-like lights are still chaotic and twitching.

The metal ball rolled around, and the whole instrument seemed to be in a huge, chaotic energy field.

When Lin Tuo turned on for further detection, a hazy light was released around the instrument, and an illusory grid covered the entire sandbox, and different areas showed different colors.

Most of them are white...meaning that the concentration of ether is extremely low and stable, while the sky over the southern continent, that is, the human sanctuary, shows chaotic colors.

"Is there really something wrong with the shelter?" Lin Tuo's expression was solemn, and there was a little absurdity in his heart.

what is this

Have a problem just after making the instrument? Is it too much of a coincidence

"No... It's not a coincidence, the shelter has been synchronized with reality a few days ago.

This shows that the energy disturbance has probably lasted for a long time, but there has never been a problem, and it was not exposed until it was monitored by sophisticated instruments. "

This information is critical.

If there is a threat, then it is likely to have been lurking in the shelter very early, and slowly released its power and spread its influence.

This "influence" is far less severe than the "Prayer Candle", and more similar to the "Secret Seal"... Of course, it cannot be determined.

After all, Lin Tuo's instrument monitoring itself is just an experiment, and he is not sure whether this thing is accurate.

Also, what if the reason for the disturbance is not "spirit world invasion"... but something else

You must know that after hundreds of years of development, the shelter has already applied "ether" energy to all aspects of life.

For human civilization on the second world, ether, or "magic power" is similar to electric energy.

Therefore, it is not certain that this interference may be caused by energy utilization.

"But I still can't have to figure it out." Lin Tuo didn't dare to take it lightly, it's okay if it's a detection error.

What if there is a problem

Similar to the secret seal... in the early stage, you can't see any signs, but it suddenly comes to you with a big one, which is exciting.

How to investigate

Use the phantom space to pull in the leader to ask? No... no.

Assuming that there is indeed danger lurking, the shelter has not responded so far, which means that they may not have discovered it themselves... It is useless to ask.

And it is easy to scare the snake.

If the other party just wants to develop quietly, Lin Tuo's strong medicine will blow up the crisis point, and the gain will not be worth the loss.

"And... I'm not sure if it's dangerous. If I guess wrong, it would be too embarrassing..."

After a little thought, Lin Tuo decided that it would be better to go in and investigate in person.

At least figure out the social environment in the shelter first.

However, the shelter is hidden deep underground and heavily guarded. Lin Tuo still needs to make some preparations if he wants to go in quietly. While thinking, he raised his hand and pulled out a magic book from the bookshelf.

Turn to a page and look at the title:

"Invisibility" [Intermediate]

after an hour.

A palm-sized silver piece in Lin Tuo's palm erupted into a brilliant and mysterious aura, and fine runes flew around for about three seconds before shrinking back suddenly.

Raising his hand to pick up the other two on the table, Lin Tuo let out a sigh of relief with a smile on his face.

"Invisibility" is an intermediate spell. With Lin Tuo's current mental power, he can cast it, but he is not yet proficient, so he simply sealed it into the silver plate.

Use a method similar to making a "magic scroll".

However, the material is not a special animal skin, but a silver plate. It should be more appropriate to call it a "magic charm".

"Three charms, even if the technique is rough and the quality is poor, but it is more than enough to support me in one action."

Lin Tuo secretly calculated, and at the same time checked the ether points in his body with the help of the system, and found that the production of just three "invisibility charms" had consumed him a full 120 points.

The production of the previous "armillary seismograph" consumed more, a total of 500 points.

It can be said that in just half a day, Lin Tuo consumed half of the province's ether points, what a luxury.

I feel a little distressed...

You must know that he hasn't collected ether for a while, after all, the two worlds are not rich... This one can't get in and out, and the big dog can't hold it for a long time.

After being prepared for danger for a while, Lin Tuo checked the time, and it was exactly 7:30 in the evening. He had eaten his fill at noon, and Huaxi hadn't woken up until now, which saved him the time for dinner.

Handing the amulet to the avatar through the sand table, Lin Tuo pulled the wicker chair and sat outside the sand table, then lifted the avatar lightly with his fingers, and threw the avatar into the southern continent.

It was another cold night over the Southern Continent, and the clear sky was extremely clear.

When Lin Tuo stepped down, what he saw was the lights scattered on the huge snow field in the darkness.

In the north, the stretching "Wall of Miracles" and the tall and handsome mountains in the south protect this living continent.

The open sea outside the mountains exudes a unique bright color, while on the land, every spot of light refers to a "vent".

Lin Tuo thought about it, chose a place to fall at random, and activated an "Invisibility Charm" at a height of 100 meters from the ground.

An invisible ether ripple swayed, and his body instantly merged with the surroundings.

"Pass, let go!"

The night in the camp is always lonely, and only the occasional sound of passwords shows that there is a group of people living here.

When another huge transport vehicle drove out of the base, the Transcendent on guard lowered the railing tremblingly, and was about to hide in the house, but suddenly there was a strange feeling of being watched: "Who?"

He suddenly turned his head, and instinctively pressed the weapon on his waist, but there was no half figure in front of him

After staring around and waiting for a while, the extraordinary man rubbed his flushed cheeks and smiled wryly:

"Are you nervous?"

After finishing speaking, he turned his head and entered the guard room.

"Is it the supernatural guards on the ground? They can vaguely sense my gaze... Well, it seems that we should be more careful."

Ten meters away, Lin Tuo stood on the spot with great interest, secretly vigilant, then turned around to avoid the barracks area, and walked towards the mountain not far away.

His feet were more than ten centimeters above the ground, and he didn't leave any footprints when he walked.

A moment later, when Lin Tuo stepped over the guardrail of the closed gate, he finally came to the outside of the "air vent".

In the quiet night, in the huge channel like a crater, the huge turbo blower made a loud bang, and the violent air flow was sucked in or blown out, disturbing the night sky.

Hundreds of years ago, they were called "altars".

Hundreds of years later, they were called "entrances".

In front of this majestic industrial creation, anyone seems insignificant.

In the eyes of the people in the shelter, this is the "frontier" that only exists in books, videos, and discussions, and the "frontier soldiers" stationed on the surface are used to calling it "nostrils".

The nostrils all over the continent support the breathing consumption of nearly 100 million people in the entire underground city, and also undertake the function of transporting internal and external materials. Around the vents, there are several "elevator shafts" that fall almost vertically.

The resources collected from the outside are imported, and the garbage and waste in the city are also transported out.

It's just that at this moment, there seems to be no "level".

Those gigantic things made up of exposed steel structures stood there silently, and the top was still bright under the searchlight, but inside, there was a gloomy darkness, like the entrance of the "Abyss".

Lin Tuo stood silently for a while, then floated down, and with the help of his ability to step through the air, he fell towards the magnificent elevator shaft like an "abyss".

And the extraordinary vision after the promotion helped him to see the outline clearly in such a dark place.




In the silence, the wind blowing from above gradually receded, and the surroundings became quiet. After an unknown period of time, there was light again under the dark feet, as well as the sound of whistling.

Lin Tuo listened and judged that part of it was from the wind and part from the train.

Sure enough, when he finally walked out of the elevator shaft, what he saw was a huge and empty "square" scattered with some factory buildings and containers.

Further outside, there is the platform. Street lights illuminate a large section of the railway track, and more parts are submerged in darkness.


A black train slowly stopped, and then someone manipulated a crane or something to move the goods.

On the square and on the train, people in different uniforms chatted familiarly:

"It's late today."

"The section of the East Third District collapsed and was blocked for a while." The train driver replied with some displeasure.

"Tsk, this is the third time this month."

"No, the government allocates a lot of money every year, and other surrounding districts are doing well... If it continues to collapse, I think the leadership will change sooner or later."

Several people around heard the words and smiled tacitly, and one of them, an elderly man, said with emotion:

"The farther you go, the more chaos there is. What can be done? The Central Committee can't help it. If it's the inner ring...even the central ring, they wouldn't dare to be so greedy."

"Who says it's not. But after the new round of public elections, it might be better for a new party to come to power. Isn't it meant to improve people's livelihood in the outer ring?"

"Let's talk about it, isn't it the same which party comes to power?"

After all, there are still very few transcendents in this world, and most of them are guarding the ground.

Several people were ordinary people, so naturally they didn't notice a transparent figure standing beside them curiously listening to the conversation.

After a while, one of them looked at his watch and said, "Even if it's late, the bus should come."

As soon as the words fell, a siren suddenly sounded in the distance.

"Come on, I'll be back first after get off work." The man smiled, greeted a few people, and walked straight to the corresponding platform, taking out a bus card on the way.

Lin Tuo blinked, moved his footsteps lightly, and followed like a transparent ghost.

After a while, an underground train carrying people came in the dark tunnel and stopped briefly. Two people in uniform came down and greeted each other. They should be "workers".

Lin Tuo took advantage of the opening of the door and walked into the empty subway without "swiping his card".

Probably because of the last section, there were very few people in the carriage, including him in this section, there were only two people.

As the door closes automatically, an announcement sounds from inside the car:

"The terminal station of this train: Xishan Road"

"Next stop: Dongxikou, open the door on the left... you can transfer..."

"The train is running, please stand firm and support yourself... Pay attention to the safety of your feet."

"Station No. 113 vent of this station, pay tribute to the ground defenders!"

(end of this chapter)